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- March 19, 2006 at 1:19 am#210133
ParticipantWould a grouping system that represented a persons denomination be a good idea? E.g., JWs, Christadelphians, Catholic, no denomination, etc. At the moment all are in the members group, apart from admins, and a couple of other exceptions.
One advantage of this would be that a person would be able to recognise where the others are coming from. I would also assume that a person who belongs to a denomination would be OK and not ashamed to be in that group.
A disadvantage could be that it turns into some kind of competition. But I think that this exists already to some degree.
Currently I think that new members can be confused and think that this BBS is run by the JWs or Christadelphians which it most certainly is not.
I know that it is not good for believers to say I follow Paul, and I follow Apollos, but the reality is that most believers do this very thing. So rather than trying to hide it, would it be better to put it out in the open and represent it the way it is?
March 19, 2006 at 5:47 am#210134david
ParticipantHey t8.
I think most everyone who regularly come on here know who everyone else is. I do understand that new ones would perhaps be confused because of me as I tend to post a lot and do not represent this forum. I realize that I post a lot on here and am trying to do less, but I love discussing the Bible with anyone who will talk and I find myself somewhat addicted to it.
I like people knowing I witness about Jehovah, but at the same time, it tends to run the conversation in several different directions not related to the topic at hand. And this is frustrating. (If we are discussing the trinity and you believe it is true, show me from the Bible–don't say: “You're a Witness, so you're crazy and wrong about everything.”) I would much rather look at scripture than sort through the lies, and misrepresentations thrown at me.
I see several people have viewed this, but not responded.
How would this grouping work exactly? Would our grouping just appear with our avatar and name when we post?david.
March 20, 2006 at 4:08 pm#210135MrBob
ParticipantI beleive making member groups by denominations would cause further separation. For example, if someone was reading a post, that person could just look at the poster's denomination and close his mind to everything the post would have to say.
So I vote No.
March 20, 2006 at 6:37 pm#210136david
ParticipantActually, what MrBob just said makes perfect sense to me. Being recognized, I've had the door slamed in my face often without getting a chance to even show them that I have a Bible in my hand, much less look at it. People do tend to close their minds.
March 20, 2006 at 8:30 pm#210137kenrch
ParticipantQuote (david @ Mar. 20 2006,18:37) Actually, what MrBob just said makes perfect sense to me. Being recognized, I've had the door slamed in my face often without getting a chance to even show them that I have a Bible in my hand, much less look at it. People do tend to close their minds.
On the other hand this is about truth reaching those who have an ear. Those who don't exactly adhere to their denomination's “rules”. Some were brought up in their denomination and know nothing of Christ!It's like trying a spice, you have to taste it!
I voted yes,
March 21, 2006 at 4:14 am#210138Cubes
ParticipantHi t8 and all,
Adding to what MrBob and David said, I feel that some would feel pressured (even if subconsciously) to remain conformed to their particular denomination, out of loyalty to that group, not necessarily to the word of God. I think this has been the case: why else would some denominations adopt a tradition of say sprinkling with water rather than biblical baptism when it is plain that Jesus and others were baptized by immersion? That's just one example, and I have not heard members of those groups protesting because, “that's-the-way-we-do-it-at-our-church” kind of thing.
On the other hand, it could be helpful for groups to realize that members of their own groups share similar doctrinal concerns as they… though I think it is more likely that people would…what's the word, exert pressure on the questioner as to make him/her feel as an outcast, than to say hey, you know, I've always had a problem with that tradition too and find it unbiblical.
For this reason, I vote no.
March 21, 2006 at 12:01 pm#210139seekingtruth
ParticipantFor my part I attend a local assembly that best fits my beliefs but, there are some fairly major differences between their doctrine and what I believe. I believe that a local “church” is defined by God as a locality (a region). In other words all true believers within my town make up the church. It is not any “denomination” as I believe but that the true believers are spread through all denominations to bring light to the darkness. The problem, as I see it, is that those with different gifts are not being fitly joined together with the others in their area (something I believe God will change before the end).
It is also my belief that denominations were for the most part started by individuals who were given a “truth” which they then turned around and started yet another faction within the body (and brought varying amounts of sound doctrine with them). I believe that individuals with gifts that tend to align with that “denominations truth” are drawn to that “church”.
So I voted yes because I assume that most truth seekers do not buy into the “party line” and as far as I know there are no perfect denominations. I just find it interesting and it helps me to better understand where a person is coming from.
One last thing I would like to thank T8 for his part in the admin. of this forum. He takes a lot of flack and whether you agree with him or not we would not be even having this discussion without his efforts. Be encouraged T8 you may get mostly condemnation here but there is One who is faithful and will reward you someday, keep the faith.
Your brother in Christ
March 21, 2006 at 6:25 pm#210140Woutlaw
ParticipantI don't know why we are even having this conversation. denominations are wrong. In John 17:21, Jesus prayed that we may be one as he and his father are one. Jesus and his Father are perfectly united, we should be the same way. Denominations don't unite anyone. The root word for denomination means “divide”. Last time I checked “divide” is the opposite of “unity”. We need to quit “sugar coating” things and call them for what they are.
March 22, 2006 at 2:45 am#210141sandra
ParticipantAlmost three years ago, the Lord spoke to me and said ,” You shall leave this behind you”, this meaning attending a denominational church. This has been difficult because I miss the praise and worship but, I realize that I would be giving up the truth to continue attending. I see how I never questioned church doctrine, never researched what was being preached. I attended several denominations, in my 23 years as a born again christian and learned a great deal and also dealt with alot of confusion amidst denominations. Please do not preach your denomination.
March 22, 2006 at 4:24 am#210142Woutlaw
Participantwelcome Sandra
March 22, 2006 at 5:48 pm#210143OneoftheLordsGenerals
ParticipantReligion and denominations are manmade. Man made religion because he wanted to feel pious. Man made denomination, because what the church was teaching at the time didn't suit him. In some cases it was actually good that someone broke from the church(the church of four walls/roof).
But in all reality their should be no denominations, their should be unity in the Body of Christ(true believers/not those seeking religion but seeking after God[Trinity in unity]). I don't wanna hear the arguements from anyone saying,' God isn't tri-une', because what you would have to say we have already discussed.March 22, 2006 at 7:32 pm#210144seekingtruth
It's good to see you're still here. I want to appoligize if I offended you in some of the other posts it was not my intent. We do disagree, but I believe you love God. I'm in total agreement that religon and denominations are of man and we are to be of one mind. But do we have to agree on every point to be of one mind, or is it our desire to know and please God by having love for one another that brings true unity. Not that there aren't beliefs that should exclude you from being accepted even ones dressed up to appear to be part of the “Lord's way”. Personally I do not believe that just because a person believes in the trinity he is excluded from the Kingdom. I attend an Assembly of God “church” and worship with many who love the Lord but believe in the trinity (as I did for over 20 years). I believe we need to leave room for God to work in a person's life. I desire to find truth and have an open mind , Let us pray for each other.March 23, 2006 at 2:34 am#210145kenrch
ParticipantThere's one thing I know. I wished someone would have pulled me out of that, no THOSES denominations that I went through to reach the truth that was there all the time.
I know that even in the denominations I had doubts of what they were teaching. But no one said “hey did you know this” the very thing I was doubtful of.
If we had a building where we meat once a week; would we lock the doors and say believers only. I don't think that's letting your light shine.
Where are the ones that God is calling to go! To another denomination with a small piece of truth.
What would Jesus and the apostles do? If we were in their time would we say “NO Gentiles”.
It's clear everyone gets the chance to be born again!
Joh 1:12 But as many as received him, to them gave he the right to become children of God, even to them that believe on his name:
Are we to feed the children and share the truth or just wallow in the truth hideing it from believers that have a foundation but need a builder to help build the house that God wants.
What's the problem? We don't want the trouble of sifting the harvest! May I remind you that it is through “many” trials and tribulation that we enter the Kingdom of God.
Here's a flash! It's harvest time and the labours are few! And so is the time.
May be we should read Acts chapter fifteen.kenrch
March 23, 2006 at 2:57 am#210146Woutlaw
I believe that there is some truth in all denominations. I just don't believe denominations are God's desire for his Church. Now I personally don't agree with the Trinity, Oneness, Ditheist, Binitarian, Tritheist doctrines that are being taught. I don't believe that water baptism is just an outward sign of inward grace. I don't believe that the miraculous gifts of the Holy Spirit have ceased. But at the same time I don't condemn people who don't agree with me. I have no right to judge anyone. That job belongs to the Lord Jesus, not me. If someone believes that “bobo” the chimp or a trash can with a cape on it is their God, they have a right to believe what they want!!
Just my 2 cents
March 23, 2006 at 5:00 am#210147seekingtruth
ParticipantWe are told to not forsake the assembly of ourselves together. To a small extent I believe we fulfill this by coming together on this site but I still believe we should come together with other believers within our town. So even though I do not fully agree with any of the “churches” in my area, I still attend weekly.
I usually do not jump to conclusions about people from different denominations as I have found true brothers in many of them. We are separated by denominations only when we can't see a brother or sister because of it but, the same can be said of things we can't do anything about such as age, race, etc.
We are all at various levels of finding truth and at some point in each of our pasts we had a very limited amount of it. God was patient with me and I try to be patient with others and it may be me that needs to open my eyes.
March 23, 2006 at 6:38 am#210148Proclaimer
ParticipantQuote (Woutlaw @ Mar. 22 2006,13:25) I don't know why we are even having this conversation. denominations are wrong. In John 17:21, Jesus prayed that we may be one as he and his father are one. Jesus and his Father are perfectly united, we should be the same way. Denominations don't unite anyone. The root word for denomination means “divide”. Last time I checked “divide” is the opposite of “unity”. We need to quit “sugar coating” things and call them for what they are.
I totally agree Woutlaw,However I do see that there are those who preach the gospel of their denomination and those who are free to preach the true gospel.
I thought that if a person uses this BBS to promote denominational teaching, then belonging to a group that reflects that and makes it more obvious why they teach the way they do.
On the other hand I can also see that some may have a good teaching, but be judged by their denominational code.
However I think that if someone belongs to a denomination, then they have handed their faith over to those who run that denomination to interpret scripture for them, so they become representitives of the denomination itself. So belonging to a denominational group reflects what is really going on.
This wasn't meant to be a unity move, rather a division and a truthful acknowledgment of what people here represent. There are those who are free to be led by the Spirit and others who are lead by their denomination.
I personally am not united with any denomination rather those who are filled with the Spirit of God and are led into truth by the God's Spirit.
When people visit this BBS, they first need to wade through all kinds of teachings that are not necessarily what many hold to here. Denominational groups makes it easier for new comers when figuring out what people here represent.
March 23, 2006 at 6:52 am#210149Proclaimer
ParticipantQuote (seekingtruth @ Mar. 24 2006,00:00) We are told to not forsake the assembly of ourselves together. To a small extent I believe we fulfill this by coming together on this site but I still believe we should come together with other believers within our town. So even though I do not fully agree with any of the “churches” in my area, I still attend weekly. I usually do not jump to conclusions about people from different denominations as I have found true brothers in many of them. We are separated by denominations only when we can't see a brother or sister because of it but, the same can be said of things we can't do anything about such as age, race, etc.
We are all at various levels of finding truth and at some point in each of our pasts we had a very limited amount of it. God was patient with me and I try to be patient with others and it may be me that needs to open my eyes.
Hi seekingtruth,Speaking of Babylon, we are told to come out of her. However that also means that God's people are inside Babylon too.
I would rather see through someone's denomination and look at the heart, however the heart of some is in reality the denomination itself. If a person chooses to speak as a JW, Catholic, or Christadelphian, as opposed to speaking from experience and revelation from God, then they would proud to represent their denomination. If a man speaks from experience and revelation but also fellowships at a denomination, then that is completely different.
I can fellowship with the latter because their faith is genuine and not a product provided by a denominational service.
I use to fellowship at a Vineyard and I fellowshipped with many there and still do. But some were so institutionalised that they had no real faith of their own.
I also consider myself free to fellowship anywhere and anytime. If God leads me to fellowship at Vineyard then so be it. But recognising those who are of God and those who are of the world is important.
Not all who go to a denomination are true believers and not all believers belong to a denomination. Believers are scattered all over the place and can sometimes be found in the most unlikely places.
March 23, 2006 at 7:06 am#210150Proclaimer
ParticipantQuote (sandra @ Mar. 22 2006,21:45) Almost three years ago, the Lord spoke to me and said ,” You shall leave this behind you”, this meaning attending a denominational church. This has been difficult because I miss the praise and worship but, I realize that I would be giving up the truth to continue attending. I see how I never questioned church doctrine, never researched what was being preached. I attended several denominations, in my 23 years as a born again christian and learned a great deal and also dealt with alot of confusion amidst denominations. Please do not preach your denomination.
Thx sandra,Amen to that.
March 23, 2006 at 10:41 pm#210132Woutlaw
Participant“Not all who go to a denomination are true believers and not all believers belong to a denomination. Believers are scattered all over the place and can sometimes be found in the most unlikely places.”
Amen to that T8
March 24, 2006 at 12:37 am#210131kenrch
ParticipantThe truth will outstand any lie. Give them the truth and leave the rest to God. If they are deliberrately disruptive then kick them out use the judgement God gave you.
1Co 2:14 Now the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him; and he cannot know them, because they are spiritually judged.
1Co 2:15 But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, and he himself is judged of no man.Be who you are!
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