Debating bodhitharta

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  • #205436

    Quote (Stu @ July 22 2010,23:13)

    Quote (theodorej @ July 22 2010,22:22)

    Quote (Stu @ July 22 2010,17:29)

    Quote (theodorej @ July 22 2010,00:10)

    Quote (Stu @ July 19 2010,00:50)

    If you can imitate the specific symptoms of a mental illness so well in front of a psychiatrist that he says “I diagnose you as having x, for which I offer you this treatment on your consent” then it is you who is being bogus if you accept the drugs, unless you can also demonstrate that the treatment itself has no effect above placebo, unlike say prayer which definitely does.


    Greetings Stu….By virtue of my being able to mimick mental illness and the shrinks treatment of same speaks to the fact that I can be anybody I want to be and brings into question the professionals assumed ability to know what is in my head….the drugs that are prescribed just supports my contention that no one is ever cured ….only treated..

    Is the only goal of medical practice a cure?


    UH…! Duh…!…….YEA… Stu…read the Hipocratic oath.

    Why?  Does that say there is no point in controlling a chronic condition that will never be cured?


    Point well taken….The Oath in principle says to do no harm…repeated medication to address one problem while creating several others constitutes harm…Kimo therapy and radiation kills cancer and at the same time attacks healthy organs in the body….The mind altering drugs used today by modern phyciartry afford certain comforts and allows for control…in most cases…The overall effect of treatment is a deminishing of the quality of life or extending of life that for all intents and purposes by virtue of the natural order of things would cease…


    In one of his books Lance Armstrong describes his treatment for cancer, which goes along the lines of the chemotherapy taking him to just short of the point of being poisoned to death, at which point the cancer was killed an he survived. I would agree that no medical treatment should be compulsory, but I would balk at the actions of those who would legislate the treatment options out of existence. Have you noticed that the motives for such attempts are almost always based on a religious mythology?



    Have you noticed that the motives for such attempts are almost always based on a religious mythology?

    Elaborate, examples please. Thank you.


    Quote (princess of the king @ July 23 2010,07:29)

    Have you noticed that the motives for such attempts are almost always based on a religious mythology?

    Elaborate, examples please. Thank you.

    In terms of attempting to legislate it is most obviously christian groups that oppose abortion and stem cell research, but then there is JWs and blood transfusions, christian science nutcases and just about any medical treatment…

    Need more?



    Stu,July wrote:


    Regarding origins, the problem is with scripture itself though.  Unless you treat it literally, then it can mean anything you want it to mean.  What is wrong with following the evidence wherever it leads?  That is what scientists do, and the answers they reach do not agree with a literal reading of the bible.  So the problem is there for the christian that what appears to have happened in history is not what the book actually says.

    The whole point is to let God interpret scriptures not yourself.  Which can mislead into fantasies where as you said kill for a false reasons.  There isnt a problem being lead somewhere by God.  its a journey you should have time to explore.

    Well the Jewish bible does actually say homosexuals should be killed, and the NT says they are worthy of death so I think there is a problem with this.

    The Torah speaks of killing homosexuals and gentiles.
    the Torah speaks of killling kids who disrespect their parents.  If you just sensitive about the homosexual reaction of the Torah, than you should also see how Strict it is. Its a very strict living for a holy people.  The law was for us to see how much we have fallen short.  Without the law we would not know where to measure ourselves.  There is no reward for killing these people, or for killing anyone.  Hatred for people is murder.

    You would think that if it were all as absolutely true as most christians claim, it would be a bit more consistent that that, wouldn’t you.

    Right, but than again we are human, and we live in age where we can make anything up.  We live in a soceity that we can make anything according to our desires.  If there is a religion for people who believes themselves to be literal Jedi's, or believe in smurfs, than what makes you think that people wouldnt screw up any other religion.  The funny thing is, Why is the human society so focused on worship.  all we do is try to worship something.  its natural for us, to have that need to worship, to look for God.  

    OK.  I choose not to believe that nasty, immoral myth.

    I respect your choice, you have every right.

    Romans 1:31  Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:
    Romans 1:32  Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

    I believe you took the scripture out of Context. you make it seem that Paul specfically targeted homosexuals, when he was talking about Sinners in general, and not just any sinners, Paul was talking about the people who KNEW God.

    18For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;

      19Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.
    Paul is speaking about Unrighteous Men, people who knew God and decided, not to choose him.  God respected that and let them fall into their sin.
    21Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
    So clearly Paul is ranting about people who decided not to choose God, even though they knew about him at one point.

    24Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:
    They chose to dishonor their own bodies.

    26For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

      27And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
    The Arguement here is that its against nature for men to be with men, and for woman to be with woman.

    28And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;

      29Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,

      30Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,

      31Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:
    The application here is not dedicated nor specfic to just homosexuals, but to all Sinners.

    Therefore the very next chapter brings out the very point why Paul was stating such things, to show that we are all INEXCUSEABLE man.  we ALL are worthy of death by Gods judgement.  
    Paul never said here, that we should go off and kill homosexuals, Paul has a point which is verse one of chapter 2.

    1Therefore thou art inexcusable, O man, whosoever thou art that judgest: for wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself; for thou that judgest doest the same things.
    if you dont believe me read the context of chapter 3.
     10As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:

      11There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God.

      12They are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable; there is none that doeth good, no, not one.
     23For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;

    So Biblically speaking Paul ranting is not what you thought it was.  His whole point was to show that we ALL are sinners.
    That there is no diffrence between a Jew and a Gentile.
    That we all need Jesus.
    If anything he was defending the homosexuals chance to be saved. Because most gentiles were people who were open to such things.

    Precisely what I would say about the origins myth in the bible.  It didn’t really happen that way, so why the refusal to accept what the evidence says?  Isn’t that being “religiously stupid” too?

    What didnt happen in what way?  Are you saying that Jesus didnt exist? nor the biblical stories? are you saying that not one biblical account happen, are you also stating that the biblical cities and nations mentioned were not real either?
    Did the tower of babel not exist?  Did noahs flood not exist even though all cultures agree in some version of the flood.

    The question really requires you to name the book read by gay people that claims christi
    ans are worthy of death.  Is there such a book?

    Ya the Quran. (sorry i didnt understand that question before, so i answered stupidly)

    Sure, but that is not a guaranteed outcome of a separation.  It can be a beneficial thing too!

    Actually If you really love someone that much, and the wife leaves you, it feels like an eternity.  one day feels like hell.  I hate the feeling. one minute is enough to want to take your own life.  Imagine a perfect love that leaves you, is like be given up to a lake of fire, because according to the bible God is love 1john4:8


    Im going to drop this point, because i have no idea what i was referring to, nor do i remember what i was trying to lead to. lol

    Didn’t I say self-defense was a reasonable excuse?  No real difference between that and coming to the defense of another in immediate mortal danger.

    Oh ok, so define self differnce for me.  Does self defence include pre-emptive strikes?

    What has Al Qaeda got to do with the invasion of Iraq?    How would it be the role of a peacekeeper to kill except in self-defense?

    Im saying the search to destroy al qaeda gourps or any potential threatening groups in iraq is agreeable for you?

    Bollocks.  If you can’t catch the right person then you can’t call it justice.  That is the basis of the justice system in your country, much abused as it may be.

    our Justice system is not even a good example, i would never mention it.
    No the person has been caught, there is just another willing to take your place to appease justice rather than the you paying for it.  Justice is uphold when the punishment of the crime is dealt with.  Someone has to pay for it, and it will be us, but someone has chosen to take our punishment for us, which saves us, and still pleases justice.

    Well if you are going to base your ethics on the miserable witterings of CS Lewis then I don’t have much time for your morals, I’m afraid.

    lol………umm na. but you should check it out. ill stick to my last point and continue on that since i didnt make any sense.

    Your god got angry with Uzzah.  That’s what it actually says in your book of mythology!

    He took responsibility of doing something or holding a position that did not belong to him.  

    You were happy to tell me about characters in Narnia.  They do not exist either!

    Used it as an example.

    But your god couldn’t see the right in that?

    God saw everyones good intentions in error.

    So you hear voices in your head telling you what god wants you to do?

    Ask him and find out.

    Meaningless statement.  It is what is known as a category error, like “sarcasm is blue”

    Its meaningless to you.  

    No it’s not.

    Yes it is

    that is what I say about creationists all the time.  Their voices are clanging bells because they do not have any love for the subject about which they tell lies

    The lies comes from themselves, because they have no love. Its sad.  Im glad we agree in the same fundamentals of love.

    Shouldn’t your definition of evil mention a god, or what it wants, somewhere in it?

    I dont understand. but i guess your stating since most mythologies have a god for everything thats not the case.  Evil is like darkness and like cold.  Cold is defines as something that has no heat.  There is no such thing is cold, the word cold describes the condition that there is no heat or there is less heat.  Samething with darkness, you cant measure darkness, it describes that there is less light, you can measure the different colors and variations but you cant measure darkness.  
    Its the same with evil, evil is a word that describes that there is no good, in other words there is no God in it. So basically its a result of choice.

    Darkenss, cold, evil are all results of either lacking or not having at all.
    Does that make sense?




    The whole point is to let God interpret scriptures not yourself. Which can mislead into fantasies where as you said kill for a false reasons. There isnt a problem being lead somewhere by God. its a journey you should have time to explore.

    But it implies that if you cannot trust the scriptures then you must wait for voices in the head. Do you think I should find that convincing?

    The Torah speaks of killing homosexuals and gentiles.
    the Torah speaks of killling kids who disrespect their parents. If you just sensitive about the homosexual reaction of the Torah, than you should also see how Strict it is. Its a very strict living for a holy people. The law was for us to see how much we have fallen short. Without the law we would not know where to measure ourselves. There is no reward for killing these people, or for killing anyone. Hatred for people is murder.

    It is Romans that says homosexuals are worthy of death. The last time I looked Romans was not in the Torah.

    Right, but than again we are human, and we live in age where we can make anything up. We live in a soceity that we can make anything according to our desires. If there is a religion for people who believes themselves to be literal Jedi's, or believe in smurfs, than what makes you think that people wouldnt screw up any other religion. The funny thing is, Why is the human society so focused on worship. all we do is try to worship something. its natural for us, to have that need to worship, to look for God.

    It is not natural for me, and I know plenty of people for whom it is a joke that people worship Imaginary Beings. I am increasingly of the opinion that there are god genes that make god belief feel natural for some people and not others. There is quite a bit of evidence for it as well, for example observations of the equally devoted nature of religious sentiments in separated twins.

    The application here is not dedicated nor specfic to just homosexuals, but to all Sinners.

    Not if you start to include other parts of Saul’s rant to the Romans. I am beginning to understand their attitude to christians now!

    So Biblically speaking Paul ranting is not what you thought it was.

    The part I quoted is very specific. Homosexuals are worthy of death. You seem to think you can interpret anything you like into any part of your scripture. You are welcome to do that as far as I am concerned, but your beef is not with me but with others who claim to identify with the same religious fantasy story.

    His whole point was to show that we ALL are sinners.

    Well I’m not, so he is wrong.

    That there is no diffrence between a Jew and a Gentile.
    That we all need Jesus.

    Be clear though, you specifically need Jesus to have been executed for you.

    If anything he was defending the homosexuals chance to be saved. Because most gentiles were people who were open to such things.

    And what if homosexuals don’t need saving from anything?

    Did the tower of babel not exist?

    No idea. It is not true what the bible says about language though.

    Did noahs flood not exist even though all cultures agree in some version of the flood.

    So what if people agree on a myth? It is a fact of history that there has not been a global flood in the last 10,000 years, or indeed at any time we can gather evidence for.

    Stu: The question really requires you to name the book read by gay people that claims christians are worthy of death. Is there such a book?

    Ya the Quran. (sorry i didnt understand that question before, so i answered stupidly)

    Can you name a single openly gay person who would read from the koran about christians being worthy of death, given what islam thinks of homosexuality?

    Does self defence include pre-emptive strikes?


    Im saying the search to destroy al qaeda gourps or any potential threatening groups in iraq is agreeable for you?


    No the person has been caught, there is just another willing to take your place to appease justice rather than the you paying for it. Justice is uphold when the punishment of the crime is dealt with. Someone has to pay for it, and it will be us, but someone has chosen to take our punishment for us, which saves us, and still pleases justice.

    I’m not interested in discussing this point with you any longer. I find your attitude mindless, to say the least.

    Its meaningless to you.

    Why did you address it to me then?


    Ed J

    Hi All,

    Seems you guys have forgotten this thread is about our
    misguided fellow Forum poster, Asana bodhitharta.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Quote (Ed J @ July 30 2010,04:40)
    Hi All,

    Seems you guys have forgotten this thread is about our
    misguided fellow Forum poster, Asana bodhitharta.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    But you have already turned down my debate, ED


    Quote (Ed J @ July 30 2010,04:40)
    Hi All,

    Seems you guys have forgotten this thread is about our
    misguided fellow Forum poster, Asana bodhitharta.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    The material in the earlier part of the thread contains the primer required before embarking on a dialogue with BD. He has an international reputation for a lack of integrity in his arguing tactics and the thread catalogues that for the information of those on whom he may try the same disingenuous strategies.



    Quote (Stu @ July 26 2010,16:10)

    The whole point is to let God interpret scriptures not yourself.  Which can mislead into fantasies where as you said kill for a false reasons.  There isnt a problem being lead somewhere by God.  its a journey you should have time to explore.

    But it implies that if you cannot trust the scriptures then you must wait for voices in the head.  Do you think I should find that convincing?

    The Torah speaks of killing homosexuals and gentiles.
    the Torah speaks of killling kids who disrespect their parents.  If you just sensitive about the homosexual reaction of the Torah, than you should also see how Strict it is. Its a very strict living for a holy people.  The law was for us to see how much we have fallen short.  Without the law we would not know where to measure ourselves.  There is no reward for killing these people, or for killing anyone.  Hatred for people is murder.

    It is Romans that says homosexuals are worthy of death.  The last time I looked Romans was not in the Torah.

    Right, but than again we are human, and we live in age where we can make anything up.  We live in a soceity that we can make anything according to our desires. If there is a religion for people who believes themselves to be literal Jedi's, or believe in smurfs, than what makes you think that people wouldnt screw up any other religion.  The funny thing is, Why is the human society so focused on worship.  all we do is try to worship something.  its natural for us, to have that need to worship, to look for God.  

    It is not natural for me, and I know plenty of people for whom it is a joke that people worship Imaginary Beings.  I am increasingly of the opinion that there are god genes that make god belief feel natural for some people and not others.  There is quite a bit of evidence for it as well, for example observations of the equally devoted nature of religious sentiments in separated twins.

    The application here is not dedicated nor specfic to just homosexuals, but to all Sinners.

    Not if you start to include other parts of Saul’s rant to the Romans.  I am beginning to understand their attitude to christians now!

    So Biblically speaking Paul ranting is not what you thought it was.

    The part I quoted is very specific.  Homosexuals are worthy of death.  You seem to think you can interpret anything you like into any part of your scripture.  You are welcome to do that as far as I am concerned, but your beef is not with me but with others who claim to identify with the same religious fantasy story.

     His whole point was to show that we ALL are sinners.

    Well I’m not, so he is wrong.

    That there is no diffrence between a Jew and a Gentile.
    That we all need Jesus.

    Be clear though, you specifically need Jesus to have been executed for you.

    If anything he was defending the homosexuals chance to be saved. Because most gentiles were people who were open to such things.

    And what if homosexuals don’t need saving from anything?

    Did the tower of babel not exist?

    No idea.  It is not true what the bible says about language though.

    Did noahs flood not exist even though all cultures agree in some version of the flood.

    So what if people agree on a myth?  It is a fact of history that there has not been a global flood in the last 10,000 years, or indeed at any time we can gather evidence for.

    Stu:  The question really requires you to name the book read by gay people that claims christians are worthy of death.  Is there such a book?

    Ya the Quran. (sorry i didnt understand that question before, so i answered stupidly)

    Can you name a single openly gay person who would read from the koran about christians being worthy of death, given what islam thinks of homosexuality?

    Does self defence include pre-emptive strikes?


    Im saying the search to destroy al qaeda gourps or any potential threatening groups in iraq is agreeable for you?


    No the person has been caught, there is just another willing to take your place to appease justice rather than the you paying for it.  Justice is uphold when the punishment of the crime is dealt with.  Someone has to pay for it, and it will be us, but someone has chosen to take our punishment for us, which saves us, and still pleases justice.

    I’m not interested in discussing this point with you any longer. I find your attitude mindless, to say the least.

    Its meaningless to you.

    Why did you address it to me then?



    But it implies that if you cannot trust the scriptures then you must wait for voices in the head.  Do you think I should find that convincing?

    Its not about voices in the head.  There are romantic songs that men write that were inspired by a woman. The holy scriptures is writing inspired by the Holy God.  This has nothing to do about voices in the head, but knowing Who God is.  This is knowing a holy,, perfect personality, the Superme being of the Universe.   In other words my friend when you know someone, you know how to write about them, and know what is true about them and what is not true abotu them.  basically my claim is this, that most do not know about God personaly to correctly interpret scritpures because the lack of relationship they have with him.

    It is Romans that says homosexuals are worthy of death.  The last time I looked Romans was not in the Torah.

    Correction ALL SINNERS. because we ALL are inexcuseable, your taking one scripture out of context.

    It is not natural for me, and I know plenty of people for whom it is a joke that people worship Imaginary Beings.  I am increasingly of the opinion that there are god genes that make god belief feel natural for some people and not others.  There is quite a bit of evidence for it as well, for example observations of the equally devoted nature of religious sentiments in separated twins.

    It is natural for you becuase if it wasnt than it wouldnt be nessary to discuss it at all.  God has always been in our minds and in our search for truth.  You CANNOT say that there isnt a God at all.  You could disagree with Christianity, but if you are truely scientific you could never leave out the possibility that there is a God.    ACTUALLY its unnatural to follow God, its more natural to reject him.   Just because people grew up christian, doesnt mean that they are. Just beacuse people are Church goers doesnt mean they are truely christian. being religous and having a relationship with God are two different things.

    Not if you start to include other parts of Saul’s rant to the Romans.  I am beginning to understand their attitude to christians now!

    Like what? either way the specfic verse you gave were included in the topic of sinners, and that we ALL have fallen short.  Are you realy going to tell me otherwise?

    The part I quoted is very specific.  Homosexuals are worthy of death.  You seem to think you can interpret anything you like into any part of your scripture.  You are welcome to do that as far as I am concerned, but your beef is not with me but with others who claim to identify with the same religious fantasy story.

    Thats untrue.  IT didnt even mention homosexuals in the specfic verse.  in context Paul talks about them, but does not focus on them.  

    let me restate the vereses again.
    29Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,
      30Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
      31Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:    
      32Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

    and the specfic people being mentioned were not homosexuals but people WHO KNEW GOD.
    21Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.

    and than it lead to EVERYTHING ELSE. because God let them.
    my beef is with people who condemn with homosexuals as if they are worthy of death, because the TRUTH is that we ALL are worthy of death.  

    because the very FIRST VERSE of the next chapter which in included in this context CONDEMNS those who JUDGE.
    2:1Therefore thou art inexcusable, O man, whosoever thou art that judgest: for wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself; for thou that judgest doest the same things

    Well I’m not, so he is wrong.

    Prove that you are flawless

    Be clear though, you specifically need Jesus to have been executed for you.

    No, thats nothing without his resurection which is the point and purpose of God.  

    And what if homosexuals don’t need saving from anything?

    Well that would be impossible because at one point in your life through simple observations, we all need saving, Its the teacher saving you from bullies, or someone saving you from a car crash, or whatever the case is, unless we are perfecty flawless, and we never get into trouble than we dont, but since everyone needs help at one point, we all need a hero.

    No idea.  It is not true what the bible says about language though.

    And if it is? there are sources that say it is, and others that are not, how can you truely know if you werent there? unless you have faith in whomever told you that.

    So what if people agree on a myth?  It is a fact of history that there has not been a global flood in the last 10,000 years, or indeed at any time we can gather evidence for.

    based on what sources? there as been many evidences that say otherwise?  

    Can you name a single openly gay person who would read from the koran about christians being worthy of death, given what islam thinks of homosexuality?

    Maybe you didnt understand what i said between the lines.  In other words, it has been proven that many who practice islam from the middle east are indeed homosexuals in the closet.   So to answer your question, yes there are some who are homosexuals who condmen christians being worthy of death.


    Im saying the search to destroy al qaeda gourps or any potential threatening groups in iraq is agreeable for you?


    Ok is it right? is that the right thing to you?

    I’m not interested in discussing this point with you any longer. I find your attitude mindless, to say the least.

    Ok whatever floats your boat son

    Why did you address it to me then?

    because its strange how you agrue about something that you dont believe exists. do you know find that strange?

    Much love,

    Ed J

    Quote (Stu @ July 30 2010,20:48)

    Quote (Ed J @ July 30 2010,04:40)
    Hi All,

    Seems you guys have forgotten this thread is about our
    misguided fellow Forum poster, Asana bodhitharta.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    The material in the earlier part of the thread contains the primer required before embarking on a dialogue with BD.  He has an international reputation for a lack of integrity in his arguing tactics and the thread catalogues that for the information of those on whom he may try the same disingenuous strategies.


    Hi Stuart,

    Yes, I know Stuart, you are far more consistent the our friend 'Asana bodhitharta'!

    Ed J


    Just an observation from reading some pages about midway in the topic. I think that BD made mince meat out of your atheistic beliefs Stu. I think he beat you fair and square. And I think the reason he stumped you on a number of occassions is because you are arguing for something that is false, so your job is much harder.

    BD makes many good points and you appear to be stumped Stu.

    Anyway carry on.


    Ahh… The memories :)


    Quote (t8 @ Aug. 03 2010,06:11)
    Just an observation from reading some pages about midway in the topic. I think that BD made mince meat out of your atheistic beliefs Stu. I think he beat you fair and square. And I think the reason he stumped you on a number of occassions is because you are arguing for something that is false, so your job is much harder.

    BD makes many good points and you appear to be stumped Stu.

    Anyway carry on.

    And what do you think was his most telling point against me?




    Its not about voices in the head. There are romantic songs that men write that were inspired by a woman. The holy scriptures is writing inspired by the Holy God. This has nothing to do about voices in the head, but knowing Who God is.

    We know who the woman is in every case. Even if the song is written for women in general, they still actually exist. Their voices are not only in the head.

    This is knowing a holy,, perfect personality, the Superme being of the Universe.


    In other words my friend when you know someone, you know how to write about them, and know what is true about them and what is not true abotu them. basically my claim is this, that most do not know about God personaly to correctly interpret scritpures because the lack of relationship they have with him.

    You have the same problem regarding the Roman god Jupiter. You should call out to him to reveal his truth to you.

    See it is not just the religious who can invent platitudes!

    Correction ALL SINNERS. because we ALL are inexcuseable, your taking one scripture out of context.

    Are you saying that Saul of Tarsus did not write that homosexuals (and adulterers) specifically are worthy of death? I am just quoting your book of mythology.

    It is natural for you becuase if it wasnt than it wouldnt be nessary to discuss it at all.

    I am only discussing it because you believe it!

    God has always been in our minds and in our search for truth.

    The question is, which god(s)? Another question is what single fact has ever been divinely “revealed” that was not already known or invented by humans?

    You CANNOT say that there isnt a God at all.

    There isn’t a god at all.

    You could disagree with Christianity, but if you are truely scientific you could never leave out the possibility that there is a God.

    You cannot leave out the possibility that the Flying Spaghetti Monster (bhna) is angry with you for not worshiping him, and has plans to boil you in hot pasta sauce for eternity.

    ACTUALLY its unnatural to follow God, its more natural to reject him.

    Sorry, which god are we discussing now? Zeus? Odin? Juju?

    Just because people grew up christian, doesnt mean that they are. Just beacuse people are Church goers doesnt mean they are truely christian. being religous and having a relationship with God are two different things.

    The No True Scotsman logical fallacy. Add it to the list!

    Not if you start to include other parts of Saul’s rant to the Romans. I am beginning to understand their attitude to christians now!

    Like what? either way the specfic verse you gave were included in the topic of sinners, and that we ALL have fallen short. Are you realy going to tell me otherwise?

    If you don’t like what your scripture says it really is no skin off my nose. I am just reading what it says in the original Elizabethan English!

    my beef is with people who condemn with homosexuals as if they are worthy of death, because the TRUTH is that we ALL are worthy of death.

    Well I’m not, and gay people who are my friends (and are not christians) are not either. So how about you replace that with “all of us christians are worthy of death”?

    Prove that you are flawless

    You were not accusing me of not being flawless.

    Stu: Be clear though, you specifically need Jesus to have been executed for you.

    No, thats nothing without his resurection which is the point and purpose of God.

    So why did Jesus have to be killed by the Romans then? Couldn’t he have just died a natural death? Would that then mean that he had received punishment for christians’ sins? The Jesus god-man myth that the gospel writers invented requires an execution to make sense.

    And if it is? there are sources that say it is, and others that are not, how can you truely know if you werent there? unless you have faith in whomever told you that.

    Weasel words. Do you not understand how archeological evidence works? I could invent any old myth of language evolution and you would be compelled to believe that it was a possibility because you “weren’t there” or “there are sources that say it is” (the sources I made up). How do you discriminate between nonsense and reality?

    Stu: It is a fact of history that there has not been a global flood in the last 10,000 years, or indeed at any time we can gather evidence for.

    based on what sources? there as been many evidences that say otherwise?

    No characteristic sedimentary deposits or concentrated layer of animal remains, no time in the last 10,000 years that all plants died (d
    edrochronology evidence), no record of any disturbance in the continuous occupation of Australia for at least the last 45,000 years, not enough water to cover Everest, flightless birds living in New Zealand, no fossil remains of animals in places outside their habitable latitudes…

    Need more?

    Maybe you didnt understand what i said between the lines. In other words, it has been proven that many who practice islam from the middle east are indeed homosexuals in the closet. So to answer your question, yes there are some who are homosexuals who condmen christians being worthy of death.


    because its strange how you agrue about something that you dont believe exists. do you know find that strange?

    Is that any stranger than you trying to defend something that you cannot show exists?



    Quote (Stu @ Aug. 03 2010,17:41)
    And what do you think was his most telling point against me?


    Is that a double stump?
    Stumped about what you are stumped about?


    Quote (t8 @ Aug. 03 2010,20:24)

    Quote (Stu @ Aug. 03 2010,17:41)
    And what do you think was his most telling point against me?


    Is that a double stump?
    Stumped about what you are stumped about?

    If you are going to claim that you found BD convincing I would have thought it a simple matter for you to give your opinion about which of his points you found to be particularly devastating arguments.


    Ed J

    Quote (Stu @ July 30 2010,20:48)

    Quote (Ed J @ July 30 2010,04:40)
    Hi All,

    Seems you guys have forgotten this thread is about our
    misguided fellow Forum poster, Asana bodhitharta.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    The material in the earlier part of the thread contains the primer required before embarking on a dialogue with BD.  He has an international reputation for a lack of integrity in his arguing tactics and the thread catalogues that for the information of those on whom he may try the same disingenuous strategies.


    Hi Stuart,

    Are one of those strategies to keep starting new Posts in
    an attempt to ignore the Points that BD finds distasteful?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Quote (Ed J @ Oct. 15 2010,21:14)

    Quote (Stu @ July 30 2010,20:48)

    Quote (Ed J @ July 30 2010,04:40)
    Hi All,

    Seems you guys have forgotten this thread is about our
    misguided fellow Forum poster, Asana bodhitharta.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    The material in the earlier part of the thread contains the primer required before embarking on a dialogue with BD.  He has an international reputation for a lack of integrity in his arguing tactics and the thread catalogues that for the information of those on whom he may try the same disingenuous strategies.


    Hi Stuart,

    Are one of those strategies to keep starting new Posts in
    an attempt to ignore the Points that BD finds distasteful?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Didn't you already lose your debate with me by not showing up?

    Ed J

    Quote (Stu @ July 30 2010,20:48)

    Quote (Ed J @ July 30 2010,04:40)
    Hi All,

    Seems you guys have forgotten this thread is about our
    misguided fellow Forum poster, Asana bodhitharta.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    The material in the earlier part of the thread contains the primer required before embarking on a dialogue with BD.  He has an international reputation for a lack of integrity in his arguing tactics and the thread catalogues that for the information of those on whom he may try the same disingenuous strategies.


    Hi Stuart,

    Are one of those strategies to keep starting new THREADS in
    an attempt to ignore the Points that BD finds distasteful?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)
    REASON for Edit: Posts should have been Threads!

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