Daniel 8 – the little horn’s origin

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  • #785683

    Are the four generals not greek? Or have they changed to arabs by some magic?
    Were they not greek empires? Was the focus not on the Greek and Roman empire? Daniel 8.
    Was Egypt not a greek empire? (general Ptolemy).
    Are both legs not The Roman Empire, no matter where they are situated on this planet?
    If I live in Japan does not mean I am Japanese.
    Are the legs now not Roman still? Or have they changed to islam by some magical trick.?
    Is there an ottoman empire in Pergamum today? No.
    Capitol city of turky is Ankara; not Pergamum nor Istanbul.
    Who was satan ruling over, 1500 years before the ottoman?
    What has islam got to do with the Greek and Roman religion?
    What has islam got to do with God’s people?
    Are they not called gentiles? And we Christians?
    Are we not the flock?
    Is the falling away speaking of Christians or muslems?
    Is the son of perdition not causing the delusions amongst Christians? Or amongst muslems?
    How can A muslem be called A false prophet? Since he has nothing to do with the Christian religion?
    How can Krishna be called A false prophet by christians? He is not even a Christian, but pagan?



    Satan’s throne is today still Pergamum simple as that you say?
    What do you say about the Vatican?
    Who’s throne is that?
    Where was satan’s throne before babel?
    After Adam and Eve were cast out of the garden; where was satan’s throne?



    Revelation 2:13 I know thy works, and where thou dwellest, even where Satan’s seat is: and thou holdest fast my name, and hast not denied my faith, even in those days wherein Antipas was my faithful martyr, who was slain among you, where Satan dwelleth.

    God knows their works, he sees everything. He knows where they are dwelling ….spiritually….
    You cannot see this? honestly?
    God sees through the heart of man. You know this. God is telling them he sees all.
    He sees whats on the inside, and he is letting them know he doesn’t like what is happening.

    ”I know where thou dwellest”
    Now according to your reasoning, God sees that they are dwelling in Pergamos? Is this what he can see? That the church of Pergamos is dwelling in Pergamos? Does this make sense to you?
    and as a result that is where Satan’s seat is, his throne?

    ”even in those days wherein Antipas was my faithful martyr, who was slain among you”
    Yes God already told us that this church didn’t deny his name once, ….

    ”who was slain among you, where Satan dwelleth.”
    Just because Antipos was killed for not denying God’s name, doesn’t mean he died in the truth.
    Satan dwells in his own kingdom, he rules his kingdom, which are all the kingdoms of the world,…every single nation of the world belongs to him spiritually.
    and again we already know this church was faithful in not denying God’s name once, so they believed that they were doing the right thing,
    God has something against this church that does not deny his name, and will even suffer persecution for God’s name,
    however they are doing something wicked in their practise, …..

    Revelation 2:14 But I have a few things against thee, because thou hast there them that hold the doctrine of Balaam, who taught Balac to cast a stumbling block before the children of Israel, to eat things sacrificed unto idols, and to commit fornication.

    This is the point of the message. You are of God, or of the world. Can’t be both. If of the world, then serving Satan.
    God is saying yes you are faithful in not denying my name, but you have within your church a false doctrine.

    Revelation 2:15 So hast thou also them that hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitans, which thing I hate.
    And on top of their false doctrine which allows eating things sacrificed unto idols, and to commit fornication (spiritual fornication) and also have the doctrine of the Nicolaitans corrupting them.
    So does this church apply to them only in those days, or does it apply to us now also?

    Revelation 2:16 Repent; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth.

    Repent. They are doing wicked things, not knowingly and God is setting them straight.
    The other churches are doing wicked things also, having the true doctrine of God contaminated, and they were not living in Pergamos.

    The church of Smyrna is doing abominations also, are they dwelling in Pergamos? or are they dwelling in Satan’s kingdom?
    Revelation 2:9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.


    Hi J42 and WU,

    Your arguments are against the Author of scripture


    Hi T8,

    Here’s another angle ..

    For arguments sake, let’s just say that Satan’s throne (base of operations / ground zero) was indeed in Pergamos at that time .. since Satan can go anywhere in his worldly kingdom, I really don’t have too much of a problem with this because there were good reasons for Satan setting up there back then (by your reasoning of Satan’s geographical throne)..

    Notice I said “at that time” .. why? .. well we could argue about Satan’s throne being in Babylon .. but .. we can not argue about TYRUS ..

    God straight out called Satan the king of Tyrus .. and their main city was on an island .. thus by your method of reasoning, Satan’s throne was obviously there when Tyrus was the jewel of the world ..

    Thus, since Satan was the king of Tyrus, then his throne had to be there too .. TYRUS, a mighty world power .. and in an excellent position to spread ideas & concepts world wide .. turn heads at the top and wait for the inevitable filter down effect.

    So if Satans throne was in Tyrus .. then .. eventually .. based in Pergamos .. then what does that tell us?

    It tells us that Satan must move to whichever main power of the day is in control .. he obviously didn’t like being in Tyrus anymore .. what, with no populations to manipulate .. no prestige .. just ruins .. kind of like what happened to Pergamos yes? Empty ruins for centuries and centuries .. even today (Tyrus & Pergamos) .. just ruins .. what glory to Satan are ruins good for?

    One could ask, “Why would Satan set up his throne only to move again and again and again then?”

    Simple .. because it’s not Satan who determines world powers .. it is GOD.

    When God decides time up .. Satan can’t do a damn thing about it .. thus, Satan must move too .. quite logical and applicable to the world around us .. be it yesterdays world or todays.

    Look at it this way .. Satan is a PREDATOR .. a roaring lion .. and this PREDATOR is waging a WAR .. and who are Satan’s PREY? .. Christians!! ..

    And what do PREDATORS do while being PREDATORS? .. they stay CLOSE to the PREY!! .. stay close to Christians ..

    Are there thriving Christian communities in Pergamos today? .. do muslims need Satan’s undivided attention? I don’t think so, they are already in Satan’s back pocket .. I’d say, if by your understanding on Satan’s throne, if anywhere, Satan’s throne today would be in the LEADING Western “Christian” nation / POWER .. not in some already conquered (spiritually speaking) geographic location where the only population is the odd “ruins” seeking tourist who needs to be driven to said barren destination!!

    Satan will be where the flashing lights are .. not the barren “plains” .. it is in his nature .. PRIDE .. pride goes where pride can be puffed up and sustained .. not drawn to ruins which suggest FAILURE.

    Now Satan could quite easily have stayed on in Turkey for a while longer, I have no problem with that .. he would have thrived seeing Christians killed and converted by the muslims .. but in the end, Satan would need to be where the action is .. the FRONT LINES .. Christian nations.

    I’d wager that soon as England was showing signs as a GROWING power .. (by your throne reasoning) .. Satan would have been over there in a flash to set up his new ground zero .. set up his throne amongst his prey .. and it would have been business as usual for him ..

    Then rose up USA .. another Christian power .. and oh what opportunities this new land held .. NOTHING would have kept Satan from moving his throne to this land of opportunities .. all the bling in the world .. airy fairy Christians to manipulate and doctrines galore to scheme up .. over 40 000 Christian doctrines there are at the moment .. many from England admittedly, where Satan would have been based (by your method) but since the USA .. business took off for Satan like never before .. again, airy fairy American Christianity corrupting the whole Christian world by the trickle down effect.

    What point would Satan have staying in Pergamos when all the action was in the west?

    Doesn’t the PREDATOR always stay with his PREY?

    Be it Turkey, Iran, Iraq etc etc it would make no sense for Satan to stay in stagnant conquered lands far from the front lines .. this game is too important to be in the back row ..

    Satan’s throne still being in Turkey makes no sense whatsoever to me .. ESPECIALLY in your method of reasoning towards this throne locale .. except on maybe the interpretation that Turkey was the 6th head .. otherwise, it makes no sense to me because as soon as the next world power arose, Satan would have been there ..

    And in my opinion, Satan knew England was the next rising power .. he would have been there corrupting them even before Turkey was at it’s height .. get in early coz the early bird catches the Christian .. oops, I mean, the worm!!

    Cheers bro.

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