Eastern Orientalisms and Scripture

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  • #26467

    I've recently been reading about how Eastern customs and references are in the Bible. I just finished “Orientalisms of the Bible” by K.C. Pillai and I am still reading “Light through an Eastern Window,” also by K.C. Pillai.

    I must say I am very interested by this. For example, when the Book of Jeremiah mentions things such as the “light of the lamp,” (Jer. 25:10) it's reffering to the presence of God. There is another verse that has the same orientalism.I believe it's in Proverbs, speaking of the virtuous woman.

    I wonder in there are any other orientalisms like this in the Bible. I also wonder if other divine writings such as the Polycarp to the Phillipians, Shepard of Hermas, or the Book of Enoch have references also.

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