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- April 8, 2006 at 3:04 pm#12542
ParticipantWe are having a meeting of the spirits at the same time. It may be Sunday Midnight here and 7 AM Thursday where you are yet we are commuciating at the same what would you call it God's time which is no time.
The sun or moon or week day doesn't matter we are still seeking God together!
This new creation that God has allowed in these last days allows us to reach God at HIs time which is NO time. I thinkYou know what I mean.
April 9, 2006 at 8:16 pm#12563NickHassan
ParticipantHi all,
What has the Lord revealed?April 9, 2006 at 8:35 pm#12564seekingtruth
ParticipantThe scripture allows for us to disagree on non-fundamental issues and I believe the Lord showed me that we should too. Always think of our brothers before we do our “winning an argument”.
April 10, 2006 at 2:05 am#12579Cubes
ParticipantQuote (Nick Hassan @ April 09 2006,21:16) Hi all,
What has the Lord revealed?
I prayed, but felt more like the apostles who could not tarry one hour with the Lord, ashamed to say! My mind was unruly, all over the place … so I prayed intermittently through the course of the day, growing more focused towards the end of the day and feeling encouraged and blessed by the knowledge that there were others around the world praying with me as well.As to what was revealed, I only know that it leaves me wanting to have more corporate prayer times like that and I look forward to the next one. This could be considered a warm up.
Also Psalm 133 came to mind:
Behold, how good and how pleasant it is
For brethren to dwell together in unity!2 It is like the precious oil upon the head,
Running down on the beard,
The beard of Aaron,
Running down on the edge of his garments.
3 It is like the dew of Hermon,
Descending upon the mountains of Zion;
For there the Lord commanded the blessing–
Life forevermore.April 11, 2006 at 3:31 am#12626kenrch
ParticipantQuote (Cubes @ April 10 2006,03:05) Quote (Nick Hassan @ April 09 2006,21:16) Hi all,
What has the Lord revealed?
I prayed, but felt more like the apostles who could not tarry one hour with the Lord, ashamed to say! My mind was unruly, all over the place … so I prayed intermittently through the course of the day, growing more focused towards the end of the day and feeling encouraged and blessed by the knowledge that there were others around the world praying with me as well.As to what was revealed, I only know that it leaves me wanting to have more corporate prayer times like that and I look forward to the next one. This could be considered a warm up.
Also Psalm 133 came to mind:
Behold, how good and how pleasant it is
For brethren to dwell together in unity!2 It is like the precious oil upon the head,
Running down on the beard,
The beard of Aaron,
Running down on the edge of his garments.
3 It is like the dew of Hermon,
Descending upon the mountains of Zion;
For there the Lord commanded the blessing–
Life forevermore.
cubes,Exactly! I ended up on another forum and like you said my thoughts were going back and forth to the pray meeting.
I believe we should try more. I KNOW Satan doesn't want people all around the world praying at the same time. If you were he would you?
Lets continue to use the net but even more in this way.
Everyone can join in, what day it is doesn't matter. The only thing is that we are all awake and praying together. I'm willing to be up at anytime to pray.
April 13, 2006 at 10:21 am#12701Proclaimer
ParticipantThanks for praying.
I will catch up on this discussion tomorrow. I have been without the Internet at home as I have just shifted. Back online now.
April 13, 2006 at 5:10 pm#12704sandra
ParticipantI prayed, and this week the Lord revealed to me that this is the Church of Thyatira!
April 13, 2006 at 6:20 pm#12705sandra
ParticipantThe church of Thyatira is the Free Church!
by Jay Atkinson
Jezebel was the daughter of Ethbaal, king of the Zidonians or Tyre and Sidon. King Ahab of Israel, the son of Omri, did evil in the sight of the Lord, took Jezebel in marriage and went and served Baal. Ahab coveted the vineyard of Naboth and when he could not obtain it, Jezebel slandered Naboth, he was stoned and the vineyard given to Ahab. The wife of Ahab had introduced the abominations of Astarte worship into Israel. Jezebel slew the prophets of the Lord, hiding others in a cave with bread and water. Jezebel is referred to as the corrupt woman, the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth. She led her husband into the same idolatry and fed the prophets of Baal at her own table.Jezebel is mentioned as the licentious false prophet of the Thyatira Church of the seven churches of Revelation. The church at Thyatira seems to fulfill the age of the Western Church from the dark ages unto the present time when their last works are more than the first. The nicolaitan idea of fleshly leadership in the church typified Rome and continued with the Protestants with the separation of clergy and laity. The denial of the sacramental quality of marriage leads the church into fornication and the false authority leads the church into confusion and false prophecy.
What Jesus had against the church of Thyatira was that “You suffer that woman Jezebel, which calls herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication and to eat things sacrificed unto idols. And I gave her space to repent of her fornication and she repented not. Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds.”
Jezebel is a figurative and spiritual name for us. The Thyratiran church continues to this day and the Jezebel spirit manifests herself in the church and reaches to the highest pinnacles of government. The prophecy of the tribulation is in these last days and includes the greater part of Christendom that has allowed idolatry and the Jezebel spirit to flourish in the church and subsequently into all areas of society. Without an attitude of holiness, grace turns into licentiousness.
Jezebel is a whore and a witch whose spirit endures in the church by taking over the vineyard of the Lord. She covers her face with make-up to appear more attractive. Finally, Jezebel was a woman eventually destroyed by the very government she herself corrupted. The word of God came to Elijah and called him to show himself to Ahab and it would rain. The prophet came out of nowhere, stirred the righteous hearts, and the priests of Baal were put to death by the people. It was not Elijah alone but Jehu the anointed King over Israel that sought out the prophets of Baal and slew them, avenging the blood of the prophets. It was this king that dealt Jezebel the death blow by having her thrown down from the wall. In the end, Jehu did not follow the laws of the Lord with all His heart but it shall not be so with us. You are under the law of love and are among the overcomers, if in fact you are among the remnant. We may not be the Elijah to come or even a prophet but under our heritage, we are kings and priests. It is up to the church to become the spotless Bride in these last days and cast out the false prophets, we have the right and the power, we need but have the resolve to appropriate this power as the chosen remnant.
In Thyatira, the Jezebel spirit was and is introducing these same vile practices into the Christian church. By attaching herself to the Christians and manipulating them, she is insisting on the right to teach and practice licentious indulgence and claiming inspiration for her teaching. Those in the church that despise prophecy and forbid the true prophets to speak are under the influence of the Jezebel spirit. They may not have actually killed the prophets but by not allowing God's free operation to speak through His ministers, they kill the spirit that speaks through Him, thereby introducing the confusion of Babylon and the false teaching and doctrines of demons that identify a divided church. Among an apostate church, true prophets are hidden and not allowed to feast upon the richness of spiritual meat. Those under her influence will despise true prophecy, entertain the false prophets and attack those with true spiritual authority. Not all Thyatira pastors accept this teaching and this stinging rebuke is not for those that have not reached into Jezebel's satanic depth. Judgment is given according to the works of those under the Jezebel spirit, the words against them are delivered from One “with eyes like fire and feet like brass.” Without repentance, these sins and the accompanying worldliness and schismatic confusion will cause tribulation and the death of the children who commit adultery with her.
Different demons have different names. The Jezebel demon spirit entices God's servant to fornication and adultery. Attitudes are contrived to try to cover the sin and the true prophetic spirit of conviction is allowed to be cast out. The sin of fornication includes any sexual act outside of marriage, male and female, to one partner and in the New Testament, it is the sin with the most singular condemnation but we must realize here that there are prophecies concerning the church committing fornication with the kings of the earth. Jesus is wedded to the church. When Jesus condemns those that have committed adultery with Jezebel, He is referring to the church and worldliness, not necessarily sexual immorality. Jezebel was and is a political figure and uses spiritual control and manipulation to exert influence. Once under this delusionary spirit, she takes them captive, disguises herself as the spirit of God and allows false prophecy, idolatry and worldly practices to flourish.
Jezebel uses her controlling influence to lead God's people to worship a church system that is not led by His spirit. Instead of being the Bride of Christ, the church is turned into a harlot turning to other gods, and a harem, becoming many wives through denominational divisions. It is hard to resist once under her spell, she feels just like Jesus but it is a delusion. Those under the Jezebel spirit are given a false peace about the sin and confusion and the spirit of conviction does not take hold because they are given over to satan's deception for the destruction of the flesh. She will even counterfeit the Holy Spirit feeling of holiness in the heart. Jezebel is the spirit of modern day Babylon and we are told to flee from her.
Jezebel is not gender specific. She is a type that shows up in todays relationship with the church to the world and the relationship with church authority and the congregation. When Jezebel painted her face to make herself more attractive it suggests a type of evil that is all made up to look attractive to those that are under her spell. The Jezebel spirit is a type of delusion that is given to the church so that they might not recognize the influence. If you understand the hypocrisy and worldliness of the political Christian right and their pretense of proper Christian truth, you have an idea how far this has gone. This is much more of a balanced approach to the world situation today and what Elijah would be fighting against than merely a women doing anything in authority over a man or any person usurping authority in the church.
There is a movement today that looks like it is coming against pastors in the church but this impression is only half right. Pastors are needed in the church and are a proper part of the ministry and there are many that have not bent the knee to Baal but more and more, we are learning about the Jezebel spirit in the church and that it applies to many pastors and teachers. The Elijah spirit that comes against the spirit of Jezebel is prophetic and those pastors that will not submit to the prophetic voice in the congregation are starti
ng to feel the heat. There are pastors and Christian leaders that use control and manipulation to bring forth their own special interests and pet denominational doctrines. Some of those pastors are trying to turn it around and blame it on the prophets speaking out in church but these very pastors that are muzzling the prophets are exposing the Jezebel spirit to their own shame. Pastors who are hearing the insistence of apostolic mandate and treat these times as business as usual are being exposed as fools. It is true that most Christians will be taken unawares but many hear the Lord.Jezebel is a hot prophetic topic right now, the Lord is exposing these people as false teachers and it includes so-called apostles and evangelists. Your pastor may accept the prophetic but it is time to come against the Jezebel spirit in the church and prophets called to do it will be sent to them. If your pastor falls into that category, then it will be to his loss but it is not for us to judge. There are pastors who have not fallen prey to the delusions of Jezebel and they are standing along side of these truths. We must come to the irrefutable conclusion that as the remnant, we should not be subject to this power. The Elijah spirit that is taking on the Jezebel spirit is coming forth with another power, that of the “Spirit saith the Lord” kind of power that will knock Jezebel out of her exalted perch and bring her down to the level that she is destined to fall into, along with Babylon.
It is the Jezebel spirit that has seduced our present generation to commit fornication, whether sexual or political, to deny the prophets and has allowed the spirit in the mainstream, justifying it according to the mores of the times. Those under her spell think it is overlooked by God. We need to pray for these ones that the Jezebel spirit is overcome so that they will see the truth. There are loved ones involved that need to be restored, churches that need the prophetic truth, there are millions right around you just waiting to hear this truth and submit themselves to true spiritual authority so that they may be delivered. Now you know, the trumpet is at your lips, sound the alarm.
[294, I Kings 16, 19, 21, II Kings 9, 10, Revelation 2, 298, 378, 398, 338, Jezebel was a topic of the latter rain list end-time discussions]April 13, 2006 at 8:14 pm#12711NickHassan
ParticipantThank you sandra,
Good pointsApril 17, 2006 at 5:57 am#12811david
ParticipantHey T8, I'm wondering when your new group DIVISIONS will begin?
T8, here are some things we either glossed over or that I would like to discuss futher:
Mar 24Quote Most christians when they find out that you are a christian, they ask “what church do you go to”? Then they judge you immediately by reason of your answer. THIS CREATES DIVISION RIGHT AWAY. BUT IF CHRIST HAD HIS WAY such foolish thinking would be put away.
((First, as a side note, I'd like to say that your words I just quoted go directly against the idea what this poll intends to do.))But, what I wanted to quote was Christ's words:
“Do you think I came to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but division.” (LUKE 12:51 (New International Version)So despite your words, a true Christian should not mind being divided from those who are not truly Christians.
Mar 24
Quote The point is david, that every Christian who is patriotic and supportive of a denomination is really supporting division of the Body of Christ. Such a man is doing a dis-service to Christ as he willed that we be in unity and under one name, True Christians are united. But should they be united with false Christians. There are weeds and wheat. There are many saying “lord, lord.” There are many who teach and believe false things. There are many who have deplorable actions. Are the wheat of Jesus illustration to be one big happy family with the weeds?
Mar 25
I asked you if you would consider a trinitarian to be a believer.Quote Yes I would if it wasn't the foundation of their faith.
You can still be on the true foundation and have incorrect doctrine and concepts. But if you are sitting on a different foundation then I certainly cannot pretend that such a person is on the true foundation.Should not your foundation of faith be built on the solid truth of God’s Word? Are not Jesus and God central to your foundation of faith? I wonder how the very question of “who God is” or “who Jesus is” couldn’t be part of the foundation of faith.
I also wonder which foundation you refer to that some have and others don’t that allow you to consider them “believers”? Are there any who claim to be Christians who do not claim to believe in and follow Christ?I asked Nick if he considered trinitarians to be believers. I believe he remains unsure.
“Do not become unevenly yoked with unbelievers. . . .what portion does a faithful person have with an unbeliever?”April 17, 2006 at 1:58 pm#12812k.turpin
ParticipantKeep the groups as they are. If anyone was in a denomination they can go on their own denomination sponsered website. Most are here because they do not fully agree with any denomination, and are looking for insight wherever it comes from. It is interesting that the majority tends to be voting for adding groups but when you read everyone elses explanations as to why ,they are mostly absent.
April 18, 2006 at 9:41 am#12832Proclaimer
ParticipantHi david,
I agree that unity is with the brethren. I have never suggested otherwise. I have taught that true believers can believe in false doctrine or can be ignorant of certain things. We see examples of this throughout scripture with the apostles. But true believers are on a journey of truth. In time all things are revealed to them by the Spirit. But not all things are shown them immediately. It is a process of discovery. As we seek we find.
Those who teach false doctrine are false teachers, however non-foundational doctrines that are taught that may be incorrect are not necessarily damning, but repentance would be in order when such a person realises they have taught falsley. I am not so ignorant to say that true teachers are perfect.
Your quote:
Quote Hey T8, I'm wondering when your new group DIVISIONS will begin? Your words above are somewhat misleading. I never said that we should create divisions, I suggested the possibility of those who preach the gospel of their denomination to wear the label that they represent. I never suggested that this was necessarily what should happen, rather I created a discussion about it. After hearing what others said, I think that what Cubes said was good. She suggested that those who belong to a denomination and wear that label may be less likely to open themselves to things outside of their prison because it may be considered a bad witness for the group they represent. That made sense to me, even though I can also see the benefit of putting all things out in the open including what denomination one bats for.
As it stands now, I can see that it is about a 50 50 vote and that wouldn't be enough for me to change the grouping system. If it was say 70 30, then perhaps.
Your other comment regarding the true division that we the Church should not be united with those who are not the Church is correct and I have taught such things many times. However I would of course absolutely deny your belief that the Jehovah Witnesses is the only true Church. Rather I say that the Church is made up of people from all over the world and they are not all represented in any one denomination. Infact to believe that is to show one's blindness.
April 18, 2006 at 10:27 am#12833Proclaimer
ParticipantThe day that We/I prayed I was also moving house. A friend of mine who helped me asked me if I still disbelieved in the Trinity doctrine. He heard of my stance some years ago. I said absolutely I do not believe in that doctrine. After some discussion he confessed to me that he talked about this with a friend of his who is a bit of a Greek scholar. They concluded that the Trinity doctrine was not absolutely correct and had flaws. I then asked him the obvious, saying “why do you willing believe in a flawed doctrine”? His reply was quite interesting. He said “whether I like it or not, it is the best thing we have”.
To me it somewhat puzzles me the degree that some will build idols, even knowing that it is not God or even an accurate representation of God.
After praying more it seemed clear that God wanted us/me to persist with the truth and to continue to preach the truth. It seems to me that it is important that the truth be known and the foundation be known before asking men to build anything. (For there is no point in building with others, if they don't even know what the foundation is.)
Another person who helped me shift is a very close friend and dear brother in Christ, who spoke to me about the treatment he gets from a certain pastor in Wellington New Zealand. It was funny because this pastor steered clear of him as much as he could and that seemed to be my experience with him too. It appeared to me that God was showing me that such men do not consider doctrine to be that important. Even their ministry as pastors was not really focussed on doctrine. But I believe that God was showing me that he is raising up and has raised up apostles who will govern his Church and steer the Church with the doctrine of Christ. To me it seemed important to continue the good fight and to show all believers what they are to believe.
I believe that God was showing me that men will initially reject us as thay have done already and treat us with great suspicion because we go against that which has been accepted. What I mean by 'us' is an army of believers who are part of the Church and are willing to die for the truth and love of God. He showed me that such people are being and will continue to be rejected. But after some time, strongholds will give way under the pressure that these saints faith will apply. Beyond that I see a time of choice because God will destroy that which his people have prayed for day and night. Believers who were leaning on that which men built will fall over. But God will lead us to put our hands out to them.
Just as God led Moses to set his people free from the Egyptians, God will raise up many like Moses to lead his people to the promised land called “unity of the brethren”. But from these same people who were set free, will come men who want to go back and be enslaved for they feel security in their slavery. Some will miss the prestige that had. But such men are led by their carnal nature and some will appose us to the end. They will seek to rejoin and even rebuild that which God has destroyed with his own hands. These people will in the end have to choose God's way or the worlds way because their so-called way will fail them.
It seems to me that God turns a blind eye at times as he prepares us. But once he prepares us, he expects more from us.
During this time, I believe that God is saying that we remain humble and to not seek any self glory. For the glory of YHWH will be the only glory and we who serve him must reflect his glory. This can only be, if we are selfless and our hearts are set on HIM. From such glory, men cannot deny and those who are suspicious of us, will see the glory of YHWH in us, only because we have forsaken ourselves and served Christ, so that Christ in us is the hope of glory.
For such people, God will be able to work to the degree that God will be in us, just as he was in Christ Jesus or Lord.
For now I believe that we remain strong and build up each other in the love and truth of God. We must also acknowledge those who are of God and those who are not. This will seem hard in the natural to understand, but God will show us in our hearts the wheat and the tares. For we have grown side by side and harvest is not too far away. We will know each other for what we love and by our reaction to truth.
Simply put I believe God was saying to me that we are to remain like a rock. We are to persist like a storm. We are to be transparent like fresh water. And to burn like a fire. For God has seen to it that there is plenty of fuel for us and what is it if he strikes the match.
April 19, 2006 at 2:03 am#12839david
ParticipantQuote I think that what Cubes said was good. She suggested
Cubes is a girl?April 19, 2006 at 4:23 am#12840kenrch
ParticipantQuote (sandra @ April 13 2006,18:10) I prayed, and this week the Lord revealed to me that this is the Church of Thyatira!
Praise God sandra! We have come out of her and now we need to call others to come out!April 20, 2006 at 11:31 pm#12885Cubes
ParticipantQuote (david @ April 19 2006,03:03) Quote I think that what Cubes said was good. She suggested
Cubes is a girl?
Yep, David.April 21, 2006 at 12:08 am#12886Cubes
ParticipantQuote (kenrch @ April 11 2006,04:31) Quote (Cubes @ April 10 2006,03:05) Quote (Nick Hassan @ April 09 2006,21:16) Hi all,
What has the Lord revealed?
I prayed, but felt more like the apostles who could not tarry one hour with the Lord, ashamed to say! My mind was unruly, all over the place … so I prayed intermittently through the course of the day, growing more focused towards the end of the day and feeling encouraged and blessed by the knowledge that there were others around the world praying with me as well.As to what was revealed, I only know that it leaves me wanting to have more corporate prayer times like that and I look forward to the next one. This could be considered a warm up.
Also Psalm 133 came to mind:
Behold, how good and how pleasant it is
For brethren to dwell together in unity!2 It is like the precious oil upon the head,
Running down on the beard,
The beard of Aaron,
Running down on the edge of his garments.
3 It is like the dew of Hermon,
Descending upon the mountains of Zion;
For there the Lord commanded the blessing–
Life forevermore.
cubes,Exactly! I ended up on another forum and like you said my thoughts were going back and forth to the pray meeting.
I believe we should try more. I KNOW Satan doesn't want people all around the world praying at the same time. If you were he would you?
Lets continue to use the net but even more in this way.
Everyone can join in, what day it is doesn't matter. The only thing is that we are all awake and praying together. I'm willing to be up at anytime to pray.
Hi Kenrch and all:I agree, let's do it again. I shall follow the current schedule of praying on Saturdays (U.S. TIME) as often as possible believing that those who are able would join me. I mention it only for that purpose: I am sure we pray quite apart from this schedule but this hopefully would be a time when we can know that we are united together in prayer …whoever is able to join in. If for whatever reason one is unable to, it's ok too, next week or the week after that…. How's that?
At this point, I shall primarily be praying the Lord's prayer which is a prayer that addresses our needs:
Matt 6:7 And when you pray, do not use vain repetitions as the heathen do. For they think that they will be heard for their many words.
8 “Therefore do not be like them. For your Father knows the things you have need of before you ask Him. 9 In this manner, therefore, pray:Our Father in heaven,
Hallowed be Your name.
10 Your kingdom come.
Your will be done
On earth as it is in heaven.
11 Give us this day our daily bread.
12 And forgive us our debts,
As we forgive our debtors.
13 And do not lead us into temptation,
But deliver us from the evil one.
*For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.14 “For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. 15 But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.
April 21, 2006 at 12:39 am#12887Cubes
ParticipantQuote (t8 @ April 18 2006,11:27) It seems to me that God turns a blind eye at times as he prepares us. But once he prepares us, he expects more from us. During this time, I believe that God is saying that we remain humble and to not seek any self glory. For the glory of YHWH will be the only glory and we who serve him must reflect his glory. This can only be, if we are selfless and our hearts are set on HIM. From such glory, men cannot deny and those who are suspicious of us, will see the glory of YHWH in us, only because we have forsaken ourselves and served Christ, so that Christ in us is the hope of glory.
For such people, God will be able to work to the degree that God will be in us, just as he was in Christ Jesus or Lord.
For now I believe that we remain strong and build up each other in the love and truth of God. We must also acknowledge those who are of God and those who are not. This will seem hard in the natural to understand, but God will show us in our hearts the wheat and the tares. For we have grown side by side and harvest is not too far away. We will know each other for what we love and by our reaction to truth.
Simply put I believe God was saying to me that we are to remain like a rock. We are to persist like a storm. We are to be transparent like fresh water. And to burn like a fire. For God has seen to it that there is plenty of fuel for us and what is it if he strikes the match.
Amen, t8!April 21, 2006 at 8:49 am#12890Proclaimer
ParticipantQuote (Cubes @ April 21 2006,20:08) Hi Kenrch and all: I agree, let's do it again. I shall follow the current schedule of praying on Saturdays (U.S. TIME) as often as possible believing that those who are able would join me. I mention it only for that purpose: I am sure we pray quite apart from this schedule but this hopefully would be a time when we can know that we are united together in prayer …whoever is able to join in. If for whatever reason one is unable to, it's ok too, next week or the week after that…. How's that?
GreatI will pray on Sunday NZ time.
April 25, 2006 at 2:16 am#12914kenrch
ParticipantHi everyone,
How about we pray that we would all be one as Jesus and the Father are one (John 17:11). This is certainly in His will!
One body one LORD!
Praise HIS Holy Name!
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