Eve is taken of Adam for a reason.

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    Eve is taken of Adam for a reason.
    They are of the same flesh. just as God’s Word is of God, they are both of the one spirit.
    The Word of God came from God. God is a Spirit and His Word is Spirit.

    His word was made flesh and dwelleth amongst men. He is the light of men.
    The Word of God is the light of Men; to receive that light, we need to eat of his flesh, and drink of his blood,
    Which is the spirit, in His written Word. His Word is like a two edged sword.

    His written word teach us to know God and His Word.
    To know the Lord; we need to seek the Word, and make it part of us, and let dwell in us.
    The spirit of Christ in us. It is a feeding process. Feeding on strange flesh will not get us to know the Lord.

    No one can come to the Father But by ME.(The Word of God).
    We need to seek the scriptures to know God And His will.
    God’s doctrine is also pictured as God’s Woman. (Mother Zion in heaven).
    His Son’s teachings is also pictured as Christs bride.(Christs woman).

    Christ was born spiritually out of God’s woman which was teaching the jews.(rev.12).
    But they have corrupted the teachings and have gone to other gods.
    Then God sends His Word made flesh to teach; but He also was rejected, and killed, by the jews.
    Only a very small flock accepted his teachings; and jesus sends them to the gentiles to teach.
    The gentiles accepted the teachings, but also corrupted it to the max; because of the oppressors.

    Only a few know the true teachings, and they will teach the jews in the kingdom to come.
    Only then will knowledge cover the earth as the sea cover the earth.
    As of today, knowledge is no where to be found. Everyone has gone their own way; the sheep are scattered,
    because the true shepherd has gone away to the father.

    When He comes; will He find His sheep faithful? No, each have gone their own way.
    The land is desolate. His bride is blemished, the true teaching has been corrupted.
    He is fiercely angry; He will put them through the fire of purification.
    Their Clothing are dirty, need to be made white.

    The few that knew the new song; but it was not really new, because that song was always there, but just not known
    to the majority; only to the few. They will be the first fruits. They have their wedding garments on.
    They will be invited to the wedding. The rest must be made white first.
    Anyone with no proper wedding garment on; will be cast out. There will be gnashing of teeth.
    The ones that clothed himself with righteousness will be at the wedding ceremony.
    The church of God consist of people’s righteousness in God.
    Righteousness in doctrine is Gods woman that came out of God.

    The seven churches which are in asia minor are far from perfect; they also have been purified by fire, in their days.
    A church with just people; and not clothed in righteousness is not the bride of Christ.



    Hi WU,

    First you must become a sheep.

    You must be born again.



    Yes, a sheep of the scribes and Pharisees, the hired shepherds.
    This is why you can not recognise the true shepherds voice, and go after many shepherds voices.
    They have given you a new birth, a conditioning of your mind, to their mind. You can see them by the fruits.
    A good tree gives good fruits; with no worms inside.



    Yes, Wakeup. You must be born again, (of water and spirit). (:



    It is not good just to be a stereo type; you know?

    1.First learn the true meaning of water baptism.
    2.Learn the true meaning of baptism of the H. Spirit.
    3.The true meaning of born again.
    4.The true meaning of the renewing of the mind.

    We must know whom we are following; or we will follow after wolves in sheep’s clothing, and don’t even realise it.
    They will only lead you to the bott. pit. where they are going.
    Must recognise the true shepherd’s voice, and follow that voice. Him only we can trust.

    Are you saying that I am not born again? That I am speaking my own words?
    Then why is there no one that can proof me scripturally wrong?
    I know they try very hard to proof me wrong, but can not find the scriptures.
    Am I dealing with Christians in the heart, or just on the surface?
    Then why, am I having a hard time trying to make you accept the written word?
    Why the spinning and twisting words, to get out of the trap? Are we truly seeking?



    all sheep will be blameless,no lies are found in them , no deceit ,

    being born again means you have the above qualities , and you live with them .


    Are you saying that I am not born again? That I am speaking my own words?

    Hi Wakeup. You said elsewhere that we are born again AFTER death and not before. Hence, why I echoed what Nick said. Now, you question why I claim you are not (yet) born again. You said it, not me. So are you born again?

    1.First learn the true meaning of water baptism.

    I know what it means.

    2.Learn the true meaning of baptism of the H. Spirit.

    I know what it means.

    3.The true meaning of born again.

    I know what it means.

    We must know whom we are following; or we will follow after wolves in sheep’s clothing, and don’t even realise it.
    They will only lead you to the bott. pit. where they are going.
    Must recognise the true shepherd’s voice, and follow that voice. Him only we can trust.

    It is ok to follow someone, but in the end we only have one teacher.

    Then why is there no one that can proof me scripturally wrong?
    I know they try very hard to proof me wrong, but can not find the scriptures.


    It depends if you have an open mind to receive some of those scriptures, Wakeup.



    Born again as the Christian world sees it, is not the same as the scriptures sees it.
    Jesus Words Are the scriptures.
    He said; If you are born of the spirit ;you ARE SPIRIT.
    I am not born of the spirit because I am still flesh.
    But I have received the renewing of the mind. Born of the mind.

    Camillia. 1.Water baptism is not understood by the Christian world.
    2.baptism of the Holy spirit is not understood.
    3.Born again is misunderstood.
    4. In the end will be too late, because men have taken you in his trap.
    5. Not true; it does depend on being serious in seeking or not; for scriptures does not lie.
    Scriptures should never be ignored, nor twisted for own gain.
    With just an open mind anything can come in.



    Hi WU,

    You quote Jesus

    He said; If you are born of the spirit ;you ARE SPIRIT.”

    Not so

    He said

    “THAT WHICH is born of the flesh is flesh and

    THAT WHICH is born of the Spirit is spirit”


    Do not alter what is written if you call yourself his servant


    Hi WU

    Yes, a sheep of the scribes and Pharisees, the hired shepherds.
    This is why you can not recognise the true shepherds voice, and go after many shepherds voices.
    They have given you a new birth, a conditioning of your mind, to their mind. You can see them by the fruits.
    A good tree gives good fruits; with no worms inside.

    If you do not quote accurately who is your shepherd?


    Born again as the Christian world sees it, is not the same as the scriptures sees it.

    I believe that most have it quite accurately.

    Example, I was water baptized at age 15. Also, my oldest son was water baptized at age 15. However, none of my other children have been water baptized.
    My oldest son is a lot like me. He now follows “Krishna”, and what have you, just as i was at his age, despite being water baptized.
    However, when I was around 30, I started feeling God’s presence slowly in my life, until suddenly it was a full on presence. See how long that took, despite being water baptized?
    Yes, you are right, we cannot claim any “prize” before the race is finished, however we have to start at the correct start-line, and take no shortcuts, otherwise we are cheating.
    God gave us His commandments, and that of His Son, which includes baptism in water. Please read 1 Peter 3:18-22 to get a true understanding.


    Hi Wakeup.


    He said; If you are born of the spirit ;you ARE SPIRIT.

    No, that is not what Jesus meant. That which is born of the flesh is flesh (sin) and that which is born of the spirit is spirit (righteousness), all when alive in this present body, imo.

    I am not born of the spirit because I am still flesh.
    But I have received the renewing of the mind. Born of the mind.

    You can be born of the spirit.

    4. In the end will be too late, because men have taken you in his trap.

    I mean, we can listen to people, we can even have those who we follow in a way (I have someone I listen to). But, after we have heard them, we then decide. That’s what I meant by “in the end we only have one teacher’. God.

    5. Not true; it does depend on being serious in seeking or not; for scriptures does not lie.
    Scriptures should never be ignored, nor twisted for own gain.
    With just an open mind anything can come in.


    I was asking you the question. Do YOU have an open mind when other people may be trying to teach you something. They may be speaking the truth.


    Hi WU,

    Is misquoting scripture TWISTING it?


    Hi WU,

    “I am not born of the spirit because I am still flesh.
    But I have received the renewing of the mind. Born of the mind.”


    Did Jesus say those of flesh cannot be of the Spirit?

    Was he of flesh and the Spirit?


    Who told you your mind is renewed??



    Hi Wakeup.


    You said:

    I am not born of the spirit because I am still flesh.


    Well, this was my reading for tonight (1 Peter):

    (3) Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His great mercy has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead

    (22) Since you have in obedience to the truth purified your souls for a sincere love of the brethren, fervently love one another from the heart, you have been born again not of seed which is perishable but imperishable, that is, through the living and enduring word of God.



    It says; born again through the resurrection??
    You say you are born again. Is it possible for you and other born again to be UNBORN again?



    Wakeup – They were already born again – that is ‘present tense’. Can’t you see that – don’t you want to see that – is personal opinion so important to you that you will disregard clear scriptural evidence against your doctrine? It is THAT important to keep up appearances? Sorry, Wakeup to be so blunt with you. But, whos idea was it that Christians are not yet born again? yours or someone elses? Lusten to people. They are not just getting at you – they are telling the truth (about this).

    (3) Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His great mercy has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead

    (22) Since you have in obedience to the truth purified your souls for a sincere love of the brethren, fervently love one another from the heart, you have been born again not of seed which is perishable but imperishable, that is, through the living and enduring word of God.




    You are just simply refusing to see the truth.
    You are not born again until the resurrection then you will be spirit.
    You are not spirit now. not yet. You have the spirit in you yes; but you are not spirit.
    You have the renewing of the mind. Your mind is reborn.
    But you also can change your mind again later. This has happened to many bros, and sist.

    A born again in spirit form, can not be unborn again; never.
    1.We are born of the flesh; that is our first birth. first time born.
    2.We will be born one more time in spirit form. Born the second time. that’s it,there is no more;
    just the two Born ; born and born AGAIN. AGAIN = TWICE; SECOND TIME.

    1.Our flesh Mother gave birth to us in flesh form.
    2.Our spirit mother Zion will also give birth to us, in spirit form. at the resurrection.

    Example. Jesus was born through Mary in the flesh. He was flesh but spiritually loaded.
    Then he was resurrected: He was born again, but not through Mary, but through Mother Zion, Which She is spirit.
    Jesus is now in spirit form, in heaven



    Hi Wakeup.

    Question – IYO, did Jesus have flesh and bone when he was resurrected, or was He spirit only?


    Hi Camellia.

    This question I have explained a few years ago.
    1. Jesus was resurrected in spirit form.
    2. His coverings, the shroud was left in the tomb.?
    3. He did not walk around naked.? He showed Himself With clothing on.?
    4. He showed Him self in flesh form, with his same gown on.? Not borrowed; hired?
    5. How can? He did not have anymore clothing, because they took it off Him. They gambled on it.?
    6. He showed Himself In the flesh So they could recognise Him, And His wounds, for a witness to the world.
    7. They can not see and touch him if he showed Himself as he is; in spirit form.
    8. He indeed had flesh and bone when he showed himself. HE did not lie. But for a good purpose.
    That he really is resurrected, and appeared as solid. Not in a dream or vision, nightmare.
    9. Flesh and blood can not enter into heaven. Well; He is in heaven next to His Father.

    Their answer to this is; well not really flesh; but glorified flesh. find that in scripture if you can?
    No you can’t; because it is an added on , to cover the crack.


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