Daily Devotions

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    Daily Devotional


    AN AMAZING FACT: According to World Bank statistics, the poorest country in the world is the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), with an annual GDP per capita of only $422.
    There are different ways to measure the poverty of a country. Calculations made by various organizations consider purchasing power, cost of living, inflation rates, and standard of living. But whether you look at the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, or Central Intelligence Agency figures, the DRC still comes out rock bottom. (Not to be confused with the Republic of Congo, the DRC was known as Zaire until 1997.)

    In this impoverished country of 71 million people, where French is the official language, the Second Congo War, which began in 1998, has devastated the country. It’s a confrontation involving seven foreign armies and has been noted as the deadliest conflict in the world since World War II, killing 5.4 million people. I don’t even want to describe the violation of human rights that takes place there, particularly among women. The United Nations calls the DRC the rape capital of the world.

    It’s challenging to think about how to help your poor neighbor, but try to grasp how to help an entire country! Sending money and even shipments of food to starving people in such places is difficult because of corruption. The people who are starving might never see a grain of rice because of fraud and dishonesty. Donors have become wary of dropping dollars into extended hands. In the long run, it is more effective to dig wells and to teach agricultural, business, and reading skills.

    Solomon’s proverb this evening begins with what most people think is true for all the wrong reasons: “The poor man is hated even by his own neighbor, but the rich has many friends” (Proverbs 14:20). There are many people who are poor by this world’s standards who have many friends. And many wealthy people have few true friends who are not interested in their money.

    Despite the difficulties of poverty in our world, we should never become so hardened that we simply turn away from hurting people. The Christian is not to despise his neighbor, but he is to have mercy on those who are less fortunate. Jesus became poor so that we might become rich. Let’s do the same in whatever way God calls us to love the poor.

    Additional reading: Proverbs 14:20–35
    The poor is hated even of his own neighbour: but the rich hath many friends. He that despiseth his neighbour sinneth: but he that hath mercy on the poor, happy is he. Proverbs 14:20-21 

    God bless



    Good reminder, Berean, thanks!

    Be blessed, LU


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    Daily Devotional


    AN AMAZING FACT: The wingspan of an eagle can reach up to eight feet, enabling it to reach speeds of 40 miles per hour in flight and 100 miles per hour when diving.
    The eagle has captured people’s imaginations for thousands of years. This majestic bird is not the biggest or most powerful bird in the world, but its combination of quickness, strength, and incredible eyesight has caused it to stand head and shoulders above other birds in the human psyche.

    When these abilities are combined with their wingspans, it makes for a very impressive specimen—especially when observed in their nests, which can be as much as 13 feet deep and weigh more than a ton. (One record-setting bald eagle’s nest in Florida measured in at 20 feet deep, 10 feet wide, and weighed nearly three tons!)

    It is no wonder that the Bible often employs the imagery of an eagle to illustrate the character and actions of God. Moses, in Deuteronomy 32:11, 12, describes God’s care of Israel in this way: “As an eagle stirs up its nest, hovers over its young, spreading out its wings, taking them up, carrying them on its wings, so the Lord alone led him.”

    God’s “wings” provide the ultimate safety for all who will come under them. They offer optimal protection and unsurpassed security. More than this, they are wide enough and large enough to take in all who would respond to the Spirit’s biddings. None need worry whether there is room enough under the wings of heaven’s Eagle, for Jesus Himself says, “Come to Me all you who are labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28, emphasis added).
    Ye have seen what I did unto the Egyptians, and how I bare you on eagles’ wings, and brought you unto myself. Exodus 19:4

    God bless




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    Daily Devotional


    AN AMAZING FACT: The oldest known viable seeds were found in 1954 in a lemming burrow in Canada’s frigid Yukon. The frozen burrow, buried in silt and sediment, was 4,200 years old. When the arctic tundra lupine seeds were placed in favorable conditions, several seeds sprouted within 48 hours. One of the plants later bloomed.
    There is power hidden deep within a seed. It is the power of a promise that, given the right conditions, a plant should sprout and grow. Today’s amazing fact illustrates that even ancient seeds can retain this power. Bean seeds have even been found in the 3,400-year-old tomb of Egyptian King Tutankhamen. After planting them in rich soil and providing proper water and sunshine, the seeds sprouted and grew into healthy plants.

    God promised a seed of blessing to Abraham and his descendants that a Savior would come from his lineage. This birthright was to be passed from generation to generation through the eldest son. In Genesis 27 we discover that through trickery, Isaac blessed Jacob. Even though Jacob deceived his father, he still received the power of this blessing. The words spoken by the aging father to his second son came true. Esau later came and begged for his father to pray over him, but it was not with the same richness as Jacob’s blessing.

    The Savior of the world did come through the lineage of Jacob. The seed of Abraham did sprout and bear fruit. Jesus Christ came as a son of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. This birthright is available to us today. We may receive a promise of eternal life if we do not despise God’s hand, which reaches out to bless us. Let the seed of faith be planted in our hearts. Let us water and nourish our hope every day. Then we will watch with amazement as the tiny seed, no matter how old it might seem, sprouts and grows into a life that will last for eternity.
    And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed; because thou hast obeyed my voice. Genesis 22:18 

    God bless



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    Daily Devotional


    AN AMAZING FACT: In ancient Egypt, a person guilty of some wrongdoing might carry a pan of burning coals on his head as a sign of repentance.
    I once read a story about a boy at summer camp who received a box of cookies from home. He ate a few and then put the rest under his bed. The next day they were gone. His counselor saw another boy eating them down by the lake, so he approached the first boy and said, “I know who stole your cookies. Would you like to teach him a lesson?” The boy agreed, so the counselor said, “Ask your mom to send you another box of cookies.”

    When the new box arrived, the counselor encouraged the boy to go share them with the boy who had stolen his cookies. He hesitated, “But why? Shouldn’t he be punished?” But the counselor insisted he find the boy and try to share with him anyway. Later the counselor saw the two boys walking with their arms around each other’s shoulders. The kindness of the first boy so touched the one who stole the cookies that he insisted his new friend take his pocketknife as payment for his crime.

    I think the hunger in the heart of the little boy who stole the cookies might have been more than physical. Perhaps he didn’t hear from home very much. So by looking beyond the obvious wrong, the first boy touched the heart of this robber and made him a friend. Even though the boy had the right to demand retribution, the counselor’s approach created a companion. Paul said, “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good” (Romans 12:21).

    David once had the right to execute justice toward an evil man named Nabal. After David and his men protected Nabal’s flocks and herds for months, they requested some supplies, but David’s men were spurned by Nabal, who even threatened them. The future king of Israel was enraged and marched his troops to teach this selfish man a thing or two. But Nabal’s wife got wind of her husband’s selfish response and prepared a large supply of food for David and his men. Then she intercepted David and humbly pleaded for mercy. It touched David’s heart, and he received her gifts and turned back from his mission of vengeance.

    When we show kindness to our enemies, it has the potential to bring remorse, to “burn” their conscience. God rewards us when we seek to show love, even to our foes.

    Additional reading: Proverbs 25:15–28
    If thine enemy be hungry, give him bread to eat; and if he be thirsty, give him water to drink: For thou shalt heap coals of fire upon his head, and the LORD shall reward thee. Proverbs 25:21-22 

    God bless


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    Daily Devotional


    AN AMAZING FACT: The two stone lions in front of the New York Public Library were named Patience and Fortitude in the 1930s by then-mayor Fiorello LaGuardia for the qualities he felt New Yorkers would need to survive the Great Depression.
    The two lions in front of the public library in Manhattan have enchanted New York residents and tourists since the library’s dedication on May 23, 1911. The lions received several affectionate monikers over the years, but the names that finally stuck were Mayor LaGuardia’s.

    When Jacob met the woman of his dreams at the well in Haran, little did he know how much patience and fortitude their love story would demand of him! First, he had to serve his father-in-law for seven years to acquire his bride. Then Laban tricked Jacob into marrying Rachel’s sister. When Jacob finally got to marry his dream girl, they were struck with the painful reality of infertility. Then the poor man had to endure his wives’ sibling rivalry and Rachel’s obsession with becoming a mother. In Jacob’s culture, a woman’s value stemmed from childbearing, and Rachel was keenly aware of this societal pressure. When she was finally able to conceive, she died while giving birth to their second son. 

    No matter how “perfect” a potential mate seems at first sight, time reveals all faults. Not only are our loved one’s faults magnified under the microscope of intimacy, but our own faults show up as well. Christian music artist Stephen Curtis Chapman says, “Without my marriage I may have actually been able to get through life under the illusion that I’m a pretty decent guy.” Paul says that love is patient, kind, and long-suffering. Marriage offers the opportunity to learn—and demonstrate!—the unconditional love shown to us by our great God.

    And Jacob served seven years for Rachel; and they seemed unto him but a few days, for the love he had to her. Genesis 29:20Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, 1 Corinthians 13:4 

    God bless


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    Daily Devotional


    An amazing fact: it would take more than nine Empire State Buildings stacked on top of each other to measure the Gulf of Mexico at its deepest point.

    Bordered by the United States, Mexico, and Cuba, the Gulf of Mexico measures approximately 550 miles from north to south and nearly 1,000 miles from east to west, an area of ​​more than 930,000 square miles. The gulf has approximately 3,700 miles of shoreline and holds 643 quadrillion gallons of water!

    The Mediterranean-type sea resembles a deep basin with a wide, shallow rim; about one-third is composed of shallow intertidal areas. The Sigsbee Deep, located in the southwest quadrant, is the deepest part of the gulf, measuring 12,303 to 14,383 feet – experts cannot agree on its exact depth.

    The Empire State Building, meanwhile, stands 1,454 feet tall from the ground to the tip of its lightning rod. Construction of the tower began in 1930 and took over a year. At 102 stories, the building was the tallest in the world until the completion of the North Tower of the World Trade Center in 1972. On September 11, 2001, the Empire State Building regained its status as the tallest building in New York .

    No matter where you travel, to the top of the tallest building on earth or to the depths of the deepest sea, God the Omnipresent accompanies you. Paul puts it this way: “Neither height nor depth … can separate us from the love of God.”

    “If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell at the ends of the sea;”
    “There also your hand will guide me, and your right hand will take hold of me. »
    Psalms 139:9-10 “For I am confident that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor dominions, nor powers, neither things present nor things to come.”
    “Neither height nor depth nor any other creature can separate us from the love of God manifested in Jesus Christ our Lord.
    Romans 8:38-39 

    God bless


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    Daily Devotional


    AN AMAZING FACT: In 1692, the city of Port Royal on the island of Jamaica literally slid into the sea when it was struck by a massive earthquake. Many had predicted that Port Royal, a corrupt city of pirates and cutthroats, would one day suffer God’s judgment and be destroyed. The disaster, therefore, surprised no one, least of all the handful of religious men who were swept to their doom along with the wicked inhabitants. One such man was Lewis Galdy. He was born in France, but left in search of religious freedom and finally settled on the island of Jamaica.
    On a hot and muggy morning in June, three earthquakes rocked the island, moving two mountains nearly a mile from their original positions. But Port Royal suffered the greatest damage. It was built onto an unstable jut of land. So the city actually slid into the ocean. In just a few minutes it lay 50 feet deep in water. About 2,000 people (one-third of the city) perished. Another 1,000 died from disease after the earthquake, and eventually the city was forever abandoned.

    When the first violent shock came, Galdy was buried deep beneath the earth. Amazingly, he still remained conscious and understood what had happened. Like Jonah in the belly of the sea monster, he prayed for his soul and resigned himself to death. A few moments later, the ground shook a second time and exploded, throwing Galdy high through the air and out over the churning sea. Some say he shot like a cork out of a bottle. He landed unhurt in the water and swam until a boat picked him up. Galdy lived for 47 years after his miraculous escape. He died in 1739, and his tombstone tells the story of his amazing experience. No doubt he felt like he had been resurrected.

    Did you know the Bible teaches there will be two resurrections? In speaking of the coming judgment, Jesus said, “Do not marvel at this; for the hour is coming in which all who are in the graves will hear His voice and come forth—those who have done good, to the resurrection of life, and those who have done evil, to the resurrection of condemnation” (John 5:28, 29). Galdy believed judgment would come to the corrupt city of Port Royal. Jesus tells us judgment will come to the entire world.
    So they look up Jonah, and cast him forth into the sea: and the sea ceased from her raging. Jonah 1:15 

    God bless


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    AN AMAZING FACT: On May 24, 1844, Samuel Morse sent the first electric telegraph message from Washington, D.C., to Baltimore, Maryland. The message said, “What hath God wrought?” Mr. Morse, a devout Christian, was quoting from Numbers 23:23. For 30 years Morse code was the most cutting-edge means of communication over long distance. Then, in 1872, Joshua Coppersmith was arrested in New York City. He was charged with attempting to extort money from gullible people by convincing them to invest in an instrument that he said would transmit voice over wire. He called it a telephone. Coppersmith may not have been a con man.
    What is more interesting is the reaction of the Boston newspaper that reported the case. “Well-informed people,” the paper said, “know that it is impossible to transmit the human voice over wires (and) were it possible to do so, the thing would be of no practical value.” Of course, within four years, Alexander Bell did send a voice over wire, and he did call it a telephone.

    I wonder what that newspaper writer would have said about something that seemed even more impossible, a telephone that transmits voice without wires. An economist at Nokia’s network division said there are now around 1.6 billion cell phone subscriptions. This means nearly half of all the adults in the world have cell phones. It is not uncommon to see people in India or Africa without shoes talking on cell phones. Now with a satellite phone you can make a call from virtually any spot on the globe. So with all these phones, what is everyone talking about?

    God obviously considers that our words are of great importance. Jesus said that in the Day of Judgment men will have to answer for every idle word they have spoken. The Bible says, “In the multitude of words sin is not lacking, but he who restrains his lips is wise” and “Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the bones” (Proverbs 10:19; 16:24). Our words can help or hurt others; they can wound or they can heal. Our heavenly Father wants us to use our words wisely to bless others.
    But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment. Matthew 12:36For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned. Matthew 12:37 

    God bless


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    Daily Devotional

    An Amazing Fact: Ancient explorers knew their exact location based on the sun, moon, and stars. Between 1768 and 1775, the British explorer James Cook made two voyages around the world, charting much of the South Pacific, using nothing more than a sextant, a simple compass, and the heavens above for navigation. For years, submarine navigation was a big problem. These secret vessels had to frequently surface to get their basic bearings, exposing themselves to enemy fire. But eventually, the U.S. Navy developed the internal marine gyro-navigation system. This sophisticated apparatus enabled subs to get a precise fix on their location even while isolated deep beneath the surface of a dark ocean.

    If you don’t know where you are, you can put yourself at greater risk of getting hurt. Have you ever taken the wrong exit and ended up in a risky part of a city? GPS (global positioning system) units are becoming standard in most vehicles. Using satellite technology, they help you know your exact location. James Cook’s GPS unit was the sun, moon, and stars.

    If you are going to avoid enemy fire, you need to know where you are. The U.S. Navy’s gyro-navigation system was fully proven in 1958 when the USS Nautilus accomplished the impossible. With 116 men on board, the nuclear-powered vessel became the first submarine to traverse the Arctic Ocean under the polar ice. It traveled from the Bering Strait to Iceland via the North Pole in four days. Unable to surface, had the system failed, the crew would have been doomed.

    David called on God to save him from his enemies. “For strangers have risen up against me, and oppressors have sought after my life; they have not set God before them” (Psalm 54:3). David’s navigation system was turning to the Lord. He set God before him and could praise the Lord. “He has delivered me out of all trouble” (v. 7).

    “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.”
    Proverbs 3:5″In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” 

    God bless


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    Daily Devotional


    AN AMAZING FACT: Women laugh more than men do.
    A hearty laugh spreads faster than the flu and quickly involves your whole body. First, your epiglottis begins to vibrate, half-closing over your larynx and making breathing difficult. When strong enough, the struggle for air activates your tear ducts. Laughter engages muscles all over your body—15 in your face alone.

    It’s unclear why women laugh more than men, but research shows women’s brains are generally more responsive to emotional stimuli and suggests gender helps determine how our brains respond to humor. Regardless of who’s doing it, the average adult laughs 15 times a day.

    Children are attributed 400 laughs per day. This figure is unsubstantiated, but a study at one nursery school revealed 18.4 to 45 incidents of “glee” per child per hour. Perhaps their teacher was a comedian, but these kids have the right idea!

    Science confirms the merry heart’s benefits. Laughter lowers blood pressure and enhances immune function. The physiological opposite of stress, laughter stimulates the circulatory and digestive systems that stress suppresses. Bringing you into the present moment, laughter precludes worry about the past or future. It releases endorphins, diminishing pain and heightening feelings of well-being. A good laugh relaxes muscles for up to 45 minutes. By toning and firming facial muscles, laughter can fight aging. It has been called “internal jogging,” increasing the heart rate in one minute as much as 10 minutes on an exercise machine. Laughter also boosts energy, inspires hope, and fosters intimacy.

    So go have a good laugh … and enjoy the abundant life Jesus promised!
    A merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance: but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken. Proverbs 15:13All the days of the afflicted are evil: but he that is of a merry heart hath a continual feast. Proverbs 15:15  

    God bless


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    Daily Devotional


    AN AMAZING FACT: Throughout history there are many examples of dolphins helping humans in distress. The earliest record of dolphins saving people dates back over 2,000 years in ancient Greece. The musician Arion was returning home by boat after winning a handsome reward for singing. Some sailors threatened to kill him and steal his treasure. According to legend, Arion persuaded them to let him sing one last song, and as he sang, dolphins started to swim alongside the boat. Arion jumped into the water and was carried to shore by a dolphin.
    There are also many modern-day stories about people being saved by dolphins from shark attacks and other desperate situations at sea. In May 1978, a boatload of people was lost in thick fog off the coast of South America. Four dolphins nudged the boat through dangerous water and saved many lives. Another story marked by the miraculous occurred in November of 1999, when 6-year-old Cuban refugee Elian Gonzalez survived a storm at sea that capsized their boat and drowned his mother. The young boy floated in an inner tube toward shore for two days and nights. When he was exhausted and began to slip, he claimed dolphins surrounded him like a contingent of angels and pushed him upward, protecting him in the shark-infested waters until he was rescued by fisherman.

    Another dramatic account was reported in 2001, by a group of fishermen from South Carolina. Their boat sank 35 miles away from shore, and they found themselves surrounded by sharks. A pod of dolphins arrived and proceeded to drive the sharks away. They remained with the fishermen all night and the following day, driving off any sharks that came near. Similarly, a group of four New Zealand lifeguards were protected from a white shark by a group of dolphins who swam in tight circles around them, thus preventing the shark from attacking.

    We’re not exactly sure why dolphins rescue people. Amazingly, these good Samaritan dolphins have no apparent benefit to themselves. We do know it is part of their nature to help other dolphins in trouble; therefore it is possible that this instinct to help each other is simply extended to humans in danger. Or could it be that dolphins are consciously responding in a selfless way to save other intelligent creatures? Perhaps, like the good Samaritan in Jesus’ parable, they have compassion.
    But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was: and when he saw him, he had compassion on him, Luke 10:33 

    God bless


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    Daily Devotional

    I AM 

    AN AMAZING FACT: The shortest complete sentence in the English language is “I AM.”
    While Moses tended his father-in-law’s flocks in the desert at the base of Mount Horeb, he stumbled upon a burning bush. The bush caught his attention because, although it burned, it did not burn up. Suddenly God’s voice came out of the bush and told Moses to return to Egypt and lead the Israelites out of slavery. Moses challenged the voice, saying, “Who shall I tell them sent me?” God replied, “I AM WHO I AM.”

    God needs no definition, no justification, no explanation. He simply is.

    “Why do we define ourselves by our circumstances or by what we do for a living?” asks life coach Judy Kelly. I am a housewife, we say. I am a student. I am a father. I am an engineer. I am a doctor. “As Christians, our identity is Child of God,” Kelly says. “All children of God are given gifts, or talents, which can be used to fulfill different roles.” Paul describes these roles as parts of the body of Christ. We are placed in certain roles—son, daughter, brother, sister—and we choose others—student, wife, mother, business owner, church secretary, etc. “Our roles are to be used simply to express our talents, not define who we are,” Kelly says. When we use them to define who we are, we inevitably set unreachable standards that we think we have to achieve in order to be valuable.

    But the I AM says you are valuable not for what you do, but simply because YOU ARE—just because He made you.
    For as we have many members in one body, and all members have not the same office: So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another. Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, whether prophecy, let us prophesy according to the proportion of faith; Romans 12:4-6Thou shalt no more be termed Forsaken; neither shall thy land any more be termed Desolate: but thou shalt be called Hephzibah, and thy land Beulah: for the LORD delighteth in thee, and thy land shall be married. Isaiah 62:4 

    God bless


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    Daily Devotional


    AN AMAZING FACT: What is the largest public works program since the pyramids in Egypt? It is probably the National Highway System in the United States. This project was named after President Dwight D. Eisenhower, who brought about its formation. Construction began in 1956 and was completed 35 years later. It has been extended over the years and now covers 47,182 miles. About 25 percent of vehicles on the road use the interstate system. The cost for construction has been estimated at $425 billion.
    Several interesting milestones were reached during construction of this massive system. On October 17, 1974, Nebraska was the first state to complete all of its mainline interstate highways. On October 14, 1992, the original interstate highway system was completed with the opening of Interstate 70 through Glenwood Canyon in Colorado, which is an engineering marvel with a 12-mile section featuring 40 bridges and many tunnels, making it the most expensive rural highway per mile. Three states actually claim to be the first to lay pavement for the highway: Kansas, Missouri, and Pennsylvania.

    President Eisenhower, who was lobbied by major U.S. automobile manufacturers, helped push forward the highway system. After his experience of crossing the country in the 1919 Army convoy on the Lincoln Highway, he was convinced of its value. An interesting urban legend still persists that one out of every five miles of the interstate highway system must be built straight and flat so as to be usable by aircraft during times of war. The highways were never designed to serve as airstrips. The longest interstate route is I-90 (3,020.54 miles) going from Seattle, Washington, to Boston, Massachusetts. Texas has the most interstate miles (3,233.45 miles). The entire highway system has a total of 14,750 interchanges, 55,512 bridges, and 82 tunnels.

    Did you know a highway was to be created to welcome and introduce Jesus Christ to the world? When religious leaders came asking John the Baptist who he was, the prophet responded, “I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness: Make straight the way of the Lord” (John 1:23). As the forerunner of Jesus, the Baptist prepared people for the coming of the Messiah. The roadway John made ready was not with bulldozers and steamrollers, but through preaching that opened pathways in the hearts of people.
    The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the LORD, make straight in the desert a highway for our God. Isaiah 40:3 

    God bless


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    Daily Devotional


    AN AMAZING FACT: If you were driving in a car going the speed of light, it would take you 30 billion years to go from one end of the universe to the other.
    To say the universe is big would be an understatement. There is barely a word in English to describe the size of it. When measuring distances in the universe, scientists use a unit called “light years.” This is the distance light can travel in a year. Since light travels 670 million miles per hour, light travels about six trillion miles in one year. Thus, the size of the universe is roughly 15 billion light years (or about 90 billion trillion miles), and it would take you 30 billion years to travel the distance of the universe if traveling at the speed of light.

    Are you up for it?

    Of course, perhaps just as fascinating is the number of galaxies—like our Milky Way—that are in the known universe. Scientists estimate there are 100 to 200 billion galaxies in the universe, with each galaxy having as many as 400 billion stars like our sun.

    What is not known by scientists is whether life exists anywhere else in the universe. Many have postulated that there is, but thus far, no life has been discovered.

    The Bible seems to hint at the idea of life existing beyond this planet—besides heaven, of course. Paul, in 1 Corinthians 4:9, curiously announces that “we have been made a spectacle to the whole universe, to angels as well as to men” (NIV). The Greek word for “spectacle” is literally “theater.” Thus, apparently, beings throughout this huge universe are watching this small, little planet, waiting to see what unfolds in the drama between God and Satan.

    We all have a critical part to play.
    For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God. Romans 8:19 

    God bless


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    Daily Devotional


    AN AMAZING FACT: The mantis shrimp is neither a mantis nor a shrimp, but derives its name from claws similar to a praying mantis and a body similar to a shrimp. These marine crustaceans, also called stomatopods, come in a variety of colors and grow to be about 12 inches long. The most colorful is the peacock mantis shrimp, with brilliant neon hues that dazzle the eye. This sea creature likes to live a solitary life, hiding in rock formations and waiting for prey to come by, though it will chase and kill for food.
    The ancient Assyrians called these creatures “sea locusts.” In Australia they are referred to as “prawn killers,” but they are also called “thumb splitters” because of the nasty gash they can inflict if not handled carefully. Mantis shrimp sport powerful claws that they use to attack prey. These claws can spear or stun their victims. In fact, they are classified into two groups based on their claws. There are the “spearers” (with spiny appendages topped with barbed tips that stab and snag) and “smashers” (with a club-like claw that bludgeons their meals apart). The mantis shrimp’s claw can strike so powerfully that its speed has been compared to that of a .22-caliber bullet. A shock wave is created as well so that if the shrimp misses its target, the aftereffect can be enough to stun or kill its prey.

    What literally “stands out” in the mantis shrimp is its eyes. They are considered the most complex eyes in the animal kingdom. Each eye is mounted at the end of a stalk and can move independently. Most fascinating is that this sea animal can see both polarized and hyperspectral color. Not only that, but each eye is designed to have three regions, giving the mantis shrimp the ability to see three parts of an object from a slightly different angle. In other words, they have trinocular vision out of each eye! The optics of this little crustacean is actually being studied to improve on the current generation of Blu-ray disc technology.

    Jesus once spoke about improving your eyesight. Our ability to see is directly related to our hearts. In the Sermon on the Mount, Christ said, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God” (Matthew 5:8). When we humble ourselves before God, seeking to be cleansed from sin, our eyes will be opened to see with vision that is out of this world!
    The statutes of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart: the commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes. Psalms 19:8 

    God bless


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    Daily Devotional


    AN AMAZING FACT: The lungfish of South Africa is an extraordinary creature with remarkable abilities. While the lungfish has gills like any other fish, it can also breathe air through its mouth, where it is processed by a modified swim bladder that works like a lung. When water levels are high this is not so important, but during the dry season when ponds and rivers start drying up, most fish are left desperately flopping near the surface in shallow pools. Only the air-gulping lungfish is able to survive these extreme conditions.
    But as the sun dries up the last muddy puddles of water, even the lungfish would bake without its other amazing ability. To avoid being cooked by the heat or eaten by predators, the lungfish digs down into the mud. It does this by squirming down into the muck like a tunnel-drilling machine. As It goes, it swallows the mud with its mouth and pushes it out through its gills. After digging deep below the surface, the lungfish curls up and begins to exude clear mucus over its body.

    This dries and hardens into a leathery, waterproof cocoon, leaving only a small breathing hole by its mouth. Baked into this mud tomb, the lungfish slows its metabolism to about 1/60 of its normal rate and “estivates”—a type of summer hibernation. The lungfish can survive in this condition for up to four years or until the rains return.

    If you dig up one of these hibernating lungfish it will appear to be just a piece of hardened mud. This has led to some bizarre experiences for the tribal people. I’m sure more than once brick huts have been built from mud found in the river bottom. Then, when the rains return and the walls are moistened by water, the hidden lungfish come back to life. Wide-eyed children are not quite sure what to think when they see wiggling, slimy fish erupting from the bricks in their walls!

    Of course, this would not be the first time someone believed rocks can be transformed into living creatures. John the Baptist warned the arrogant, unrepentant Jewish leaders not to even think of saying Abraham was their father when God could just as well make children for Abraham out of stones—and perhaps they would have had softer hearts!
    And think not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham to our father: for I say unto you, that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham. Matthew 3:9 

    God bless


    Hi to all

    Daily Devotional


    The word “Armageddon” is something of a mystery, appearing only in this verse and nowhere else in Greek literature. It likely refers to the many battles in Israel’s history centering around the mountain of Megiddo. This is also the same location of Mt. Carmel, where Elijah had his famous showdown with the prophets of Baal.

    Contrary to what most people believe, the battle of Armageddon is not a typical war between political powers—such as Russia, China, and Israel. Instead, it is the final battle between Christ and Satan and their respective followers.

    The first phase of Armageddon is detailed in Revelation 12:17, when the dragon makes war with the woman: “The dragon was enraged with the woman, and he went to make war with the rest of her offspring, who keep the commandments of God.” The ultimate conclusion of this battle takes place at the end of the 1,000 years, when the devil rallies “Gog and Magog,” a symbolic name for the enemies of God’s people, to attack the holy city (Revelation 20:8).

    I believe that Satan will, someday soon, impersonate Christ and encourage the world to worship the beast. Revelation reveals several ways in which he will deceive the world through false representations.

    Bible writers warned about these deceptions. Jesus said, “For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive” (Matthew 24:24). The apostle Paul warned us many times not to be deceived (1 Corinthians 3:18; Ephesians 5:6). Such preparation for Armageddon, to stand firm in the face of deception, needs to take place within our hearts now, not when the final events are already in full swing.

    Thoughts of Armageddon should really focus us on a relationship with the Savior. Tanks, guns, or a bunker stocked with food will not protect us. We need to be clothed in the armor of Jesus’ righteousness. Then we will prevail even in the face of a death decree given to those who keep God’s commandments.


    And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon. (Revelation 16:16)

    God bless



    You who in the night…

    You who in the night of life
    Came down to get us;
    You whose holy and blessed death
    Death came to snatch us;
    You who keep us under your wing
    And warm us on your heart,
    Conqueror of our rebellious soul,
    From all over the world make yourself victorious!

    Respond to the cries of your Church;
    It’s time, Lord! course;
    Shine the promised dawn
    And the sun of the last days.
    Of apostles raise up an army,
    And that on land and seas,
    The great news sown
    Make the universe tremble!

    The land bathed in your blood,
    Lord, isn’t she yours?
    Appear, despised victim!
    Appear, and show him his King;
    Her King, her Brother, her refuge,
    And in life and in death;
    His Master here, his Judge up there,
    In the terrible day of the strong God.

    Oh! in our hearts that beg you
    Put more zeal, more faith;
    That in honoring you they humble themselves,
    May they give glory only to you!
    To works change our words,
    In devotion change our vows:
    Make us Christians, and the idols
    Will fall everywhere under the skies.


    Hi to all

    Daily Devotional

    Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in. Who is this King of glory? The Lord(YHWH) strong and mighty, the Lord(YHWH) mighty in battle. Psalm 24:7, 8.

    Christ came to earth as God in the guise of humanity. He ascended to heaven as the King of saints. His ascension was worthy of His exalted character. He went as One mighty in battle, a conqueror, leading captivity captive. He was attended by the heavenly host, amid shouts and acclamations of praise and celestial song.19SDA Bible Commentary 6:1053.

    The disciples not only saw the Lord ascend, but they had the testimony of the angels that He had gone to occupy His Father’s throne in heaven…. The brightness of the heavenly escort, and the opening of the glorious gates of God to welcome Him, were not to be discerned by mortal eyes. Had the track of Christ to heaven been revealed to the disciples in all its inexpressible glory, they could not have endured the sight….

    Their senses were not to become so infatuated with the glories of heaven that they would lose sight of the character of Christ on earth, which they were to copy in themselves. They were to keep distinctly before their minds the beauty and majesty of His life, the perfect harmony of all His attributes, and the mysterious union of the divine and human in His nature…. His visible ascent from the world was in harmony with the meekness and quiet of His life.20Spirit of Prophecy 3:254, 255.

    What a source of joy to the disciples, to know that they had such a Friend in heaven to plead in their behalf! Through the visible ascension of Christ all their views and contemplation of heaven are changed…. They now looked upon it as their future home, where mansions were being prepared for them by their loving Redeemer. Prayer was clothed with a new interest, since it was a communion with their Saviour….

    They had a gospel to preach—Christ in human form, a Man of sorrows; Christ in humiliation, taken by wicked hands and crucified; Christ resurrected, and ascended to heaven, into the presence of God, to be man’s Advocate; Christ to come again with power and great glory in the clouds of heaven.21Spirit of Prophecy 3:262, 263.

    From God’s Amazing Grace – Page 49

    God bless


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