False teachers

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  • #221948
    Tim Kraft

    Bless you Mark: You are kind, willing, and open, it is these truthes that are going to lead you to all truth. I'm not there and maybe nobody is yet but the cleansing of the mind of its dirty, evil, sinful beliefs is not what is being taught in the so called church buildings. I say, so called church, because you are the true/truth church. Brick and mortar buildings are not the church of Jesus. You can't go to church, you are the church.
    You made reference to my quoting that we are gods. First I am no more a god than you are or anyone else is. I may possibly be a little more aware of who we are. Anything I write about, anything I see or believe from Jesus, is exactly the same for you and all others as it is

    for me. What a wonderful loving father we have. Whatever picture of God we paint in our hearts is who God is to us. If we believe error and paint a picture of an angry, harsh, taskmaster that is what we will believe of ourselves and ALL OTHERS TOO!
    Thats why it is important to find the love of God and the purity and righteousness that comes with it for yourself, KNOWING, that it is the same for all. All the same, no criteria to judge, it is what we have been gifted by God.

    I would like to answer all your statements but time will only allow the most important for now.
    I would love to send you some more complete disertations on different subjects of the Bible I have written fifty or so. I would send them toyou on email, like “Health and healing” (fifteen pages to much for here)for your information, free upon request by anyone.

    If the so called churches keep dangling the carrot of world destruction, just over there ahead of us and we buy it, like religion has done now for over two thousand years we might not ever live in the truth of who we really are. It is all here and finished NOW!
    IMO if we cleanse our minds with the actual truth from God, which is the perfect human he made us to be (not perfect works) the full energy of God would flow without blockage through out our bodies and we would be just like Jesus. Its believing in evil, bad, wrong, can't,

    shouldn't, unclean, unworthy, unrighteous, sinner, in sin, etc., that we damn up the truth and life. When we can see our own perfection we can have fellowship with all others because they are perfect as we are perfect.The churches have condemned them to death! They just havn't been told of their perfection yet or refused to believe it. In ourselves we are totally free. We are Kings, Priests, Pastors, the church of God, the temple of God the body of Christ, the annointing of God. You are totally free to do anything you want to do, in your kingdom no matter what anybody else says. Its not what goes into the body that defiles or makes unclean, its what comes out of the mouth! It is important

    to know that whatsoever things you do will come back to you. You will reap what you sow to others. Everything you plant you will reap. If you sow the fruit of love and peace and forgiveness, that is what will dominate your life on earth. If you lay judgments down about music, idols, good foods, bad foods, should do shouldn't do, etc., you are creating a sin/error where there was no sin and applying it to yourself. You don't hurt the other person, you set a law for yourself. If you break your own law you will suffer your own pre-judged

    consequences. This is the absolute fairness of our God and Father taught through Jesus our example. No more condemnation!
    Thanks for reading this I hope it means something. God has blessed us all, TK


    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Oct. 29 2010,23:26)
    A true/truth teacher of the word of God, given through Jesus, will teach only the fruit of the spirit of life. The spirit of life or love always builds up, protects, heals, creates good, feels good, excites, stimulates, drives more loving energy to give out to all at all times.

    A false teacher with his own illusion of truth of God, will teach the fruit of evil. The spirit(illusion words)of evil or death, always destroys, breaks down the hearor, creates fear, worry, selflessness, unworthy feelings, unrighteousness, sinful, depressive words that suck the life out of the hearors.

    You will know the teacher by the fruit produced through their words. Good tree/good fruit….Bad tree/rotten fruit! IMO, God blesses all, TK

    I agree with that TK. Thats what I was trying to say in another thread, you said it well.

    A true teacher does build up, encourage, strenghen, protect, heal, everything you said. There is also discipline which is needed at times, but never destroying or breaking down, scareing or as you said 'sucking the life out of hearers'

    As my Mother said, anything done without love is meaningless. Good fruit bad fruit, Well said TK.


    This physical life belongs to mankind in all of its fulness. You are a god of yourself, your own kingdom, in this realm. You have been given that truth by Jesus if you follow only Jesus, carefully and accept his words. You learn

    Faith w/o works is dead, as works w/o faith is also. Your physical and spiritual should be no different.

    When truth is spoken, it will be known through the spirit.


    If you lay judgments down about music, idols, good foods, bad foods, should do shouldn't do, etc., you are creating a sin/error where there was no sin and applying it to yourself. You don't hurt the other person, you set a law for yourself. If you break your own law you will suffer your own pre-judged

    The heart is permitted to right rulings, there is a difference between the two.


    Before that choice there was just God! Perfection, good only,

    Every person is born with the spirit, attaining this again is the goal, does not anyone understand that the faith of a child is the most precious, during this time in our lives is when we are the closest we will ever be.

    When we cover the spirit with ego/pride, then we move away, then it becomes a choice, for it brings the fight of flesh and spirit.


    Quote (princess of the king @ Nov. 01 2010,00:27)
    Every person is born with the spirit, attaining this again is the goal, does not anyone understand that the faith of a child is the most precious, during this time in our lives is when we are the closest we will ever be.

    When we cover the spirit with ego/pride, then we move away, then it becomes a choice, for it brings the fight of flesh and spirit.

    Thats true princess of the king, makes more sense than most of what iv read lately, how do you return to that though ?

    Hope your well,


    Quote (shimmer @ Oct. 31 2010,22:43)

    Quote (princess of the king @ Nov. 01 2010,00:27)
    Every person is born with the spirit, attaining this again is the goal, does not anyone understand that the faith of a child is the most precious, during this time in our lives is when we are the closest we will ever be.

    When we cover the spirit with ego/pride, then we move away, then it becomes a choice, for it brings the fight of flesh and spirit.

    Thats true princess of the king, makes more sense than most of what iv read lately, how do you return to that though ?

    Hope your well,

    keep seeking, asking with the desire of your heart, if it is pure then it will be given.

    Fish is so much better then stone.

    All is well, as I hope to find you and the ones you love.

    Tim Kraft

    Quote (princess of the king @ Oct. 31 2010,22:22)

    This physical life belongs to mankind in all of its fulness. You are a god of yourself, your own kingdom, in this realm. You have been given that truth by Jesus if you follow only Jesus, carefully and accept his words. You learn

    Faith w/o works is dead, as works w/o faith is also. Your physical and spiritual should be no different.

    When truth is spoken, it will be known through the spirit.

    There are physical works and there are faith works. Faith works are the power works as shown by Jesus, most of the disciples and Paul.

    Anyone can do physical works of kindness. They need not know Jesus to be kind.

    Faith in God to work his works of healing are accomplished by a man of God knowing the truth from Jesus. Jesus commissioned all believers to do the faith works he did!!

    IMO there is a great difference between physical works and faith works. Faith works are trusting God to do the healing. TK

    Tim Kraft

    Quote (princess of the king @ Oct. 31 2010,22:23)

    If you lay judgments down about music, idols, good foods, bad foods, should do shouldn't do, etc., you are creating a sin/error where there was no sin and applying it to yourself. You don't hurt the other person, you set a law for yourself. If you break your own law you will suffer your own pre-judged

    The heart is permitted to right rulings, there is a difference between the two.

    Truly, if there is good and evil or right and wrong pertaining to actions, then there is sin and judgment must be made.

    If Jesus took away our sin and there is therefore now no condemnation or judgment as wrong, then what shall we judge as evil?

    Religion says we should not judge/condemn but yet it says there is sin, evil and wrong.
    If one believes there is evil or wrong he has already made a judgment. In God there is neither evil, wrong,sin nor judgment.

    When we can see our oneness in Christ we will also see our perfection in Christ. Where there is perfection there is no wrong. TK

    Tim Kraft

    Quote (princess of the king @ Oct. 31 2010,22:23)

    If you lay judgments down about music, idols, good foods, bad foods, should do shouldn't do, etc., you are creating a sin/error where there was no sin and applying it to yourself. You don't hurt the other person, you set a law for yourself. If you break your own law you will suffer your own pre-judged

    The heart is permitted to right rulings, there is a difference between the two.

    To yourself that is true. Lay all the rules and burdens of any form of judgment upon youself, that is permitted. But laying your ideas of right and wrong down to someone else is Judgment of anothers kingdom and should not be.

    Anything we judge only pertains to ourself. When we judge another person that judgement only falls on us.

    All have the right, privilage, and freedom to do as pleases within their own kingdom.


    the kingdom must be everlasting and preparations to do so take very little understanding, with confidence that the true kingdom will reign everlasting, knowing that other kingdoms are false and fall to the ground.

    If one cannot perceive right rulings and judgement as being different, then it cannot be explained, it must be taught.

    Placing yourself under judgement, means it is quite easily to throw the trash out to others, judgement is none of our concern, other areas are in need of.


    Kindness, charity comes from truth, wether one admits faith is of no matter, truly you will know what comes from love and what comes from duty.


    There are physical works and there are faith works. Faith works are the power works as shown by Jesus, most of the disciples and Paul.

    This is very similiar to either you believe in truth or Paul, announcing a prophet as a demi god is for the weak.

    Strong is truth.

    Tim Kraft

    We all should be working the power works of God for the healing of the body which is his church. Jesus commissioned all believers with the same ministry he had. Preach, tell the good news of cleanliness, worthiness, purity and power, heal all in need of healing and cast out lies and deceptions or evil spirits(doctrines) with the truth/light of Jesus. TK


    Quote (princess of the king @ Nov. 01 2010,00:58)

    Quote (shimmer @ Oct. 31 2010,22:43)

    Quote (princess of the king @ Nov. 01 2010,00:27)
    Every person is born with the spirit, attaining this again is the goal, does not anyone understand that the faith of a child is the most precious, during this time in our lives is when we are the closest we will ever be.

    When we cover the spirit with ego/pride, then we move away, then it becomes a choice, for it brings the fight of flesh and spirit.

    Thats true princess of the king, makes more sense than most of what iv read lately, how do you return to that though ?

    Hope your well,

    keep seeking, asking with the desire of your heart, if it is pure then it will be given.

    Fish is so much better then stone.

    All is well, as I hope to find you and the ones you love.

    Ha, I like that, fish is so much better than stone.

    Through all of the fog lately, I learn alot from just a few things you say,

    Love to you POK.



    No offense there brother, as of late I have not see anyone rise from the dead, this was also a requirement.

    Perhaps this is being held for the two witnesses, I truly do not know.



    Your preaching to the choir, been there done it, I have studied so much, read so much, considered so much, with each turn something is taught.

    Be still girl.

    I will suggest however to try a couple sabbaths, not as the jewish faith does, nor the christian faith does, just read the texts, the guidelines are there, not hard to go by. You will be thankful for such a caretaker as it is given.

    Love to you.


    Quote (princess of the king @ Nov. 01 2010,12:21)

    Your preaching to the choir, been there done it, I have studied so much, read so much, considered so much, with each turn something is taught.  

    Be still girl.

    I will suggest however to try a couple sabbaths, not as the jewish faith does, nor the christian faith does, just read the texts, the guidelines are there, not hard to go by. You will be thankful for such a caretaker as it is given.

    Love to you.

    Thanks Sis, I will try that.


    Quote (Baker @ Oct. 29 2010,09:52)
    Mark!  I just read the post you made to shimmer.  That is another problem. Addicting in this Country is running wild.  And who knows when you give them Money what they do with it.  My guess is buy more drugs. We have good programs to help those that are in need.  Nobody should go hungry….I seen some on the highways young men, asking for money.  And then I see signs at Mic. Donald's “Help Wanted.”  So why can't they work?  What they don't want to is  the wages they get at such places… Yet the Mexicans have a Job…….They will work…….. We help Family and that is what is more important then to give to those that are lazy……..Peace and Love Irene


    Are you saying that your charity is complete by giving to your family and nobody else, because the needy in society are just plain lazy and you leave all the help up to the government? Are you saying that charity starts and stops at home?Peace



    Are you saying that we are capable of being Jesus if we just rid ourselves of all doubt and anything negative? Peace

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