Do you obey the Father Yah, as the true Vine did?

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    The Messiah gave a very important anology concerning that He was the TRUE VINE, and that His Father Yah was the true Husbandman of the vinyard ( John 15:1).

    2. Every branch( or true follower and believer) in me( Messiah) that beareth not fruit( See Gal.5:22 of obedience of fruit of Yah Commands ) He ( The Father Yah) taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit( See Gal.5:22 of obedience and the fruit of Yah's Commands) He ( The Father) purges it( the branch), that it( the branch) may bring forth more fruit( or more fruit of obedience to Yah).

    3. Now you are clean through the Word( Study All the scriptures ) which I ( Messiah) have spoken to you( My Desciples or followers)

    4.Abide in me, and I in you As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine( Messiah); no more can ye( followers or believers), except ye abide in me( See Rom.8:9-10) as His Spirit is in you; 1 Peter 2:21 as you follow in His steps).

    5. I ( Messiah)am the vine, ye ( Followers or believers)are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him( See Rom.8:9-10; 1 Peter 2:21), the same bringeth forth much fruit( See 5:22 of the fruit of obedience to Yah's Commands): for without Me( Messiah and His Spirit in you, the you are none of His and can do nothing, See Rom.8:9).

    6. If a man abide not in me( or has not His Spirit, See Rom.8:9-10), he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned( See Rom.8:13; Rev.20:14).

    7 . If ye abide in me( See Rom.8:10), and my words( See John 6:23) abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.

    8. Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit( See Gal.5:22 of obedience of the fruit of Yah's Commands); so shall ye be my disciples.

    9 As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you: continue ye in my love( Obedience to His Commandments).

    10 If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father's commandments, and abide in his love( See 1 John 5:2-3, of loving Yah's people, and loving Yah's Commandments).

    11. These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full.

    12. This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you.( See 1 John 5:2-3 again)
    ( St.John 15:1-10).

    ( 1 John 2:3-4) And hereby we do know that we know him( Yah), if we keep his commandments.

    4 He that saith, I know him( Father Yah ), and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth( See John 17:17) is not in him( or that person).

    Now didn't Messiah say that He was the true vine(John. 15:1-5), and didn't He also say that He obeyed and kept the Father Yah's Commandments( John 15:10), and didn't Peter instruct us to follow in His- Messiah's steps and do as He did( 1 Peter 2:21), and didn't Paul say that if any person has not the Spirit of Messiah, that person is none of Messiah at all( Rom.8:9) , and IFMessiah dwells in You (Rom.8:10), will you not also keep and obey the Father Yah's Commandments too ?

    Well, if Messiah and His Spirit dwells in you, then are you not going to fulfill and obey the Father Yah's Commandments as He the Messiah did too ?

    Also, those who do error such as traditional christianity in claiming Yah's Laws and Commandments cannot be kept and obeyed through His true Spirit, are of and still in the flesh as Paul makes that plain in ( Rom.Chapter 8) because they are enimity( an enemy) against Yah, and against His Laws( Rom.8:7) because the carnal mind is against Yah and His laws, and do not want to be subject to His Laws either, and that is very evident in the traditional teachings of modern christian denominations today too or are they not ?

    Eliyah C.


    The safe place is in the vine. In the one who has already completely fulfilled all the commandments of God for us.


    Nick, those verses plainly show that If Messiah is in us through His Spirit , then we too will obey and fulfill Yah's Commandments too.

    Those verses don't say that Messiah fulfilled them for you, and so can forget about them, and that you don't have to fulfill them do they?


    Answer these questions?

    Now didn't Messiah say that He was the true vine(John. 15:1-5), and didn't He also say that He obeyed and kept the Father Yah's Commandments( John 15:10), and didn't Peter instruct us to follow in His- Messiah's steps and do as He did( 1 Peter 2:21), and didn't Paul say that if any person has not the Spirit of Messiah, that person is none of Messiah at all( Rom.8:9) , and IFMessiah dwells in You (Rom.8:10), will you not also keep and obey the Father Yah's Commandments too ?


    Also Nick,

    How can the Branches( Us) not produce and do the same as the True vine( Messiah) does too?


    Hi eliyah,
    So do we copy the Saviour or rather let the Spirit transform us into his likeness? Many attempt just to copy and are only getting frustrated at their powerlessness. We need the power of the Spirit first.


    Quote (Eliyah @ Sep. 29 2005,00:40)
    Answer these questions?

    Now didn't Messiah say that He was the true vine(John. 15:1-5), and didn't He also say that He obeyed and kept the Father Yah's Commandments( John 15:10), and didn't Peter instruct us to follow in His- Messiah's steps and do as He did( 1 Peter 2:21), and didn't Paul say that if any person has not the Spirit of Messiah, that person is none of Messiah at all( Rom.8:9) , and IFMessiah dwells in You   (Rom.8:10), will you not also keep and obey the Father Yah's Commandments too ?

    Hi Eliyah,
    Have you not read the message of the Son? He came to set us free. Free from condemnation and free from eternal death. I have no truck with those who do not know the Spirit and try to put the heavy burden of the Law on the back of the saved. Their fearful doom and gloom legalism has no part of the message of Christ.

    ” For there is now no condemnation for those that are in Christ Jesus.”

    ” And when the Son shall set you free you shall be free indeed”

    “Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom”


    Nick, You said,


    Hi Eliyah,
    Have you not read the message of the Son? He came to set us free. Free from condemnation and free from eternal death. I have no truck with those who do not know the Spirit and try to put the heavy burden of the Law on the back of the saved. Their fearful doom and gloom legalism has no part of the message of Christ.

    ” For there is now no condemnation for those that are in Christ Jesus.”

    ” And when the Son shall set you free you shall be free indeed”

    “Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom”

    Nick, I don't care what you truck with, but you mimic the modern Catholics and Protestants, in that they only believe or belief, which gives them liscense( licentiousness) or freedom to commit iniquity or sin( lawlessness) and make void Yah's laws ( Rom.3:31) through merely belief or faith.

    Now I'm certain that you do not and cannot even understand the above statement that i just made, and you certainly do not understand my first post.

    You and your ilk promote a false lawless greek- latin christ or saviour, that gives its adherants or followers freedom to sin / ie- transgress Yah's Laws( 1 John 3:4) as they see fit, and then pretends and fools themselves into thinking that “” their false christ merely continues to forgive their wilful sin ( Heb.10:26), or their continued willful disobedience to Yah's laws( 1 John 3:4), as its so-called freedom or liscense for disobedience.

    The true Messiah said that in the end times that, “” Because INIQUITY( Lawlessness) shall abound( become worse), that the love of many shall wax cold. (Matt.24:12), and all of this is caused by modern false prophets and teachers ( Matt.24:11), and it seems that you fit that description.

    The true Messiah and Desciples never taught merely faith or belief without obedience to Yah's laws, as this world's religious establishment teaches people to do today.

    IF you would start investigating into the original words of scriptures, instead of following what some religious institution or some person has funneled in your mind then you would see this to be so, but then, you never take the time to really read anyone's posts on here and carefully looking up the scriptures given, you merely glance at them in 6 to 10 seconds, and then you reply back with a twisted or perverted remark to people that show scriptures different to your establishments beliefs.

    The branches of a Vine will produce and do exactly as the Vine itself does, not produce and do the exact opposite of the original Vine do they?

    Now, try to decipher what I have just said, and reply back to me with another one of your perverted remarks again shall you?

    Eliyah C.


    Hi Eliyah,
    No. The Spirit does not lead us into sin or to oppose the Law. But we are warned against those who would bully and scatter the sheep through imposition of their own wrong interpretations of truth.


    You said,

    No. The Spirit does not lead us into sin or to oppose the Law. But we are warned against those who would bully and scatter the sheep through imposition of their own wrong interpretations of truth.

    So now your accusing me of bulling and scattering the sheep hmm?

    Just who have I bullied?

    Nick, I expected you to reply with some dumb remark, however, I have not seen any scriptures from you dis-proving my posts and answering my questions either.

    Yah Almighty says that you modern day Baal pastors and ministers have already robbed and scattered His sheep ( Read the Book of Jeremiah) for profit, then you accuse me wrongfully because I uncover the mask that you modern baal pastors have put over Yah's true Name to deceive His Sheep into not being able to even know Him personally.

    Most of the Book of Yeremyah is exposing the modern teachers of baalism that has kept the common people
    groping at the wall in gross darkeness, and from finding the light of truth, especially those who honestly seek Yah and His truth.

    Now go and ponder what I've said, however, those with ears to hear and eyes to see know that what i've written is according to scriptures and not my own interpretation, as no scripture is of any private interpretation, because the scripture interprets itself with other scriptures as thee Apostle plainly said.

    Eliyah C.


    Hi eliyah,
    So who are these pastors and ministers you condemn? I am not one but serve in other ways.Your potshots always seem to be off target.


    You also said,

    No. The Spirit does not lead us into sin or to oppose the Law.

    Well what do you think opposing ( Exodus 20: 7,; Exodus 23:13) and the law itself does as you seem to be against me for pointing it out ?

    Also, why is it, that we never hear the word ” REPENT ” , and the common people have never even heard the scriptural definition of ' sin ' in the traditional denominations of modern christianity ?

    I doubt that you can or will even answer those questions either.


    You said again,

    So who are these pastors and ministers you condemn? I am not one but serve in other ways.Your potshots always seem to be off target

    Nick, I'm not condemning anyone as you accuse me of, however, the scriptures in Jeremiah does, and your posts of teachings seem to fit the descriptions given by Yah in that Book, and His ' potshots ' as you call it, is never off target.


    Quote (Eliyah @ Sep. 30 2005,00:40)
    You also said,

    No. The Spirit does not lead us into sin or to oppose the Law.

    Well what do you think opposing ( Exodus 20: 7,; Exodus 23:13) and the law itself does as you seem to be against me for pointing it out ?

    Also, why is it, that we never hear the word ” REPENT ” , and the common people have never even heard the scriptural definition of ' sin ' in the traditional denominations of modern christianity ?

    I doubt that you can or will even answer those questions either.

    Hi eliyah,
    What do you understand of the baptism of repentance and the forgiveness of Yahweh? Is it partial? Is it temporary? Has nothing changed since Malachi? Was there then no purpose to the salvation visit of the Messiah and we are all in our sins despite our dying and being joined to his life in your opinion?


    Speedy Nick,

    You never answered my questions here again, but you love to ask me questions.

    Well, i'm tired of playing one sided with you, and answering your questions, as I never get an answer in return to any of the questions that I ask you.

    Evidently you must believe as your own questions asked above, or you would not even have asked me such dumb questions to insult me?


    Quote (Eliyah @ Sep. 29 2005,01:01)
    Also Nick,

    How can the Branches( Us) not produce and do the same as the True vine( Messiah) does too?

    Hi eliyah,
    He will produce that fruit in us and without any effort on our behalf. Is that not great news?


    No Nick,

    You just belieeeevve on the larrrd and you'll be shot straight to heaven.:D


    Modern Baal Evangelists

    “” Step away from the Bible, put your hands up, and give me all your money.“”


    Hi eliyah,
    You are stuck in a groove and keep repeating yourself. Do you not realise you are shooting at imaginary targets as we agree these are false teachers. Now moving right along..
    Phil 3.13f
    ” ..but one thing I do;forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead,I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus”


    I hear some squeeky voice down in there, but I can't seem to make it out, it could be Nick.

    But I just can't make it out.

    Nick, if that's you, You will have to crank it up some, I can't make out what your saying.

    But thanks for keeping my Articles up on top of the board for everyone to read and in your face.

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