False teachers

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  • #220779

    Quote (Ed J @ Oct. 22 2010,01:10)
    Hi Irene,

    Matt.5:11-12 Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you,
    and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.
    Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven:
    for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.

    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Ed. To you it might be that, but to us, my friend your interpreting Scriptures like The Word of God being the Holy Spirit and that is false teaching. The Bible is not also written in numbers. That too is a false teaching. That is all that we have said to you. Now you making yourself look proud, because we said something evil to you, which is ridiculous……Irene

    Ed J

    Quote (Baker @ Oct. 22 2010,02:32)

    Quote (Ed J @ Oct. 22 2010,01:10)
    Hi Irene,

    Matt.5:11-12 Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you,
    and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.
    Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven:
    for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.

    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Ed.  To you it might be that, but to us, my friend your interpreting Scriptures like The Word of God being the Holy Spirit and that is false teaching.  The Bible is not also written in numbers.  That too is a false teaching.  That is all that we have said to you.  Now you making yourself look proud, because we said something evil to you, which is ridiculous……Irene

    Hi Irene,

    When I said to you…  “Know your Bible”  you said…

    Quote (Baker @ Oct. 21 2010,05:23)
    I am really getting sick and tired of the likes of you getting personal

    Is this not you getting personal?…

    Quote (Baker @ Oct. 22 2010,01:01)
    Pierre is so right, He is a false teacher

    Is is not you speaking a manor evil against of me?

    Witnessing to a worldwide audience in behalf of YHVH!
    יהוה האלהים (JEHOVAH GOD) YÄ-hä-vā  hä ĔL-ō-Hêêm!
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34 / Isaiah 49:16 / Isaiah 60:14)
    http://www.holycitybiblecode.org (Ecl.9:12-16)

    Ed J

    Quote (Baker @ Oct. 22 2010,02:32)

    Quote (Ed J @ Oct. 22 2010,01:10)
    Hi Irene,

    Matt.5:11-12 Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you,
    and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.
    Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven:
    for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.

    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Ed.  To you it might be that, but to us, my friend your interpreting Scriptures like The Word of God being the Holy Spirit and that is false teaching.  The Bible is not also written in numbers.  That too is a false teaching.  That is all that we have said to you.  Now you making yourself look proud, because we said something evil to you, which is ridiculous……Irene

    Hi Irene,

    When I said to you…  “Know your Bible”  you said…

    Quote (Baker @ Oct. 21 2010,05:23)
    I am really getting sick and tired of the likes of you getting personal

    Is this not you getting personal?…

    Quote (Baker @ Oct. 22 2010,01:01)
    Pierre is so right, He is a false teacher

    Is it not you speaking a manor evil against of me?

    Witnessing to a worldwide audience in behalf of YHVH!
    יהוה האלהים (JEHOVAH GOD) YÄ-hä-vā  hä ĔL-ō-Hêêm!
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34 / Isaiah 49:16 / Isaiah 60:14)
    http://www.holycitybiblecode.org (Ecl.9:12-16)



    you say;;Is it not you speaking a manor evil against of me?

    wen you are quoting your comments ,you expose yourself to others to see it and so respond to it ,if you do not spell the truth according to scriptures ,would you assume that all of us here are like you blind,

    some may only have opinions,and so tell there vision of there imagination,but if you try to show that you know something you should expect corrections if you do not speak the truth.

    correction in thoughts may not be always gentle,because it create confussion,
    and you do nothing to prevent that type of confussion,you instead create them.

    and in this way you are not persecuted but received the reward of the fool.



    Quote (Ed J @ Oct. 22 2010,02:10)
    Hi Irene,

    Matt.5:11-12 Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you,
    and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.
    Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven:
    for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.

    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    But Ed,

    for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you

    Did those prophets have an AKJV and calculator and add up numbers and sit at a computer and have a book ? Did they say the great I AM is satan ? Its creepy Ed. They were persecuted meaning inprisoned, killed. WHO is persecuting you ? All people are saying is they disagree with some things you say. ?


    Think about it Ed. I'm not saying these things because I want to hurt you, why would I want to do that ? You know I have no personal problem with you, is that true ?


    Quote (terraricca @ Oct. 19 2010,13:11)

    there are no Jews or Greeks all the same wen Peter wen to Cornelius,all one people the sacrifice of Christ is now given to all men ,they just have to believe in Christ.


    That is the truth Terrarica you are right IMO. I have this conversation with my Mother alot. She say's Isreal the nation = God's chosen people, I see in scripture that Isreal is now anyone who obeys and follows the Lord.


    Quote (mikeangel @ Oct. 18 2010,23:36)
    I used to enjoy the same on here, but the people seemed to leave also, such as Karmarie, thinker etc.

    Mark, it is me, I changed my username, lol. Sorry.

    Ed J

    Quote (terraricca @ Oct. 22 2010,11:19)

    you say;;Is it not you speaking a manor evil against of me?

    1) wen you are quoting your comments ,you expose yourself to others to see it and so respond to it ,if you do not spell the truth according to scriptures ,would you assume that all of us here are like you blind,

    2) some may only have opinions,and so tell there vision of there imagination,but if you try to show that you know something you should expect corrections if you do not speak the truth.

    3) correction in thoughts may not be always gentle,because it create confussion,
    and you do nothing to prevent that type of confussion,you instead create them.

    4) and in this way you are not persecuted but received the reward of the fool.


    Hi Terraricca,

    1) “The Truth” is spelled the same way it always is, even in the Scriptures.

    2) Correcting people is God's Job; do you ‘think’ that job belongs to you?

    3) Are you (Terraricca) now accusing me of controlling your thoughts?

    4) Matt.5:22 But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause
    shall be in danger of the judgment: and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be
    in danger of the council: but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire.

    ed j (Joshua 22:34)

    Ed J

    Quote (shimmer @ Oct. 22 2010,22:50)
    Think about it Ed. I'm not saying these things because I want to hurt you, why would I want to do that ? You know I have no personal problem with you, is that true ?

    Hi Shimmer,

    Your words would suggest otherwise.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Ed, why ? What words ? You mean how I disagree with you ? Ed, you should look back, I did. See the way I used to disagree with bod ? I couldnt believe it, what has happened to me ? Have I become too nice ?

    But anyway what are you talking about ? If I had a personal problem with you, you would know ?

    Ed J

    Quote (shimmer @ Oct. 23 2010,00:38)
    Ed, why ? What words ? You mean how I disagree with you ? Ed, you should look back, I did. See the way I used to disagree with bod ? I couldnt believe it, what has happened to me ? Have I become too nice ?

    But anyway what are you talking about ? If I had a personal problem with you, you would know ?

    Hi Shimmer,

    Do you not have a personal problem against what I say?

    you say: 'creepy'.

    What is that suppose to mean?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Ed, you say Hebrew has no words such as I am, but in the Greek there is such thing, and the words I am are all through it. God used the words “I AM' in the New Testamant…..”This is my Son in whom I am well pleased”….. you say anyone using the words 'I am' is speaking evil ? Was God speaking evil of his son ? And its all the other things. Satan as a godhead etc. Ed, I'm ONLY trying to help thats all. Because I dont get it.

    Ed J

    Quote (shimmer @ Oct. 23 2010,00:57)
    Ed, you say Hebrew has no words such as I am, but in the Greek there is such thing, and the words I am are all through it. God used the words “I AM' in the New Testamant…..”This is my Son in whom I am well pleased”….. you say anyone using the words 'I am' is speaking evil ? Was God speaking evil of his son ? And its all the other things. Satan as a godhead etc. Ed, I'm ONLY trying to help thats all. Because I dont get it.

    Hi Shimmer,

    {εγω ειμι} (i am) ego eimi isGeek phraseology.

    Do you see it anywhere?

    Matthew :3:17 καὶ ἰδοὺ φωνὴ ἐκ τῶν οὐρανῶν λέγουσα, οὗτός ἐστιν ὁ υἱός μου ὁ ἀγαπητός, ἐν ᾧ εὐδόκησα.

    Mark 1:11 καὶ φωνὴ ἐκ τῶν οὐρανῶν· σὺ εἶ ὁ υἱός μου ὁ ἀγαπητός, ἐν σοὶ εὐδόκησα

    Luke 3:22 καὶ καταβῆναι τὸ πνεῦμα τὸ ἅγιον σωματικῷ εἴδει ὡς περιστερὰν ἐπ’ αὐτόν,
    καὶ φωνὴν ἐξ οὐρανοῦ γενέσθαι, σὺ εἶ ὁ υἱός μου ὁ ἀγαπητός, ἐν σοὶ εὐδόκησα.

    Seems you don't have all the FACTS; huh?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Oh, ok, It's not there.


    I will look into tht more Ed but I should get some sleep. 3.30am.

    Ed J

    Quote (shimmer @ Oct. 23 2010,01:25)
    I will look into tht more Ed but I should get some sleep. 3.30am.

    Hi Shimmer,

    Why is a ‘fake’=23 ‘i am’=23 god “worshiped”=117? (2Thess.2:3-4)

    1Tm.1:15 This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation,
    that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom i am chief.

    Ezekiel 28:9 Will thou yet say before him(Ed J) that slayeth thee, i am god?  
    but thou shalt be a man, and no God, in the hand of him(Ed J) that slayeth thee.

                           YHVH is GOD=117

    1Tm.1:17 Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible,
    the only wise God, be honour and glory for ever and ever. Amen.

    Witnessing to the world in behalf of YHVH (Psalm 45:17)
    117=יהוה האלהים (JEHOVAH GOD) YÄ-hä-vā  hä ĔL-ō-Hêêm!
    Ed J (AKJV Joshua 22:34 / Isaiah 60:13-15)


    Quote (shimmer @ Oct. 22 2010,23:04)

    Quote (mikeangel @ Oct. 18 2010,23:36)
    I used to enjoy the same on here, but the people seemed to leave also, such as Karmarie, thinker etc.

    Mark, it is me, I changed my username, lol. Sorry.

    Hi shimmer, and karmaria! I recall your users name, but don't remember what your believes were….. We have changed our users name six times. First our Computer went bd and then HNF went out and whatever happend before I can't remember. Getting old…. First in
    June 2007 we were IM4Truth, then in July 2008 Irene, the in Aug. 2008 Tiffany. in Feb; 2009 Cindy, in Oct. 2009 Georg, in Aug. 2010 Arnold, and in Aug. 2919 Baker….Huh, huh..whats the topic???????.Peace and Love Irene

    Ed J

    Quote (shimmer @ Oct. 22 2010,23:04)

    Quote (mikeangel @ Oct. 18 2010,23:36)
    I used to enjoy the same on here, but the people seemed to leave also, such as Karmarie, thinker etc.

    Mark, it is me, I changed my username, lol. Sorry.

    Hi Shimmer,

    I thought you looked familiar.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Quote (shimmer @ Oct. 20 2010,23:12)

    Quote (942767 @ Oct. 19 2010,13:22)
    Hi Shimmer:

    When I heard the Seventh day Adventist teaching regarding the Sabbath several years ago, I went to God in prayer asking him if their teaching was correct.  I also went to visit the Seventh Adventist church in this process because if this is what God wanted I wanted to do whatever God wanted.

    What God has taught me is that it is not the day that matters, but the principle that is taught in keeping the Sabbath.  In the bible, Saturday, Friday at 6PM until 6PM on Saturday, is the Sabbath.  We know that is the truth.

    Although I have been taught that it is the principle that matters, when God puts me in authority in the church, I will teach observance of the Sabbath on Saturday like it was in the bible, in order to stop the arguing about the day in order to bring the church into unity.  

    About your other questions in the book of Revelation, I will have to print what you have written and study what you have said before I can give an answer.

    The Seventh day Adventists take this issue about the Sabbath to an extreme just as the Pharisees did.

    Love in Christ,

    Hi Marty, it's good that you ask God in prayer, I thought the same thing as you, that it's taken to the extreme, but I wont judge them, they are good people, they have many truths.

    Hi Shimmer:

    They are sincere Christians striving to obey God's Word, but it is the Word of God that is the judge, and based on the Word of God they take the teaching about the Sabbath to an extreme.

    Love in Christ,

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