Evolution experiment

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  • #347627

    Well T8, I will say your presentation does represent your god very well. You are not the true creator of the program neither is your god. You decide what and when by your own accord and pay no mind to humanity, as does your god.
    You keep changing, as does your god.

    Most assured the ones waiting for 'god' to come down are the ones that caused all the pollution in the first place, hey what do they have to worry about, it is just the earth, they get a brand new one.


    Judging by this post you have missed the point completely.


    and the point was what T8? to prove your male deity exist? Didn't miss it, just took a different view of what you presented.
    What I find surprising especially with you is that you have studied quite a bit, been on both sides of the fence and still stand on the same conclusion or standard of a average christian. You bury things and never bring them to the light for proper examination until the smell of death surrounds it.
    You cannot be cleansed when you bathe in blood.


    Quote (princess @ June 16 2013,22:03)
    and the point was what T8? to prove your male deity exist? Didn't miss it, just took a different view of what you presented.
    What I find surprising especially with you is that you have studied quite a bit, been on both sides of the fence and still stand on the same conclusion or standard of a average christian. You bury things and never bring them to the light for proper examination until the smell of death surrounds it.
    You cannot be cleansed when you bathe in blood.

    Hi Princess,

    I believe in keeping things simple.

    Why are we here? No reason
    Whats the point? Nothing
    What created the big band? Nothing

    Is it easy to believe that everything came from nothing


    Everything came from a Almighty power?

    You a MASSIVE faith to believe that everything came FROM nothing, it breaks every law and theory know to man EXCEPT the theory of the Atheist.

    Why do so many people who actually die AND who come back to life have life after death experiences?

    Have you read the new testament about THE REAL Jesus.
    Does he love you and does he give us all freewill?

    Now if I went and killed my neighbor because of freewill would it be Gods fault or my fault.

    If God stoped us when we made mistakes we would be nothing more than a program or a perfect movie in action.

    Do you believe people can be evil?
    Do you believe people can be good without motives?

    Does he condemn the Pharisee or the whore in sin?

    Jesus is your rock he sees you he knows ALL our sins he doesn't want to condemn BUT he wants to offer Life, he loves YOU.
    He wont force his love on you as its a free gift, he wants to meet you where you are, this is how he has meet us all.

    He wants to control you.

    see when darwins theory was invented, this was the exact same year that spontanous generation was defeated and there was no longer a real real to NOT believe in God. So man not wanting to believe that everything came from an All powerful being created there own faith the faith that JUST like *spontanous generation* that everything came from Nothing.

    See the example T8 has given is very good, because it shows clearly that information doesn't change its controlled by the code. It doesn't evolve, it can't.

    See when Darwins theory was invented they had no idea that WE as humans had coding and limitation [like computers]within our coding.

    The human coding is known as the genome/dna and no matter how much you IMPROVE you body, and its strenght your muscles etc etc
    The DNA remains unchanged your children want become stronger because you became stronger, this is nonsense.

    And just becuase one stops using a muscle or arm or part of there body this doesn't change the person DNA to tell the person they no longer need that part of there body.

    Just the same way a computer program works.

    But a great human example can be from with the Jews who have for THOUSANDS of YEARS have circumcised all their babies.

    Now is removing the forskin from a childs penis a nice experince for a tiny Baby Boy? Do you think his Body likes that???

    Do Jews who circumcise keep to their own? they certainly do.

    Why on earth with OVER THOUSANDS OF YEARS OF CIRCUMCISSION would not the body SAY FROM generation to generation WOULD the body continue to grow forskins for baby boys???? Do the body really evolve or is it coded like T8's program to have limitations?

    PLEASE look at the Cambrian explosion, EVEN Darwin knew this would destroy his belieft system. ALL he could say that we needed my fossils to be discovered.

    Guess what we now have hundreds of thousands of fossils and it only makes things worse.

    The Cambrian explosion PROVES that from the first fossils everything already existed.

    Notice every single year more and more animals become extinct becuase thats what happens it has always happened.

    Now its very clear if we didn't have recorded of there animals that have become extinct that in a ten thousand years someone could say look I have found the missing link?

    There is no ONE single PROVEN animal that has evolved he has GIANT computers and lasers and coding and genetic information right at our finger tips

    AND GUESS what.

    We can't even make one single animal evolve and we can't even stop animals from becomming extinct with all our genetic information and computer science. So how on earth is the enivorment going to change an animal when a little Jewish baby boy can't even change its genetics to terible act of circumcision? what does the environment have to do.

    If you study HONESTLY in truth you will see Darwins tree of life is upside down.

    Jesus loves you hes not a dominator he is a friend and he is deeply in love with you. TRUST ME PLEASE

    He can be found in your heart, he is everything that is good and truthful and faithful he is strong and will never leave you.

    Just ask one single prayer honestly that he will reveal himself to you in your heart, what have you to lose?
    Sorry about all the spelling mistakes etc I dont have time to proof read this, hopfully you can see I dont condemn you but want to lead you to the best gift ever. Your creator is your lover.





    I stuffed things up here.

    Why are we here? No reason
    Whats the point? Nothing
    What created the big band? Nothing

    what i mean is that we make everything nothing
    That is if we dont believe in God.
    everything = nothing and we came from nothing
    if we dont believe in God



    @ 4Thomas,

    I will give you editing rights if you don't already have it.


    Hello Daniel, hope all is well.

    I believe in keeping things simple.

    *chuckle* this excludes the length of you post correct?

    Why are we here? No reason
    Whats the point? Nothing
    What created the big band? Nothing

    a) no reason to know why. What did you do today to change the world? Any great plans for tomorrow?  
    b) to love, enjoy, wonder, create.
    c) Personally I would credit Louis Armstrong, but you are referring to the big bang yes? I don't know what created the big bang, wasn't there. The rest is speculation.

    Is it easy to believe that everything came from nothing

    I don't believe everything come from nothing, even though logically when you have nothing anything after that is something.  

    Everything came from a Almighty power?

    Great thing about life is choice.

    You a MASSIVE faith to believe that everything came FROM nothing, it breaks every law and theory know to man EXCEPT the theory of the Atheist.

    Your assuming Daniel. Tisk Tisk.

    Why do so many people who actually die AND who come back to life have life after death experiences?

    The same reason why some people talk to the dead?

    Have you read the new testament about THE REAL Jesus.
    Does he love you and does he give us all freewill?

    Rookie move Daniel.

    Now if I went and killed my neighbor because of freewill would it be Gods fault or my fault.

    Depends, on which voice you think it was.


    If God stoped us when we made mistakes we would be nothing more than a program or a perfect movie in action.

    Has nothing to do with fear………..

    Do you believe people can be evil?

    Evil by your standards ………not believing in your god.

    Do you believe people can be good without motives?

    You are going to have to work that one out on your own.

    Does he condemn the Pharisee or the whore in sin?

    No don't think so, but your god does perform a good old genocide repeatedly.  

    Jesus is your rock he sees you he knows ALL our sins he doesn't want to condemn BUT he wants to offer Life, he loves YOU.

    Technically, jesus is the cornerstone, kepha is the rock.
    I think you will find that in the Arabic text. Let me know if you need the reference.
    If that is what you call love the odd addage of keeping your enimies closer…should be the christians new calling card.

    He wont force his love on you as its a free gift, he wants to meet you where you are, this is how he has meet us all.

    Love me or die. Didn't end well for the last man that told me that. That cute pink 45 cal seem to change his mind I do hope he enjoyed his time away…….accessories are essential in a girls life.

    He wants to control you.

    We talking god or something else?

    see when darwins theory was invented

    it is what it is a theory, everyone has theories.

    DNA is not what you should be focusing on…..dig a bit deeper let's try RNA.

    Gential mutilation…….yeah I have heard of it. Sad sort when you try to use it to prove your god is real. You are not much of a universal thinker are you.

    Daniel hold up there………if you think for one moment in that brain of yours that I evolved from an ape perhaps you should retrace your steps and notice my user name

    Jesus loves you hes not a dominator he is a friend and he is deeply in love with you. TRUST ME PLEASE

    Don't be a creeper Daniel.

    So how on earth is the enivorment going to change an animal when a little Jewish baby boy can't even change its genetics to terible act of circumcision? what does the environment have to do.

    Comparing the changes that an eco system can do to a physical act is like telling me I should only have ten pair of shoes.

    Let's set one thing straight between you and I Daniel, I know that it is your plight in life to convince me or lead me to jesus. I fully understand that and kudos to you for doing such. I know that is a very important part of your faith. But what do I have to lose well let's see…..thoughts, ideas, wonder. I lost more when I was a christian and have gain more since I renounce 'my lover' as you so gently wrote.

    I have seen and exper
    ienced what god can do and Daniel he isn't all what you making him out to be. I mean what god goes all male then uses female as the default setting when creating life?

    All the best Daniel, no worries on the spelling. I have conversated with T a few times ;O)



    Can a tornado be guilty of murder?

    I ask because you accuse another natural force of genocide.


    Always love talking about spirit, too much physical with religion.

    Your god manipulates the natural course of the universe to satisfy his need for blood. Some underlying revenge to humanity for his son's bloodshed for mankind.

    *No offence Kerwin I am writing using statement form, due to when a question is asked no answers are made available. Seems to be the norm.

    Hope your sister's healing is coming along well.


    Quote (princess @ June 22 2013,16:41)
    Always love talking about spirit, too much physical with religion.

    Your god manipulates the natural course of the universe to satisfy his need for blood.  Some underlying revenge to humanity for his son's bloodshed for mankind.

    *No offence Kerwin I am writing using statement form, due to when a question is asked no answers are made available. Seems to be the norm.

    Hope your sister's healing is coming along well.


    It seems to be a time of trials for my family as yet another sister has been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. By God's grace the kidney transplant of my second eldest sister seems to be going fine.

    God does steer the affairs of man but the hatred comes from those in rebellion and the results from their actions just like a rock thrown into the air returns to the earth due to gravity and may injure or kill an innocent bystander.


    Double the healing then to you and yours Kerwin. I am glad you have your god to rely on to carry you through such things. It is important to keep peace during troubling times no matter which way one chooses to do so.

    Callatoral damage. Interesting view point. I would not consider it to be hate or rebellion for that matter. Just there is no belief in a god. To you that is rebellion and hate because you can see it no other way, nor could you phathom doing such a thing. That is the love you have for god. Other's see you blind devotion as a threat to society. So perhaps that is why you feel the hate and rebellion.
    Since you choose to intertwine humanity with your faith, it is easy to point the finger at another and say this is the reason. It is never said, you don't have enough faith, or you did this wrong or you really know the truth but refuse to hear the voice of reason. Perhaps your god is punishing the ones that carry the faith because they do not have the true faith. They try to explain god and what is required and claim that it is god's will when they really don't know what god's will is. Perhaps you should re examine your conclusion and put some of the blame on other's that carry your faith. The ones that are dragging your gods name through the mud should be the ones to blame.

    Ed J

    Quote (kerwin @ June 23 2013,08:22)

    Quote (princess @ June 22 2013,16:41)
    Always love talking about spirit, too much physical with religion.

    Your god manipulates the natural course of the universe to satisfy his need for blood.  Some underlying revenge to humanity for his son's bloodshed for mankind.

    *No offence Kerwin I am writing using statement form, due to when a question is asked no answers are made available. Seems to be the norm.

    Hope your sister's healing is coming along well.


    It seems to be a time of trials for my family as yet another sister has been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer.  By God's grace the kidney transplant of my second eldest sister seems to be going fine.

    God does steer the affairs of man but the hatred comes from those in rebellion and the results from their actions just like a rock thrown into the air returns to the earth due to gravity and may injure or kill an innocent bystander.

    Hi Kerwin,

    The spice “Turmeric” combined with a pharmaceutical call a “statin”,
    can prevent Cancer from metastasizing in 75% of the cases.

    Your brother    
    in Christ, Jesus.
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Quote (princess @ June 23 2013,07:36)
    Double the healing then to you and yours Kerwin. I am glad you have your god to rely on to carry you through such things. It is important to keep peace during troubling times no matter which way one chooses to do so.

    Callatoral damage. Interesting view point. I would not consider it to be hate or rebellion for that matter. Just there is no belief in a god. To you that is rebellion and hate because you can see it no other way, nor could you phathom doing such a thing. That is the love you have for god. Other's see you blind devotion as a threat to society. So perhaps that is why you feel the hate and rebellion.
    Since you choose to intertwine humanity with your faith, it is easy to point the finger at another and say this is the reason. It is never said, you don't have enough faith, or you did this wrong or you really know the truth but refuse to hear the voice of reason. Perhaps your god is punishing the ones that carry the faith because they do not have the true faith. They try to explain god and what is required and claim that it is god's will when they really don't know what god's will is. Perhaps you should re examine your conclusion and put some of the blame on other's that carry your faith. The ones that are dragging your gods name through the mud should be the ones to blame.


    Many claim to serve God with their mouths but have hearts full of hatred. For example if the U.S.A was as full of God worshipers as it claims they would live in a country more like Eden than the one full of backbiting, strife, and libertine behavior than they do. Such people are the agents of Satan whose purpose it is to bring disrepute to the names of Jesus and God. These people are like a pilot who puts on a blindfold and so ignorantly steers a passenger plane into a tower, killing others along with himself.


    Quote (Ed J @ June 23 2013,09:19)

    Quote (kerwin @ June 23 2013,08:22)

    Quote (princess @ June 22 2013,16:41)
    Always love talking about spirit, too much physical with religion.

    Your god manipulates the natural course of the universe to satisfy his need for blood.  Some underlying revenge to humanity for his son's bloodshed for mankind.

    *No offence Kerwin I am writing using statement form, due to when a question is asked no answers are made available. Seems to be the norm.

    Hope your sister's healing is coming along well.


    It seems to be a time of trials for my family as yet another sister has been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer.  By God's grace the kidney transplant of my second eldest sister seems to be going fine.

    God does steer the affairs of man but the hatred comes from those in rebellion and the results from their actions just like a rock thrown into the air returns to the earth due to gravity and may injure or kill an innocent bystander.

    Hi Kerwin,

    The spice “Turmeric” combined with a pharmaceutical call a “statin”,
    can prevent Cancer from metastasizing in 75% of the cases.

    Your brother    
    in Christ, Jesus.
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Ed J,

    Turmeric has that effect from what I have heard but statins are said to increase your possibility of getting cancer.

    Note: Turmeric is a natural statin.


    I cannot disagree. All religions have a dark side to them. Humanity must be taught how evil they really are and proceed to promise and bring death and destruction to all who oppose their god. Either it be the physical or spiritual realm.


    Quote (princess @ June 24 2013,17:18)
    I cannot disagree. All religions have a dark side to them. Humanity must be taught how evil they really are and proceed to promise and bring death and destruction to all who oppose their god. Either it be the physical or spiritual realm.


    I hear you.




    God does steer the affairs of man but the hatred comes from those in rebellion and the results from their actions just like a rock thrown into the air returns to the earth due to gravity and may injure or kill an innocent bystander.

    Yes, hatred comes from man and man’s hate twists Gods love to make God look like the advocator of this hatred. You see this in the past in Germany with Luther and his hatred for the jews and ending with Hitler and his hatred for the Jews. They used their twisted view of God to promote their own agenda.



    Perhaps you should re examine your conclusion and put some of the blame on other's that carry your faith. The ones that are dragging your gods name through the mud should be the ones to blame.

    Yes, I agree. This is the key and the only way for the true God to be revealed.
    Jesus put the blame on those that carried the faith, he made it clear in scripture least we forget.
    Mathew Chapter 23
    27“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs, which outwardly appear beautiful, but within are full of dead people’s bones and all uncleanness. 28So you also outwardly appear righteous to others, but within you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness.
    29“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you build the tombs of the prophets and decorate the monuments of the righteous, 30saying, ‘If we had lived in the days of our fathers, we would not have taken part with them in shedding the blood of the prophets.’ 31Thus you witness against yourselves that you are sons of those who murdered the prophets. 32Fill up, then, the measure of your fathers. 33You serpents, you brood of vipers, how are you to escape being sentenced to hell? 34Therefore I send you prophets and wise men and scribes, some of whom you will kill and crucify, and some you will flog in your synagogues and persecute from town to town, 35so that on you may come all the righteous blood shed on earth, from the blood of innocent Abel to the blood of Zechariah the son of Barachiah,f whom you murdered between the sanctuary and the altar. 36Truly, I say to you, all these things will come upon this generation.
    37“O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to it! How often would I have gathered your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you would not! 38See, your house is left to you desolate. 39For I tell you, you will not see me again, until you say, ‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.’”



    Its appears from what I read that you dont believe in evolution, this shows you are a free thinker who looks at facts.

    Please let me explain what I believe is the true God.
    Firstly he is a God who allows his creation total free will, total choice to twist and distort and corrupt.
    He is a God who reveals that ALL those laws and rules in the old testament given to Moses lead to just two simple rules that all honest people should live by.

    2 Corinthians 3
    7The old way,b with laws etched in stone, led to death, though it began with such glory that the people of Israel could not bear to look at Moses’ face. For his face shone with the glory of God, even though the brightness was already fading away. 8Shouldn’t we expect far greater glory under the new way, now that the Holy Spirit is giving life?

    The new way is very simple and the yoke is easy and the burden is light. Only two rules exist.
    rule 1: to Love God with your whole being
    rule 2: to Love your neighbor as yourself

    Any other rule is usually the working of man made regilion which trys to control the freedom of man and women. The old way and the old law serves as a reminder that we are really sinners if we think we are pure in heart. I'm not the best at explaning this so Please watch this whole You tube clip.
    Its made by a Jew, who I believe Gods uses like no other to reveal the truth about jews and Hitler and the Jewish law, see the change in the Nazi Jew hating punk and the others who honestly examine themselfs.


    All the best to you and yours



    Darwin hypothesized about random changes and natural selection.  Both of those can be inserted into a program by an intelligent designer.  Both of those can be controlled by intelligences so that random is directed but appears random.  These things cannot be disproved though they may be proved.

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