Daily Devotions

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    Here is the Daily Devotional


    While attempting to sign the Emancipation Proclamation, which legally freed all the slaves living in the southern states of America, Abraham Lincoln’s hand shook so much that he had to put his pen down before adding his signature. After discussing the idea of the Emancipation Proclamation for many months with his cabinet, on January 1, 1863, at 11:00 AM, an initial draft of this monumental document was presented to Lincoln. While reading it over, however, Lincoln noticed a technical error that needed correcting, so he sent it back to the State Department.

    In the meantime, since it was New Year’s Day and the White House was open to the general public back them, Lincoln spent the next three hours shaking peoples’ hands. Finally, after the crowds left, the corrected version of the proclamation was presented to him at 2:00 PM. It was then, after picking up the pen to sign it into law, that his hand began to shake.

    You see, it wasn’t shaking because he was nervous; it was shaking because his arm had become so stiff and numb from shaking hands for three hours. So he put the pen down and gained his composure, saying, “I never, in my life, felt more certain that I was doing right, than I do in signing this paper. … If my hand trembles when I sign the Proclamation, all who examine the document hereafter will say, ‘He hesitated.’”

    Abraham Lincoln, who has often been called the “Great Emancipator,” is a reflection of the human race’s “Great Emancipator,” Jesus Christ, who did not hesitate when called upon to liberate and redeem the human race—though His hands, as they were nailed to Calvary’s tree, also shook. Thus, Solomon declares of Christ, “For He will deliver the needy when He cries … and will save the souls of the needy. He will redeem their life from oppression and violence” (Psalms 72:12-24)

    And one shall say unto him, What are these wounds in thine hands? Then he shall answer, Those with which I was wounded in the house of my friends. Zechariah 13:6 

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    Here is the Daily Devotional


    Nineveh was the capital of Assyria, the ruling empire of the day, home to not only the king but also “more than one hundred and twenty thousand persons” (Jonah 4:11). At one point it was the largest city in the world—and, as most cities go, incredibly corrupt. Jonah had been given the task of warning its people of their impending doom (1:2).

    But he quailed at the daunting divine request. So he ran away, even going so far as to pay out of his own pocket for a voyage to Tarshish, a faraway city on the southern coast of modern-day Spain, some 2,500 miles in the opposite direction from Nineveh (v. 3).

    But one can only avoid God for so long. In the midst of the journey, God caused Jonah’s ship to be caught in a powerful storm (v. 4). This storm must have been like no other; so relentless was it that these seamen, weathered though they were, feared for their lives. They did as most do in times of peril: They prayed for deliverance. But they were a motley crew of different ethnicities and faiths, and though they lifted up their voices to all kinds of gods, it was in vain. Meanwhile, Jonah, the only one who worshipped the true God, lay oblivious below deck in a deep sleep (v. 5).

    It was only when the captain woke him, desperately pleading with him to pray also, that Jonah realized: This was his doing (v. 6).

    When the crew cast lots to find out who brought this trouble upon them, it fell on Jonah, and he wassorti (v. 7). Il devait admettre devant eux qu’il était un lâche et que leurs ennuis étaient de sa faute. Mais comme notre Seigneur est merveilleux que même au milieu de la désobéissance de Jonas, il ait eu l’occasion de témoigner, car quand les hommes persistaient à l’interroger, il répondit : « Je crains le Seigneur, le Dieu des cieux, qui a fait la mer et le sec » (v. 9).

    Then, to save their own lives, the sailors, though reluctantly and upon Jonah’s own request, threw him overboard (v. 15). Immediately, just as the prophet had predicted, the storm ceased. That day, the formerly heathen crew all believed in the Lord God (v. 16).

    Reflect: Has God ever used you in spite of yourself? The Lord is gracious and sees what we can become even though He sees what we are.

    And he said unto them, Take me up, and cast me forth into the sea; so shall the sea be calm unto you: for I know that for my sake this great tempest is upon you. Jonah 1:12

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    Here is the Daily Devotional



    As the largest fish in the world, the whale shark is in the Guinness World Records at 41 feet, 6 inches long and weighing 47,000 pounds. But while its esophagus would not allow it to swallow a man whole, presumably that of the sperm whale could (and seafarers have attested to it). The Bible does not tell us what kind of gargantuan fish swallowed up Jonah, but it is certain that one did for “the Lord had prepared” it (Jonah 1:17).

    After the ship’s crew had tossed Jonah to the waves, the prophet spent the next three days trapped “in the belly of the fish” that God had prepared, still very much alive. There, in that dark, maritime grave, he had nothing to do but think about what he had done.

    For all his pigheadedness, he had brought not only suffering upon himself but had furthermore embroiled an entire crew of men along with him. He had wanted to get away from God so badly. Now, when he had nothing left, when he was literally at the bottom of the barrel, Jonah wanted no one else but God. “When my soul fainted within me, I remembered the Lord” (2:7), he prayed.

    Jonah knew, just as all those men on board the ship now knew, that God alone could deliver him: “Salvation is of the Lord” (v. 9). Not only could God save him, God desired to save him—even after he had foolishly rushed headlong towards death: “The waters surrounded me, even to my soul; …. yet You have brought up my life from the pit, O Lord, my God” (vv. 5, 6), said he.

    It was then, when Jonah was in full surrender to God, that God delivered him from the belly of the fish. By the simple power of His Word, God instructed the fish to spit Jonah out onto dry land, and in obedience to its Creator, the fish did (v. 10). Once more, God made the same request of his prophet (3:1, 2). This time, Jonah went without complaint to the terrible city of Nineveh (v. 3).

    Reflect: When we know something is wrong, dangerous, or destructive, why do we keep persevering in that way?

    And said, I cried by reason of mine affliction unto the LORD, and he heard me; out of the belly of hell cried I, and thou heardest my voice. Jonah 2:2 


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    Here is the Daily Devotional



    Imagine if every person living in New York City suddenly became Christian in a single day. Unfortunately, it seems highly unlikely, right?

    Well, when Jonah journeyed to Nineveh on God’s command to proclaim its imminent destruction, his prophecy was met with utter, genuine repentance, from the king all the way to the poorest slave (Jonah 3:5–9).

    And God forgave the Ninevites, sparing them from destruction (v. 10).

    But Jonah was furious. Those people did not deserve mercy! They had lived their lives in selfishness, ignominy, depravity.

    Of course, he knew that this would happen. He knew God’s character. God was “gracious and merciful” (4:2). Of course He would save them.

    And now he, Jonah, would look like an idiot and a liar. All that effort he made, crying up and down the streets of Nineveh—now none of it was going to happen. He was so angry, he could die (4:3)!

    But how blind Jonah was. Had he not just received God’s same mercy from his own disobedience? Had he not recently repented in the belly of the fish and been delivered? In his pride and self-conceit, he was unable to realize his own hypocrisy.

    In a fit he left Nineveh and planted himself just outside it (v. 5). He would not move until that wretched city met its punishment. But as it was very warm, God in His mercy provided a tall gourd to shade the prophet (v. 6). And Jonah sat, satisfied. But the next morning, God caused a worm to destroy the gourd, and Jonah, baking like a bun in the oven, grew furious again (vv. 7, 8).

    “It is right for me to be angry,” he answered, spiteful, stubborn, and past listening to reason, when questioned by God, “even to death!” (v. 9).

    Why did the gourd have to die? He was just the most unfortunate being on earth! Nothing worked for him, nothing went his way—nothing!

    But in return God simply asked: Why should all of those people have to die too (v. 11)?

    The Bible does not tell us Jonah’s reply, but traditionally the prophet is thought to have penned his own book. If he did, perhaps this honest account in itself provides us with a hopeful outcome.

    Reflect: Jonah, in his rash anger, would have saved the plant over the people, simply because the plant had been useful to him. What do we prioritize over precious souls for God’s kingdom?
    Then said the LORD, Doest thou well to be angry? Jonah 4:4 

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    salut à tous

    Voici la dévotion quotidienne 


    En décembre 2010, le président américain Barack Obama a signé la loi d’allégement fiscal de décembre 2010, qui a établi le code des impôts sur les successions pour les exercices 2011 et 2012. En vertu de cette loi, les successions de personnes décédées d’une valeur de 5 millions de dollars ou plus seraient soumises à 35 pour cent. imposition avant que leur reliquat ne soit répercuté sur les bénéficiaires. L’impôt fédéral sur les successions existe depuis longtemps, bien que les différents taux et règles de l’impôt ne cessent de changer.

    Certains États prélèvent également un impôt sur les successions en plus de celui imposé par le gouvernement fédéral. De plus, certains États ont un impôt sur les successions supplémentaire prélevé sur le montant reçu par les héritiers, ce qui signifie qu’une succession donnée peut être imposée jusqu’à trois fois avant que les différents gouvernements aient fini de prendre leurs parts.

    L’auteur de l’Ecclésiaste a très bien compris que la richesse d’un homme reste après sa mort et est appréciée par d’autres personnes. La pensée de sa richesse, fruit des travaux de sa vie, appartenant à quelqu’un d’autre qui pourrait être “sage ou insensé” (Ecclésiaste 2:19) le troublait profondément, à tel point qu’il considérait l’accumulation de richesses comme une “vanité”. – et c’était avant les droits de succession fédéraux ou étatiques ou les droits de succession !

    Jésus sait à quel point beaucoup de gens attachent de la valeur à leurs trésors mondains, malgré le fait qu’ils restent après la mort. Au lieu de passer notre vie à accumuler des richesses, qui peuvent être volées ou détruites et qui passeront à une autre personne après notre mort, Jésus nous demande de nous concentrer sur les richesses célestes : la vie éternelle et la libération du péché. Ce sont les trésors divins qui, une fois que nous les avons, ne peuvent jamais être perdus ou taxés.
    Ne vous amassez pas de trésors sur la terre, où la mite et la rouille corrompent, et où les voleurs pénètrent et dérobent: Mais amassez-vous des trésors dans le ciel, où ni la mite ni la rouille ne corrompent, et où les voleurs ne cassent pas percer ni voler : Car là où est ton trésor, là aussi sera ton cœur. Matthieu 6:19-21


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    Here is the Daily Devotional




    Many people love to eat pancakes for breakfast. Did you know one of the tallest (it keeps growing!) stacks of pancakes on record is 29.5 inches high set by chefs Sean McGinlay and Natalie King of Glagow’s Hilton Grosvenor Hotel. It contained 672 pancakes made with 100 eggs, 17 pints of milk, 11 pounds of flour, and 6.6 pounds of butter. But if you think that’s big, the largest pancake made weighed three tons! The Co-operative Union Ltd of Manchester, England, created a pancake measuring 49 feet, 2.55 inches in diameter on August 13, 1994.

    It contained an estimated two million calories! The most pancakes ever made by an individual in one hour is 956 and goes to Steve Hamilton of Indiana. He claims to have flipped over 34 million pancakes in his lifetime. If they were laid end to end they would stretch from Los Angeles to Springfield, Illinois. And the most pancakes made in eight hours by a group of 300 volunteer cooks is 76,382. Thirty-eight griddles were used to cook almost 6,000 pounds of batter.

    People who ate them up used about 136 gallons of maple syrup and 365 pounds of butter. There is actually no official record for the number of pancakes people have eaten at one sitting since the Guinness Book of World Records tends to track things that people don’t normally enjoy eating in large quantities (like garlic cloves or onions). Some say the unofficial record is 72. (I like pancakes, but that is going just a little too far!)

    Obviously, overeating pancakes for breakfast is not good for your health. But, did you know that skipping breakfast could be deadly? In one study, skipping breakfast was linked to an increased risk of premature death. By far, the best meal to skip, or at least minimize, is dinner. Another study reported better weight loss, improvement in diabetic conditions, and increased thyroid efficiency among a group of 595 people who consumed their last meal of the day by 3:00 p.m.

    Wise eating can make a difference in your body and spirit. Daniel knew this when he turned away from eating the rich foods offered to him in Babylon. He challenged the steward overseeing him and his friends to let them only eat simple food. The result? “And at the end of ten days their features appeared better and fatter in the flesh than all the young men who ate the portion of the king’s delicacies” (Daniel 1:15). So, eat a healthy breakfast and enjoy better health!

    But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king’s meat, nor with the wine which he drank: therefore he requested of the prince of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself. Daniel 1:8 

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    Here is the Daily Devotional




    Sometimes we try to place on God the attributes of sinful human beings. We think that the Lord somehow feels like we do about wicked people, especially those who have deeply hurt us or our family and friends. But God is not like us. The Lord says, “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways” (Isaiah 55:8). This is true when it comes to the punishment of evil.

    While it is accurate to say that God will punish sinful people who do not turn from their ways, destroying them in the lake of fire where they will be totally consumed, it is not done with delight. Listen to God’s heart in Scripture. Ezekiel presents the emotions of a Father who cries for His children.

    I am touched by these words depicting this longing for the lost: “How can I give you up, Ephraim? How can I hand you over, Israel? … My heart churns within Me; My sympathy is stirred” (Hosea 11:8). Any normal parent can sense the terrible pain in God’s heart when He looks at His wayward children.

    I am touched by these words depicting this longing for the lost: “How can I give you up, Ephraim? How can I hand you over, Israel? … My heart churns within Me; My sympathy is stirred” (Hosea 11:8). Any normal parent can sense the terrible pain in God’s heart when He looks at His wayward children.

    Sadly, even Jesus’ disciples didn’t sense that the teacher they came to love was similar in character to God the Father. Notice how Christ presented the Father: “In that day you will ask in My name, and I do not say to you that I shall pray the Father for you; for the Father Himself loves you, because you have loved Me, and have believed that I came forth from God” (John 16:26, 27, my emphasis).

    All of our heavenly family will grieve over the destruction of those who refuse to receive the gift of eternal life. It should motivate us now to reach out to them before it is too late.


    Say unto them, As I live, saith the Lord GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die, O house of Israel? Ezekiel 33:11 


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    Here is the Daily Devotional


    The world’s largest sign was set up in Gloucestershire, England. Standing at 50 feet high, the sign stretched for 270 feet! The sign was actually raised as a humorous stunt at one of England’s premier horse racing tracks. Paddy Power, Ireland’s largest bookmaker, where people can place bets, decided to pre-empt the horse track’s primary sponsor for its marquee race in March 2010.

    They concocted the plan to raise the gigantic Hollywood-style sign on Cleeve Hill, overlooking the racetrack. It took planners three years to design the white-lettered sign, and then it required a 60-man crew working a total of 1,000 hours to raise it.

    One would think that everyone would be excited about the record setting sign. But just the opposite was the case. Officials from the racetrack and town were not enthused at all about the eyesore, ultimately threatening legal action if the company did not take it down. Paddy Power’s hand was forced, and they took it down after the race was over.

    In Deuteronomy 27, we read about instructions Moses gave the children of Israel for when they crossed over the Jordan River. They were to set up large stones, whitewash them with lime, and then write God’s law upon them. The large stones, with the writing upon them, was to keep a reminder before the people of God’s law, His leading, and His claims on their lives.

    God wishes to raise signs in our lives as well, reminding us of His leading in our lives. More than this, though, He longs to write His law upon our hearts (see Jeremiah 31:31–34), so that we, like David, will say that we “delight” to do God’s will (Psalms 40:8).

    And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: Deuteronomy 6:6And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up. Deuteronomy 6:7


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    Here is the Daily Devotional


    Here is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. (John 1:29)

    By nature, John had the weaknesses and faults common to all human beings. But in contact with divine love, he had changed. When, after the beginning of the ministry of Jesus, the disciples of John came to complain to their master that all were following the new preacher, he showed how clearly he had understood his position in relation to the Messiah, and how happy he was to welcome Him whose way he had prepared.

    “A man can only receive what has been given to him from heaven. You yourselves are my witnesses that I said: I am not the Christ, but I have been sent before Him… also this joy, which is mine, is perfect. He must increase, and I must decrease” (Jn 3:27-30).

    Contemplating the Redeemer by faith, John had reached the heights of self-denial. He did not seek to draw men to him, but to lift their thoughts higher, higher and higher, until they could discern the Lamb of God. He had been only a voice, a cry in the desert. Now he gladly agreed to dwell in silence and darkness, so that all eyes could turn to the true light of life.

    Those who are faithful to their vocation as messengers of God will seek no honor for themselves. Self-love will disappear in love for Christ. They will recognize that their duty, like that of John the Baptist, is to proclaim: “Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.” They will exalt Jesus, and with Him mankind will be lifted up…

    The soul of the prophet, emptied of self, was filled with divine light… John bore witness to the glory of the Saviour. In this glory of Christ all His disciples will share… We will receive light from above only if we are determined to strip ourselves of ourselves. We cannot discern the true character of God and accept Jesus by faith unless we consent to bring every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ. And to all who do so, the Holy Spirit will be given without measure. “In Christ dwells the fullness of the Godhead bodily. You have everything fully in Him” (Col. 2:9, 10). 

    God bless



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    Here is the Daily Devotional



    Nikolaus Ludwig von Zinzendorf grew up in a Christian home, and thus it’s difficult to pinpoint the moment when this young nobleman—a far different “rich young ruler” than the one found in Scripture—received Christ as his Savior. But there’s no difficulty at all in pinpointing when that acceptance made a huge difference in his life.

    The world into which von Zinzendorf was born is almost impossible to imagine today: highly agrarian, a peasant class that could hardly dream of rising above their lot in life, and a Protestantism that had lost its way, with dogma and institutional thinking crowding out the spiritual message of the Reformation. And, yes, the Catholic Church was still fiercely opposed to those dissidents who left its precincts. It was a difficult time in which to live.

    In October 1721, despite his inclination towards theology and religious work, von Zinzendorf followed family tradition, becoming a judicial counselor to the king at Dresden, Germany. But his heart remained with the minority of Protestants trying to deepen their faith. Within a year, he’d purchased his grandmother’s estate, Berthelsdorf, hoping to establish a refuge for those believers driven from their homes in Moravia and Bohemia (today’s Czech Republic).

    Eventually, discord arose among various factions of the settlers, whose number had reached 300. Von Zinzendorf moved his family to Berthelsdorf and worked tirelessly to calm the troubled spirits and foster unity. He then discovered a charter called Unitas Fratrum (or, Unity of the Brethren), which was used by the followers of Jan Hus (John Huss) years before Luther and the posting of the “95 Theses.”

    Sharing the message of brotherly agreement and unity, von Zinzendorf’s colony of 300 became what is today known as the Moravian Church, a group emphasizing piety and a “religion of the heart.” These pietistic people were the first to send missionaries to the “new world” across the Atlantic, and their influence grew. Though relatively small in number, Moravian Christians have remained faithful to the message von Zinzendorf preached, and the God they earnestly desired to serve.

    Reflect: Though wealthy, Nicholas von Zinzendorf let his love for God motivate his actions, such as starting a colony for the poor, persecuted believers from Moravia and Bohemia. What is motivating you today?

    A good man sheweth favour, and lendeth: he will guide his affairs with discretion. Psalm 112:5 

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    Here is the Daily Devotional



    Buffalo grass, a hardy vegetation native to North America, lies brown and dormant during a drought and within two hours of rainfall turns green again.

    The prophet Elijah famously predicted a drought in the time of King Ahab, who was the most wicked of all the rulers of Israel (1 Kings 16:33). Ahab had married a woman named Jezebel, who was the daughter of a high priest of Baal—the false god of the Canaanites (v. 31). Jezebel also worshipped Baal and was a powerfully seductive influence upon her husband’s religious beliefs and policies. Consequently, during Ahab’s reign idol worship remained rampant in Israel, and many Israelites turned away from the living God.

    Now came God’s strong warning against their sin, told directly to Ahab by Elijah the prophet (17:1). The drought persisted for three and a half years, during which time dearth and famine ravaged the nation. But through it all, God protected Elijah, hiding him from the king, who held the prophet responsible for the country’s troubles, and from the clutches of Jezebel, who hated all he stood for (v. 3). Instead, God sustained Elijah by ravens, which brought the prophet food, and provided a stream, which gave him water (v. 6).

    God then further preserved his prophet in the home of the widow of Zarephath. In that home Elijah, the widow, and her son witnessed God’s direct intervention in their lives multiple times; not only did God save his prophet, He also delivered the widow and her son from starvation, miraculously providing enough food for all of them from just a “bin of flour” and a “jar of oil” (v. 14), and even brought the widow’s son back from the dead after a devastating illness took the boy’s life (vv. 17–22).

    Certainly, Elijah knew that God’s loving hand was upon him. How his faith must have been strengthened during that time; how the ravens’ daily toil must have repeatedly reminded him of God’s almighty power and tender concern.

    Now the time had finally come when God was to show Himself to the people of Israel. And Elijah, who, like the buffalo grass, had lain dormant for a season, was about to return.

    Reflect: How many times has God’s Word, instructions, or impressions explicitly spared your life? We can trust that, no matter how improbable, God always does what He says He will do (Ezekiel 12:25).

    And Elijah the Tishbite, who was of the inhabitants of Gilead, said unto Ahab, As the LORD God of Israel liveth, before whom I stand, there shall not be dew nor rain these years, but according to my word. 1 Kings 17:1

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    Imagine the anticipation, the fervor Elijah must have felt the day he returned to Israel. Finally, after three and a half years of patiently enduring, hoping, ruminating on the day that God’s wayward people would see the error of their ways, Elijah met with the king.

    “Is that you, O troubler of Israel?” (1 Kings 18:17) asked the weakly king upon seeing him.

    But Elijah’s response was steadfast, as straight as an arrow and as bold as a lion: “I have not troubled Israel, but you and your father’s house have, in that you have forsaken the commandments of the Lord and have followed the Baals” (v. 18). Then Elijah requested that all the Israelites be gathered for a public demonstration of worship that pitted him against 450 false prophets of Baal (v. 19).

    The spectacle began. Also present were King Ahab and another 400 false prophets. Elijah and the prophets of Baal were to build altars and prepare sacrifices and then petition their respective deities to accept their sacrifice by fire (vv. 23, 24).

    The prophets of Baal assembled first. Though they danced and screamed and desperately flagellated themselves all day, there came no answer from above (vv. 26–29).

    Now came Elijah’s turn. At his feet was an altar, long since trampled and forgotten, that had once been used to worship the true God (vv. 31, 32). Faithfully, calmly, orderly, the prophet set about rebuilding it, digging a moat around it, and placing his sacrifice. Then, he requested water to be poured, drenching the altar and leaving no room for doubt (v. 33). To the crowd the difference between Elijah’s process versus that of the prophets of Baal must have seemed like night and day.

    Then Elijah prayed for God to accept his offering. It was a humble prayer of praise and intercession (vv. 36, 37). Instantly, fire struck the altar—and even the water (v. 38). It was an unmistakable, undeniable, undefeatable sign. The people, awestruck, worshipped God (v. 39).

    What a victory had been won that day! Elijah’s utter reliance on, and his unyielding confidence in the Almighty shone like a diamond in the rough. But could anything shake that trust?

    Reflect: Has your faith in God ever led you to do something bold, something brave for His glory? Step out in faith and watch God part the waters.

    “And it came to pass at the time of the offering of the evening sacrifice, that Elijah the prophet came near, and said, LORD God of Abraham, Isaac, and of Israel, let it be known this day that thou art God in Israel, and that I am thy servant, and that I have done all these things at thy word.”
    1 Kings 18:36 

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    During World War I, desertion from the army was considered a grave offense. Great Britain alone captured 291 deserters and executed them by firing squad.

    After Elijah’s triumphant display, God ended the drought (1 Kings 18:44, 45). Elijah had waited years for this. But now that it was over, what was next? Perhaps he expected an apology from the king or Israel’s complete reform. All he got was a death threat from the queen (19:2).

    And Elijah, who had so recently demonstrated such courageous trust in God, faltered. He did not ask God’s guidance; he simply “ran for his life” (v. 3). He was bitterly disappointed. All his high hopes for Israel had been dashed. He wanted to die (v. 4).

    Fortunately, God did not want that.

    “What are you doing here, Elijah?” (v. 9) asked the Lord.

    But Elijah evaded the question, instead unleashing a bout of self-pity (v. 10). All those years spent hiding, finally the long-awaited event, all those people watching, all the work he had done—had it all been for naught?

    God then taught Elijah a very important lesson. He brought before His prophet three mighty powers: a wind, an earthquake, and a fire—all forces of nature that would seem to aptly represent the Almighty. But God deliberately did not associate Himself with any of them. Instead, He showed Himself as “a still small voice” (v. 12).

    To Elijah, the visuals were clear. Just because something was big or loud did not mean that it was powerful. Just because Elijah had prepared a grand display to showcase God’s might did not mean that people’s hearts had been converted. It is only the deeply personal, endlessly compassionate leading of the Holy Spirit that can transform a soul. Elijah had assumed that his work had been finished after God had rained down fire from heaven, but what if his work had just been the beginning? What could God have accomplished through him had he not deserted at the first peep from Jezebel?

    But God, ever patient, gave Elijah another chance to continue as His messenger. After that quiet rebuke, Elijah had no more complaints. Instead, he obediently did all that the Lord asked of him.

    Reflect: What is your understanding of God’s process in winning souls? What role do you have in that process?


    And he said, Go forth, and stand upon the mount before the LORD. And, behold, the LORD passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and brake in pieces the rocks before the LORD; but the LORD was not in the wind: and after the wind an earthquake; but the LORD was not in the earthquake:       ( 1 Kings 19:11) 

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    “I make people sick to their stomachs,” Teri thought.

    Her two sisters looked a lot like their mom, but not Teri. She looked like her dad. But her parents were separated now, and her mother had remarried. So living in her mother’s home, she felt out of place. Teri’s two sisters could play the piano, and they were both really smart and did well in school too. But not Teri.

    She had never thought much of herself. She left home at a young age to get married. She was away from her family, but she was still, in her own words, “a sad sort of person living a small life.” She and her husband didn’t have much. Sometimes it seemed like they were just living to survive, not living to live. They had two children, but their children grew up and left home; then it was just her and her husband. She took to drinking, and she drank a lot.

    And life passed on in this way, in this thin strip of survival—drink, sleep, work—until one day God miraculously intervened. When Teri and her husband discovered that they could afford the Internet for the first time, they promptly signed up. It opened up whole new vistas for them.

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    April 25, 2023

    Average reading time is about 5 minutes

    “I make people sick to their stomachs,” Teri thought.

    Her two sisters looked a lot like their mom, but not Teri. She looked like her dad. But her parents were separated now, and her mother had remarried. So living in her mother’s home, she felt out of place. Teri’s two sisters could play the piano, and they were both really smart and did well in school too. But not Teri.

    She had never thought much of herself. She left home at a young age to get married. She was away from her family, but she was still, in her own words, “a sad sort of person living a small life.” She and her husband didn’t have much. Sometimes it seemed like they were just living to survive, not living to live. They had two children, but their children grew up and left home; then it was just her and her husband. She took to drinking, and she drank a lot.

    And life passed on in this way, in this thin strip of survival—drink, sleep, work—until one day God miraculously intervened. When Teri and her husband discovered that they could afford the Internet for the first time, they promptly signed up. It opened up whole new vistas for them.

    Searching online, Teri and her husband learned about the seventh-day Sabbath of the Bible. They believed in what they heard, especially Teri’s husband, and so they began to keep the Sabbath in the small ways they knew how. As more time passed and life continued on for them, the truth about God’s special day continued to hold fast—like a lone stream trickling in a dry desert.

    As Teri’s husband continued searching online, he came across the Amazing Facts website. What he discovered and shared with Teri dramatically changed their lives. Not only did the site have a ton of information about the Sabbath, it had so much more—Bible studies, devotionals, and an online store full of books and DVDs!

    Reflect: Have you ever felt like a nobody? What does Jesus really think about you? If you are unsure, study the Bible verses below and you will discover just how much you are loved.

    “Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows.”
    Matthew 10:31 

    From Amazing facts

    God bless


    salut à tous

    Voici la dévotion quotidienne


    PARTIE 2


    Teri et son mari ont été étonnés de trouver autant d’informations sur la Bible en un seul endroit ! Les ressources qu’ils ont découvertes sur Amazingfacts.org ont été envoyées par le ciel.

    Teri a commencé à étudier les Storacles en ligne et en est tombée amoureuse. Chaque fois qu’elle avait une question, elle écrivait directement à Amazing Facts et, à sa grande joie, un correspondant d’Amazing Facts a répondu à ses questions rapidement et clairement. Et ce n’étaient pas non plus des réponses automatiques – c’étaient des réponses de personnes réelles et vivantes qui se souciaient d’elle, qui voulaient qu’elle apprenne et comprenne le Dieu de la Bible par elle-même. “J’ai aimé apprendre les raisons de ma façon de croire”, ajoute-t-elle.

    Au fur et à mesure que Teri comprenait mieux les vérités bibliques, en particulier le sabbat, sa propre vie s’est illuminée et son monde s’est élargi. Le sentiment de sécheresse dans son cœur, qu’elle n’était personne, a commencé à changer à mesure que les messages du ciel l’aidaient à s’épanouir. Après avoir terminé tous les Storacles, elle a été ravie et étonnée de recevoir deux livres Amazing Facts gratuits ! “Pas mal”, pensa-t-elle pour quelqu’un qui se surnommait “la stupide de la famille”.

    Teri a depuis cessé de boire. Au lieu de se verser un verre tous les matins, elle passe une heure tranquille avec Dieu et une dévotion Amazing Facts.

    Elle et son mari ont commencé à fréquenter une église observant le sabbat. Au lieu que son mari passe du temps libre à regarder des films, ils passent maintenant du temps ensemble à regarder Amazing Facts sur Roku. Teri partage également catégoriquement le site Web Amazing Facts avec ses proches, répandant l’Évangile de toutes les manières possibles.

    Petit à petit, avec la puissance de Dieu, Teri et son mari ont apporté des changements dans leur vie. Un petit ruisseau de vérité qui a commencé avec la découverte du vrai sabbat, est devenu un fleuve jaillissant, débordant de l’amour de Dieu. “Dieu est si bon!” Teri écrit. “Je suis comme une fontaine à l’intérieur quand je pense à sa grandeur.” Comme Jésus l’a dit à la femme au puits : « L’eau que je lui donnerai deviendra en lui une source d’eau jaillissant pour la vie éternelle » (Jean 4 :14).

    Bien que Teri se sentait autrefois comme une Mme Personne, elle sait maintenant qu’elle est une personne précieuse en Jésus.

    Réfléchissez : faites-vous l’expérience de l’amour de Dieu qui coule à l’intérieur de vous comme de l’eau jaillissant dans la vie éternelle ? Sinon, Jésus vous invite à demander, car Il donnera gratuitement.

    “Le SEIGNEUR m’est apparu autrefois, disant: Oui, je t’ai aimé d’un amour éternel; c’est pourquoi je t’ai attiré par la bonté.”
    Jérémie 31:3


    Dieu vous protège *


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    Ancient Norse history speaks in the old sagas of a fearsome class of warriors called Berserkers. According to reports, Berserkers would dress themselves in the skins of bears or wolves to exploit the fear common people had for wild animals. Before entering battle, Berserkers would whip themselves up into a sort of crazed frenzy, biting their shields and howling like animals, possibly aided by psychoactive drugs.

    While in this trance-like condition, they were ferocious fighters and seemingly impervious to pain. Swords and knives seemed to have little impact on them. In their rage, Berserkers made formidable enemies; they even attacked the boulders and trees of the forest and it was not uncommon for them to kill their own people during their rampage. Their irrational and violent behavior showed that they were totally out of control.

    It was often said the Berserker seemed to change into bestial form, or at least to assume the ferocious nature of the wolf or bear. One writer reports, “… they went without coats of mail, and acted like mad dogs and wolves.” It is believed the myth of werewolves originates with these wild Norse warriors.

    And you probably figured out that these enraged Scandinavian fighters gave rise to the English word “berserk” to describe someone who is overcome with an uncontrolled rage. Now here’s a question: If Christians lose their temper and fly off the handle, are they really Christians when they act berserk?

    The Scriptures tell us, “A wise man fears and departs from evil, but a fool rages …” and “He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and he who rules his spirit than he who takes a city” (Proverbs 14:16; 16:32). And Peter advises: “… add to your faith virtue, to virtue knowledge, to knowledge self-control …” (2 Peter 1:5-7).

    Self-control is an important part of Christian character. Only by controlling our temper can we reflect Christ to others. If we’re really living for Christ, rather than acting impulsively in response to anger, we will be developing the fruit of His Spirit. “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law” (Galatians 5:22, 23).

    Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath: James 1:19But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. Galatians 5:22-23

    But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. Galatians 5:22-23

    From Amazing facts

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    Vickie’s mother raised her in a Sabbath-keeping church, read her Bible bedtime stories, and showed her how to pray. Her mother even taught her about Bible prophecies.

    But over time, books and movies of mixed morality crept into Vickie’s life. And worse, she was unaware of the danger. Influenced by entertainment, secular education’s evolution agenda, and excessive schoolwork, she stopped attending church. Though Vickie maintained an intellectual belief in God, her faith dwindled. God kept calling to Vickie’s heart. In her search for peace she began attending a Sunday-keeping church. But this did not satisfy the deepest questions in her mind. Doubts continued to plague her.

    When Vickie had reached the depth of her despair, a member from her old Sabbath-keeping congregation asked if she would help out with their church services. “She had always been a really kind lady,” Vickie recalls. “I did not have the heart to say no.”

    After a few weeks of assisting at church, Vickie found herself one Sabbath in the middle of an enthusiastic discussion among some members. The pastor, who was part of the discussion, shared how God did not promise a life on this earth without hardships, but did promise to give strength to His followers. His statement filled Vickie with hope. “It made me want to find God again.”

    Vickie had earlier stumbled across an online ad for Amazing Facts. Saving the link for future reference, she continued searching for truth elsewhere. “Satan began to strike harder,” Vickie recalls. Despite her open-minded, earnest seeking, Vickie faced discrimination for her new beliefs at her Sunday-keeping church. “I hadn’t given God complete control,” Vickie remembers, “but once I did, I felt relief.”

    She asked God to help her obey the truth, no matter where it led. Then something miraculous happened. “After I prayed,” Vickie shares, “I recalled the Amazing Facts website I had been saving.” She immediately got online and watched every video she could find that was relevant to her questions. It was a turning point in her Christian journey.

    The result of her online learning through the Amazing Facts website was mind-boggling. Though Vickie experienced setbacks, her persistent search for truth was rewarded and she gave her heart completely to the Lord and was baptized into God’s remnant church.

    Reflect: Do you know of someone who was raised in the church, and then left, and came back? God cares for all of His sheep!

    Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6 

    From Amazing facts

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    The driest place on Earth is the Atacama Desert near the Pacific coastline of Chile. The average rainfall in these desert mountains is less than .004 inches per year. There are even some locations within the desert where no rain has fallen for more than 400 years. Yet even in this arid wasteland, there is some water. There are some salt lakes throughout the region, and in some elevations, where the temperature never exceeds freezing, snow still remains from previous storms.

    Without the Earth’s constant cycle of evaporation and rainfall, life as we know it could not exist. The natural rain cycles keep land and plants irrigated, constantly recycle water around the world, and bring precipitation to even the driest lands. It is amazing to think that the diverse and extensive balance of life on Earth, including human life, is totally dependent upon rainfall, which is beyond mankind’s ability to control.

    God’s people know that rain does not happen by accident. God is the creator of nature, and He is in charge of executing its natural and physical laws. When water comes to even the driest places on Earth, God’s people see Him at work. When Job declares that God “gives rain on the earth, And sends waters on the fields” (Job 5:10), he cites this as an example of how God “does great things, and unsearchable, Marvelous things without number” (Job 5:9).

    When we behold the wonders of nature, even the rain, we can easily see the majesty of God. God loves His creation, and He takes care of it. We should be confident that God will take the same care of His children too.

    That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust. Matthew 5:45 

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    In January 1892, the city of London, England, was plunged into mourning: Charles Haddon Spurgeon, a preacher not yet 60 years old, had died, months after giving his last sermon.

    When Spurgeon’s body lay in repose at his Metropolitan Tabernacle church—a 5,600-seat edifice that would be called a “megachurch” today—for three days, 60,000 mourners streamed in to pay their respects. As his two- mile-long funeral procession wound its way through the streets, 100,000 stood in solemn respect. Even the pubs were closed that day.

    All this for a Christian preacher. Imagine that!

    But Spurgeon was no mere sermonizer. Friends and critics alike knew him as the “Prince of Preachers” for his flamboyant style, his exhortations to the lost, and his uncompromising stand for biblical orthodoxy as he knew it.

    It all started with a snowstorm. Then 15 years old, Spurgeon was prevented from reaching his usual church by the brutal weather. He ended up in a Primitive Methodist chapel, where a shoemaker or tailor—the young man wasn’t sure which—spoke on Isaiah 45:22 in a rough-hewn manner.

    “My dear friends, this is a very simple text indeed,” the speaker declared. He added, “It says, ‘Look.’ Now that does not take a deal of effort. It ain’t lifting your foot or your finger; it is just ‘look.’”

    Going on in a similar vein, this layman’s words were used by God to reach Spurgeon’s heart. The speaker looked straight at the visitor and declared, “Young man, you look very miserable. And you will always be miserable— miserable in life and miserable in death—if you do not obey my text. But if you obey now, this moment, you will be saved.”

    Spurgeon heeded the man’s call to “look to Jesus Christ” and his life was forever changed. Within a year, he was preaching in his part of the country. Not yet 20, he was invited to do six months of preaching at a 232-member congregation in London. He went to the capital, and never left.

    A preacher to thousands—newspapers in Britain and America reprinted his sermons—Spurgeon’s impact on ministry is still felt today, with wide distribution of his commentaries. Although chronic illness led to his death before the age of 60, Charles Spurgeon’s reach extended far beyond his base in London, and beyond his lifetime.

    Reflect: Is there a single verse—or sermon—that made a difference in the direction of your life? Share it with someone. It could help them more than you know.

    Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else. Isaiah 45:22 

    From Amazing facts

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    As a young nurse in the Philippines, Teresita had a deep desire to serve God. She felt impressed to enter a convent and become a nun. Her sins weighed on her heart and she believed that by serving in this way she could be purged of her sinful past.

    While attending nursing school, Teresita met “sisters” and a priest. She thought that if she could be like them, she would become holy and pure. When she told her mother of her desire, she begged her not to go. She says, “I was stubborn and rebellious and didn’t want to listen to her.”

    On the day she wanted to enter the convent, her uncle, who was serving as a priest in Rome, was visiting in Manila. She begged him to help her get into the nunnery. The next day they caught a taxi and with his help she was accepted. The decision so shocked her mother that she had a heart attack and was paralyzed for several months.

    Little did Teresita think that it would be 21 years before she would leave the monastery. Life in this religious community was rigorous and included doing penance, always consulting the mother superior, and even kissing the floor.

    Except hearing the Bible at mass, Teresita never studied the Scriptures. She focused on the lives of the saints and the catechism. But none of these things brought peace to her tortured conscience. The guilt of her sins began to crush her spirit. Praying the rosary, making pilgrimages, confessing to the priest, partaking of communion … nothing eased the weight of her sin.

    Teresita continued to seek peace by doing acts of righteousness. “I felt so empty. I was serving idols instead of the true and living God. I depended on my superiors instead of Jesus.”

    Then, in an unfortunate encounter with another nun, she disobeyed the mother superior and was asked to leave. Teresita thinks of it now as a “mighty deliverance from God.” At the time she pleaded with them to allow her to stay. She had 21 years of a blameless record but was now dismissed.

    Reflect: Have you ever been tempted to impress God or others by your own acts of righteousness? These will never save you. Seek heaven’s wisdom on revealing Christ to others.

    Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life. Romans 5:18

    From Amazing facts

    God bless


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