Daily Devotions

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  • #871350

    There is also this point. Demons knew who he was. No faith needed. Men did not. They see through a glass darkly and need to walk by faith, not sight.

    Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.


    Our divine Redeemer

    Who, existing in the form of God, did not regard as a prey to be snatched from, to be equal with God. Phil. 2: 6.

    Jesus Christ “did not look like a prey to be snatched from, to be equal with God,” because only divinity had the power to heal man from the poisonous bite of the serpent. God himself, in the person of his only begotten Son, put on human nature and, in its weakness, manifested the character of God, established in great detail the validity of his holy law, and agreed to suffer the effect of divine wrath and die in favor of the children of men. How sublime is this thought! He who was one with the Father before the foundation of the world was filled with such compassion for our desperate condition that he gave his life a ransom for us. Although, being the splendor of the glory of the Father, the imprinted image of his person, he bore our sins in his own body on the wood, enduring the penalty of the transgression of man until, that justice, demanding nothing more, should be satisfied. How great is the redemption that has been won for us! So great that the Son of God cruelly died on the cross to acquire life and immortality for us through faith in him.

    How can God be both righteous and justify sinners? This marvelous fact is beyond human understanding. As we strive to fathom it, it expands and deepens beyond comprehension. When, through the eyes of faith, we look at the cross and see our sins rest on the weakened victim, suspended between heaven and earth, subjected to ignominy, and when we understand that, he is , acts of God, the Eternal Father, the Prince of Peace, then we are urged to cry out: “See what love the Father has shown us!” (1 John 3: 1.)

    When man appreciates the sublime character of the Lord of hosts and realizes the distance which separates the Eternal God from limited humanity, he will understand how great has been the sacrifice of Heaven to raise man up from his fall due to his disobedience, and bring him into the divine family. … The divinity of Christ is our guarantee of eternal life. .. He who bore the sins of the world is our only means of reconciliation with the holy God.

    God bless


    Hi To all

    The astonish celestial armies,

    But he stripped himself, taking the form of a servant, becoming like men. Phil. 2: 7.

    It is important that we seek to understand the reason for Christ’s life in humanity and its meaning for us. We must strive to find out why the Son of God left the heavenly courts, descended from his position as leader of the angelic hosts that carry out his will, clothed his divinity with humanity, and came to this world to be our Redeemer.

    It was a wonder to all of heaven that Christ came to earth and led a life of poverty there in absolute contrast to his heavenly glory. He could have come escorted by an angelic crowd. …

    Before the celestial universe, Christ condescended to assume the human condition and to live among the humble of this earth in order to reach them where they were and to teach them by precept and example, that, poor and oppressed , they could nevertheless have a pure, noble and righteous life. He revealed to the world that despite poverty and humility, life and character can be free from all filth. The water lily, on the pond, surrounded by impure debris, plunges its root into the good soil through the detritus, drawing from it the only elements necessary for its development to open to the sun a white, immaculate and fragrant flower.

    The water lily is the image of Christ among men. He entered a world defiled and withered by the curse, but was not contaminated by it. He was the light, the life and the way. He agreed to lead the life of a simple man so that he could hug the whole world and put it between those of his Heavenly Father. What a manifestation of love in this sacrifice: the Lord himself coming to the aid of the lost children of Adam!


    There is also this point. Demons knew who he was. No faith needed. Men did not. They see through a glass darkly and need to walk by faith, not sight.


    Hi Proclaimer

    The demons know who Christ is for sure, but having lost faith in the righteousness of his Father and his way of ruling, they fought against Him in heaven (Rev.12: 7-9)
    What is happening on earth is an extension of what happened in heaven between God and Lucifer ….



    Hi To all

    Imagine the people of Israel coming out of Egypt and walking through the desert towards a fabulous promised land, under the direction of God himself, a loving and compassionate Savior. He had just freed them from a slavery more real than that of the slaves freed by President Lincoln during the United States Civil War. Can you imagine the slaves emancipated by Lincoln muttering bitterly against him? It is unthinkable! However, this is what the people of Israel did against their Deliverer.

    The Lord allowed them to be attacked by poisonous snakes, not because He hated them, but because He loved them, to teach them the gospel. All they had to do in order to live was to look at their Savior, symbolized by the representation of this poisonous serpent. raised on a pole. We find the account in Numbers 21: 5-9. Jesus explained to Nicodemus that this serpent represented him (John 3:14). Christ, “He who did not know sin, he made it to be sin for us, that we might become in him the righteousness of God.” (John 5:21). John the Baptist said, “Here is the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world.” (John 1: 9). It is by looking at Him that we are saved. How? ‘Or’ What?

    1) The sin of the Israelites was the same as ours, “for the affection of the flesh is enmity against God, because it does not submit to the law of God, and cannot even” (Romans 8: 7). It’s rebellion against God, bitterness against Him. Do you think you don’t own them by nature? Read 1 John 1: 9 and think about it all! If you are a human being, you necessarily need healing. And sin dwells in the depths: “the heart is above all crooked, and it is wicked: who can know it?” (Jeremiah 17: 9). And this anger against God permeates our being, from head to toe, affecting every cell in our body. It is the very nature that we are born with, it is what we carry in our flesh.

    2) The Lamb of God that you and I must “watch”, contemplate with fervor, “was made” precisely THIS for us. If it wasn’t because it’s written in the Bible, more than one Christian would stone me to point out that Jesus was represented by the serpent on the pole. Why didn’t God ask Moses to make a lamb and put it on the staff, so that the snake-bitten Israelites could look and live?

    This meditation is coming to an end, but think about it again, because there is a salutary truth out there somewhere.

    J. R. W.


    Hi to all

    The best news you can hear comes from the lips of Jesus himself, when He says, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). In the Old Testament in Greek (LXX) which was frequently used in Christ’s day, the word “rest” was used to describe the experience of one who keeps the Sabbath.

    Why? Because the Sabbath was the presence of Christ. At a time when Moses found himself terribly overwhelmed, fearing to face the problems that each new day brought him, the Lord promised him: “I myself will walk with you, and I will give you rest.” (Exodus 33:14). When we keep the Sabbath holy, when we appreciate this precious gift that He has bestowed upon us from Eden itself, on every Sabbath that happens to us at sunset on Friday, we again enter into the presence of Jesus. During this day, He is with us in a very special way.

    Yes of course he is with us every day, but he is in our work environment. He said: “You will work six days, and you will do all your work”. So, in the market, in the shop, in the factory, in the office, whatever the place, as we go about our work during “the six working days” (Ezekiel 46: 1), the Lord is with us, assisting us. in our labor. He was himself a carpenter, a manual worker. Also, we work side by side with Him during these six days of work: it is wonderful!

    But on the Sabbath, Jesus leaves his tools, closes his workshop and goes to his Father’s house together with others who also come to His invitation, and we rest in Him. He teaches us, consoles us, encourages us; every new Sabbath He teaches us how to bear His yoke (Matthew 11:29). We learn more about who He is, what our salvation cost Him, and why He had to die on a cross. Our souls are thus united with his, we become one with him, and his joy fills our hearts. Then comes verse 30: “My yoke is easy and my burden is light”. The joy of keeping the Sabbath holy does not come simply through physical rest (how good it is!), But through soul rest, a heavenly day on earth. A small part of this Eden without a curse. This wonderful word “rest” means the rest of our “I”, the rest from anxiety. This is what the Bible calls “justification by faith”.

    Don’t let this wonderful gift go to waste!



    Hi to all

    Daily meditation

    June 15, 2021


    I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be cleansed; I will cleanse you from all your defilements and from all your idols. (Ezekiel 36.25)

    TO BE ACCEPTABLE in the sight of God, the leaders of the people had to strictly watch the sanitary conditions of the armies of Israel, even when they went to war. Every soul, from the commander-in-chief to the simple soldier of the army, had the sacred responsibility to preserve the cleanliness of his person and his environment because God had chosen Israel as his special people. They were solemnly committed to be holy in body and spirit. They should neither abandon nor neglect their personal duties. They were to maintain cleanliness in everything and not tolerate anything messy and unhealthy in their surroundings, anything that might affect the purity of the atmosphere (47).

    The Ten Commandments stipulated by Jehovah at Sinai cannot dwell in the hearts of people with unclean and disorderly habits. If ancient Israel could not even hear the proclamation of the holy law before they had cleaned their clothes at Jehovah’s command, how could this holy law be inscribed in the hearts of those who do not respect cleanliness? of their body, their clothing or in their accommodation? It is impossible (48).

    Heaven is a clean and holy place. God is pure and holy. All who come into his presence should follow his directions and have the body and clothing in a condition of cleanliness and purity, out of respect for themselves and for him. The heart must also be sanctified. Those who do his will will not dishonor his holy name by worshiping him with unclean hearts and neglected clothes. God sees all of these things. He notes the preparation of the heart and the thoughts, as well as the state of […] cleanliness of those who worship him (49).

    The angels remain in awe of the things they see in the environment of God’s people (50).

    (47. The S.D.A. Bible Commentary, vol. 1, p. 1119.
    48. The Health Reformer, February 1, 1872.
    49. The S.D.A. Bible Commentary, vol. 1, p. 1119, 1120.
    50. Letter 35, 1901.)


    Hi To all

    One of the greatest treasures given to mankind is the Epistle to the Hebrews, a book to which we do not usually pay much attention, yet which is like a chest full of jewels. Here are seven of them:

    (1) The first chapter affirms the eternal pre-existence of Christ as one with and equal to the Father. He presents it as the source and possessor of life, with its own and original existence, which is not lent or derived from another. (2) The second chapter exposes his genuine humanity, “made like in all things to his brethren,” “he was tempted as we are in all things” (the true Christ whom tempted humanity desperately needs to know). The summary of the argument in the first two chapters is that he is as much truly man as he is truly God. (3) The third chapter presents him, by virtue of his identification with us seen in the previous chapter, as our great High Priest. From the first verse we are invited to contemplate it as such. (4) Chapters 4 through 6 detail the tragic results of unbelief or hardening of the heart. Precisely, the great danger that we face in this millennium of relative prosperity and secularity. (5) Chapters 7 and 8 develop more fully the central idea of ​​the perfection of the Christian character, which runs through the whole book like a common thread. Administering the good news of this “perfection” is the work of the High Priest, who is able to “perfectly save those who draw near to God through him”. Throughout the book we are encouraged to cooperate with him in this work, but we cannot save and perfect ourselves (as in the cleansing of the Israelite sanctuary it was never the task of the people if not that of the high priest, which the members of the people were to follow corporately on the day of atonement). (6) Chapters 9 and 10 emphasize the distinction between the two phases of the ministry of the heavenly High Priest: a / the ministry in the first department or holy place (ta hagia in Greek), where he began his ministry after the ascension; and b / his final ministry in the second department, or most holy place (hagia hagion in Greek), which takes place on the actual day of atonement. It is evident that his ministry in the holy place was intended to prepare believers for death, a truly wonderful work. But his ministry in the second department has an even more glorious goal: that of preparing a people to withstand the final test, the “mark of the beast” in reference to Revelation. Prepare him to receive the seal of God, endure the time of anguish described in Daniel 12: 1, and receive the Lord at his second coming, without seeing death. A people who stand before the holy God, when he “will appear sinless a second time to those who wait for him for their salvation” (9:28). When Christ comes the second time, he will no longer do so to intercede “to bear sins.” His intercession will have already prepared a people for the moment when there will be no more intercessor. The appearance of “the Lord your God, [who] is a consuming fire” for sin, will then be for them the cause of great “joy” (Jude 24). (7) Finally, the book leaves us with the security that the same power that raised Christ from the dead is now preparing a people, in such a way that “our Lord Jesus, make you capable of every good work for the sake of it. fulfillment of his will “(13:20 and 21). Great news!



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    Daily Devotional

    AN AMAZING FACT: One hundred and forty years ago, almost 50 percent of the patients undergoing major surgery died from infection due largely to the filthy conditions. Doctors were bewildered why 80 percent more women died giving birth in hospitals compared to those who had their babies at home. Back then, doctors wore bloody aprons and went from patient to patient without washing their hands or instruments. Patients with minor wounds often died from infection or blood poisoning transmitted by the doctor.

    In the 1860s, a deeply religious English surgeon, Joseph Lister, was disturbed about the staggering number of patients dying from infection. He read in the Bible where God told the Israelites to wash after contact with the sick or a dead body. Based on this and Louis Pasteur’s discoveries, Lister recognized germs as the likely source of infection. He suggested surgeons dress cleanly, wash their hands, and sterilize instruments before operating. He insisted that the operating room be kept clean. He also developed a method for preventing infection during an operation by treating wounds with an antiseptic.

    At first Lister was regarded as eccentric, and nurses resented the extra work caused by his obsession with cleanliness. Then there was a period of significant mocking and resistance from his peers. Lister, a shy but determined man, was firm in his purpose. He humbly believed he was directed and inspired by God in this endeavor. In spite of all the opposition that he faced, he never gave up.

    As the mocking went on, everyone began to notice a change. The deaths from blood poisoning, infection, and gangrene were greatly reduced in Joseph Lister’s hospital ward in Glasgow. Eventually, British and American hospitals saw the benefits and gradually adopted the sterile procedures promoted by Dr. Lister. Before he died, Lister’s services to medicine were recognized and he was awarded a knighthood. Louis Pasteur described Lister as one of the greatest men of the 19th century.

    It’s amazing how the world has been transformed by applying the simple rules of sanitation found in the Bible. But did you know there are many other biblical secrets of health the world is neglecting? The God who formed us knows the principles of caring for the bodies He has given us. He lovingly shares that wisdom with us in His Word.
    He that toucheth the dead body of any man shall be unclean seven days. Numbers 19:11He shall purify himself with it on the third day, and on the seventh day he shall be clean: but if he purify not himself the third day, then the seventh day he shall not be clean. Numbers 19:12


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    The model,

    For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, who for you made himself poor, from rich that he was, so that by his poverty you might be enriched. 2 Cor. 8: 9.

    This world has been visited by the Majesty of Heaven, the Son of God. … Christ came into this world and manifested the heart, mind, nature and character of God. … But he laid down his royal robe and his crown, and left his command post to take the place of, a servant. He was rich, but out of love for us he became poor so that we could receive eternal riches. He created the world, but he forgot himself so completely that during his ministry he declared: “The Son of man has nowhere to lay his head.” …

    Christ stands at the head of humanity, clothed in its garment. His demeanor was so full of sympathy and love that the poorest were not afraid to approach him. He was kind to everyone and accessible to the humblest. He went from house to house, healing the sick, feeding the hungry, consoling those who wept, speaking of peace to those in distress. He hugged little children, blessed them, and spoke words of comfort and hope to weary mothers.
    With unfailing tenderness and friendliness he encountered all forms of human affliction and misery. He did not work for himself but for others. He voluntarily humiliated himself and forgot himself. He was not trying to distinguish himself. He was everyone’s servant. To be a comfort and a consolation for the others, to rejoice those who were saddened and tired, this is what made his food.

    Christ, the great medical missionary, is our model, he is an example for all who want to follow him. His pure and holy love was a blessing to all who came within his sphere of influence. His character, of absolute perfection, was free from all taint of sin. He came as the expression of the perfect love of God, not to judge, to break or to condemn but to restore every defective and weak character, to tear men and women from the power of Satan. He is the Creator, Redeemer and Sustainer of mankind.


    Hi To all

    The social media have informed us, but they have not yet given serious thought to the significance of October 31, 1999, when Catholics and Lutherans sat down together to sign the famous “agreement” that supposedly ends to Protestantism. They now claim to agree with the doctrine of justification (or salvation) by faith. As a result of this agreement, a famous theologian from Catholic University of Washington, publicly stated that there is now no valid reason for Lutherans to continue to be a separate denomination.

    It was Luther himself who said almost a millennium ago that if a church understands and preaches true justification by faith, it will be the church that will receive God’s blessing. There is therefore no other solution than to ask a question which is as serious as it is reasonable: is Protestantism dead? Is there still a theological justification for the existence of Protestant churches? If we believe in justification by faith in the same way that the Lutheran church does, which in turn believes in the same way as the Catholic church, it is clear that we are embracing the Catholic position on the plan of salvation. . Has the Church of Rome absorbed the Prostestant Church? Did she silently prepare his grave for him?

    A wise writer has said that justification by faith is “the third angel’s message verily”, referring to the “everlasting gospel” described in Revelation 14: 6-12. In other words: there is a gospel which is “the present truth” in these last days before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. This is an understanding of salvation by faith that is unique, because it parallels and is associated with the message of the cleansing of the sanctuary on the great Day of Atonement.

    There is an urgently relevant truth for every human being, everywhere. It will never be in contradiction with the truth already known and established, but it will become a development and a deepening of it.

    Today our High High Priest is dedicated to the cleansing of the heavenly sanctuary. Its main concern is not the preparation of human beings for death, but the preparation of a people who can face and endure the final test of the “mark of the beast”, who will be prepared for the translation when Jesus -Christ will come for the second time (1 Thessalonians 4:15 to 17). What a magnificent work! Also, the everlasting gospel which is now a current truth, accomplishes an extraordinary change in human hearts, thus making the people of God able to overcome “as I (Christ) have overcome”, and to follow “the Lamb. wherever he goes “(Revelation 3:21; 14: 1 to 5). It’s more than just applying cosmetics. He is doing work in human hearts, in a community of faith, in the “body” of Christ, such as has never been in the history of this world.

    But something has not changed: as always happens, the truth is far from human compromises and agreements. We still find it in the Bible that Luther came out of the darkness. Through its pages, the One who is the Way, the Truth and the Life speaks to us. So this is where you should look for the good news, and you will never be disappointed.


    Hi to

    Can anyone have the security of his eternal salvation? Current religious fashion demands an affirmative response, preferably accompanied by a smile that appears to express confidence and security. But no one should ignore the sad reality expressed by Jesus about the final judgment: “Many will say to me on that day: Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy by your name? Did we not cast out demons by your name? And haven’t we done many miracles by your name? Then I will tell them openly: I never knew you, depart from me, you who do iniquity. ” There was a very big mistake! It is impossible to imagine a self-deception with consequences worse than these. This faith which many will take to be genuine will ultimately be false, for it has not obeyed the commandments of God. How then to answer the question of the assurance of salvation? By simply claiming to be sure of herself? By insisting that we are saved, as proof and demonstration that we really are? This can lead to the most tragic of lies. But on the other hand, it is not God’s will that we struggle in doubt and fear.

    A few keys can help us answer:

    1- There is something that deserves our attention, which is much more important than our own personal salvation: the success of Christ’s plan of salvation in its controversy with Satan. When our preoccupation is centered “in Christ”, on his work and his victory, our preoccupation and our fear vanish (1 Corinthians 5:14 and 15; 1 John 4:18).

    2 – Pretending that your security is based on your own faith, your obedience and your works … will make you always wonder if you have enough faith, obedience, works, if you have enough obeyed, etc. While the foundation of your security continues to be in your own “me”, no matter what godly terminology you attempt to clothe it with, only one of these outcomes will be possible: (a) spiritual arrogance (“I am rich, I got rich, I need nothing “, Revelation 3:17), or (b) spiritual discouragement (” I wish I was good enough to go to heaven “).

    3 – And even in formulating the correct sentence: “my security is in Christ”, our claim to be “in him” is futile when our life lacks the evidence of being really “in Christ”. There is no conflict between faith and works. True faith is always demonstrated by works, and these are tested on the day of judgment; not to save us but to prove the authenticity of our faith. It is worthwhile to concretize the question: Assurance of salvation? Yes. But hi, of what? If it’s death, destruction, remember all false religions promise it. The religion of Christ is the only one that saves from the consequences of sin, BY SAVING FROM SIN: “You shall call his name Jesus; it is he who will save his people from their sins” (Matthew 1:21). He saves you – when you believe – from the power of sin (Romans 6:17 and 18). And he will save you – at his second coming – from the presence of sin (2 Corinthians 15:53 ​​to 56). If you never want to listen to the words of Matthew 7:23, ponder the words of 2Timothy 2:19.

    4 – Our security is based on what Christ did for the whole human race. We have been “justified by his blood” shed on the cross (Romans 5: 9). He chose us so that we would be eternally saved and it is his will that “all men be saved” (1 Timothy 2: 4). Did you resist his will? Was there a will opposed to his? Have you resisted the conviction of sin that the Holy Spirit brings? Recognize that you have only reason to thank him. Glorify him for having already suffered the eternal death that was returning to you, for having saved you from it. Your life will then tell others about the love of Christ.


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    Bible Study / Daily Devotion
    Daily devotions
    Average reading time is around 5½ minutes

    Faith is a word we don’t always use in our daily vocabulary. It is often relegated to the realm of theology. But in reality, faith is the foundation of our daily walk with God. In other words, it is to trust in the Lord. Every time you sit in a chair, you have the “faith” that she will support you and not crumble under you. Faith is trusting that God will support us through thickness and thinness.

    Many people have strong faith when everything is going well in their life, but when a storm hits they lose their hold on God. It reminds me of a simple illustration from the field of aviation. As a pilot, one of the expressions I will sometimes use is “fly blind”. It just means that when your exterior visuals are blurred by clouds, bad weather or darkness, you are flying the plane only by relying on the instruments. It’s a little scary when you first learn to trust what’s on the sign in front of you and not worry about the darkness outside. But without it, you are destined to crash and burn!

    Exercising trust in God when things are dark and gloomy helps our faith grow stronger. As we develop a relationship with Jesus through daily Bible study and prayer, we learn that he truly loves us and has our best interests in mind. “For I know the thoughts which I think concerning you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope” (Jeremiah 29:11). The more we know about God’s love, the more we will trust him.

    Every Christian receives a measure of faith from God (Romans 12: 3). It’s amazing what even a little faith can do. Jesus said, “If you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you ”(Matthew 17:20).
    Now faith is the substance of things that we hope for, the evidence of things that we do not see. Hebrews 11: 1



    Hi To all

    Is there an aspect of justification which is objective, independent of the possible response of man? Is it important?

    It is only by faith that it is possible to experience justification (or forgiveness). No one can be reconciled to God any other way. But it is not about magic. No more a simple intellectual exercise equivalent to the signing of an insurance policy intended to protect us from a determined risk. This type of “justification by faith” leaves the heart as cold and selfish as before!

    Justification by faith is an experience that rests on a foundation as solid as a rock; on an objective truth; on something much deeper, transcendent and constant than the decision and the will of the person, however necessary it may be. It is based on the eternal reality of Christ’s sacrifice on the cross (1 Corinthians 3:11). We read in Romans 5: 9 that “we are justified by his blood.” Where was this blood shed? When? On the cross. So if we have been justified by his blood, we have been justified on the cross.

    But what happened on the cross did not change the sinful and selfish human heart unless we choose to believe. This means that the experience of justification by faith takes place when the sinner chooses to believe. And once again, “believing” is not the cold, selfish desire for reward that is so often mistaken for faith. “For it is by believing with the heart that one comes to righteousness” (Romans 10:10). “Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ … the love of God is poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit which has been given to us” (Romans 5: 1 to 5). There is no peace in adultery. There is no peace in lies or in hatred. It is impossible to experience “the peace of God” unless you are at the same time reconciled to the holy law of God. Consequently, obedience is the direct result of having been justified by faith. You do not have to add your works to faith, since faith works “with his works” (James 2:22).

    “In Adam”, the first head of the human race, we have all been condemned. But “in Christ”, all (the same) we have received justification (Romans 5:15 to 18). If it wasn’t, no one would be able to take their next breath. Christ gave himself up “for the life of the world,” and all men eat their daily bread only by virtue of this sacrifice. You may not be aware of this fact, but we owe it all to the gift of Christ. Now, when you realize it and believe, what a change takes place! “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. Old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new” (2 Corinthians 5:17). What good news!

    “Christ hanged on the cross was the Gospel”, the good news on earth. When the penitent sinner accepts it by faith, there is good news in heaven (Luke 15: 7). But the gospel does not consist of our faith, but of that of “Jesus Christ, and Jesus Christ crucified” (1 Corinthians 1:17; 2: 2). Our faith is necessary, but it is not our savior. Virtue is in Christ, not in the way we accept it, and “we do not preach ourselves; it is Jesus Christ the Lord whom we preach” (2 Corinthians 4: 5).



    Hi To all

    Observe how many of those around you in this world have no knowledge of who we are. The gospel enables you to see them in a new light. Even those who do not recognize God at all enjoy life because Christ gave Himself for them and to them. They do not know it, but they would cease to exist at that moment even if it were not because Jesus gave, and is giving his life for them. He is the Lamb who was slain from the foundation of the world (Revelation 13: 8). Jesus said that his flesh would be the bread that he would give “for the life of the world” (John 6:51). In verse 33 we read that “the bread of God is he which comes down from heaven and gives life to the world”. And according to what “Jesus Christ” explains, verse 53 means that even those who do not know anything about Jesus and his sacrifice – the athes too – are participants in the Lord’s Supper without knowing it: “It is at the death of Christ that we owe even earthly life. The bread which we eat has been paid for with his shed blood. No one, whether saint or sinner, eats his daily food without being nourished by the body and blood of the Christ.”

    Is this why Paul says in 2 Corinthians 5:14 and 15, that “from now on we know no one according to the flesh”? We can ALL see them in a new light! What the immediate context says is that if Christ “died for all, then all are dead.” Therefore, they may not know it, but that is not why it is not true. What you and I know, does not convert it to the truth: It is so, whether we know it or not! Every human being in this world enjoys the gift of life exclusively through Christ’s sacrifice for him. Paul’s message in 2 Corinthians 5 says that it is time for these people to know to Whom they owe all their blessings.

    Paul goes on to say that God “has reconciled us to himself through Christ, and … has given us the ministry of reconciliation.” In other words, we need to let people know what they are: human beings already redeemed from the grave by the sacrifice of Chrsit. They were condemned to death, but they live because of Him. Now Paul says, “Be reconciled to God”. God said to them, “Return to me, for I have redeemed you” (Isaiah 44:22). Believe it! Say to him: “Thank you Lord for saving me”. And when you believe it and understand it, it just becomes impossible for you to continue living for yourself, and you feel compelled to live for the One who died for you and rose again, and for all the people for whom he also gave. his precious life; for everyone.

    R.J.W. and L.B.


    Hi to all

    Attacks, wars, persecutions, slavery … the world in which we live is filled with violence, and violence everywhere responds to violence.

    But we believe that love, compassion, gentleness and forgiveness are also solutions, to stop this violence! Only love can surprise and make a difference, as this testimony from a Thai policeman highlights.

    While this policeman is facing a man armed with a knife, he does not draw his gun but speaks to him, he convinces him to give his knife, and finally, he takes him in his arms. This man, surprised by this love, is upset.

    When I saw this video, I felt I needed more love from the Lord in my life. I prayed that the Lord would help me to see more often in everyday situations, how love can be an answer, a solution.

    In our couples, our families, at work, in the street, in the supermarket, in the Church, behind the wheel of our car … wherever we are, we can find opportunities to surprise the people around us, by demonstrating the wonderful love of Jesus.

    Love is folly in the eyes of the world, but is it not with love, and only love, that Jesus came to earth to save us? Is it not with this love that he conquered Satan, death and sin on this cross?

    “Lord, may this love of Jesus be poured out and manifested by the Holy Spirit in our hearts and in our lives.

    We pray that today we may take an opportunity to surprise someone with our love.

    Whether at home, at work, in the street, or elsewhere, may our love work miracles, in the name of Jesus, amen! ”

    With love,

    Paul Calzada


    The video cannot be seen, too bad.



    Hi To all

    Sweet, loving, full of compassion,

    But you, Lord, are a merciful and compassionate God, slow to anger, rich in goodness and faithfulness. Ps. 86:15.

    God desires that, according to the principles of his ministry, we comfort one another with tenderness and love when great trials arise. No one lives or dies for himself. Life and death have a central meaning for every man. … God makes it a duty to his human representatives to reveal his character by witnessing to his grace, wisdom and goodness, and by showing tender, merciful and delicate love. … Jesus was always moved by the misfortune of men, and our hearts must be softened and subdued by the Holy Spirit, so that we may be like him. …

    Our mission is to restore the image of God in man through the abundant grace that God gives us in Jesus Christ. Everywhere we meet souls on the verge of dying, and we absolutely need the compassion of Christ, so that a lack of mercy and tenderness on our part never engenders in them a feeling of mistrust …. I ask you: Will we ever learn the kindness of Christ? How much we need to know our Heavenly Father in order to represent him in our character! …

    Jesus does not call us to him simply to restore us by his grace and his presence for a few hours, then to pull us away from his light and make us walk in sadness and sorrow. Not at all! He tells us that we must abide in him and he in us. Wherever his work is to be done, he is present, kind, tender and merciful. He has reserved a place for you and me in himself. He is our refuge. Our experience must extend and deepen. Jesus, who opened to us the divine fullness of his unspeakable love, tells us: You are “workers with God.” (1 Cor. 3: 9) How weighty they are, these statements: “Abide in me” (John 15: 4), “take my yoke upon you”! (Mat. 11:29) Will we take this yoke?

    Here is the related promise: “You will find rest for your souls.” By abiding in Christ, one finds perfect rest.


    Hi To all

    During the first centuries of the Christian era there was some reluctance to accept the authenticity of the book to the Hebrews as part of the biblical canon. Today, two thousand years later, the main theme of the book – perfection of character – continues to bother some Christians. Having not yet experienced the power of the gospel, it seems impossible to them that God could have on this earth a group or a body of believers who conquer as Christ conquered, who reflect perfect beauty like a mirror. of the character of Christ, that character which is distinguished by the negation of self. They assume that as long as the body of Christ is made up of people with a fallen or sinful nature, there will be no possibility of developing perfect character.

    For them, the book to Hebrews presents a disturbing challenge: Over and over again we read that that perfection of consciousness which the symbol system could not bring, the ministry of Christ in the true sanctuary, which has as its end the perfection of the character of his people offer them abundantly (5:14; 6:11, 19; 10: 1, 14; 11:40; 13:21). How does he achieve what humanly seems so impossible? Through his priestly ministry. In this sense, the book is also unique in the New Testament. It is only in him that he explicitly appears as High Priest.

    Understanding the office of “priesthood” poses certain problems for modern man. It is easier for us to see him as Comforter, Master, etc. But we read in Hebrews 3: 1: “Consider the apostle and high priest of the faith that we profess, Jesus.” A priest is, in a way, the opposite of a prophet. The latter represents God before men, while the priest is the representative of man before God. This is why the mediator between God and men must be “Jesus Christ man”. Hebrews chapter 1 presents Jesus as God. Chapter 2 as a man. His full identification with us gives him the legitimate right to represent us and intercede on our behalf.

    What does his priesthood mean in practical terms? It means that “we have not a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses; on the contrary, he was tempted like us in all things, without committing sin” (4:15). Seeing that “being always alive to intercede” for us (7:25), we can approach him with confidence, sure of obtaining mercy, to be helped in our needs when we need it (4:16 ). At all times we can confidently count on “the One who can save you from falling and make you appear before his glory blameless and in joy” (Jude 24). We can do as Abraham, who did not doubt but gave glory to God by believing, fully convinced that the Lord had power to fulfill what he had promised, so his faith was imputed to him for righteousness (Romans 4:20 to 22). God had not said to Abraham: “Taking into account your limits, walk in front of me, and do the best you can”. No. God said to him, “I am Almighty God. Walk before me, and be blameless” (Genesis 17: 1). And Abraham believed.

    The book in Hebrews sets out the “New and Living Road” which will bring the plan of salvation to the human race (10:19 to 22). The book in Hebrews takes into account that “yet a little, a little while: he who is to come will come, and he will not tarry” (10:37). And the book of Revelation presents us with the certainty that Jesus WILL HAVE a people on earth who will respond to the pull of his cross, who will accept his ministry of “perfection”, who will repent deeply and who will be prepared for his second coming. (Revelation 7: 1 to 4; 14: 1 to 5 and 19: 7 to 9). Will we be you and I among this people? It is the intense desire of all heaven. Is that also holding him?



    Hi To all


    Are you tired of hearing about disasters? News agencies find it difficult to keep up with the frenetic succession of earthquakes, cyclones, floods, fires and tragedies in transport by land, sea or air. It is not just an improvement in journalism; this is a substantial increase in these facts. Jesus said that there would be “anguish among the nations … waiting for what will come to pass on the earth” (Luke 21:25 and 26). Today’s journalism brings into our homes living demonstrations of that “anguish among the nations”, of this terror that makes us identify with the millions of people who are suffering.

    But, who cares about the pain caused to God? But is it not true that he even knows the fall to the ground of a tiny bird (Matthew 10:29)? Jesus promised to be with us every day until the end of the world (Matthew 28:20). When we suffer, he suffers. He is attached to the human race by ropes of love. Don’t you think he must be anxious to end all the pain in the world? We know for sure that Jesus lives because he rose from the dead. He cannot have forgotten the human race, for which he gave his life. He longs to come back for the second time, in fulfillment of his promise. If we think that it is HIM who delayed his coming, we place ourselves at the side of the “wicked servant” who believes that his master is delaying in coming (Matthew 24:48). The truth is, it was not he, but his people who delayed his coming. He has been very busy with the pleasures of the welfare economy in Europe, America and Australia. Many are indifferent, both to the pain in the world and to the pain caused to the heart of God. If it is difficult for us to identify with him in his sufferings, it is because we are closer to the little girl who carries the wedding bouquet while she dreams of the wedding cake, than to the authentic bride in the wedding. his maturity to unite with the Bridegroom (See Revelation 19: 6 to 9).

    In order to learn to identify yourself with Christ, begin to identify yourself with him as he hangs on the cross for your sins. Read Psalms 22 and 69 which talks about the cross. If you do this with an open heart, each of your spiritual muscles will kick in. Next, identify yourself with Christ in his priestly ministry (as your and my representative) in the most holy place of the true heavenly sanctuary. Feel his concern for the multitudes of this planet and his desire to see his church cooperate with him on their behalf. Identify yourself with him in his disappointment. Immerse yourself in his message from Revelation 14: 4). The cry of your heart will then be the same as that of John: “Amen! Come, Lord Jesus!” (Revelation 22:20). Instead of raising prayers for your own good, you will know what it is to pray for him (Psalm 72:15); pray that Christ will receive his reward. Do not deprive yourself of this blessing: enter from now by faith into the joy of your Lord.


    God bless

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