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    The people just drink what has been put to them,with no questions asked.Every daughter has their own wine brand,and every one claiming to be the best quality,made of the best grapes.

    They have become so drunken with their favourite brand of wine,that they cant tell the difference between day or night.
    Good or bad,true or false,Gods teachings or satans teachings.

    This is because they have ignored the words that the Lord Jesus spoke.Failing to concentrate on his words,words of knowledge,instead concentrating and seeking words spoken by men.For they love glossy looking books,and they love to spend their money on those books.

    Jesus plainly says in John6:54–58. eat my flesh,for it is life everlasting.Is that so hard to understand? His flesh is the word; the words in the bible is his flesh.Seek and you shall find: seek what ,where? seek the scriptures,get some knowledge.

    Many came and offered the flesh of christ,but it has been corrupted; We must go straight to the source,and the holy spirit will be send to help you understand.

    If the heart is genuine in seeking; God will open the eyes.
    One Holy spirit, one truth:
    We have too many daugthers claiming to be daughters of zion today, but their works are of babylon,their mother.

    One foot on Zion and the other foot in babylon.These are the soothsayers,worshipping God with their lips only,they are the majority. For narrow is the way to salvation,and broad is the way to destruction. The broad way is the fun way.

    For this cause God will send them strong delusions that they will believe a lie,when the son of perdition comes.He will fool them with his words and miracles.

    The mark of the beast is there for the lukewarm, to make a definite decision; SAVE YOUR LIFE; OR GIVE YOUR LIFE FOR GOD. No more soothsaying,sweet words,and pleasnt songs,this is where the line is drawn.You take the mark,you will live for a short time,then loose it anyway; or refuse the mark,and you will have eternal life with God.

    I pray that there are some that will hear,and go back to the scriptures only,for the time is at hand,The Lord is at the door.
    He will come with power and glory,and collect his sheep,and his sheep will be with him forever.

    Labour to come to the first resurrection,for they are the blessed.
    The second resurrection consists of all dead and living in the past and present,judged by their works.

    Hasten your coming Lord.



    Hi WU,
    It is not written that those who read the bible will be sent the Holy Spirit is it?


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ June 22 2012,08:23)
    Hi WU,
    It is not written that those who read the bible will be sent the Holy Spirit is it?


    The most sold book in the world is the bible,and yet there is no knowledge.For the land(christian world) is DESOLATE, Gods own words.

    Every one can just read,but the idea is to feed on the words(the flesh of christ)and this is what is missing,therefore they can not be filled with the holy spirit,for the holy spirit is in the words.(the spirit of truth).

    Line upon line,here a litte and there a little,putting the dots together.

    By knowing the truth ,one has the Holy spirit.
    Some has some truth, and some has the whole truth, and most has none.



    Hi WU,
    Yes God will give wisdom to those who seek it[jas 1]but wisdom opens the doors to the truth of our need to be saved. Knowledge is always as through a mirror darkly and is not the purpose of the bible.

    We still must be seek to be born again of water and the Spirit or that wisdom is wasted on us.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ June 22 2012,08:48)
    Hi WU,
    Yes God will give wisdom to those who seek it[jas 1]but wisdom opens the doors to the truth of our need to be saved. Knowledge is always as through a mirror darkly and is not the purpose of the bible.

    We still must be seek to be born again of water and the Spirit or that wisdom is wasted on us.


    From knowing the truth comes wisdom. One can not have wisdom but ignorant of the truth. The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. One must know God first,before we fear him. By fear meaning; not sinning because of knowing the consequences.If we dont sin because of our love for God is what he wants.

    No wisdom will be taken away,no one can take it away,accept God himself,for some unknown reason?
    But not likely,for if God give yoou wisdom it is because he knows that he does not have to take it away later.

    The apostles were babtised with the Holy spirit: what happened to them? They started preaching,with all wisdom and truth.



    Hi WU,
    They were washed clean by the Word.[jn15]
    We should not presume such things happen for us.


    Hi WU,
    Knowledge does not bring wisdom.
    God gives wisdom.[Jas 1, 1cor12]

    Children can be wiser than adults.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ June 22 2012,09:26)
    Hi WU,
    They were washed clean by the Word.[jn15]
    We should not presume such things happen for us.


    Yes,the word of God(jesus) does wash us clean.
    But we must know the word.
    No man knows the Son but the father,—-
    why? It is because they have not been feeding on the word,the flesh of Christ.



    Hi WU,
    Even knowledge is of God.[2 peter 1]

    you must be born again.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ June 22 2012,10:11)
    Hi WU,
    Even knowledge is of God.[2 peter 1]

    you must be born again.


    This is another subject: but One is not born again as soon as one received Christ. We must walk the talk,then our mind will be renuwed,this is when our thinking is new; born again.The old awy of thinking is dead.

    But the flesh is still flesh not changed yet,and therefore can not inherrit the kingdom yet,untill the body is glorified into a new body.



    Hi WU,
    We must be baptised into Christ and then he is born into us.[gal 2-3]
    Minds must submit to be renewed.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ June 22 2012,10:41)
    Hi WU,
    We must be baptised into Christ and then he is born into us.[gal 2-3]
    Minds must submit to be renewed.


    It is good to be babtised with water,a sign of acceptance,We also must be sure that the one babtising is not a false teacher.
    We must be babtised by the Holy spirit,like the apostles.
    Any one can be batised with water as of washing of the skin,but not the washing of the spirit.
    Once the spirit is cleansed,it is ready to be given a new body.

    Knowledge of the scriptures will change a person,and every now and then the spirit of God will come and visit,and we can feel it in us,this is when we start praising God and crying,not of sadness, but of joy.

    The thief was not babtised with water,but instantly forgiven and promised to be in paradise,to be taught of Christ in the 100yr kingdom. To him paradise; for he will be brought back in the flesh.But for the resurrected ones;they have inherrited the kingdom in heaven,and they will teach the flesh.(the jews).
    The jews will multiply,to a great nation.No more tears,and no more pain,and no more wars.

    And they(jews) also -WILL- teach the gentiles and the christians outside, the survivors of the the destruction of babylon.

    There will be some survivors,and will multiply for a 1000yrs.Then gog and magog,the war against satan and his followers.All evil destroyed; then the white throne judgement,
    the seperation of the sheep and the goats.

    Then the melting of the heavens and the earth,and a new heaven and a new earth. Then God himself will come down to earth.
    This is also a mystery to be understood.



    Hi WU,
    The thief died under the OT.
    Jesus has all power and that includes that of forgiveness.
    But unless we repent we all likewise perish[lk11] and Peter spoke of that at pentecost.


    Hi WU,
    You say

    “The thief was not babtised with water,but instantly forgiven and promised to be in paradise,to be taught of Christ in the 100yr kingdom. To him paradise; for he will be brought back in the flesh.But for the resurrected ones;they have inherrited the kingdom in heaven,and they will teach the flesh.(the jews).
    The jews will multiply,to a great nation.No more tears,and no more pain,and no more wars.

    And they(jews) also -WILL- teach the gentiles and the christians outside, the survivors of the the destruction of babylon”

    Where is all this teaching shown in scripture?


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ June 22 2012,12:39)
    Hi WU,
    The thief died under the OT.
    Jesus has all power and that includes that of forgiveness.
    But unless we repent we all likewise perish[lk11] and Peter spoke of that at pentecost.

    Yes he died under the old law,and therefore he will be brought back like the other remnants of israel,then taught the new law. For all must go through Christ.

    No man can come to the Father but by me.
    The jews(israelites) also must come through jesus: they will be taught the new law.



    Hi WU,
    Those who are of the Spirit are taught now.[1Jn2]


    Hi WU,
    Joel 2 describes those times.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ June 22 2012,12:54)
    Hi WU,
    Those who are of the Spirit are taught now.[1Jn2]





    Quote (Nick Hassan @ June 22 2012,12:40)
    Hi WU,
    You say

    “The thief was not babtised with water,but instantly forgiven and promised to be in paradise,to be taught of Christ in the 100yr kingdom. To him paradise; for he will be brought back in the flesh.But for the resurrected ones;they have inherrited the kingdom in heaven,and they will teach the flesh.(the jews).
    The jews will multiply,to a great nation.No more tears,and no more pain,and no more wars.

    And they(jews) also -WILL- teach the gentiles and the christians outside, the survivors of the the destruction of babylon”

    Where is all this teaching shown in scripture?


    I know how you feel but one need to seek all the prophesies,its all in there if we can put them together.
    I can not explain to you in a few words.
    Isiah 65: 19–25. 11:6–10. Zech14:11–21. tells us that it is paradise,for they live in peace and prosperity. And the animals will just be as in paradise;the lion eating straw.

    This is the place for the jews that are brought back by choice.But for the resrrected ones;they have inherrited the kingdom of heaven.

    Isiah 11:9. —it says that for the earth shall be full of knowledge of the Lord,as the water cover the sea.
    This will only come when Christ will rule.



    Hi WU,
    Also ez 37.13-14
    Jer 31.33-34

    The Spirit will teach.

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