Eternal torment

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  • #31555

    Eternal terrorism I doubt it what would be the point after a million years or so?

    Matt 10:28 And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

    I believe that death of the soul will be the same as death of the body.




    Imagine being with the Lord forever and in his perfect Kingdom, never crying, or feeling pain. Imagine only perfection. This is what awaits all who love God.

    Now imagine all that, but knowing that people perhaps even from your own family, screaming in pain forever in flames. While you live in this paradise, you know that people you knew even fathers, sons, mothers, and daughters are screaming at the top of their lungs, “ahhhhhhhh” the fire hurts”, and they are doing this 1 billion years from now and that 1 billion is not even a second in eternity.

    How many of you would not be bothered if you lived here on earth in a beautiful house in a good family, but your son or your father was being gruesomely tortured in a prison somewhere because he sinned against the laws of another country he visited. Wouldn't your peace be shattered somewhat, even though it is not yourself being tortured?

    To me the doctrine of eternal suffering should be peace shattering no matter how good you have got it. Thankfully I do not see this doctrine taught in scripture. I see clearly that scripture says that the wicked will perish and be destroyed.

    I thank God for his mercy.


    Imagine being with the Lord forever and in his perfect Kingdom, never crying, or feeling pain. Imagine only perfection. This is what awaits all who love God.

    Now imagine all that, but knowing that people perhaps even from your own family, screaming in pain forever in flames. While you live in this paradise, you know that people you knew even fathers, sons, mothers, and daughters are screaming at the top of their lungs, “ahhhhhhhh” the fire hurts”, and they are doing this 1 billion years from now and that 1 billion is not even a second in eternity.

    How many of you would not be bothered if you lived here on earth in a beautiful house in a good family, but your son or your father was being gruesomely tortured in a prison somewhere because he sinned against the laws of another country he visited. Wouldn't you peace be shattered somewhat, even though it is not yourself being tortured?

    Amen t8!:)




    The doctrine of eternal torment is diametrically opposed to Jehovah's personality and characteristics.

    He is a God of justice, and love and mercy. He deals justly with those who oppose him and he does so for the benefit of the righteous, so they don't have to put up with slander against their God, etc.

    As t8 aptly said:

    How many of you would not be bothered if you lived here on earth in a beautiful house in a good family, but your son or your father was being gruesomely tortured in a prison somewhere because he sinned against the laws of another country he visited. Wouldn't you peace be shattered somewhat, even though it is not yourself being tortured?


    Quote (david @ Feb. 28 2007,02:17)
    The doctrine of eternal torment is diametrically opposed to Jehovah's personality and characteristics.

    I agree.

    It is God's will that he dwell in ALL and that involves redemption and a new creation.

    He wants to dwell in all and wipe away EVERY tear.

    Suffering is caused because God is not invited to dwell and rule in all things, only some. But one day he will dwell in all and those that choose him not will be destroyed.




    matt 25
    “Matthew 25:46
    And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.”

    Many believe that only the rewards are eternal.


    Nick, do you have a pet? I want you to picture yourself in a room, and in a room next door, maybe in anther house actually, your pet is being tortured.

    But, you are in paradise. God is blessing you and torturing your pet. (it was a pitbull that did terrible things) How happy and peaceful will you be knowing that this pet of yours or anyone's pet for example is being horrifically tortured for all time? God's punishment of the wicked is for the benefit of the righteous. It is of no benefit to have the sad realization in the back of your head that horrific things are going on somewhere.

    Imagine that your country, which seems very nice has solved all the problems of the world. You have food, health….even everlasting life, etc, somehow. But, on the other side of the world, people are slowly starving to death (reality). How happy could you be? Jehovah is “the happy God” and wants us to be happy. (1 tim 1:11)
    If you can be happy or at peace knowing that people are being burnt alive for eternity….then there is something….


    Hi david,
    That sort of soothsaying logic is fine as far as forming doctrine goes do you think?
    Or should we find out what scripture says?


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 26 2007,00:21)
    Hi david,
    That sort of soothsaying logic is fine as far as forming doctrine goes do you think?
    Or should we find out what scripture says?

    God says, “love your enemies”. Why would He tell us that when he is going to torture His enemies forever?


    Welcome co,
    Show us scripture please, not greek logic,


    Or should we find out what scripture says?

    Nick, i know what scripture says. All through scripture from beginning to end, we see that Jehovah is a God of justice. He is just. He is fair. An eye for an eye. Not “you poked my eye, now I'm going to burn your eye for all time.”

    I also know that God is love.

    Choseone says:

    God says, “love your enemies”. Why would He tell us that when he is going to torture His enemies forever?

    Nick responds by saying:

    Welcome co,
    Show us scripture please, not greek logic,

    Um, Nick, those words in quotation marks is a scripture. It would be hypocritical for someone to say those words and to do the opposite, for someone to say: Love your enemies, but I'll torture my enemies for all time in the worst possible way.

    What he quoted was a scripture, which you sidestep because it is detrimental to your “greek” beliefs. It's odd that you try to accuse certain ones of Greek logic when this belief of yours is taken from the pages of Greek belief, which in turn, was taken from Babylon.

    Please, Nick, do not divert this statement: If God says to love our enemies, will he in your opinion not follow this himself?

    Is 1:18

    Quote (chosenone @ Mar. 26 2007,07:48)
    God says, “love your enemies”.  Why would He tell us that when he is going to torture His enemies forever?

    Hi CO,
    Welcome. Hope you enjoy it here. Interesting username you selected, why did you chose it?


    Quote (chosenone @ Mar. 27 2007,02:48)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 26 2007,00:21)
    Hi david,
    That sort of soothsaying logic is fine as far as forming doctrine goes do you think?
    Or should we find out what scripture says?

    God says, “love your enemies”. Why would He tell us that when he is going to torture His enemies forever?

    I think that is a fair enough question.



    Quote (chosenone @ Mar. 26 2007,07:48)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 26 2007,00:21)
    Hi david,
    That sort of soothsaying logic is fine as far as forming doctrine goes do you think?
    Or should we find out what scripture says?

    God says, “love your enemies”.  Why would He tell us that when he is going to torture His enemies forever?

    Hi Chosenone,

    Do you think that maybe He was only kidding?

    Tim :D


    Quote (TimothyVI @ Mar. 26 2007,11:27)

    Quote (chosenone @ Mar. 26 2007,07:48)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 26 2007,00:21)
    Hi david,
    That sort of soothsaying logic is fine as far as forming doctrine goes do you think?
    Or should we find out what scripture says?

    God says, “love your enemies”.  Why would He tell us that when he is going to torture His enemies forever?

    Hi Chosenone,

    Do you think that maybe He was only kidding?

    Tim :D

    Hi Tim,
    You see the point.
    We need some sound proofs not emotional or logical derivations.
    If you are going to state doctrines then you must do so from what is written in scripture.
    To say God is nice and would not allow anything horrible to happen is appealing to logic and emotional resources and not resorting to a scriptural base.
    It is similar to the universalist circular deceptive dogma that God wants everyone to be saved and can save everyone so everyone will be saved.
    God is merciful and will save many who will be totally surprised at this outcome as Matt 25 shows but that mercy is given only to the merciful and in particular mercy is given to those who have shown mercy to the sons of God.


    Quote (Is 1:18 @ Mar. 26 2007,08:53)

    Quote (chosenone @ Mar. 26 2007,07:48)
    God says, “love your enemies”.  Why would He tell us that when he is going to torture His enemies forever?

    Hi CO,
    Welcome. Hope you enjoy it here. Interesting username you selected, why did you chose it?

    Hi Is.1:18, You inquire why I chose this username. I believe the scriptures teach the salvation of all mankind. “All is of God” (1Co.11:12 2Co.5:18 Ro.11:36) …”Out of Whom all is”. (1Co.8:6) , I believe these scriptures say God is in complete control, the teaching of “free will” is unbiblical. Scripture also says “His achievement are we”. (Eph.2:10), also we are …designated beforehand…(Eph. 1:3-6) also
    Thus, “the purpose of God may be remaining as choice, Not out of acts, but of HIM WHO IS CALLING. (Ro. 9:11).
    We cannot do anything to “qualify” or “Earn” our salvation, we are saved “by the grace of God”. To think otherwise is to take away Gods glory, assuming pride in ourselves, that some how we are smarter than others by making the right choices.
    That is why I use this username, I can take no credit at all for my salvation. “ALL IS OF GOD”.


    Hi CO,
    In the Garden of Gethsemane
    did Christ not show that he had free will
    but chose to follow the will of God, the Father?

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