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- October 7, 2007 at 12:32 pm#67757
ParticipantWhen Jesus was alive He exorcise a lot of people with demons. If somebody you know well starts “changing” by talking about bad things he is going to do: ex.: revenge. the most extreme kind of… and you know this person so well you know he is not capable of doing something like that but you see a lot of anger and evil in this person. Is it possible he has been possesed? What can I do? pray everynight so GOD has mercy and forgives him, so God “puts” or”makes” him see the light? He is very angry at GOD for some reason. How do I pray in case he is possesed? Or, is he emotionally disturbed?
October 7, 2007 at 1:47 pm#67761kenrch
ParticipantQuote (elaine1809 @ Oct. 08 2007,00:32) When Jesus was alive He exorcise a lot of people with demons. If somebody you know well starts “changing” by talking about bad things he is going to do: ex.: revenge. the most extreme kind of… and you know this person so well you know he is not capable of doing something like that but you see a lot of anger and evil in this person. Is it possible he has been possesed? What can I do? pray everynight so GOD has mercy and forgives him, so God “puts” or”makes” him see the light? He is very angry at GOD for some reason. How do I pray in case he is possesed? Or, is he emotionally disturbed?
Sounds like he is “O” pressed. That is he is listening to Satan. Take every thought “captive” this is important when serving the Lord.
Something happened, he sounds like “Why did God allow this?”
The big question Satan injects is WHY ME?If I were you I would fast and pray and touch him a lot
Don't “jump” on him! Just fast, pray, rebuke Satan and Touch him while you are in the Spirit
I PRAY that HE opens his eyes.
October 7, 2007 at 3:51 pm#67769942767
ParticipantQuote (elaine1809 @ Oct. 08 2007,00:32) When Jesus was alive He exorcise a lot of people with demons. If somebody you know well starts “changing” by talking about bad things he is going to do: ex.: revenge. the most extreme kind of… and you know this person so well you know he is not capable of doing something like that but you see a lot of anger and evil in this person. Is it possible he has been possesed? What can I do? pray everynight so GOD has mercy and forgives him, so God “puts” or”makes” him see the light? He is very angry at GOD for some reason. How do I pray in case he is possesed? Or, is he emotionally disturbed?
Hi Elaine:First, pray and I am praying with you that God will direct you in how you should handle this situation.
Will this person talk to you about what is making him/her angry? If so, it would seem that this would be a starting point. And then, finding this out you may be able to reason with the person.
I hope this helps.
God Bless
October 8, 2007 at 5:02 am#67818michaels
Participantin the name of jesus in the name of jesus demons have to flee in the name of jesus in the name of jesus we have the victory. dont wory in the precious name of our savior we have all power over all princepalities in heaven and on earth. fast and pray and God will give you the wisdom of what to do!
October 8, 2007 at 5:48 am#67819Not3in1
ParticipantQuote (elaine1809 @ Oct. 08 2007,00:32) When Jesus was alive He exorcise a lot of people with demons. If somebody you know well starts “changing” by talking about bad things he is going to do: ex.: revenge. the most extreme kind of… and you know this person so well you know he is not capable of doing something like that but you see a lot of anger and evil in this person. Is it possible he has been possesed? What can I do? pray everynight so GOD has mercy and forgives him, so God “puts” or”makes” him see the light? He is very angry at GOD for some reason. How do I pray in case he is possesed? Or, is he emotionally disturbed?
Hi Elaine,I've actually had a bit of experience in this area. I used to work with an inner city drug re-hab center and there were a few demon possesions.
My main advice is to ask this person if you can pray for them! Be prepared to “hear” from the demon instead of the person (that is, if in fact they are possesed). If they are, and the demon actually speaks to you, you may take authority over it in Jesus name! However, I would not attempt this if you are not prayed-up yourself. You may want to ask for the blood of Jesus to cover you and your household. This is not something you should take on lightly. Also, if possible, ask another believer to go along with you when you pray.
There is an example in the Bible about the disciples trying to deliver a person from a demon and they were unable to do so. When they asked Jesus why they weren't able, Jesus told them that that certain demon took prayer and fasting. So, be prepared for all situations.
I've spoken to 3 demons in my lifetime. They were not very happy to be speaking with me. Two were immediately driven out of the person(s) and God received much glory from the individuals who were delivered. The third one had a right to be with the person and the person did not want it to leave. So I left!
This is a huge area of study and it takes much sensitivity to the Spirit. Oh, and also be prepared to be laughed at by those who have never spoken to a demon. Most Christians that I have chatted with about this subject do not really believe that they exist and possess people.
October 8, 2007 at 7:56 am#67824kenrch
ParticipantQuote (Not3in1 @ Oct. 08 2007,17:48) Quote (elaine1809 @ Oct. 08 2007,00:32) When Jesus was alive He exorcise a lot of people with demons. If somebody you know well starts “changing” by talking about bad things he is going to do: ex.: revenge. the most extreme kind of… and you know this person so well you know he is not capable of doing something like that but you see a lot of anger and evil in this person. Is it possible he has been possesed? What can I do? pray everynight so GOD has mercy and forgives him, so God “puts” or”makes” him see the light? He is very angry at GOD for some reason. How do I pray in case he is possesed? Or, is he emotionally disturbed?
Hi Elaine,I've actually had a bit of experience in this area. I used to work with an inner city drug re-hab center and there were a few demon possesions.
My main advice is to ask this person if you can pray for them! Be prepared to “hear” from the demon instead of the person (that is, if in fact they are possesed). If they are, and the demon actually speaks to you, you may take authority over it in Jesus name! However, I would not attempt this if you are not prayed-up yourself. You may want to ask for the blood of Jesus to cover you and your household. This is not something you should take on lightly. Also, if possible, ask another believer to go along with you when you pray.
There is an example in the Bible about the disciples trying to deliver a person from a demon and they were unable to do so. When they asked Jesus why they weren't able, Jesus told them that that certain demon took prayer and fasting. So, be prepared for all situations.
I've spoken to 3 demons in my lifetime. They were not very happy to be speaking with me. Two were immediately driven out of the person(s) and God received much glory from the individuals who were delivered. The third one had a right to be with the person and the person did not want it to leave. So I left!
This is a huge area of study and it takes much sensitivity to the Spirit. Oh, and also be prepared to be laughed at by those who have never spoken to a demon. Most Christians that I have chatted with about this subject do not really believe that they exist and possess people.
Mandy when you cast these demons out did the person Vomit?Everytime I wittnessed a demon being cast out the person always (for some reason) Vomited.
Their was a brother at a bible study who ask me to cast a demon out of him. So I prayed “told” the demon to leave and he vomited.
What is the difference between Oppressed and Possesed people?
Jesus warned Not to cast out a demon if that person doesn't want it out. Because the demon returns with several more and takes back it's home.
Mat 12:43 “When the unclean spirit has gone out of a person, it passes through waterless places seeking rest, but finds none.
Mat 12:44 Then it says, 'I will return to my house from which I came.' And when it comes, it finds the house empty, swept, and put in order.
Mat 12:45 Then it goes and brings with it seven other spirits more evil than itself, and they enter and dwell there, and the last state of that person is worse than the first. So also will it be with this evil generation.”So what do you think?
October 8, 2007 at 8:21 am#67826Stu
ParticipantQuote (elaine1809 @ Oct. 08 2007,00:32) When Jesus was alive He exorcise a lot of people with demons. If somebody you know well starts “changing” by talking about bad things he is going to do: ex.: revenge. the most extreme kind of… and you know this person so well you know he is not capable of doing something like that but you see a lot of anger and evil in this person. Is it possible he has been possesed? What can I do? pray everynight so GOD has mercy and forgives him, so God “puts” or”makes” him see the light? He is very angry at GOD for some reason. How do I pray in case he is possesed? Or, is he emotionally disturbed?
Hi Elaine1809How do you know that it is god that your aquaintance is angry with? I can understand that. If god existed, I'd be pretty angry with him as well.
The situation you describe sounds pretty frightening. I'll assume that Michael's extrordinary effort above has not worked? It sounds like the person needs to discuss his/her issues with a non-believer. Seriously.
October 8, 2007 at 2:46 pm#67834elaine1809
ParticipantThank you KEN,942,michaels, not3 I do appreciate you taking your time to talk to me. This person is my son He is 21 and when he was 13 something very very bad happened to him .I did not know until after he was 18. He finally told me. I know he must have a lot of anger and maybe regrets for what he had to do but at that moment it was life or dead for him. I feel in my heart that he hate shimself for it. And the worst part is that [this is my opinion only] I think he thinks he is damned that he already commited a mortal sin and he might as well live that way because he already done the worst. I raised my kids with Jehovas Witnesses[ I was raised as a catholic] but I came out of the Jehovas witnesses congregation about 4 years ago because I did not agree with all of their teachings and I found myself trying to “please” the 'eldres' more than Jehova. I feel closer to Jehova now that I study on my own with my family. But my son, who used to get on his knees everynight to pray until he was 13, changed and started using alcohol and marijuana [at that time i had no idea]. when he confessed to me at 18 what happened to him, I took it so hard , I only prayed and cry for about three months for Jehova to take the movie I had of him in that situation in my mind. that was all I saw since I got up in the morning.One morning I got up and I could not , in my mind go there again, it was like a miracle, I could not relive what happened to him in my mind! I thank GOD for doing that. Now I can attempt to deal with him. I went to theraphy for him and he went once but it did not work. a few years later he got together with an atheist woman that I know or at least I think has demon problems. they had a son last year. they split up but his actitude towards God is the same. I think she left him more confused and angry than ever. He hates her[she is out of our lifes thank God] we won join custody last month so we will get the baby half of the time and I will be able to try to raise him with GOD. But anyway, I have never done fasting, I always thought that it was not important or not done anymore. Please tell me about fasting and praying . I feel in my heart that I need to pray incesantly day and night to ask mercy for my son, and to ask Jehova to put it back in his heart to love HIM again like he did when he used to get on his knees and pray. I know I dont deserve for Jehova to do anything for me I am not good enough for that all I can do is find a way to please HIM and I already love HIM but i am so weak manytimes and dont do things right. I feel it is my fault that my son rebeled, I was so stupidly ignorant about so many things!!! I did not put Jehova first in my kids life , I was too concerned with this old world's worrys… Anyway thank you so much for your time Love Elaine
October 8, 2007 at 2:54 pm#67835elaine1809
ParticipantHi stu: I also appreciate you taking your time to talk to me. As you can appreciate I do believe in a GOD the only one there is, the one that gave you and me life. and you dont believe, that is your decision. I am sure there is nothing I can say that can change your mind so I wont waste your time. Thank you again for your post. You seem to be honestly trying to help and I appreciate that. Thank you
October 8, 2007 at 3:08 pm#67836elaine1809
ParticipantI know that you do not know my son I will tell you about him: He will give you without knowing you whatever he has if you ask for it. He is not selfish, He loves to help people he does not know. He got together with his ex[ the mother of his baby] and stayed with her as long as he emotionally could because she was going to have an abortion and he does not belive in abortion so he begged her to have the baby that he would take care of her and the baby, and he did, he felt sorry for her and he thought he could give her happiness. but she brought him deeper down than where he already was. I told him that would happened he of course did not listened to me. Now he is so full of hate for her[ she runned away wuth the baby, she is one of those that took ecxtasy every day for 6 months, before she met my son. She is crazy, hates everybody and she tells you on your face… she is awful.. I tried to help her but she was destroing trying to destroy my family. anyway, What I am trying to communicate to you is the nature of my son, he was a good person he loved Jehova , he does not love him now, he still good to everybody just not to himself. I think it is possible that demons are with him specially when he smokes pot and drinks to get drunk. What do you mean by DeMON opressed? Thank you again for your time, Love Elaine
October 8, 2007 at 4:42 pm#67841kenrch
ParticipantHe is Oppressed not possessed. This means an agent of Satan is injecting thoughts into his mind And he is listening instead of rebuking those thoughts.
It is sort of an depression. The prince of the power of the air.
Eph 2:2 in which you once walked, following the course of this world, following the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience–
Has he met JESUS? If not that's the place to start.
I pray that he seeks Jesus,
October 8, 2007 at 8:24 pm#67857Not3in1
ParticipantSister Elaine,
I just read your posts and I want to take some time to pray today about you and your son. I am very familiar with this area of ministry and I want to see if the LORD will tell me anything to share with you. I will come back this evening and post.Hi Ken,
There was no vomit, but much foaming at the mouth and spit! Also growling and teeth-clinching.October 8, 2007 at 10:08 pm#67867942767
ParticipantHi Elaine:
You say:
Quote This person is my son He is 21 and when he was 13 something very very bad happened to him .I did not know until after he was 18. He finally told me. I know he must have a lot of anger and maybe regrets for what he had to do but at that moment it was life or dead for him. Can you share with us what He did? My understanding is that there is no sin that unpardonable but blasphemy against the Holy Ghost.
You say:
Quote I know I dont deserve for Jehova to do anything for me I am not good enough for that all I can do is find a way to please HIM and I already love HIM but i am so weak manytimes and dont do things right. I feel it is my fault that my son rebeled, I was so stupidly ignorant about so many things!!! I did not put Jehova first in my kids life , I was too concerned with this old world's worrys… Elaine, God loves you and your son so much that gave His Only Begotten Son who wilfully suffered all that he did so that whoever desires to be reconciled can do so. If we have committed sin, we can be forgiven by coming to God through Jesus with a repentant heart. If you are not in right standing with God, you can be and can become God's child. If you are already a child of God, he said that he will do anything that you ask (yes you are good enough, He loves you). If you feel that you made a mistake, you are not alone in this. All of us make mistakes. Please try not to blame yourself. The best that we can hope to do is learn from our mistakes. Your son has a free will and must make the decision whether or not to serve God. We can pray that God will do everything in His power to save his soul, and God will do that. Meanwhile, you can live your life as an example for your husband and your children to see the love of God manifest through your life. Show and tell your son that you love him.
I'm praying for your and your family.
God Bless
October 9, 2007 at 1:05 am#67879elaine1809
ParticipantThank you guys You have no idea how relieved I am by telling you this and you giving me hope. I am afraid of saying here what happened to him because possible legal ramifications… and because I feel that I would be telling the whole world about his personal life. Anybody could read this post and maybe used against him. Thank you for your prayers tell me more about fasting and praying. I have never considered fasting before I thought it was something unnecessary and just of ancient customs. If I did not have GOD in my life I dont think I would have been able to handle this. I know Jehova wont allow me to carry more than what I can handle. HE gives me people like you to make things easier:)
October 9, 2007 at 4:27 am#67888kenrch
ParticipantQuote (Not3in1 @ Oct. 09 2007,08:24) Sister Elaine,
I just read your posts and I want to take some time to pray today about you and your son. I am very familiar with this area of ministry and I want to see if the LORD will tell me anything to share with you. I will come back this evening and post.Hi Ken,
There was no vomit, but much foaming at the mouth and spit! Also growling and teeth-clinching.
Hummm I wonder why they vomited? And that vomit stunk I mean REALLY stunk supper BAD!Gees foaming at the mouth and growling. Have you ever had a problem? Where the demon refused to come out I know the apostles did because they didn't fast.
Mat 17:16 -21
21 Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting.October 9, 2007 at 6:53 am#67898Not3in1
ParticipantI have responded to Elaine via email. I believe the Lord has shown me that her son is suffering from a spirit of self-hate. Not demon possession, but as Ken shared, oppression.
As for the vomitting, foaming, spitting, growling, convulsions – perhaps this is just the reaction of certain demons when they hear the name of JESUS. They know that when a child of God takes his or her position of authority – they are through – and they are not happy about it.
October 9, 2007 at 11:42 am#67912kenrch
ParticipantQuote (Not3in1 @ Oct. 09 2007,18:53) I have responded to Elaine via email. I believe the Lord has shown me that her son is suffering from a spirit of self-hate. Not demon possession, but as Ken shared, oppression. As for the vomitting, foaming, spitting, growling, convulsions – perhaps this is just the reaction of certain demons when they hear the name of JESUS. They know that when a child of God takes his or her position of authority – they are through – and they are not happy about it.
AMEN!October 9, 2007 at 4:08 pm#67925Not3in1
ParticipantHebrews 9:14
How much more, then, will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself unblemished to God, cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death, so that we may serve the living God!
October 10, 2007 at 12:08 am#67962Not3in1
ParticipantHi Elaine,
I have been thinking of you much and praying.
Here is a great passage on fasting – Matthew 6:16-18. My experience has been that when you fast, you are denying yourself as to focus on God. One time the disciples came to Jesus and told him he should eat, but Jesus told him that he had food to eat that they knew nothing about! We don't live by bread alone, but by every word of God.
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