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  • #210369

    Thanks, that was the one I was looking for. I believe there is more to it then we even begin to understand. Personally I believe that the denominations were used of God even with their errors (actually it was mostly using His people in the denominations) but, more and more over time the denominations take even the truths they do have and make them into religious practice, depriving them of life. Eventually they will be given over totally to Babylonian thoughts forsaking all truth. It is at that point I believe God may call His people out but it probably more likely that we will be expelled. I also believe there will be a call from God for His people to physically remove themselves from an area which will have become the headquarters for this whore.

    Just my opinion, Wm


    I agree.

    God used King David and Israel just as he uses the men that denominations promote. But just as Israel went into captivity, so has the Church.

    But God raised up Moses to set them free from the oppression, but he did it when their hearts cried out to him.

    Maybe God is waiting for his people to cry out to him. But they may not be aware of their captivity in this case.

    Israel was a physical representation of the Church which is spiritual. So the Church's captivity may not be as obvious to people as Israels was.


    Hi t8,
    Yes and I think that human insecurity and fear of failure and rejection encourages people to follow anyone, any religious leader or system, rather than their own commonsense. But following blind leaders only leads to the ditch they are about to fall into.
    There is to group entry to the wedding feast.
    We must all be reborn into the Son.
    We must drink water from our own cisterns.

    Prov 5
    ' 15Drink waters out of thine own cistern, and running waters out of thine own well. “




    I dont belong to any denominational church so where would I come under? btw I havent read all the posts in this thread, only the first page.

    And I agree with MrBob. So I vote No.


    You wouldn't belong to a denomination group in that case, it would be assumed you were part of the Body of Christ/Church.

    This idea was proposed so that those who come here representing groups would be brought out in the light, exposing their motives. Of course it would be assumed that members who belonged to such groups would want this as it is usually the purpose for which they come here in the first place, i.e., to promote certain organisations.

    However even though some come here for the sole purpose of spamming or promoting their denomination/cult, I too am not convinced that it would be a good idea.

    The vote seems evenly split, so it doesn't appear to be overwhelmingly popular.


    You wouldn't belong to a denomination group in that case, it would be assumed you were part of the Body of Christ/Church.

    Just out of curiosity, T8, could you give a list of all who belong to the body of Christ on this site.


    Quote (david @ Feb. 28 2007,02:14)

    You wouldn't belong to a denomination group in that case, it would be assumed you were part of the Body of Christ/Church.

    Just out of curiosity, T8, could you give a list of all who belong to the body of Christ on this site.

    Hi david.

    Go to the member section of this website, set it to view 500 members at a time and then minus all those who do not have God's spirit dwelling in them.

    God knows who his people are and I am sure that some do not belong to a denomination and some do.

    We know them by their fruits of course, but in cyberspace all we have to go on is what they say.


    Go to the member section of this website, set it to view 500 members at a time and then minus all those who do not have God's spirit dwelling in them.

    I often forget that it's not just you, me, and a few others on here. How many people actually view this site without posting, do you think?


    Go to the member section of this website, set it to view 500 members at a time and then minus all those who do not have God's spirit dwelling in them.

    So, you want me to look at a name and somehow figure out if they have “God's spirit dwelling in them” and can then, as I suspect you believe “be assumed [they] were part of the Body of Christ/Church.”

    Is that how you do it?

    We know them by their fruits of course, but in cyberspace all we have to go on is what they say.

    I'm guessing you go by what people say, then.

    It' just, that before you said: You wouldn't belong to a denomination group in that case, it would be assumed you were part of the Body of Christ/Church.
    making it seem like if you are organized in your worship you cannot possibly be of the body of Christ, whereas, if you do not belong to a denomination, we might as well assume that you are part of the body of Christ.


    To david.

    Quote (david @ Feb. 28 2007,03:40)
    So, you want me to look at a name and somehow figure out if they have “God's spirit dwelling in them” and can then, as I suspect you believe “be assumed [they] were part of the Body of Christ/Church.”

    You asked “How many belong to the body of Christ here”.

    I gave you one method that could work that out.

    I didn't really expect you to be able to answer this as much as you should expect me to be able to answer it.

    So how many in board belong to the Body of Christ david?

    Please show your workings below your answer so we can observe how you came to your answer.

    BTW, this question is worth 5 points.

    You have 5 minutes staring from now…



    Quote (david @ Feb. 28 2007,03:34)

    Go to the member section of this website, set it to view 500 members at a time and then minus all those who do not have God's spirit dwelling in them.

    I often forget that it's not just you, me, and a few others on here. How many people actually view this site without posting, do you think?

    It might be possible to come to some sort of figure when posts and views are compared. Think about how many times you view posts compared to replying to them (although a reply would also count as a view). If your viewing and posting habits represent a reasonable average for other posting members, then you could come to a loose figure by counting the left over views minus the posts.

    Too many variables probably.


    So how many in board belong to the Body of Christ david?

    It is you who I had thought said that if someone didn't belong to a denomination, it would be assumed that they are of the body of Christ. So, I took it you knew. Why do you try to turn this around to me. You stated it. I thought you were half joking when you mentioned the 500 statement, but when you first said that it would be assumed that anyone who didn't belong to a denomination was of the body of Christ, I took you seriously.

    Too many variables probably.

    Ok, I thought you might know.


    Quote (david @ Feb. 28 2007,20:27)
    It is you who I had thought said that if someone didn't belong to a denomination, it would be assumed that they are of the body of Christ. So, I took it you knew. Why do you try to turn this around to me. You stated it. I thought you were half joking when you mentioned the 500 statement, but when you first said that it would be assumed that anyone who didn't belong to a denomination was of the body of Christ, I took you seriously.

    If people come here preaching their denomination, then they are preaching in that name and they shouldn't mind when they are identified in that name. If someone comes here not under any name but the name of Jesus, then they would remain as members and it would be assumed that their stance was they were part of the Body of Christ. Obviously at that point they would give away their true position with their following posts and if it turned out they were an undercover Mormon for example, then their member group could be changed appropriately.

    This idea would work if there were member groups to cater for all the other possibilites, such as 'Atheists' , 'Other religions', 'Misc Christian Denominations', etc.


    If people come here preaching their denomination, then they are preaching in that name

    “All the peoples, for their part, will walk each one in the name of its god; but we, for our part, shall walk in the name of Jehovah our God to time indefinite, even forever.”—Micah 4:5.

    If someone comes here not under any name but the name of Jesus, then they would remain as members and it would be assumed that their stance was they were part of the Body of Christ.

    MALACHI 3:16
    “And a book of remembrance began to be written up before him for those in fear of Jehovah and for those thinking upon his name.”

    ISAIAH 43:1,7
    “And now this is what Jehovah has said . . . .everyone that is called by my name and that I have created for my own glory, that I have formed, yes, that I have made.’”


    So david, are you saying that the JWs are the closest organisation to the Body of Christ on earth, or are you saying they are the exclusive organisation, or the most knowledgeable part of the body?

    Just exactly what are you driving at?


    Hi david,
    If it is the body of Christ we should all join, but that body seems to have limited functions and does not abide in the Word. If it is not the body then do not take it too seriously as it cannot save you and has no authority over you except that which you give to it, and you will have to be personally established in the kingdom.


    Hi david
    I have given up trying to show others, God is not a trinity. It is no diferent then
    trying to prove creation to an evolutionist; or arguing over politics. People that
    have made up their minds, don't want to be confused with facts.
    What every one has to do is forget denominations and traditional doctrine, and
    only go by what the bible teaches, not by what men say it teaches. If you were
    born in America you learned to speak english, had you been born in Russia you
    would have learned to speak russian; it's no diferent when it comes to religion,
    we believe what we learned when we grew up; and to many of us will defend
    their believes, not nessessarly the truth.
    We try to prove we are right by searching for scriptures that seem to prove
    our believes, even if we have to add or bend a little, or atleast assume.
    We have to be first honest to ourselves, without bias, and let Gods Holy Spirit
    guide us and not our egos.
    Belonging to a denomination is only good if you all agree. My Pastor said to me;
    “let's agree, that we disagree”, without further discussion, so I left. I feel now
    unhindered to do my own studying.
    I agree with “Woutlaw”, denomination does mean divide, that's why there are so
    many of them. My charge is, religion has becone a business, and preaching a


    Quote (MrBob @ Mar. 21 2006,03:08)
    I beleive making member groups by denominations would cause further separation. For example, if someone was reading a post, that person could just look at the poster's denomination and close his mind to everything the post would have to say.

    So I vote No.

    I voted yes for the opposite reason (go figure – ha).

    For example, if I saw a post from a Catholic, I wouldn't close my mind to what they are saying…..I would perk-up my ears because I find that church interesting.

    Also, if I was looking for support from a fellow believer (same denomination), then I could seek that brother or sister out.

    There are divisions here already; there always will be. To some degree that is WHY we are here… debate and learn. How can you debate someone who has the same belief as you (that would be boring). Or how can you learn if someone is sharing something you are always hearing at church or from your immediate circle? Just my little vote's worth. :)


    Hi IM,
    The whore in Rev 17-18
    wears Purple [Religion]
    and Red [Man]
    Ther is non Blue relating to God.

    Godless human religion controlling the politics and the peoples of the whole world.

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