Daily Devotions

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    Hi to all


    Here is the Daily Devotional




    Nina clutched the Bible close to her chest. Tears poured out of her like a pot boiling over. Her little body shook. “Oh, God!” The words seemed to burst out of the deepest, darkest part of her.

    Why didn’t He want her? Why? The wail was the loneliest, saddest note—she felt like an orphaned child all alone on a cold city street.

    Nina was raised in China’s remote countryside.

    But something about Nina made her different from all the other people in her village—she was divorced, and instead of a husband, she had a two- month-old daughter. She had no money and no job. People would avoid her; her father would drink and then ridicule her; and everyone was embarrassed by her. To them, she was worse than the filth on the sidewalk.

    Nina’s mother believed in the God of the Bible and took Nina to a church where members assembled on Sundays. After several visits, Nina also came to believe that there was a God. She desperately wanted to be baptized into her mother’s church. She asked three times, but each time she was denied. The members had learned that she was a divorced woman; she was, as they said, a sinner who would be a noxious stain upon their congregation. They would not baptize her; neither was she welcome there anymore.

    Nina went home and pressed her Bible close to her and cried as though her heart would break. Even God did not want her. For days she did this. But a strange thing would happen every time. As she sat there sobbing, she would see Someone—a face she did not know—smiling down at her, and somehow she knew what the smile meant. It meant that that Someone was there for her. It made no sense, but she hugged the memory close.

    Time passed, and one day, as her father was screaming at her yet again, something in her broke. “You are as good as dead,” he ranted. And she felt like she wanted to die.

    But something stopped her. Something compelled her to go to the computer instead and get on the Internet. In the search bar she typed the words “preaching by pastors” and there, at the top of the list, was a video by an American pastor.

    Reflect: Have you ever felt unwanted? You can be assured that Jesus wants you very much. In fact, Christ died in order to have you.

    What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us? Romans 8:31

    From Amazing facts

    God bless


    American pastor?

    What is this tripe?



    What are you doing here ?



    Hi to all

    Here is the Daily Devotional




    Rejected by her abusive alcoholic father and pushed out of her mother’s Sunday church because she was divorced, Nina searched online for hope. She discovered a video by an American pastor translated into her own language entitled, “The Big Statue in Dreams.” Intrigued, she clicked on the link.

    What she heard and saw gave her goosebumps. She grabbed her Bible and followed along. Though Nina did not know it, she was having her first Bible study on the prophecy of Daniel 2 by Pastor Doug Batchelor.

    Nina was a simple girl. She had never learned about the history of the world. But she understood what this American pastor was saying. She understood that the end of the world was close at hand and that her life did matter to God.

    Immediately, she ran to tell her mother. But her mother asked only how she could suddenly claim to know so much about the Bible. A day ago, this would have stopped her. But Nina was different now. She went on to tell an aunt of hers and secretly continued to watch Pastor Doug’s sermons online.

    As she learned more, she yearned for a church that believed as she did—a Sabbath-keeping church like the one Pastor Doug went to. But she knew of none. Suddenly, like sunlight shooting through the clouds, the answer came to her. “There was a voice ringing in my mind,” Nina recalls, “that the wonderful truths I’ve been listening to should have a customer service number.”

    So she searched for the Amazing Facts phone number online and called. She was given the address of the nearest Sabbath-keeping church. Just like that, Nina’s prayer was answered, with a church family and, sometime later, a pastor who gladly baptized her. And because of the aunt whom she first told about Daniel 2, a Sabbath-keeping church was eventually founded in her home village and filled with new members—nearly every member of her mother’s Sunday church.

    Reflect: When you search for answers from God, and doors seem to close all around you, persist in prayer. Be patient and wait on the Lord. You will not be abandoned.


    We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts: 2 Peter 1:19 

    From Amazing facts

    God bless


    Hi Berean,

    So the American pastor Doug Batchelor pops up again to save mankind?

    Seems almost like idolatry.

    More uselessness.



    Hi Berean,

    Looks like you too are guarding a dead rose bush,

    Seventh day Adventism.

    Come out of the useless past and learn from scripture.




    Hi to all


    Here is the Daily Devotional





    Winston Churchill struggled for much of his life to overcome a lisp. As a young man, he consulted a specialist who told him that all he needed was practice and perseverance. At one time, he believed he had an extra ligament that no one else had that was causing his problem. He worked doggedly to overcome the lisp, repeating phrases like, “The Spanish ships I cannot see for they are not in sight.”

    Many years later he was able to say, “My impediment is no hindrance.” One of the most common fears is glossophobia—the fear of public speaking. Nearly 75 percent of people report some fear of public speaking. How much worse might that fear be if one suffered from a speech impediment? Or what if the speaker was too young to be respected? Or what if the content of the speech was sure to anger the audience?

    In Jeremiah’s case, both of the last two scenarios were true. His message was intended to “root out and to pull down, To destroy and to throw down” before he could “build” and “plant” (Jeremiah 1:10). Messages of destruction don’t often win friends, and, indeed, Jeremiah laments that he is a “man of contention to the whole earth” and that “every one of them [curse him]” (Jeremiah 15:10).

    In addition, Jeremiah was under the age of 25 and perhaps only 18 or 20 at his calling to the ministry. It’s no wonder that Jeremiah objected, saying, “Ah, Lord God! Behold I cannot speak, for I am a youth.” In spite of the circumstances, God insisted Jeremiah follow His command, then encouraged and enabled him: “Do not be afraid of their faces, For I am with you to deliver you. … Behold, I have put My words in your mouth” (Jeremiah 1:8, 9).

    No matter what our impediment, God wants to make it no hindrance.
    And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. 2 Corinthians 12:9



    Winston Churchill struggled for much of his life to overcome a lisp. As a young man, he consulted a specialist who told him that all he needed was practice and perseverance. At one time, he believed he had an extra ligament that no one else had that was causing his problem. He worked doggedly to overcome the lisp, repeating phrases like, “The Spanish ships I cannot see for they are not in sight.”

    Many years later he was able to say, “My impediment is no hindrance.” One of the most common fears is glossophobia—the fear of public speaking. Nearly 75 percent of people report some fear of public speaking. How much worse might that fear be if one suffered from a speech impediment? Or what if the speaker was too young to be respected? Or what if the content of the speech was sure to anger the audience?

    In Jeremiah’s case, both of the last two scenarios were true. His message was intended to “root out and to pull down, To destroy and to throw down” before he could “build” and “plant” (Jeremiah 1:10). Messages of destruction don’t often win friends, and, indeed, Jeremiah laments that he is a “man of contention to the whole earth” and that “every one of them [curse him]” (Jeremiah 15:10).

    In addition, Jeremiah was under the age of 25 and perhaps only 18 or 20 at his calling to the ministry. It’s no wonder that Jeremiah objected, saying, “Ah, Lord God! Behold I cannot speak, for I am a youth.” In spite of the circumstances, God insisted Jeremiah follow His command, then encouraged and enabled him: “Do not be afraid of their faces, For I am with you to deliver you. … Behold, I have put My words in your mouth” (Jeremiah 1:8, 9).

    No matter what our impediment, God wants to make it no hindrance.

    And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. 2 Corinthians 12:9

    From Amazing facts

    God bless


    Another famous man to inspire us?

    Spare us the humanism and idolatry of man.


    Hi to all

    Here is the Daily Devotional



    As of 2011 in California, a woman may not drive a vehicle while wearing a housecoat and sunshine is legally guaranteed to the masses. Many states and countries have official laws that are rarely enforced and do not seem to make sense from a modern perspective, yet they remain “on the books.” Regardless of the original reasons justifying the passage of these laws, they seem silly or arbitrary by today’s standards.

    So why do they remain in the legal code? Sometimes they get forgotten as society progresses. Sometimes the effort to repeal the laws is greater than the value of repealing them. Yet the bottom line remains: Silly laws remain legal, and though they are rarely enforced, they can be.

    God had a law that became obsolete. The Bible says that Jesus nailed this law to the cross (Colossians 2:14). Some believe this law is the Ten Commandments, but Hebrews 7:11 says this obsolete law came to the people under the ministry of the Levitical priesthood. The Ten Commandments were given at Mt. Sinai before the Levitical priesthood was established!

    Rather, the obsolete law contained the rites and rituals for the sanctuary service, all of which foreshadowed Christ’s sacrifice and ministry for humanity. Once Jesus died, these rituals lost their meaning. There was no more reason to sacrifice a lamb in the temple out of faith in the coming Messiah when the Messiah had already become the ultimate sacrifice!

    We can be thankful that Jesus fulfilled this law on the cross and God abolished it afterward. Imagine if God had left this law intact after the cross. Even though the rituals would be meaningless, we would still have to obey them. Aren’t you glad you don’t have to kill an animal when you go to church?

    Circumcision is nothing, and uncircumcision is nothing, but the keeping of the commandments of God. 1 Corinthians 7:19

    From Amazing facts

    God bless


    Hi to all

    Here is the Daily Devotional


    Women have more pain receptors in their skin than men. Scientists have also discovered that women have more nerve receptors overall than men. For example, a woman has 34 nerve fibers per square centimeter on their face, whereas men have an average of 17. Of course, then there is the big debate on whether men or women can tolerate pain more. If you have ever seen a woman give birth to a baby, you might think women can tolerate just about anything!

    Not all pain is alike. Some pain is physical, some emotional, and some is called “phantom” pain, which comes from a “phantom” body part that is no longer there because of amputation. Severe pain can be caused by migraine headaches and kidney stones. More mild pain might come from biting your tongue or getting a paper cut. Yet all pain serves a purpose: to let us know something bad is happening.

    So how is it that Solomon can tell us that “blows that hurt cleanse away evil?” Because sometimes a remedy for a problem is temporarily painful but necessary in order to bring healing—such as discipline to warn a child playing in the street to prevent a tragic car accident. Or as a boil that needs to be lanced and cleansed, there are sins in our life that require treatment and cleansing.

    When my children were small, sometimes they would get a sliver of wood under their skin. There was always the struggle of whether to leave it alone to fester or let Daddy pull it out—which could be briefly painful. Of course, in the long run, the momentary pain brought more lasting relief.

    Nathan the prophet once brought some deep pain to King David. The spiritual blow took place after his great sin with Bathsheba. The man of God stood without flinching before the monarch and with piercing words struck the heart of David, pointing out his transgression by saying, “You are the man!” (2 Samuel 12:7). The lash saved the king, who repented and turned to God, begging for a clean heart.

    If we would be saved in God’s kingdom, we would welcome God’s discipline to cleanse our minds and hearts. We would pray, “Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me, and know my anxieties; and see if there is any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting” (Psalm 139:23, 24). Then we would allow the Spirit to work deep in our lives, even if it is painful. It always lessens the blow when we draw near to the one who holds the rod.

    Additional reading: Proverbs 20:16–30

    The blueness of a wound cleanseth away evil: so do stripes the inward parts of the belly. Proverbs 20:30

    From Amazing facts

    God bless


    Hi Berean,

    “circumcision is nothing, and uncircumcision is nothing, but what matters is the keeping of the commandments of God.” 1 Cor 7.19

    The folks in the SDA would immediately think Paul is speaking of the 10 Commandments, the Law.

    But God has commanded other things such as

    “Repent and be baptised in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins…”




    We cannot keep the 10 commandments of God without faith in Jesus Christ having passed through repentance and the renewal of the Holy Spirit.


    Hi Berean,

    So no need for baptism in the name of Jesus for the forgiveness of your sins?


    Hi Berean,

    Those who have been baptised into Christ Jesus have fulfilled the requirements of the Law in him. He was born under the Law, unlike us, and he perfectly fulfilled it for us.

    ” now we know  that whatever the Law says it speaks to those who are under the Law”

    Rom 3 .19





    He was born under the Law, unlike us, and he perfectly fulfilled it for us.



    Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.

    [15] For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.
    [16] I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.



    Hi Berean,

    If God spoke this COMMANDMENT through Peter at Pentecost do you have the right to change it to fit your understanding?..


    Indeed God spoke many more commandments through Jesus and his brothers but you only see 10???


    Hi Berean,

    Faith produces obedience.

    Just as the body without the spirit is dead, so also faith without works is dead.

    Jas 2.26

    Should you obey God or the SDA?


    Hi to all

    Here is the Daily Devotional



    Ashlee had a big dilemma. “I wanted to serve God, but I also wanted to fit in.” As a young adult, she became weary of living a double life and needed to make a change. She grew up in a devoted Christian family who loved God and each other. They went to church every Sunday, and Ashlee was active in youth groups and at Bible camps. She accepted Christ into her heart and desired most of all to never let down God or her parents.

    When Ashlee was very young, she didn’t recognize that her dad was different. He was just a regular dad who loved her and did everything he could to help her succeed. But when she started school, she found out that he was famous. Her father played for two professional football teams, winning two Super Bowls during his career.

    That made her different from the other kids—and not always in a good way. Ashlee found herself the target of jealousy and bullying at school. “I wanted to be liked by my peers, but I wasn’t. I’d walk around thinking, ‘Who’s going to accept me? Who will I sit with at lunch today?’ Kids can say some really harsh things, and that gave me great insecurity.”

    By the time she reached high school, Ashlee faced a huge decision. As a gifted athlete herself, she says, “Everything we did at home was based around sports. It created such a bond between me and my father and older brother. Athleticism was my talent and something I loved. I was really good at a lot of sports, but I knew that if I was actually going to make it and get a scholarship, I needed to pick one and focus. I chose soccer.”

    Ashlee won a full scholarship to a university and became captain of her soccer team. Now peer pressure returned in another form, this time threatening her relationship with God. “It’s really difficult to go to a school that is not based on God at all. I did plug into some Christian groups, but I also wanted to fit in with my team. I was living a double life because I wanted to serve God, but I also wanted to fit in.”

    Reflect: Have you ever been part of a group that did not have the same values you did? Should you stay in that group as a witness or leave it? Remember, God is calling Christians to change the world, not be changed by the world.

    He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed. Proverbs 13:20

    From Amazing facts

    God bless


    @ Nick

    If God spoke this COMMANDMENT through Peter at Pentecost do you have the right to change it to fit your understanding?..


    It is the goodness of God that pushes us to repentance…repentance under pressure does not work.

    At Pentecost, their hearts were deeply touched…by the message of the apostles.
    The Holy Spirit convicted them of sin and spontaneously they said: men, brothers, what will we do?
    You know the rest…

    Or despisest thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance and longsuffering; not knowing that the goodness of God leads you to repentance?
    Rom 2:4


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