Deceivers can come from among us

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  • #118928


    It took massive amounts of courage for this man to admit what he had done.

    “Deceivers can come from among us” is an interesting title for this thread. T8, do you think that this child of God who confessed his sin is not “among you” as a true believer? Is he merely a “deceiver”? :(


    The title is not a reflection on the fact that he has repented and has been courageous in admitting his deception, rather, it is about the fact that he was a believer and he deceived all those people and even his own family. It just goes to show you that this stuff can happen and all those people that were worshiping with him, didn't realize or even have an inkling of the lie.

    I think there is something to be learned in all this, and hence the reason I set up this discussion. It wasn't set up to condemn this man as you thought Not3in1. People who are from us can still deceive, even deceive about the things of God. We need to always be on guard.


    Quote (t8 @ Jan. 25 2009,20:36)
    The title is not a reflection on the fact that he has repented and has been courageous in admitting his deception, rather, it is about the fact that he was a believer and he deceived all those people and even his own family. It just goes to show you that this stuff can happen and all those people that were worshiping with him, didn't realize or even have an inkling of the lie.

    I think there is something to be learned in all this, and hence the reason I set up this discussion. It wasn't set up to condemn this man as you thought Not3in1. People who are from us can still deceive, even deceive about the things of God. We need to always be on guard.

    You are so right t8 even our own Family does not believe how we do. They go to a Baptist Church and the trinity. Tried to show our Son for instant, but He got so angry with me, that I should question it. We are the ignorant in their eyes. So all we can do is pray. And so it goes with so many of us. Will endure until Christ's returns. Thank you for the tape.
    Peace and Love Irene


    Hi t8/Cindy
    If there are decievers amongst us how would you rout them out?
    We all speak about Jesus as our savior without Him we cannot
    enter the kingdom.

    2Ti 1:10 but now it has been revealed to us through the coming of our Savior, Christ Jesus. He has ended the power of death and through the gospel has revealed immortal life.

    Come to think about it the christian community believed him [video] until the very end.
    He had to confess his deceitfulness.

    It is difficult to know who is a deciever, come to think about it i could be a deciever or any one of us could be one.
    Nick has been accused of being argumentative and misleading. A deciever would have these traits as well. i Am not
    saying Nick is a deciever.

    I am not picking a argument.

    All i am trying to say; it is very difficult find a deciever.
    A deciever has created the world that we live in.
    Million of decievers live around us they don't want to live in a honest world.


    Hi lineon,

    Luke 23:31
    For if they do these things in a green tree, what shall be done in the dry?


    Hi Nick

    We do such horrible things to each other in these days, i cannot imagine what we will do to each other in the end.
    I can only think that every seconed human will be a deciever. We will be sadened to see who all the decievers are.

    Luk 12:53 The father will be divided against the son, and the son against the father; the mother against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother; the mother-in-law against her daughter-in-law, and the daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.

    It will be utter chaos and the sadist will have a field of a day.


    Hi lineon,
    Wht would you say of one who called men snakes, vipers, sons of Satan and whited sepulchres?


    Hi lineon,
    It takes the work of God's Spirit to recognise madmen from servants of God.

    22And the scribes which came down from Jerusalem said, He hath Beelzebub, and by the prince of the devils casteth he out devils.

    23And he called them unto him, and said unto them in parables, How can Satan cast out Satan?

    24And if a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand.

    25And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand.

    26And if Satan rise up against himself, and be divided, he cannot stand, but hath an end.

    27No man can enter into a strong man's house, and spoil his goods, except he will first bind the strong man; and then he will spoil his house.

    28Verily I say unto you, All sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men, and blasphemies wherewith soever they shall blaspheme:

    29But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation.

    30Because they said, He hath an unclean spirit.

    31There came then his brethren and his mother, and, standing without, sent unto him, calling him.

    32And the multitude sat about him, and they said unto him, Behold, thy mother and thy brethren without seek for thee.

    33And he answered them, saying, Who is my mother, or my brethren?

    34And he looked round about on them which sat about him, and said, Behold my mother and my brethren!

    35For whosoever shall do the will of God, the same is my brother, and my sister, and mother.

    Acts 17
    32And when they heard of the resurrection of the dead, some mocked: and others said, We will hear thee again of this matter.

    Acts 26:24
    And as he thus spake for himself, Festus said with a loud voice, Paul, thou art beside thyself; much learning doth make thee mad.

    Acts 26:25
    But he said, I am not mad, most noble Festus; but speak forth the words of truth and soberness.

    2 Timothy 1:7
    For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

    It would be foolish to think Paul was highly regarded in his day.


    We are in the end times and we do know that many Ant-Christ will come. So we need to prove all things, and see if they are of God. If I know were the trinity doctrine came from for instant, knowingly still stay with that fellowship, then I too will receive the wrath of God. In Rev. it says come out of Her my people. Even if you have to be the only one it is better doing so. My Husband and I have been Home by our self now for over 12 years. Since then we have learned so much, especially Georg who is very knowledgeable in History and Ancient History, which you need to understand prophecy. Since His retirement 6 years ago He has studied for 4 hrs. of more in the row. my Love is with Songs and singing, I feel closest to God when I sing. I love God and His Son Jesus Christ with all my heart. Amen, Amen.
    May the Lord be with all of you
    Peace and Love Irene


    Quote (lineon @ Jan. 29 2009,04:35)
    Hi t8/Cindy
    If there are decievers amongst us how would you rout them out?
    We all speak about Jesus as our savior without Him we cannot
    enter the kingdom.

    2Ti 1:10  but now it has been revealed to us through the coming of our Savior, Christ Jesus. He has ended the power of death and through the gospel has revealed immortal life.

    Come to think about it the christian community believed him [video] until the very end.
    He had to confess his deceitfulness.

    It is difficult to know who is a deciever, come to think about it i could be a deciever or any one of us could be one.
    Nick has been accused of being argumentative and misleading. A deciever would have these traits as well. i Am not
    saying Nick is a deciever.

    I am not picking a argument.

    All i am trying to say; it is very difficult find a deciever.
    A deciever has created the world that we live in.
    Million of decievers live around us they don't want to live in a honest world.

    It is true, but their fruit gives them away. But sure they can be disguised, but something will give them away, even if it is eventually.

    I always find that a genuine and righteous person usually does things outside of pleasing themselves and help others. They also love the truth more than their own lives in this world and as such will suffer if it comes to that. When the heat turns up, it often shows a persons true character.


    Quote (Cindy @ Jan. 29 2009,10:52)
    We are in the end times and we do know that many Ant-Christ will come. So we need to prove all things, and see if they are of God. If I know were the trinity doctrine came from for instant, knowingly still stay with that fellowship, then I too will receive the wrath of God. In Rev. it says come out of Her my people. Even if you have to be the only one it is better doing so. My Husband and I have been Home by our self now for over 12 years. Since then we have learned so much, especially Georg who is very knowledgeable in History and Ancient History, which you need to understand prophecy. Since His retirement 6 years ago He has studied for 4 hrs. of more in the row. my Love is with Songs and singing, I feel closest to God when I sing. I love God and His Son Jesus  Christ with all my heart. Amen, Amen.
    May the Lord be with all of you
    Peace and Love Irene

    Good one Cindy.

    Be encouraged. I would like to have the time you have. When I retire, I hope that I will be in a similar circumstance, maybe even before that.


    Quote (Cindy @ Jan. 29 2009,01:52)
    We are in the end times and we do know that many Ant-Christ will come. So we need to prove all things, and see if they are of God. If I know were the trinity doctrine came from for instant, knowingly still stay with that fellowship, then I too will receive the wrath of God. In Rev. it says come out of Her my people. Even if you have to be the only one it is better doing so. My Husband and I have been Home by our self now for over 12 years. Since then we have learned so much, especially Georg who is very knowledgeable in History and Ancient History, which you need to understand prophecy. Since His retirement 6 years ago He has studied for 4 hrs. of more in the row. my Love is with Songs and singing, I feel closest to God when I sing. I love God and His Son Jesus  Christ with all my heart. Amen, Amen.
    May the Lord be with all of you
    Peace and Love Irene

    Hi Cindy [alias Tiffany, alias Irene, alias Peace and Love] :laugh:

    i Still attend the WCG i can understand the trinity,
    also i believe my Lord Jesus Christ is the Son of God.

    Am i sitting on the fence?

    i Also believe we have to fellowship, without fellowshipping
    i know i will drift away slowly but surely.


    Quote (t8 @ Jan. 29 2009,14:44)

    Quote (Cindy @ Jan. 29 2009,10:52)
    We are in the end times and we do know that many Ant-Christ will come. So we need to prove all things, and see if they are of God. If I know were the trinity doctrine came from for instant, knowingly still stay with that fellowship, then I too will receive the wrath of God. In Rev. it says come out of Her my people. Even if you have to be the only one it is better doing so. My Husband and I have been Home by our self now for over 12 years. Since then we have learned so much, especially Georg who is very knowledgeable in History and Ancient History, which you need to understand prophecy. Since His retirement 6 years ago He has studied for 4 hrs. of more in the row. my Love is with Songs and singing, I feel closest to God when I sing. I love God and His Son Jesus  Christ with all my heart. Amen, Amen.
    May the Lord be with all of you
    Peace and Love Irene

    Good one Cindy.

    Be encouraged. I would like to have the time you have. When I retire, I hope that I will be in a similar circumstance, maybe even before that.

    t8 Thank you, however I believe youth is wasted on the young. Wish I would know then, what I know now. Famous last words.
    Peace and Love Irene


    Quote (lineon @ Jan. 29 2009,15:09)

    Quote (Cindy @ Jan. 29 2009,01:52)
    We are in the end times and we do know that many Ant-Christ will come. So we need to prove all things, and see if they are of God. If I know were the trinity doctrine came from for instant, knowingly still stay with that fellowship, then I too will receive the wrath of God. In Rev. it says come out of Her my people. Even if you have to be the only one it is better doing so. My Husband and I have been Home by our self now for over 12 years. Since then we have learned so much, especially Georg who is very knowledgeable in History and Ancient History, which you need to understand prophecy. Since His retirement 6 years ago He has studied for 4 hrs. of more in the row. my Love is with Songs and singing, I feel closest to God when I sing. I love God and His Son Jesus  Christ with all my heart. Amen, Amen.
    May the Lord be with all of you
    Peace and Love Irene

    Hi Cindy [alias Tiffany, alias Irene, alias Peace and Love]   :laugh:

    i Still attend the WCG i can understand the trinity,
    also i believe my Lord Jesus Christ is the Son of God.

    Am i sitting on the fence?

    i Also believe we have to fellowship, without fellowshipping
    i know i will drift away slowly but surely.

    lineup Did you not tell me that you live in Africa, but where born in Germany? Is my memory right? And you still go to the W.W. Church of God. Wow. So we can fellowship here. That is always the way I liked it at Church, and I do miss singing in the Choir. We had such beautiful Music, especially at the Feast of Tabernacle. The sound that 75 people made was amazing. Wow again. One day we will all be united again, miss some of my friends that died too.
    Peace and Love Irene
    P.S. yes I had many users names, but my name is Irene, the way I sign it now. I believe there comes a hackler in here. One other member accused me of it, and ended up leaving. And then I had such a hard time loging back in.


    Hi Irene/t8

    Fellowshipping is to talk to like minded people [mind you i am not a big talker]
    or just to be amongst them.
    Here on the net i seem to be in my own bubble.

    Can't we organize our selves into a church, here on the net?

    Or am i thinking like a dreamer drowning in his thoughts.

    Lineon :)


    Hi people
    Seems like the church proposal is not a good idea?

    But think of it a cyber church streching across the world
    with believers participating in one thread dedicated to uplifting the bretheren.

    Heb 10:25 Not giving up our meetings, as is the way of some, but keeping one another strong in faith; and all the more because you see the day coming near.

    This is a big project maybe not on heaven nets agenda.



    Hi Lineon,
    We are either one with each other in the body now or still outside of that Body.

    Peter had an idea along similar lines but it was of man
    Mark 9:5
    And Peter answered and said to Jesus, Master, it is good for us to be here: and let us make three tabernacles; one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elias.


    Hi lineon.

    True believers are the Church.
    And if Paul can be with people in spirit, then why can't we be with each other via the Internet?



    What are some of the purposes of attending “church”; to prepare us for the work of the ministry, to establish sound doctrine within our lives and to have fellowship, encourage and pray one with another. I believe to a large extent that this is, (or at least can be) accomplished right here on

    On the other hand I also attend a local “church” for fellowship, corporate worship and as a witness. Not an acceptable option to some here but neither was Jesus hanging with the sinners but we should be open to the opportunities that local churches provide us to show forth truth to those who would be open to it (at least as long as they will tolerate us). Yes there will always be the “religious” around who are an hindrance to God but it is field ready for harvest with many hungry souls who are only ignorant (not hardened) as I was for 20 plus years of my life (and still am in some areas).

    I look to as a source of “meat” in my search for truth and for my part I believe that there are many here who are my brothers and sisters in the Lord, none of which I am in full agreement with, but we share a hunger for truth, we just don't have all of it or in the same areas (God being infinite makes it hard to understand with finite minds).

    However as we draw closer to the Father and His Son our differences do disappear.

    My opinion -Wm

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