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- August 8, 2007 at 5:44 am#63518
Participantthese commandments of moses ,that yehshua said to keep,were wrighten by followers of moses,moses was there god,did john ever speak of following the things of moses,no,jesus said follow god,in the gosple of john,ask GOD if he wants you to follow moses and the men that wrote about him, or jesus to the father,why doesent john speak of these things,is this realy what jesus taught,or just the traditions of men,makeing moses there god.
August 8, 2007 at 5:52 am#63519michaels
Participantcould you help me to understand how to keep the passover,acording to scripture,me think this also would please the LORD.for me have mostly kept traditions of men most of my life,but have now put those things behind me,even birthdays,my children are not to happy about it.yet me think we will have even more fun keeping GODS days,if me just knew when they were.yet for me and my house every day is the LORDS,
August 8, 2007 at 5:55 am#63520Laurel
ParticipantMoses was not their god, he was a prophet.
Moses was with YHWH when YHWH wrote the 10 commandments on the two tablets. YHWH told Moses to bring them to the children of Israel. He also commanded Moses to put the tablets in the ark.The ark on earth was much more than “just a box”. The ark was shaped like a thrown, and covered with gold. It was covered by two cheribum. Inside the ark wer the two tablets of the commandments.
The ark symbolizes the judgement seat. The tablets inside the ark represent His law as being the base that we will all be judged against. His laws are just and kind and good. We will all be judged the same way, there will be no favoritism.
The ark that was made with wood, is not the ark in the heavens, it is only a shadow of it.
August 8, 2007 at 6:10 am#63521michaels
Participantyes but god cant lie so he could not say make no vain images ,then say make vain images,if that is god you can keep him because this is a liar that would contrdict himself,my god is the truth,not a liar.
August 8, 2007 at 6:13 am#63522Laurel
ParticipantThe Passover Feast was given to the children of Israel as a memorial to remember we were once slaves to Egypt.
We can use that still today, as when you said you no longer celebrate pagen holy days. So you then have come out of Egypt. Eqypt is the same as Babylon. She represents pagen sun-god worship. So Passover first commorates us coming out of pagen worship.
The thing that got them out of there was YHWH's final blow to the Egyptians. All the firstborn, even the animals that belonged to the Egyptians died because they did not keep the command of YHWH to sacrifice a perfect lamb and put the blood of it on their door posts. Israel listened to their Lord and did as He commanded. The firstborn in these marked homes, were “passed over” by the angel of death.
YHWH's people need to celebrate these spring Feasts. Passover was fulfilled when Y'shua our Messiah's blood was shed to cover our sins. He is the once and for all sacrife. There is no more yearly slaughtering goats, sheep, cows, doves, etc. for sin. That was done through a priest. Now thanks to our Master Messiah, He is the mediator to our Father for us. The veil in the holy place where the priest would offer prayers to “the Most High” was ripped, destroyed. That signifies that Y'shua is now the one who stand in place of the Levitical priest. Y'shua is the priest in the order of Malektzedik. That means the King and the Septer. The One who rules.
We are to keep the Feast not with the leaven of the Pharisees. Leaven represents sin, and man's puffed up ego. We are to be humble before YHWH, without sin. Unleaven bread represents sincerity and truth.
We commorate Passover with unleavened bread and wine, representing the body and blood of Messiah. We do this on the 14th day of the month of Abib. We also wash the feet of those who are with us on the Feast. It teaches us that we are to serve one another.
August 8, 2007 at 6:16 am#63523michaels
Participantyes the true arc is in heaven,satan knew what it looked like to make himself a replica of the temple of god,that he could pretend to be god.this is an false image still for god is real,and has that real temple in heaven,not made with mens hands,but he made it.
August 8, 2007 at 6:18 am#63524michaels
Participantwhat is leaven and do we need a hole lamb,or will jesus be my lamb how does this work.
August 8, 2007 at 6:20 am#63526Laurel
ParticipantYHWH's definition of vain means worthless, good for nothing. If it did not come from Him it is vanity.
The ark was not vanity. It had a meaning because He was the One who gave it meaning. It is noted in Scripture that His light shined forth from the ark as it was His temporary Set-apart dwelling. His countenance was so bright, the preist had to burn insense to make smoke. Otherwise they would have gone blind from His light.
August 8, 2007 at 6:22 am#63527michaels
Participantwhen is the 14 abib in oru time is it the same day every year or does it change year to year
August 8, 2007 at 6:27 am#63529Not3in1
ParticipantBoy, it's getting pretty bad when you ask a straight-forward question (when is the Sabbath) and you can't get a straight answer.
Laurel, did I understand you correctly that the Sabbath is on Sunday – the first day of the week?
August 8, 2007 at 6:28 am#63530michaels
Participantof coure his light shined forth ,for the angle had GOD's name in him,GOD is in his name.and he is the light,it also says that satan will come as an angle of light,yet the light belongs to GOD for he is the true LIGHT.does it not say they worshiped the host of heaven,or that they carried around the tabernacle of molec.it also says that god never told them of sacrifices,thats why he said obeadeance is better than sacrifice.
August 8, 2007 at 6:29 am#63531Not3in1
ParticipantAh….my mistake……Laurel, you mean it is Saturday. Gotcha. Thanks.
August 8, 2007 at 6:32 am#63532michaels
Participanthave to go its late,thanks for the help,may the TRUTH lead you into all TRUTH.jesus loves you and me to.
August 8, 2007 at 12:56 pm#63551kenrch
ParticipantQuote (Not3in1 @ Aug. 08 2007,18:27) Boy, it's getting pretty bad when you ask a straight-forward question (when is the Sabbath) and you can't get a straight answer. Laurel, did I understand you correctly that the Sabbath is on Sunday – the first day of the week?
Sis I asked you if you were keeping the Sabbath you said yes. You would never give up the day of rest or something like that. So naturally I thought you knew WHEN the Seventh Day of the week was and when the Day started.Hmmmmmmmm
August 8, 2007 at 12:59 pm#63552acertainchap
ParticipantThe Sabbath is on Sunday, then, correct?
August 8, 2007 at 1:23 pm#63553kenrch
ParticipantQuote (Laurel @ Aug. 08 2007,17:01) The Sabbath command is the one most ignored and misunderstood. It is the only one that really seems to have no significance to the fleshy mind. Satan uses this as a means to keep us following the commands, by tempting us to “forget” the Sabbath. All the Sabbaths are a sign between Elohim and His children.
On the Sabbath we are able to hear Elohim speak.
I have learned many things on the Sabbaths. Now that I obey the forth command, I would never want to stop. It is a joy to celebrate the Sabbaths. It is something I look forward to each week.
I am learning to be ready for the coming of my Master Y'shua Messiah on the Sabbath. It teaches me to prepare. The Sabbath Sets me apart from non believers.
Laurel I hear the Father everyDAY not just on the Sabbath. I keep the Sabbath because I have more time to spend with my Father that is what the Sabbath is for. I don't do my daily routine, that's what the other six are for.Why did the apostles pick corn on the Sabbath? Didn't they know the day before was the preparation day and they should have picked “twice ” as much corn?
They kept the Sabbath Spiritually and NOT according to the letter of the law.
Every church that claims to keep the Sabbath keeps it according to the letter of the law and NOT according to the Spirit. Because they DON'T have the Spirit. Satan uses them to turn people off to the Sabbath.
They make it a burden; they would say “you can't pick corn on the Sabbath EVEN if the LORD of the Sabbath said it was alright to do so on that particular Sabbath.
The Sabbath is personnel. The Father spends the Day with you, the WHOLE day because your mind is not preoccupied with the stuff you do on the other six days.
And that's it period! The Sabbath is not a burden; you are not a prisoner on the Sabbath.
The Father wants you to want to be with Him the Whole day HIS DAY the seventh day not any other day.
Why on a certain day and not just ANY day? He wants ALL His children together on HIS Day Father's Day. Why is that so hard?
I delight in the Sabbath and can't wait for it to get here. And I can't wait for the Millennium either
August 8, 2007 at 3:51 pm#63557Laurel
ParticipantQuote (Laurel @ Aug. 08 2007,16:32) Exo 20:9 Six8337 days3117 shalt thou labor,5647 and do6213 all3605 thy work:4399
Exo 20:10 But the seventh7637 day3117 is the sabbath7676 of the LORD3068 thy God:430 in it thou shalt not3808 do6213 any3605 work,4399 thou,859 nor thy son,1121 nor thy daughter,1323 thy manservant,5650 nor thy maidservant,519 nor thy cattle,929 nor thy stranger1616 that834 is within thy gates:8179
Exo 20:11 For3588 in six8337 days3117 the LORD3068 made6213 (853) heaven8064 and earth,776 (853) the sea,3220 and all3605 that834 in them is, and rested5117 the seventh7637 day:3117 wherefore5921, 3651 the LORD3068 blessed1288 the (853) sabbath7676 day,3117 and hallowed6942 it.The 1st day of the week is Sunday, this has never changed.
A day according to Elohim begins at evening.
Gen 1:5 And God430 called7121 the light216 Day,3117 and the darkness2822 he called7121 Night.3915 And the evening6153 and the morning1242 were1961 the first259 day.3117
Gen 1:13 And the evening6153 and the morning1242 were1961 the third7992 day.3117
Gen 1:19 And the evening6153 and the morning1242 were1961 the fourth7243 day.3117
So according to Elohim the day begins at sunset.
This is especially important to not when Y'shua prooved He was the Messiah. He said:
Mat 12:40 For1063 as5618 Jonah2495 was2258 three5140 days2250 and2532 three5140 nights3571 in1722 the3588 whale's2785 belly;2836 so3779 shall the3588 Son5207 of man444 be2071 three5140 days2250 and2532 three5140 nights3571 in1722 the3588 heart2588 of the3588 earth.1093And from Jonah we see:
Jon 1:17 Now the LORD3068 had prepared4487 a great1419 fish1709 to swallow up1104 (853) Jonah.3124 And Jonah3124 was1961 in the belly4578 of the fish1709 three7969 days3117 and three7969 nights.3915Y'shua also made it clear there were 24 hours in one evening to evening period.
Joh 11:9 Jesus2424 answered,611 Are1526 there not3780 twelve1427 hours5610 in the3588 day?2250 If1437 any man5100 walk4043 in1722 the3588 day,2250 he stumbleth4350 not,3756 because3754 he seeth991 the3588 light5457 of this5127 world.2889
“Stumbleth” here is a clue He left for us. Don't forget these words. He is saying it is important to know that there is 12 hours in a day and so 12 hours in a night.
We need to believe Him.
Exo 31:13 Speak1696 thou859 also unto413 the children1121 of Israel,3478 saying,559 Verily389 (853) my sabbaths7676 ye shall keep:8104 for3588 it1931 is a sign226 between996 me and you throughout your generations;1755 that ye may know3045 that3588 I589 am the LORD3068 that doth sanctify6942 you.Num 16:28 And Moses4872 said,559 Hereby2063 ye shall know3045 that3588 the LORD3068 hath sent7971 me to do6213 (853) all3605 these428 works;4639 for3588 I have not3808 done them of mine own mind.4480,
Mat 24:20 But1161 pray4336 ye that2443 your5216 flight5437 be1096 not3361 in the winter,5494 neither3366 on1722 the sabbath day:4521
Some people can read, but they do nut hear the Word of Elohim.So here it is again for those who need to read it again.This time consider all that is written.
August 8, 2007 at 4:02 pm#63559Laurel
ParticipantQuote (michaels @ Aug. 08 2007,18:18) what is leaven and do we need a hole lamb,or will jesus be my lamb how does this work.
Leaven is the yeast that make the dough rise, like sin, or our ego, just a little bit affects the entire body, or assembly, or loaf.The lamb that was slaughtered and eaten under the old covenant was a shadow of the Messiah Y'shua whos blood was shed for us once and for all times. Now we come to the Father by the blood of Messiah that covers our sin if we belive on Him.
So to answer your question NO we do not eat a lamb on Passover. We eat bread to represent the Messiah's body. Y'shua IS the lamb of Passover who died for our sins and the sin of the whole world.
The lamb the animal was a shadow of the real sacrifice.
August 8, 2007 at 4:54 pm#63561Laurel
ParticipantOn the Sabbath, we see that all members of a household were to rest from labor, even servants, guests and animals. All were to rest every seventh day from their normal, routine work. All family and household members were specifically listed, including parents, sons, daughters, servants and guests. If none did normal work, presumably everyone would spend much of the Sabbath with other family members as a family or household.
The command to observe the Sabbath in all households is reinforced in Leviticus 23:1-3, where God lists other required religious observances. He also makes it clear that the Sabbath is His holy time, not that of Moses or Israel: “And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, 'Speak to the children of Israel, and say to them: “The feasts of the Lord, which you shall proclaim to be holy convocations, these are My feasts. Six days shall work be done, but the seventh day is a Sabbath of solemn rest, a holy convocation. You shall do no work on it; it is the Sabbath of the Lord in all your dwellings.”'”
The Sabbath was not just a religious ritual for the tabernacle; it was an observance for every individual home throughout the nation.
Notice that God also told the Israelites to teach their children His laws and ways. Immediately after repeating the Ten Commandments in Deuteronomy 5, God commanded the Israelites: “These words which I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up” (Deuteronomy 6:6, 7).
The Sabbath, then, was a time for religious instruction, for teaching and learning of God's wondrous acts and laws. Customary work was prohibited and God's great miracles were to be remembered on this day. “Thus the spirit of the Sabbath was joy, refreshment and mercy, arising from remembrance of God's goodness as Creator and as the Deliverer from bondage…On this day the people were accustomed to…give to their children that instruction in the truths recalled to memory by the day which is so repeatedly enjoined as the duty of parents…” (Smith's Bible Dictionary, “Sabbath”).
Observed this way, the Sabbath truly was the blessing and delight God intended, a day of communion with the Creator, learning, contemplating and practicing His laws and ways.
The Sabbath was given to us to rest from our weekly worldly duties. It is a time for worship, and remembering our Creator. It is a time celebrated with family and promotes family unity, something we could all use especially today.
August 8, 2007 at 5:01 pm#63563Laurel
ParticipantThe word Sabbath means rest. In Biblical times the days were simply numbered. Day One, Day Two, Day Three and so on untill the seventh day wich YHWH called Shabbat. Rest Day.
Day One is now called Sunday thanks to Rome and Rest Day or Shabbat is now called Saturday after the god and planet Saturn.
Here is Sabbath presented in other languages:
Hebrew Shabbat
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