Essence of human incarnation

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    Jesus was the human incarnation of father in heaven. He was the God in flesh. He is known as immanueal meaning God come to live with us. He preaches true divine knowledge which removes our ignorance. Since God is coming in human form just like us, every body will reject Him. He is the founder of the rules of nature. When He comes in human form He will not negate the rule which He Himself has established. So, His human body will show all the signs of an ordinary human being like, thirst, tiredness, sleep etc. The main point here is that this itself will repell all spiritual aspirant. They will think in their mind how god can have sleep, tiredness, thirst etc. This the fire test or screening test in which 99% of the poeple will fail and go away. God in human form will do miracles whenever there is an emergency, other wise not. A wise ruler never negate His own rules. Only when there is no other means then only human incarnation performs miracles. He will not perform miracles for show and crowd pulling. He is interested in true devotees who are selfless and work for His mission without any expectation. He even gives His life for them. He becomes the devotee of His devotees.

    The main aim of god coming in human form is to preach the true divine knowledge. Only very very few devotees will accept Him and follow Him when He comes down in human form all other will reject Him due to ego and jealouy. They all think How the all power ful God can be a simple man? When God comes in human form it doesnot mean that God has modified in to man. God is not modified in to man. Why God selected human body as medium? Only through human body He can effectively preach the true divine knowledge. One should recognise the lord in human form not only from miracles but from the special true divine knowledge that no body else can preach. When God in human form preach therewont be any confusion and He corelate everthing with crystal clear clarity.

    Lord in human form preches according to the spiritual level of the disciple. Jesus told to one devotee that He is only a messenger of God, when He saw a devotee partialy bactiriesed by Jealousy and Egoism, to him He told He is the son of God, to another devoee (Peter and Philip) who has over come jealousy and egois, He told He and Father are one and the same. Thus lord in human form reveals about Him according to the level of the devotee. If He tell of a low level devotee that He is the Father Himself, immediately that person will run away without futher hearing the true divine knowledge from the lord in human form. Thus unless deserving Lord in human form will not reveal to anybody that He is the Lord. That is why Jesus warned His dearest Disciples not to disclose that He is the Christ(Lord in human form).

    The lord in human form preached in parables so that only deserving interest devotees will come forward later on asking for the underlying concepts of the divine knowledge, other who have approached Him only for their personal needs will goway without bothering much to see the explantion, because they are not interested in the Divine knowledge they are interested in the bread. Lord in human form preaches in two levels.

    (1) Pravrutti
    (2) Nivrutti


    People in general belive in invisible all prevading God since it is very easy to accept such concept. But it is very very difficult when Human incarnation comes and tell us that He is the God. Then all sorts of question will araise in our mind. How can this fellow be God? What is the proof etc.

    Since the majority of the people who approah human incarnation are ordianry people He preaches to them Pravrutti. Pravrutti means following Justice in the world. Like respecting your neighbour, loving your enemy, respecting your parents etc. He will stress the points like one should love one's own enemy, that means one is accepting other human being even though he is showing bad to you, by this training the EGO & JEALOUSY of human beings willbe washed away slowly so that one will become eligible to receive the human incarnation in future.


    In Nivrutti, the human incarnation preach about Himself and the ways of salvation. Only His inner circle of devotees will hear this divine knowledge, because they are only eligible for such teaching, other will get repelled by that preaching. In nivrutti, the lord in human form tells that He is the Lord. Jesus told to philip Whoever has seen Him has seen the father in Heaven. He and father are the same. This He told to the deserving devotee only, when He told this to Jews they mocked Him neglected Him and even crucified Him.

    He reveals the difficulty and meaing of salvation to such devotees. Salvation means having only one bond with lord in human form. For this one has to cut all other wordly bonds, family bonds and bond with wealth.
    That is why Jesus told to His dearest disciples that “Unless one hate ones mother, sister, wife……one cannot be His dearest disciple”. Only lord in human form can test the devotees and reveal their level to them. In nivrutti He tells to His disciples that He is the only medium through which one can reach God, and through no other medium, because human incarnation is the correct place of God.

    The rich man who was very much established in Pravrutti, could not come to nivrutti for acheiving salvation, even though Lord in human form invited him to come to Him by sacrificing the wealth for His sake. Thus, nivrutti is path of full sacrifice and is characterised by loss of peace and full of pain that one experience for cutting the wordly bonds for the sake of lord in human form. One is doing sacrifice for the lord in human form not for any other person or family member. Our family members love us for their own selfish motive and this love is a hinderence for serving in lord human form. All the family relationships are temporary only and only our real and permant relatioship is with the God only, and such god is coming in human form and guiding us towards overcoming all these false temporary bonds.

    One should do the responsibility to such false bond by providing their needs without metal attachment. Unless one is insulated from such false love one cannot serve lord in human form with full sincerity. Thus the path towards God is full of thorn in which one has to cut all these temporary family bonds and the bond with the life itself. Only God in human form can preach these concepts and lead us. No body under heaven has got the authority to preach and it only through human incarnation one can please and reach God.
    At Thy Lotus Feet

    Anil Antony
    Universal Spirituality for World Peace
    [email protected]

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