Dick Dawkins gets owned

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    This one popped up on YouTube as a video I might be interested in. Thought I would share it and any others from the Richard Dawkin debates that he engages in.




    Quote (t8 @ May 20 2013,20:36)

    The last bit was really great to hear, thanks for that.
    If you haven't already got these I HIGHLY recommend them.

    A: Evolution the grand experiment part 1, (a must own) part 2 is great to. The books are a must own also.

    B:Icons of Evolution (also a MUST own)

    A friend of mine who is a christain [also a teacher] who believed in evolution by God, changed his mind after he watched these dvds, I had debated with him but when he heard the scientists and the evidence he honestly couldn't believe his eyes.  

    Another good read is the Evolution Handbook from trademe for $7 which is also good. http://www.trademe.co.nz/books….723.htm

    My wife is going to buy these in bluck for about $1 each as she wants to try and get them into the schools. I would recommend others doing the same if they like what they read.


    I agree. If you don't know what the first book of the nt is, you aren't a Christian. (Meaning: follower of Christ)

    Anyone can say they are a Christian just like anyone can say they are an astronaut, but saying something doesn't make it so.


    You are not a Christian because you read the Bible and knowledge of what is the first book is not what determines a true believer from a pretend one. But yes, not all who say they are something are that something. But we can't apply our own rules.

    It is by a person's fruit that you know them. Not by the expanse or lack of knowledge. Knowledge is important, but lack of it is not a deal breaker.


    Cheers 4Thomas.


    Quote (t8 @ May 21 2013,17:37)
    Cheers 4Thomas.

    I wasn't raised a Christian I wasn't even baptised until I was about 18/19 years old.

    One of the crunches for me was that the entire universe is dying, every star is like is nothing more than a huge fire in space.
    Every fire no matter how large needs energy to sustain.

    My logic was energy can't come from nowhere – all energy is dissipating (equalizing to that which is absolute zero)
    Without energy you have absolute zero, even the reduced sunlight in winter is hard enough for me to bear.
    There is no mechanism for energy once dissipated to recollect itself, you only ever see shooting stars you never see new stars appear in space from the dust of burnt out stars. You can only get new stars if they are dissipated from a larger star and in that case the larger star has less energy because of this – everything is dying and will die, scientist now know what Christians have known in scripture all along that the universe is stretching out [expanding] because god stretched it out.

    “In the beginning, Lord, you laid the foundations of the earth,
    and the heavens are the work of your hands.
    11They will perish, but you remain;
    they will all wear out like a garment.
    12You will roll them up like a robe;
    like a garment they will be changed.
    But you remain the same,
    and your years will never end

    If you burn up two fires you can't just get another fire to magically appear out of nothing unless a spark starts burning another energy source. But as “All” energy sources have a limited capacity this can’t go on forever so when you go backwards into eternity you can only be lead to an eternally All-powerful and almighty energy source. When I thought about this I understood that this definition could only refer to God.

    The other thing is that every year lots (it may even be in the hundreds) of animals become extinct yet every year there is never a new animal created. When I think of it Darwins trre of life is actually backwards, e.g God created all animals and species but they are dying over time, the Cambrian explosion testifies of this also – they will never teach this to people in the universities or schools as this destroys evolution. This is because the Cambrian explosion reveals that all living creators that they find in fossils can be seen in this period, Darwin understood how this destroyed his belief but glossed over it and said once we had more fossils this would the Cambrian explosion would be explained, millions of fossils later the evolutions are still searching.  
    It’s very interesting that the exact same year that spontaneous generation was proven wrong once and for all that the concept of evolution was given birth. Scientists honestly believed that becuase maggot’s came from rotting meat that animal just appeared out of nowhere by a process called spontaneous generation. Evolutionists who don’t believe in God are forced to believe in the big bang that everything came from nothing.
    I always try and debate them on this first how honest they are.

    I share this because this strengthen my faith as a young adult and when I talked to evolutionist about it they can never give me answers to refute the known laws of thermodynamics.

    As believers in the Father and Son its also good to share in things that can build each other up in a positive way as well as continuing to reveals what each other believes to be sincerely true in their own hearts regarding the Father and Son.

    Anyhow it’s good to see these posts when my atheist work mate comes back from his holiday I will get him to listen to them. Also looking forward to getting him to watch those dvds I mentioned earlier I’m hoping for the same response as I had from my other friend who no longer believes in evolution.



    Quote (t8 @ May 21 2013,17:37)
    You are not a Christian because you read the Bible and knowledge of what is the first book is not what determines a true believer from a pretend one. But yes, not all who say they are something are that something. But we can't apply our own rules.

    It is by a person's fruit that you know them. Not by the expanse or lack of knowledge. Knowledge is important, but lack of it is not a deal breaker.

    I of course was not saying that someone who reads the bible is a Christian.
    I'm saying if you don't know the first thing about the bible, or at least arent teying to know, you aren't one.
    I'll make this more extreme. If you don't own a bible and have no desire to read a bible, you are not a Christian.


    It is by a person's fruit that you know them. Not by the expanse or lack of knowledge. Knowledge is important, but lack of it is not a deal breaker.

    I'm talking about extreme lack of knowledge.

    “This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and the one you sent forth, Jesus Christ.” (John 17:3)

    If you are doing this, you would know that Matthew is the first book of the Nt, unless you just started taking in this knowledge a week ago.


    Generally speaking it is probably true that if people do not know any scripture then that is because they are not interested and thus are likely not interested in God either.

    But not all have access to scripture and not all have the same mental capacity as you and I. Further, people get nervous when put on the spot and will get basic questions wrong. You will be surprised how common that is.

    I confess that I have a terrible short-term memory and get the most basic of questions wrong at times. When my wife was going for NZ residency I had a test from Immigration to determine if this was a a marriage of convenience or real. I was asked how many sisters my wife had. I got the question wrong. Should have seen the immigration officials face, and it got worse when I got other basic questions wrong later on.

    Just 2 days ago I was asked what my youngest son's date of birth is and I wasn't sure of the date, yet I love my son with all my heart. I confess that I even answered my own age wrong one time when visiting a doctor In South America.I hesitated as I tried to remember and just said an approximate age because I was taking too long to answer. Then changed it 1 minutes later when I suddenly remembered it. Not a good look I think you will agree.

    Seriously many people are ignorant of many basic things in life but are experts in things too. And knowledge doesn't equal love, although love would certainly lead to certain knowledge, knowledge is not the test for love. We are all in different stages of learning too.

    I am not sure how American culture works, but here in New Zealand and Australia too, you would never call yourself a Christian if you didn't believe in that faith. When I lived in England, I know that things are more traditional there and a person might call themselves a Christian if they were not Atheist, Hindu, Muslim, and any other particular code.

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