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    It is the wisdom of a Christian so to order his outward affairs, and choose such a condition in life, as to be without to many distracting cares, that he may attend upon the Lord with a mind at leisure and disengaged. Matthew Henry

    We are called to attend to the things of the Lord without to many distractions, so that we can be profitable (for the ministry) (1 Cor 7:35); Those who are stressed out and troubled about to many things in their life cause them to be distracted (Lk 10:40-41); These distractions get in the way of the only one thing which is needful, which is to be INSTRUCTED by the word of God (10:42,39), from a preacher whom God sends unto you to bring you the gospel of peace, AND the glad tidings of the good things (that God can do); Without which no one can become obedient from their hearts (Rom 10:15-16, Rom 6:17).

    This is why faith comes by hearing the word of God which word has a DEFINITE meaning (Strongs Greek #4487) which meaning says that God is NOT found by those who are seeking after Him {in church} because He manifests Himself to those who have not asked for Him (10:20); Who wants to believe this message? (10:16); A man can receive nothing, except it be given from heaven (Jn 3:27); So we need to ask Jesus to open our understanding of the scriptures, so that we could have this understanding (Lk 24:45).

    Because without understanding there can be no conversion (God granting us repentance) unto being healed (Christian) (Acts 28:27, Math 13:15, Jn 12:40); Are you being distracted by the cares, riches, and/or pleasures of this world? Then God says that you are on the “THORNY GROUND” and you cannot bring forth fruit unto perfection (the fruits of the spirit, and the born again experience) because the word of God is being choked out of you by too many distractions (Lk 8:14, Math 13:22, Mk 4:19); Can you hear these words? (Mk 4:23); Then you can receive these words which are expounding the scriptures (4:34).

    Those who love the world and the things in it (by spending more time then is needed in these distracting things, than in the word of God) cannot have the love of the Father in them (1Jn 2:15); Why is this? For all that is in the world is the lusts of the flesh, and pride, which is not of the Father, but of this world (2:16); And this world is passing away, so those who can do the will of God will live forever (2:17); NO ONE CAN DO THE WILL OF GOD WITHOUT THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE DOCTRINE OF GOD (Jn 7:17).

    Those that ARE Christ’s (Christian) have already crucified their lusts and affections of their flesh (Gal 5:24).

    HOW? By asking God to crucify them with Christ so that it would no longer be “THEM” living (for their own selves) but CHRIST in them (so that they could live unto God for others) and the life that they now live (after going through this crucifying process) is by the faith OF the Son of God who gave Himself for us so that God could crucify us (Gal 2:20).

    Consequently, those who are seeking to be justified by Christ, who have not justified themselves through their “OWN’ doing, WILL NOT be going around calling themselves “sinners”, because they understand that God has forbidden Christ to be the minister of sin (2:16-17).


    These divisions happen because there must be heresies among us, so that those that are approved by God may be manifested among us (1Cor 11:18-19); THOSE THAT ARE WISE AMONG US ARE CALLED TO JUDGE THE BRETHREN (1COR 6:5); WHICH ARE WITHIN THE CHURCH (5:12).

    This is because we are not to keep company with those who call themselves brothers/sisters and they are into coveting, idolizing anything above God, and/or railing against other brethren (5:11); These are wicked brethren because they are not of the truth, or sincere (5:8, 1Cor 13:6); These are to be purged out from among us (5:7).

    These (WHO CAUSE DIVISIONS, OR LEAVE US) are seducers who do not have both the Father and the Son (2:26,23); Those who have the Father and the Son are abiding in the doctrine of Christ (because they have learned it) and can bring/teach it unto others (2Jn 1:9-10).

    God calls us to (learn how to) Love, because Love judges within (godly) knowledge so that we can approve the things that are excellent within sincerity, and we can do this is when we have been filled with the fruits of righteousness for God’s glory (Phil 1:9-11); Do you know someone among you that has this understanding? Then they can teach you to speak these words boldly, and without fear (1:12, 14). THOSE WHO CAN SET FORTH THIS EXAMPLE, RECEIVE MUCH AFFLICTION (Jer 1:6-7).

    Christians minister to those believers who put relationship before fellowship, (because relationships cause conflicts) but true fellowship has believers become united in the word of God. (Acts 2:42 & 46)

    The truth reveals the GRACE of God at work (Col 1:6); and without subjecting ourselves to this teaching of GRACE, God says that we are in ABOMINATION because we are in “our own will be done” (Ez 16:47, cf Ts 2:11-12).

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