False teachers

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  • #221037

    Quote (Baker @ Oct. 23 2010,05:28)

    Quote (shimmer @ Oct. 22 2010,23:04)

    Quote (mikeangel @ Oct. 18 2010,23:36)
    I used to enjoy the same on here, but the people seemed to leave also, such as Karmarie, thinker etc.

    Mark, it is me, I changed my username, lol. Sorry.

    Hi shimmer, and karmaria!  I recall your users name, but don't remember what your believes were….. We have changed our users name six times.  First our Computer went bd and then HNF went out and whatever happend before I can't remember.  Getting old….  First in
    June 2007 we were IM4Truth, then in July 2008 Irene, the in Aug. 2008 Tiffany. in Feb; 2009 Cindy, in Oct. 2009 Georg, in Aug. 2010 Arnold, and in Aug. 2919 Baker….Huh, huh..whats the topic???????.Peace and Love Irene

    Hi Irene. I think most people know it's me, I think I did about 1500 posts with the old name. I used to spend time debating bod the muslim, but after a while gave up, he wasnt listening. I still have hope for him. SimplyForgiven seems to be keeping him busy these days. My beliefs are probably the same as yours. The only difference is im younger than many here and tend to listen to others and get confused a bit what some things mean.

    Ed, haha, you know it's me,


    I agree Marty.


    Sorry Ed, you also keep bod busy, and Marty and others.


    Quote (shimmer @ Oct. 22 2010,23:04)

    Quote (mikeangel @ Oct. 18 2010,23:36)
    I used to enjoy the same on here, but the people seemed to leave also, such as Karmarie, thinker etc.

    Mark, it is me, I changed my username, lol. Sorry.

    Girl you made my day. I thought maybe shimmer had the same or similar spirit as you. I feel the love. You have a good spirit. Peace and much love sister-Mark :) :) :)


    As much as I get aggrivated on here, It teaches me to be tolorant of others, even those who are mean spirited. I've said twice that i was leaving, and then miss it and the third thing I do when I get up in the morning(first is thank god, second is put the coffee on) is grab the laptop and see what is flying around on here. Am I addicted?


    Hi Mark. Haha.

    Yeah, what I like about here is how people get to know each other. Theres some people on here I really like. I guess it's how they say the church is not nessesarily a building but can be people anywhere together. I have times when I seem to get addicted. But at least it's nothing bad. It's talking about God. And thats a good thing, esecially these day's, with all the rubbish on tv etc.


    I can't stop! I can't stoop! ,,, anyway, the big picture, to me, is that we believe Jesus is God's son and love him. When he comes personally it is written that he will #1-take away the guilty verdict we all deserve #2 those who find fault will recieve correction. I just wish there were more kindness and humility on here. We are after all christians, and Jesus told us to love one another. Peace


    Case in point- That should have been “receive correction”, not recieve correction.

    Ed J

    Quote (mikeangel @ Oct. 23 2010,22:36)
    As much as I get aggrivated on here, It teaches me to be tolorant of others, even those who are mean spirited. I've said twice that i was leaving, and then miss it and the third thing I do when I get up in the morning(first is thank god, second is put the coffee on) is grab the laptop and see what is flying around on here. Am I addicted?

    HI Mark,

    Yea; in a Good kinda way.
    This forum provides us fellowship,
    learning, and “Spiritual growth”; just what
    we need to evangelize the world to Christ, Jesus!  

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Tim Kraft

    Quote (mikeangel @ Oct. 23 2010,22:53)
    I can't stop! I can't stoop! ,,, anyway, the big picture, to me, is that we believe Jesus is God's son and love him. When he comes personally it is written that he will #1-take away the guilty verdict we all deserve #2 those who find fault will recieve correction. I just wish there were more kindness and humility on here. We are after all christians, and Jesus told us to love one another. Peace

    God bless all: I wish to make comment on this post.

    In refering to Jesus it was said, “When he comes personally it is written that he will…”! Let me say here, JESUS HAS COME PERSONALLY!

    Jesus is here now. He is spiritually everywhere, and physically within his body of believers. It can't get any more personal than that. Jesus established the Kingdom of God within each body that accepts and believes.

    When Jesus said he would come back again he did. After he arose he came to earth and left the earth about six times or more. He had a spiritual body and also a dense manifestation of physical body that was touched and witnessed.

    Jesus finished the work of God. There is nothing in Gods plan of salvation left to do by Jesus. Jesus took away the sin of all who believe. Jesus gave us perfection unto God. There is no guilt and no fault for those who accept what he has done by believing what he said.

    Jesus comes again each time a person accepts his truth as their truth. Jesus truth has made you perfect, spotless, sinless, clean and free
    from laws, rules, rituals, sacrifices, tithes or any other rules established by religion.

    You are a blessed child of God if you believe what he has said through Jesus. The work is finished.

    God bless all, TK


    good posts everyone.  However Tim,, could it be that Christ is now preparing His Saints to reign with Him for a thousand years?  I think so…..Almighty God and Christ did make their abode with us in a Spiritual way, but His Kingdom when He starts His reign on this earth, is still to come. IMO Satan will be put away and that has not happened yet…. I am forever looking forward to that time…..
    Peace and Love Irene


    “but His Kingdom when He starts His reign on this earth, is still to come. IMO Satan will be put away and that has not happened yet…. I am forever looking forward to that time…..”

    Me too, Amen.Peace


    Quote (mikeangel @ Oct. 23 2010,23:53)
    I can't stop! I can't stoop! ,,, anyway, the big picture, to me, is that we believe Jesus is God's son and love him. When he comes personally it is written that he will #1-take away the guilty verdict we all deserve #2 those who find fault will recieve correction. I just wish there were more kindness and humility on here. We are after all christians, and Jesus told us to love one another. Peace

    Mark, most here are good. Theres only a few who arent. They need to look properly at the way they behave. (and if i'm one then I will !) Would they act like that in REAL life ? I wonder about that. Sometimes it's the 'unspoken word' which can be felt. Im big on vibes. Maybe we can TRY to ignore those who make us feel bad. But it's hard. What needs to happen is those who do wrong need to be Christian and SEE their faults and change it, without fear of admiting they are wrong.

    This is not real life Mark, be who we are, be truthfull to who we are, be honest,

    (In all honesty, some of the subjects on here go on and on and get so boring I start to wonder what it was i believed in ?)

    Good to see you back here Mark, I hope you stick around.


    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Oct. 24 2010,01:45)

    Quote (mikeangel @ Oct. 23 2010,22:53)
    I can't stop! I can't stoop! ,,, anyway, the big picture, to me, is that we believe Jesus is God's son and love him. When he comes personally it is written that he will #1-take away the guilty verdict we all deserve #2 those who find fault will recieve correction. I just wish there were more kindness and humility on here. We are after all christians, and Jesus told us to love one another. Peace

    God bless all: I wish to make comment on this post.

    In refering to Jesus it was said, “When he comes personally it is written that he will…”! Let me say here, JESUS HAS COME PERSONALLY!

    Jesus is here now. He is spiritually everywhere, and physically within his body of believers. It can't get any more personal than that. Jesus established the Kingdom of God within each body that accepts and believes.

    When Jesus said he would come back again he did. After he arose he came to earth and left the earth about six times or more. He had a spiritual body and also a dense manifestation of physical body that was touched and witnessed.

    Jesus finished the work of God. There is nothing in Gods plan of salvation left to do by Jesus. Jesus took away the sin of all who believe. Jesus gave us perfection unto God. There is no guilt and no fault for those who accept what he has done by believing what he said.

    Jesus comes again each time a person accepts his truth as their truth. Jesus truth has made you perfect, spotless, sinless, clean and free
    from laws, rules, rituals, sacrifices, tithes or any other rules established by religion.

    You are a blessed child of God if you believe what he has said through Jesus. The work is finished.

    God bless all, TK

    Hi TK, good to see you back. Hope you are well.

    You and Ed would get on well, you both believe Jesus has come back.

    Who is to say Jesus with all of his power hasnt come back ?

    But TK, please read 2nd Peter 3, and tell me what you make of that, it say's something different, and i believe that for what it say's.

    Please, stick around TK, i always liked your posts, even if I never agreed completly !


    Irene, Mark, I thought Catholics were Amillenial in their beliefs ?

    Amillenial is…Now is the millenium, now is when the Gospel is taken through the earth, now is when the full power of Satan is limited, now is the time when people are being saved, 'thousands' of years. Satan will soon be let loose for a short time, to decieve the whole world.

    Thats what you get when you hear the words of Jesus, and others,, “This Good News of the Kingdom will be preached in the whole world for a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come” That is what's happening today…Then the end will come. This is in revelations, but revelations is a symbolic book which is hard to understand.

    What is the point in having a thousand year millenium, as you see it, exactly ?

    Tim Kraft

    Quote (Baker @ Oct. 24 2010,03:16)
    good posts everyone.  However Tim,, could it be that Christ is now preparing His Saints to reign with Him for a thousand years?  I think so…..Almighty God and Christ did make their abode with us in a Spiritual way, but His Kingdom when He starts His reign on this earth, is still to come. IMO Satan will be put away and that has not happened yet…. I am forever looking forward to that time…..
    Peace and Love Irene

    If you are not reigning in Christ now, when will you ever be?

    Time does not exist in spirit! A day is as a thousand years and a thousand years is as a day.

    If almighty God and Christ dwell within us do they not rule through us just as God ruled through Jesus? Gods words continue to rule in the earth through those who have accepted them from Jesus and know they are the truth.

    Jesus brought the truth of God and gave it to mankind. Satan is a lie or deception or deceiver against that truth. Why choose to believe a lie? If you believe satan exists you have chosen to believe a lie.

    Truth is any doctrine you hear or read that produces the fruit of Gods love. Gods truth builds up, gives life, never condemns, always heals, always cleanses, never degrades etc.

    Devil spirits (words) are Lies and deceptions against the truth.
    Doctrines like you are unworthy, or still unclean, or that you still have sin or that in any way are not perfected through Jesus. These words come from the hiearchy of the darkness, and wicked spirits of religion.

    Lies against the truth of God were put away when Jesus came with God's truth. At least for those who believe.

    Jesus finished his work for God and is at rest. We enter into his rest. If we look for life in the future we must be dead now!

    The good news is it is finished. The Kingdom of God dwells within each individual. Each person is the King of their own Kingdom. Each is the Priest of his own temple of God. We have been cleansed to do the work of God. We have been made perfect in Christ.

    You are sinless, clean, and made perfect by Jesus if you believe what he says. If you believe you are still in sin, then so be it. Will you place yourself above God to call yourself a sinner? Jesus took away the sin of the world.

    If you believe you are unworthy, unrighteous, in sin or still sin you have no part in Christ. None of these beliefs can live in the temple of God.

    Its your choice what to believe. The truth from God through Jesus or lies and deceptions from the religious leaders that tell you different.

    Religious hierarchy that are blind lead other blind to a hell of sorts that they have chosen to believe in.

    These are the wicked spirits in high places. Powers of darkness, deception and untruth.

    Follow only Jesus and live the abundant life in Christ. You are blessed in Christ, TK

    Tim Kraft

    Quote (shimmer @ Oct. 24 2010,20:12)

    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Oct. 24 2010,01:45)

    Quote (mikeangel @ Oct. 23 2010,22:53)
    I can't stop! I can't stoop! ,,, anyway, the big picture, to me, is that we believe Jesus is God's son and love him. When he comes personally it is written that he will #1-take away the guilty verdict we all deserve #2 those who find fault will recieve correction. I just wish there were more kindness and humility on here. We are after all christians, and Jesus told us to love one another. Peace

    God bless all: I wish to make comment on this post.

    In refering to Jesus it was said, “When he comes personally it is written that he will…”! Let me say here, JESUS HAS COME PERSONALLY!

    Jesus is here now. He is spiritually everywhere, and physically within his body of believers. It can't get any more personal than that. Jesus established the Kingdom of God within each body that accepts and believes.

    When Jesus said he would come back again he did. After he arose he came to earth and left the earth about six times or more. He had a spiritual body and also a dense manifestation of physical body that was touched and witnessed.

    Jesus finished the work of God. There is nothing in Gods plan of salvation left to do by Jesus. Jesus took away the sin of all who believe. Jesus gave us perfection unto God. There is no guilt and no fault for those who accept what he has done by believing what he said.

    Jesus comes again each time a person accepts his truth as their truth. Jesus truth has made you perfect, spotless, sinless, clean and free
    from laws, rules, rituals, sacrifices, tithes or any other rules established by religion.

    You are a blessed child of God if you believe what he has said through Jesus. The work is finished.

    God bless all, TK

    Hi TK, good to see you back. Hope you are well.

    You and Ed would get on well, you both believe Jesus has come back.

    Who is to say Jesus with all of his power hasnt come back ?

    But TK, please read 2nd Peter 3, and tell me what you make of that, it say's something different, and i believe that for what it say's.

    Please, stick around TK, i always liked your posts, even if I never agreed completly !

    Ms.Shimmer: Thank you for the kind words. Let me first say that when you refer to Jesus personally I feel he can't be any more personal that within you, outside of you, in your mind and in your heart!

    Also when you refer to Jesus taking away the guilty verdict there is nothing more God and Jesus can say or do. Please read John15:3. This is only one verse that says this there are many more. “..Now ye are clean through the words I have

    spoken…” Jesus just said you are clean. Now I ask you, are you clean or are you a sinner, in sin that neads to be cleansed? Jesus has made us perfect before God. If deceiving powers now come to you and say, you are not clean, look

    here at (anything in the old test) or look what paul said or whatever. The test of denying Christ is now! Do you believe Jesus and what he said or someone else? If you feel guilt about ANYTHING you have put the guilt there. Jesu didn't!!!

    If you find fault in anything you do, its because you have juged yourself. You are lord/priest/king of your kingdom. What you decide is what goes. Don't look at other kingdoms. They are not your business. Accept what Jesus says, trust his words and stand tall, head high, shoulder back as the

    perfected son or daughter of God that you are. Walk tall knowing you are cleansed, healed, whole, and made perfect, now, now, now, now, NOT LATER,now!!!! When you accept this truth for yourself then you will be ready to give it out to

    all mankind.

    God bless you in your choices of belief. Please follow Jesus only or first to avoid possible deception. Satan/religious powers will attempt to destroy this truth, kill it, or steal it from your heart so that you will follow them. God bless you, TK


    TK, I can understand what you are saying. If you look for peace you will find peace, if you look for love you will find love, if you look to build others up, you will do that, if you let deceptions into the mind, anger, confusion, jealousy, etc, your intents get broken apart, you start to fail, is that what you mean ?

    You said

    Devil spirits (words) are Lies and deceptions against the truth.

    Do you believe Devil spirits are words ? What about things like thoughts, actions, etc,

    Tim Kraft

    IMPORTANT SCRIPTURES FOR REFERENCE: The end of the world was the end of the old testament, the law, and the religious organization that was into rituals, works, sacrifices et.al.! They were in darkness and sin! We should follow the new way of righteousness by faith.

    The Kingdom of God:
    1)Time is fulfilled, the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!(Mark1:15)
    2)Change your thinking,(repent) the Kingdom is at hand!(Matt.3:2)
    3)Just after Johns ministry Jesus began to preach, repent, the Kingdom of God is at hand.(Matt.4:17)Matt.4:23 preaching the Kingdom is the gospel!
    4)The Lords prayer, thy Kingdom come, thy will be done.(Matt.6:10)
    5)Jesus said if I cast out devils/deceptive thinking/error thinking then the Kingdom of God is come unto you. (Matt.12:28)
    6)Time if fulfilled, Kingdom of God is here. (Mk. 1:14&15)!
    7) The comforter, the spirit of truth, & Jesus, the words of God, dwelleth with you and shall be in you–(John 14:17)
    …the Kingdom of God cometh not with observation:…neither shall they say, Lo here or lo there! For, behold, the Kingdom of God is within you. (Luke 17:20&21)
    …Behold, we go up to Jerusalem, and all things that are written by the prophets concerning the Son of man shall be accomplished/completed!
    (Luke 18:31)
    …when you see these things come to pass, know ye that the kingdom of God is nigh at hand. Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass away, till all be fulfilled. (Luke 21:31&32)
    (Luke 22:15-18)…With desire I have desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer: For I say unto you I will not any more eat thereof, until it be fulfilled in the kingdom of God….and he took the cup…for I say unto you, I will not drink of the fruit of the vine, until the kingcom of God shall come.(Luke 24:43 & 44)…and he took it, and did eat before them and said unto them, These are the words which I spake unto you while I was yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled which were written in the law of Moses and in the prophets, and in the psalms, concerning me…
    ….(Mark 1:15)…The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent (turn from the way you are going) ye and believe the gospel. 8) If a man love me (Jesus) he will keep(believe) my words—and my father will love him and we will come unto him and make our abode/house, home, temple, dwelling place IN HIM!(John14:23)
    …Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you.(John 15:2)

    9) ….I (Jesus) have chosen you and ordained you….(John15:16)
    10) Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.(John17:17)
    11)..He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation: but is passed from death unto life.(John5:24)
    12)…the work of God is to believe (Jesus’ words) whom he sent.(John6:29)
    13)…he that believeth (Jesus) hath everlasting life…(John6:47)
    14)…he that eateth my flesh (words) and drinketh my blood (spirit), dwelleth in me (Jesus) and I in him…(John6:56)
    15)…the words that I speak (Jesus) unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.(John6:63)
    16)…there are some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the kingdom of God…(Luke9:27)
    17)..the Law and the prophets were until John: since that time the kingdom of God is preached, (yet) every man presseth into it…(Luke 16:16) (each man still tries to work his way to God under the Law!
    18)…and from the days of John the baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffered violence, and the violent (Jews) take it by force (works, effort)…for all of the prophets and the law prophesied until John. (Matt.11:12)
    1)…the son of man is not come to destroy mens lives, but to save them…(Luke 9:56) (I guess Jesus is not coming back to fight a great war against mankind…)
    2)…in the time of the harvest, I will say unto the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them; but gather the wheat into my barn…(Matt.13:30)
    3)…so shall it be in at the end of the world: the angels shall come forth, and sever the wicked from among the just and cast them into the furnace of fire..(Matt.13:49)
    1)…who taketh away the sin of the world…(John 1:29)
    2)…Master who did sin, this man, or his parents that he be born blind….Jesus said, Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents…but that the works of God should be made manifest in him I must work the works of him who sent me…(John 9:3)
    3)…by the law is the knowledge of sin…(Rom.3:20)
    4)…sin is not imputed where there is no law…(Rom.5:13)
    5)…being made free from sin…(Rom.6:18)
    6)…Jesus manifested to take away our sin (1John 3:5)
    7)…Jesus appeared to put away sin…(Heb.9:26)
    8)…We have been made free from sin & death…(Rom. 6:18)
    V:22…but now being made free from sin…(Rom. 8:2)
    9)…anyone that commiteth(abides/agrees with) sin, is a servant of sin…(John8:34)
    10)..Jesus taketh away the sin of the world…(John1:29)
    11)..Sin: To miss the mark, to err, offend, offense, trespass!
    12)..the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin(1John3:7)
    13)..if we confess our sin, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and
    to cleanse us from all unrighteousness(1John 1:9)
    14)..repentance(change former thinking) for the remission(washing away of Old thinking) of sin should be preached…(Luke24:47)
    15)..whosoever is born of God sinneth not….(1John5:18)
    16) If a man keep my saying, he shall never see death…(John8:51)

    1)…now ye are clean through the word(John 15:3)
    2)….he is faithful and just to cleanse us from all unrighteousness( 1John1:9)
    3)…what God hath cleansed call not un-clean (Acts 10:15)&(Acts 11:9)
    4)…the blood of his son Jesus Christ
    5)…we are cleansed by the washing of the water of the word of God (Eph 5:26)
    6)…the blood of Christ cleanseth us from all sin…(1John 1:7)
    7)…Jesus saw a man which was blind from birth and his disciples ask him, who did sin, this man or his parents, that he was born blind? Jesus answered, “neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents”….(John9:3)
    The Law:
    1) The Law and the Prophets were until John, since then the Kingdom (Luke 16:16)
    2)…The prophets and the law were until John…(Matt. 11:13)
    3)…All things written in the Law, the prophets, and the Psalms were fulfilled in Christ (Luke 24:44)
    4)…the law won’t pass until all is fulfilled (Matt. 5:18)
    5)…time is fulfilled, the Kingdom of God is here….(Mark 1:15)
    6)…change thinking, the Kingdom of God is at hand…(Matt. 3:2)

    God bless all, TK

    Tim Kraft

    Quote (shimmer @ Oct. 24 2010,21:34)
    TK, I can understand what you are saying. If you look for peace you will find peace, if you look for love you will find love, if you look to build others up, you will do that, if you let deceptions into the mind, anger, confusion, jealousy, etc, your intents get broken apart, you start to fail, is that what you mean ?

    You said

    Devil spirits (words) are Lies and deceptions against the truth.

    Do you believe Devil spirits are words ? What about things like thoughts, actions, etc,

    Shimmer: Religion has told us we are fighting temptation to do or not do certain things that are evil. This is not true.

    Man and God were always in union or dis-union in the mind!

    When man decided there was evil it was thoughts apart from or against life/God. The fall of man, away from God was always mental or mind beliefs. There can be no real separation from a God who is within and without. Only if a man believes he is separated from God and that is an illusion of truth. Its not the truth, yet he believes it, so to him it is truth. What a human being believes is what he is, to himself. It either aligns with the truth/God or it is a created illusion of mans own truth.

    New Testament: The war has continued for thousands of years between mans created, religious ideas about God and the truth about God. God had no man that the majority would listen to so evil/error/sin kept coming back into mans mind. The war continues until John comes and paves the way for cousin Jesus. The change intended to be made was to destroy religion as it was and effectuate the truth of God from a man above all others before. His works of faith and power proved who he was.

    The truth of God was now being diseminated from God with power and proof. It is still a mind game. Its all in the mind. Its all either accepted or rejected as the recipients choice.

    The kingdom had come for Gods will to be done on earth as in heaven. Jesus was the light that came to inlighten the people who were in darkness as to sin and God. We don't fight against flesh and blood. We fight the good fight of faith or believing God or the old religious way of sin, unworthness, et.al.

    Thoughts are words, floating in the ether, previously expressed by human beings.Every thought remains. They are energy capsules that carry various frequencies. Gods words vibrate at the highest frequency there is. Truth is really all there, like God there is only truth. Lies are man made thoughts that are near dead, evil, dark.

    We have filled our minds with man made truth some not as destructive as other but if it doesn't align with Gods words it is evil, dark, destructive.

    We have religion that for centuries has mixed truth with untruth. Like God loves you but he might kill you! You are cleansed from sin, but you better not do any more sins or you still go to mans created hell. These are the contradictions of truth and lies that we are fighting 24/7!

    The Bible (mostly old testament) is loaded with man made un-truth. Even the new testament was translated by men who were extremely religious with old testament type religion.

    If a human hears and accepts from God the words Jesus gave which cleans up his thoughts (about himself, not others) he will then have peace in his heart, love for all, joy in the holy ghost, happiness, meekness, kindness, generosity, compassion, willingness, gratitude, thanksgiving, respect and every other good and perfect gift that come down from above.

    If God does not judge you (and he doesn't) stop judging yourself. The truth you choose to accept is what will judge you. If you believe that sin and evil still exist in you after hearing the truth then so be it. You will suffer that lie!

    If you believe in your God given perfection in every way, every day, all the time, totally free to express love it will show in your daily walk. If it doesn't no matter, so be it!

    If all people were filled with those loving gifts what would their deeds or actions most likely be? You express who you believe you are!! TK

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