Deceivers can come from among us

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    Fellow Brethren in Christ!   My Husband and I have not attended a Church for over 12 years now, because God has shown us that for instance the trinity is not according to Scripture. Since then we have grown into Christ, and God has shown us other truths. My Husband has written 2 Books on so many truths not found in other Churches. We came out of the Catholic Church into the W,W,C,of God. For 10 years we belonged, until God again showed us New Truths, like the preexisting of Christ and Heaven and Hell. The Church when Mr. Tkatch Jr. took over went back to believing the trinity, so we left. God is saying in Rev. to come out of her my People. We do not belong to any Church build by man. But however we are under Christ and awaiting His return, the Body of the Church is a Spiritual Church not seen by human eyes. It is in the Heart were God's Holy Spirit has put it, and with that we belong. Are there other Members, I sure hope so.
    Because there are many Deceivers at the end times we should be very careful, who we follow.

    Peace amd Love Irene


    Hi Nick/t8/Irene/seekingtruth

    I know you are right. Some people can be on their own and
    worship our God, I did it for years. I started loseing track of our God.

    Singing to God in a crowed is also just fantastic.

    Rev 19:5 A voice came from the throne. It said, “Praise our God, all who serve and fear him, no matter who you are.”
    Rev 19:6 I heard what sounded like the noise from a large crowd, like the noise of raging waters, like the noise of loud thunder, saying, “Hallelujah! The Lord our God, the Almighty, has become king.

    I just pray and hope the coming of our Lord will be soon
    and I also pray that we all will be ready and recognize His

    1Co 6:19 Don't you know that your body is a temple that belongs to the Holy Spirit? The Holy Spirit, whom you received from God, lives in you. You don't belong to yourselves.
    1Co 6:20 You were bought for a price. So bring glory to God in the way you use your body.

    You all know this, maybe I am just reminding myself.

    Thanks again for I think it is a great forum.



    Lineup You say you lost track of God, when you did not go to a Church, but you know what the Father did give you to Christ and Christ is commissioned not to loose us. You just turned away for awhile, you are back now, and keep up the good work, stay at heaven net and do not let anyone discourage you. God told us in Rev. to come out of her my people. When God opens your eyes to His plan and truth, we are in the spiritual Church. We are the Temple of God and God's Holy Spirit lives in us. Let us worship in Spirit and in Truth that is what God has commissioned us to do. If we humble ask our Father to give us more of His understanding, He will. It is hard however at times when someone comes along and challenges you, and tries to get you of the path, don't let them. Just say Good-bye. Wish you all the best.
    Keep on growing in Love and peace,
    Peace and Love Irene


    Quote (t8 @ Jan. 25 2009,20:36)
    The title is not a reflection on the fact that he has repented and has been courageous in admitting his deception, rather, it is about the fact that he was a believer and he deceived all those people and even his own family. It just goes to show you that this stuff can happen and all those people that were worshiping with him, didn't realize or even have an inkling of the lie.

    I think there is something to be learned in all this, and hence the reason I set up this discussion. It wasn't set up to condemn this man as you thought Not3in1. People who are from us can still deceive, even deceive about the things of God. We need to always be on guard.

    Why would I think you set a thread up to condemn a man? That is ridiculous! I simply had a question about how you viewed children of God who *became* deceiver's.


    Mandy! You know that as a Christian we are not to accuse our brother or sister of wrong doing. All have fallen short of the glory of God. If we do know that someone has denied Jesus Christ, we are to dust our shoes of and walk away.

    Peace and Love Irene


    Hi Irene,

    I have no idea what you are referring to, sorry. No one has accused any brother of wrong doing here? The gentleman of this video never denied Christ.



    I was just agreeing with you with the post to t8, that is all. Did I read that wrong? Sorry if I did. No harm intended.
    I am getting old and tired.
    So good night.


    I feel that way too – getting old and tired. :;):

    Take care,


    Mandy! Can I encourage you, to say YOU ARE TO YOUNG  to feel tired and old. Lift up your Spirit. Mmmm that last post of yours was 5 days ago. I am hoping and praying that all is feeling better. Alcoholism is a Sickness and should not be looked at any other way. We all do know that how hard life is, but we also know it is only temporally.
    Lets sing a Song together in our Song tread and praise the Lord. And then all is well with our Soul. It is well, it is well with my Soul. Thou Satan did buffet and trials may come, let this blessed assurance control, thou Christ reassurance my hope yet estate, Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord,  O my Soul.
    Peace and Love Irene

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