False teachers

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  • #222543

    Quote (shimmer @ Oct. 28 2010,21:03)

    Quote (mikeangel @ Oct. 28 2010,13:31)
    I use to collect money for the mentally retarded once a year doing the “totsie roll” drive, usually in front of wal- mart etc. . What used to really suprise me every time is how much more poor people gave than the ones that oviously had money. What magnified that for me was once I did it on a Sunday. Believe this or not, most of the ones in church clothes and espesially the ones in real nice cars didn't give squat. Brings to  mind “the first will be last and the last will be first” also ” those who exalt themselves will be humbled and those who humble themselves will be exalted” Peace

    Hi  Mark,  God knows whats in our hearts,

    We are judged by what we do, but there are many who cant do anything, hmmmm, what will God do ? Hearts Mark. What is in the heart,

    Someone could donate alot of money… to look good, to get to heaven, to avoid hell?

    Someone else could be saddened by suffering, crying in their heart, WANTING to give what they can, but something may stop them. God knows.

    “For the word of God is living, and active, and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing even to the dividing of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and is able to discern the thoughts and intentions of the heart.”

    Hope that makes sense I'm really tired, it's night here,

    Absolutely Shimmer, I know that it's whats in your heart that matters most. You might be Bill Gates giving out billions, but if you don't have love, you have gained nothing. Peace


    Quote (mikeangel @ Nov. 01 2010,21:33)

    Quote (Baker @ Oct. 29 2010,09:52)
    Mark!  I just read the post you made to shimmer.  That is another problem. Addicting in this Country is running wild.  And who knows when you give them Money what they do with it.  My guess is buy more drugs. We have good programs to help those that are in need.  Nobody should go hungry….I seen some on the highways young men, asking for money.  And then I see signs at Mic. Donald's “Help Wanted.”  So why can't they work?  What they don't want to is  the wages they get at such places… Yet the Mexicans have a Job…….They will work…….. We help Family and that is what is more important then to give to those that are lazy……..Peace and Love Irene


    Are you saying that your charity is complete by giving to your family and nobody else, because the needy in society are just plain lazy and you leave all the help up to the government? Are you saying that charity starts and stops at home?Peace

    Mark!  When we financially were able to give, I did.  I also find it wrong to take away from the Family when they need it, and give it to others.  When I gave to an Organization that was to give to Children in another country, I found out that most of the money was given to the personal…the Government of most Countries take even food that was donated and ate it themselves.  Most also lay in Warehouses….and never got to those that needed it……And how do you know what a particular person gives or not…..Let me tell you…. My Husband is 73 years old, to help our Daughter so She can finish Her education, He goes to work at a Bakery every morning at 3 AM. You also don't know how sick I am do you?  I am not going to tell you either, because its none of your business.  it is also none of your business where or  if we even give…… that is between us and God……Also knowing that some are lazy and are on Welfare, I get upset…..Because that is our money….our Taxes….To go hungry in this Country, there is something very wrong with that…..
    Peace and Love Irene

    Tim Kraft

    Quote (princess of the king @ Nov. 01 2010,10:14)

    No offense there brother, as of late I have not see anyone rise from the dead, this was also a requirement.

    Perhaps this is being held for the two witnesses, I truly do not know.

    Perhaps you need to be born again. Recreated spiritually in the mind.

    Have you never seen anyone Baptized? I thought that in Baptism, the picture that was to be created was, death to the old way of sacrificial offerings and ritualistic religion and a resurrection to new life in Christ. The new cleansing is by faith in what Jesus has done for us. Jesus our truth is the resurrection to life.

    Also those who are dead in their tresspasses and sin are raised up and seated with Christ through complete removal of sin and death.

    The word of God is the resurrection from death (the old covenant religion) to life and freedom in Christ by faith.

    If you believe!! TK

    Tim Kraft

    Quote (mikeangel @ Nov. 01 2010,21:36)

      Are you saying that we are capable of being Jesus if we just rid ourselves of all doubt and anything negative? Peace

    Mike: It wouldn't matter a lick what I say one way or the other. What does Jesus say? Didn't Jesus commission others to go and teach the same message to everyone who would believe? Didn't he tell them to observe all things (words) whatsoever I have told you, heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out lies and dectptions.

    We need to be about our fathers business!

    Jesus is the one who said we could move a mountain with our words. I believe what Jesus tells us we are and what we can do.

    People quote often, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me…but I guess they just don't mean it.

    A son of God is a son of God. Clear out all the unbelief and destructive trash from the mind and what is left is the words of God from Jesus, if that is what we have consumed. TK

    Ed J

    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Nov. 02 2010,02:17)

    Quote (princess of the king @ Nov. 01 2010,10:14)

    No offense there brother, as of late I have not see anyone rise from the dead, this was also a requirement.

    Perhaps this is being held for the two witnesses, I truly do not know.

    Perhaps you need to be born again. Recreated spiritually in the mind.

    Have you never seen anyone Baptized? I thought that in Baptism, the picture that was to be created was, death to the old way of sacrificial offerings and ritualistic religion and a resurrection to new life in Christ. The new cleansing is by faith in what Jesus has done for us. Jesus our truth is the resurrection to life.

    Also those who are dead in their tresspasses and sin are raised up and seated with Christ through complete removal of sin and death.

    The word of God is the resurrection from death (the old covenant religion) to life and freedom in Christ by faith.

    If you believe!! TK

    Hi Tim,

    Can you not tell POK has already been “born again” Tim? (1Cor.12:10)
    1Cor:12:10 To another the working of miracles; to another prophecy;
    to another discerning of spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues;
    to another the interpretation of tongues:

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Ed J

    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Nov. 02 2010,02:31)

    Quote (mikeangel @ Nov. 01 2010,21:36)

      Are you saying that we are capable of being Jesus if we just rid ourselves of all doubt and anything negative? Peace

    Mike: It wouldn't matter a lick what I say one way or the other. What does Jesus say? Didn't Jesus commission others to go and teach the same message to everyone who would believe? Didn't he tell them to observe all things (words) whatsoever I have told you, heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out lies and dectptions.

    We need to be about our fathers business!

    Jesus is the one who said we could move a mountain with our words. I believe what Jesus tells us we are and what we can do.

    People quote often, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me…but I guess they just don't mean it.

    A son of God is a  son of God. Clear out all the unbelief and destructive trash from the mind and what is left is the words of God from Jesus, if that is what we have consumed. TK

    Hi Tim,

    John 10:37 If I do not the works of my Father(YHVH), believe me not.
    John 10:38 But if I do, though ye believe not me, believe the works:
    that ye may know, and believe, that the Father is in me, and I in him.

                              Do the works of God!

    John 14:12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on
    me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works
    than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father(YHVH).

                 Can faith without works save you?

    James 2:26 For as the body without the spirit is dead,
    so faith without works is dead also. (James 2:14)

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Ed J

    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Nov. 02 2010,02:31)

    Jesus is the one who said we could move a mountain with our words.


    Hi Tim,

                    In The Bible is Doctrine is: RAIN. (Deut.32:2)

    John 7:17 If any man will do his will(God's will), he shall know of the
    doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I(Jesus) speak of myself.
    Ephesians 4:14 That we(all) henceforth be no more children, tossed to
    and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight

    of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;
    God's will  =  Christian  =  Tree of Life…   (Prob. 11:30 / Prob. 15:4)

    Do you not know
    what “mountains” are?
    KINGDOMS! (Isa.2:2 / Dan.2:35)

    Martian Luther King JR. was such a man!
    Did not Dr. Kings words change the the U.S.A.?

    We are living his dream in the U.S.A.! THE WORLD IS NEXT! (Click Here for more)

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Ed J

    Hi Tim,

                               Click Here for a full explanation

                       The “Divine”=63 “Deity”=63 of “The Bible”=63 is “YHVH”=63 !
                      God's Name [יהוה] translates DIRECTLY into English as “YHVH”=63
    Hosea 6:3 Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the LORD: his going forth
                      is prepared as the morning; and he shall come unto us as the rain, as
                      [The Latter Rain“=151 and former rain“=117] unto the earth.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Tim Kraft

    Quote (Ed J @ Nov. 02 2010,05:08)

    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Nov. 02 2010,02:17)

    Quote (princess of the king @ Nov. 01 2010,10:14)

    No offense there brother, as of late I have not see anyone rise from the dead, this was also a requirement.

    Perhaps this is being held for the two witnesses, I truly do not know.

    Perhaps you need to be born again. Recreated spiritually in the mind.

    Have you never seen anyone Baptized? I thought that in Baptism, the picture that was to be created was, death to the old way of sacrificial offerings and ritualistic religion and a resurrection to new life in Christ. The new cleansing is by faith in what Jesus has done for us. Jesus our truth is the resurrection to life.

    Also those who are dead in their tresspasses and sin are raised up and seated with Christ through complete removal of sin and death.

    The word of God is the resurrection from death (the old covenant religion) to life and freedom in Christ by faith.

    If you believe!! TK

    Hi Tim,

    Can you not tell POK has already been “born again” Tim? (1Cor.12:10)
    1Cor:12:10 To another the working of miracles; to another prophecy;
    to another discerning of spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues;
    to another the interpretation of tongues:

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Ed: We have a diverse difference of definition of what being born again truly is. To be born again is to recreate or reprogram your mind from who you think you are, into what God has truly made you. To do so, one must first remove the old religious beliefs and doctrines that formulated who and what you thought you were. Most likely a sinner destined for hell. Reprogramming requires somewhat of a brain washing to rid the mind of old programming so as to transform the mind with the new way or the spirit truth that Jesus brought from God.
    Paul described it as, I died, it is no longer me that lives, it is Christ (the spirit words of God from Jesus) that lives in me.
    Putting off the old man full of sin and darkness and putting on the new man born of the spirit/words of God.

    Being born again is not a one time group of words to say and then claim you are born again. Born again is a total recreation of the mind through the words of Jesus.

    A person can be born anew in some areas, on some things and not yet on others. Its an ongoing process of reprogramming by consuming the truth spirit words from God. Until we come to the fulness of Christ.

    A more accurate statement would be we are all in the process of being born again. I didnt say POK was not in the process of born again, I was making reference to her non-spiritual interpretation of rising from the dead! TK

    Ed J

    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Nov. 02 2010,07:39)
    Ed: We have a diverse difference of definition of what being born again truly is. To be born again is to recreate or reprogram your mind from who you think you are, into what God has truly made you. To do so, one must first remove the old religious beliefs and doctrines that formulated who and what you thought you were. Most likely a sinner destined for hell. Reprogramming requires somewhat of a brain washing to rid the mind of old programming so as to transform the mind with the new way or the spirit truth that Jesus brought from God.
    Paul described it as, I died, it is no longer me that lives, it is Christ (the spirit words of God from Jesus) that lives in me.
    Putting off the old man full of sin and darkness and putting on the new man born of the spirit/words of God.

    Being born again is not a one time group of words to say and then claim you are born again. Born again is a total recreation of the mind through the words of Jesus.

    A person can be born anew in some areas, on some things and not yet on others. Its an ongoing process of reprogramming by consuming the truth spirit words from God. Until we come to the fulness of Christ.

    A more accurate statement would be we are all in the process of being born again. I didnt say POK was not in the process of born again, I was making reference to her non-spiritual interpretation of rising from the dead! TK

    Hi Tim,

    New age brain washing (called reprogramming) is NOT what being “Born Again” means!
    Being “Born Again” is having God's HolySpirit birthed on the inside of you (as in your spirit).

    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Tim Kraft

    Ed: What do you think God's words are? If God is spirit and his words are spirit and he is holy then what in the world could it possibly be but filling youself with Gods holy spirit. To say you have the spirit of God and not know what that includes is futal. Only men's doctrines can be so obviously missapplied. A religious commentary somewhere along the line.

    Our transformation into a new creation in Christ is by believing, accepting, consuming, and partaking of God's holy spirit taught through Jesus the Christ. Jesus couldn't be the Christ or the annointed one without having consumed the holy spirit of God. Paul said be ye transformed by the renewing of our minds. You can't renew a mind that hasn't lost its previous, old programming!

    Using titles like “New Age” is childish and irritating. I've been alone with God's word for over 30 years. What I have is mine I did not get it from Bible commentaries or deceivers in high places who only know what was taught at seminary school. (nursery)

    God's words are holy spirit! Please tell me how one gets them birthed on the inside. The recipient is rebirthed. The holy spirit creates the new way of thinking. The new covenant. The true way to God. The elightenment and path to return to oneness with God.

    What do you think repentance is? John the Baptist said to the misguided people heading for the temple, repent, or turn around from the (wrong)way you are going, for the Kingdom of God is here(Jesus). Tell me Ed, where is the Kingdom of God? The Kingdom of God is where God is and where the holy spirit is, where the temple is and is one spirit with man. If man does not bring that truth into his mental awarness he remains in darkness. An enlightened man has filled himself with the holy spirit words of God. TK


    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Nov. 02 2010,02:31)

    Quote (mikeangel @ Nov. 01 2010,21:36)

      Are you saying that we are capable of being Jesus if we just rid ourselves of all doubt and anything negative? Peace

    Mike: It wouldn't matter a lick what I say one way or the other. What does Jesus say? Didn't Jesus commission others to go and teach the same message to everyone who would believe? Didn't he tell them to observe all things (words) whatsoever I have told you, heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out lies and dectptions.

    We need to be about our fathers business!

    Jesus is the one who said we could move a mountain with our words. I believe what Jesus tells us we are and what we can do.

    People quote often, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me…but I guess they just don't mean it.

    A son of God is a  son of God. Clear out all the unbelief and destructive trash from the mind and what is left is the words of God from Jesus, if that is what we have consumed. TK

    Brother Tim,

    I get what you are saying, but the thing I wanted to clarify was the 'gnostic” belief that Jesus was an enlightened man who was close to god through knowledge, and could work all those miracles because of that knowledge. One can be close to God, the one who loves God first with his whole heart and his neighbor as himself………but…….IMO we can't be born of a virgin. God is not literally our father in the immediate paternity sense. You can be a really good person, but as stated before we cannot come back from the dead in three days and appear to our followers. We are not the specific “King” / messiah spoken of by the prophets, nor can we be.  
    We cannot be god. We can be the son of God, because he is our father as stated in the lord's prayer, but sinless undefiled perfect sacrifice we cannot be. To him be power and glory forever. Amen. Peace-Mark

    Tim Kraft

    Quote (mikeangel @ Nov. 02 2010,21:21)

    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Nov. 02 2010,02:31)

    Quote (mikeangel @ Nov. 01 2010,21:36)

      Are you saying that we are capable of being Jesus if we just rid ourselves of all doubt and anything negative? Peace

    Mike: It wouldn't matter a lick what I say one way or the other. What does Jesus say? Didn't Jesus commission others to go and teach the same message to everyone who would believe? Didn't he tell them to observe all things (words) whatsoever I have told you, heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out lies and dectptions.

    We need to be about our fathers business!

    Jesus is the one who said we could move a mountain with our words. I believe what Jesus tells us we are and what we can do.

    People quote often, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me…but I guess they just don't mean it.

    A son of God is a  son of God. Clear out all the unbelief and destructive trash from the mind and what is left is the words of God from Jesus, if that is what we have consumed. TK

    Brother Tim,

    I get what you are saying, but the thing I wanted to clarify was the 'gnostic” belief that Jesus was an enlightened man who was close to god through knowledge, and could work all those miracles because of that knowledge. One can be close to God, the one who loves God first with his whole heart and his neighbor as himself………but…….IMO we can't be born of a virgin. God is not literally our father in the immediate paternity sense. You can be a really good person, but as stated before we cannot come back from the dead in three days and appear to our followers. We are not the specific “King” / messiah spoken of by the prophets, nor can we be.  
    We cannot be god. We can be the son of God, because he is our father as stated in the lord's prayer, but sinless undefiled perfect sacrifice we cannot be. To him be power and glory forever. Amen. Peace-Mark

    Hey Mark: Jesus was not the only man who did miracles. His disciples all performed miracles and when Jesus commissioned others to go and do the works of God, they performed miracles too. Stephen, Paul, (who used to kill christians) healed many.
    The miracles from God are evidences of Gods love. Religion has diluted and almost destroyed the power works of God by teaching error, sin, unworthyness, unrighteousness, and just plain inability to do so. These are lies. Every person that believes that the Kingdom of God resides within them can do the works of God.
    Sickness and disease are premature death. They are not life. The reason to believe in good/God only is to experience life. If you do not believe in evil, death, sickness, or disease, you will not experience them.
    I believe we have total control over physicality the same as Jesus. He was our example to be acheived. TK

    Tim Kraft

    Quote (mikeangel @ Nov. 02 2010,21:21)

    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Nov. 02 2010,02:31)

    Quote (mikeangel @ Nov. 01 2010,21:36)

      Are you saying that we are capable of being Jesus if we just rid ourselves of all doubt and anything negative? Peace

    Mike: It wouldn't matter a lick what I say one way or the other. What does Jesus say? Didn't Jesus commission others to go and teach the same message to everyone who would believe? Didn't he tell them to observe all things (words) whatsoever I have told you, heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out lies and dectptions.

    We need to be about our fathers business!

    Jesus is the one who said we could move a mountain with our words. I believe what Jesus tells us we are and what we can do.

    People quote often, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me…but I guess they just don't mean it.

    A son of God is a  son of God. Clear out all the unbelief and destructive trash from the mind and what is left is the words of God from Jesus, if that is what we have consumed. TK

    Brother Tim,

    I get what you are saying, but the thing I wanted to clarify was the 'gnostic” belief that Jesus was an enlightened man who was close to god through knowledge, and could work all those miracles because of that knowledge. One can be close to God, the one who loves God first with his whole heart and his neighbor as himself………but…….IMO we can't be born of a virgin. God is not literally our father in the immediate paternity sense. You can be a really good person, but as stated before we cannot come back from the dead in three days and appear to our followers. We are not the specific “King” / messiah spoken of by the prophets, nor can we be.  
    We cannot be god. We can be the son of God, because he is our father as stated in the lord's prayer, but sinless undefiled perfect sacrifice we cannot be. To him be power and glory forever. Amen. Peace-Mark

    Hey Mark: Jesus was not the only man who did miracles. His disciples all performed miracles and when Jesus commissioned others to go and do the works of God, they performed miracles too. Stephen, Paul, (who used to kill christians) healed many.
    The miracles from God are evidences of Gods love. Religion has diluted and almost destroyed the power works of God by teaching error, sin, unworthyness, unrighteousness, and just plain inability to do so. These are lies. Every person that believes that the Kingdom of God resides within them can do the works of God.
    Sickness and disease are premature death. They are not life. The reason to believe in good/God only is to experience life. If you do not believe in evil, death, sickness, or disease, you will not experience them.
    I believe we have total control over physicality the same as Jesus. He was our example to be acheived. TK


    But what I am referring to is the conquering of sin and death by God's literal son. The victory on calvary. This is what I am focusing on. I agree that one who is close to God can perform miracles, but they cannot be the one perfect, sinless sacrifice spoken of in prophecy. Are you saying we could have done that if we were born back then? That's what I mean. We can be singular in heart towards God and neighbor, but we can not be “the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world” IMO only Jesus could, concieved by the power of the holy sprit through Mary. If it was anything else, wouldn't John the baptist be telling the masses to become perfect instead of “repent, the kingdom of God is at hand”. Wouldn't he have said “let's all be Gods and forget about evil”, or “there is no reason to repent because evil is only in your mind”, if it is like you say?  Don't get me wrong, there is alot of truth to “glean” out of your perspective as someone said, but this is where I differ. Peace brother, Mark


    Quote (mikeangel @ Nov. 02 2010,23:38)
    But what I am referring to is the conquering of sin and death by God's literal son. The victory on calvary. This is what I am focusing on. I agree that one who is close to God can perform miracles, but they cannot be the one perfect, sinless sacrifice spoken of in prophecy. Are you saying we could have done that if we were born back then? That's what I mean. We can be singular in heart towards God and neighbor, but we can not be “the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world” IMO only Jesus could, concieved by the power of the holy sprit through Mary. If it was anything else, wouldn't John the baptist be telling the masses to become perfect instead of “repent, the kingdom of God is at hand”. Wouldn't he have said “let's all be Gods and forget about evil”, or “there is no reason to repent because evil is only in your mind”, if it is like you say?  Don't get me wrong, there is alot of truth to “glean” out of your perspective as someone said, but this is where I differ. Peace brother, Mark

    Mark!  You are right only Christ is born of Jehovah God, while we are created from the dust of the earth…Christ is the firstborn of all creation

    Rev 3:14 ¶ And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God;  

    Col 1:15   Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature:  

    Col 1:16   For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether [they be] thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:  

    Col 1:17   And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.  
    Pro 8:22 ¶ The LORD possessed me in the beginning of his way, before his works of old.  

    Pro 8:23   I was set up from everlasting, from the beginning, or ever the earth was.  

    Pro 8:24   When [there were] no depths, I was brought forth; when [there were] no fountains abounding with water.  

    Pro 8:25   Before the mountains were settled, before the hills was I brought forth:  

    Here in Prov. it shows us how God brought Jesus forth.   Now some might want to say it is wisdom born.  But I asked myself did God not always have wisdom?  Yes….

    I also believe that He will let Satan stay here on earth to test all…. when we then obey God we do it out of Love for God and not of fear….. we are under Christs blood and sin is not imputed to us….now does that mean we should then just sin, God forbid Paul tells us…..

    Let me tell you a story, kind of wondering who it was….. I belong to Face Book and someone send me a private message asking me if now I am trowing out the ten Commandments and the Old Covenant.  I did not respond there, but I wonder if someone here also belongs there…..

    We are under the new covenant, if you want to know what I believe we need to go on that tread, not here…  

    Peace and Love Irene

    PS  Oh, no I am not implying it is you….but someone who might
    read this…..

    Ed J

    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Nov. 02 2010,21:56)
    Paul, (who used to kill christians) healed many.

    Hi Tim,

    There is NO record of Paul killing Christians!
    Seems 'your truth' is failing you once again; Tim Kraft.
    That's like saying cops are killers when a criminal is executed.
    Please don't mis-understand what I say; Christians are NOT criminals!

    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Tim Kraft

    Quote (mikeangel @ Nov. 02 2010,23:38)
    But what I am referring to is the conquering of sin and death by God's literal son. The victory on calvary. This is what I am focusing on. I agree that one who is close to God can perform miracles, but they cannot be the one perfect, sinless sacrifice spoken of in prophecy. Are you saying we could have done that if we were born back then? That's what I mean. We can be singular in heart towards God and neighbor, but we can not be “the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world” IMO only Jesus could, concieved by the power of the holy sprit through Mary. If it was anything else, wouldn't John the baptist be telling the masses to become perfect instead of “repent, the kingdom of God is at hand”. Wouldn't he have said “let's all be Gods and forget about evil”, or “there is no reason to repent because evil is only in your mind”, if it is like you say?  Don't get me wrong, there is alot of truth to “glean” out of your perspective as someone said, but this is where I differ. Peace brother, Mark

    Mark: Jesus said it is enough that we be as he is. We are not greater than our teacher yet we are equal. Whether or not we could have done what he did as lord and saviou I don't have a clue. Thank God its not necessary for you or me to have to do what he did. He did it and gave the gift of perfection to us.

    Since we have so great a lord and savior who has completed the works and handed them to us, WE CAN BELIEVE the power of the gift and pass it on to all who will believe.


    We should be doing the exact same works that Jesus did and telling the world we are all one together in the power and love of God. IMO TK

    Ed J

    Tim… Are you a false teacher?

    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Nov. 03 2010,21:14)

    Did your god of the old testament…


    You deny YHVH (Jesus' Father), who inspired the whole Bible to be written! ((2Tm.3:16 / 2Peter 1:21))

    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Nov. 03 2010,21:38)

    Jesus said it is enough that we be as he is. We are not greater than our teacher yet we are equal.

    IMO TK

    So that must mean you consider Jesus to be God,
    yet you're also claiming to be his equal? What Gives?
    Are you a false teacher Tim Kraft, trying to teach us falsehood?

    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Tim Kraft

    Ed: If I teach anything other than Jesus and his works for us, and gifts to us then I would be a false teacher. If I repeat the words that Jesus says about God would I not still be speaking the truth? Is the firstborn of a family better than the rest of the children, or is he just the first born? If Jesus is our brother how are we not equal?
    If I teach anything against what Jesus says then I would be teaching a falsehood. If I believe what he says and repeat it to others as he said to do, how is it that you call me a false teacher?
    Jesus is the maifestation of God's words and I live by every word that comes from the mouth of Jesus. I may make mistakes but that is my intention. I do not go after other so called gods of far away times with names. The God revealed by Jesus which he calls our father could not be described by a name.
    If the truth about God was known and understood by the masses of old times there would have been no need for Jesus to bring the truth to light. God has blessed the truth from Jesus, TK

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