Daily Devotions

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    Daily Devotional

    AN AMAZING FACT: The Bible contains almost 900 references to the word ‘servant,’ 65 references to ‘slave,’ and 18 references to ‘bondservant.’ In ancient Israel, if a freed bondservant chose to remain with the family for the rest of his life, his ear was pierced as a sign that he had freely chosen to serve.
    A bondservant is one obligated to service without wages. Paul proclaimed himself to be a bondservant of Jesus Christ. It was both his duty and joy to share the gospel with people in many parts of the world. He met with plenty of opposition and suffered greatly for the cause of Christ, but he never regretted working for his Master.

    Jesus said, “Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed” (John 8:36). But how can a person be both free and a bondservant? The Scripture says, “Whoever commits sin is a slave of sin” (John 8:34). But when God sets us free from sin, we become “slaves of righteousness” (Romans 6:18).

    Jesus set the example for serving others. “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45). Christ put aside His own interests and feelings and committed Himself completely to His mission of rescue.

    We have been set free from slavery to sin by His sacrifice and grace. Love for our Redeemer obligates us. We have been saved to serve.
    Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, separated unto the gospel of God, (Which he had promised afore by his prophets in the holy scriptures,) Concerning his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, which was made of the seed of David according to the flesh; And declared to be the Son of God with power, according to the spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead: Romans 1:1-4 

    God bless


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    Daily Devotional


    AN AMAZING FACT: Hidden 2,000 feet beneath Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado, is the world’s most sophisticated military headquarters. NORAD, the North American Aerospace Defense Command, is a joint U.S. and Canadian command center, set up in the 1960s. Their task was to coordinate military efforts in the event of nuclear attack and monitor the skies and space for possible threats.
    To accomplish this, NORAD had to be built to survive a direct hit from conventional nuclear weapons. So, 4.5 acres were excavated from solid granite to form a small city of chambers deep beneath the mountain. Twelve of these inner buildings are three stories tall. To enter the complex you must drive down a tunnel one-third of a mile long and through a pair of 25-ton steel blast doors. To resist the shock from a nuclear attack, all of the buildings in the complex are freestanding and do not touch the granite walls. The rooms are mounted on 1,319 steel springs that weigh about 1,000 pounds each. This allows the complex to shift 12 inches in any direction.

    To make the compound self-sufficient, it contains a dining facility, medical facility with dental office, pharmacy, and a small clinic. It also has two physical fitness centers with exercise equipment and sauna, a small base exchange, chapel, and barber shop. Water comes from a spring within the mountain and is stored in four reservoirs that hold 1.5 million gallons each. Incoming air can be filtered to remove any harmful germs, chemicals, or radioactive particles. For backup power they have six huge 2,800-hp diesel generators. This self-sufficient design allows NORAD to provide its own power, water, air, and food for up to 800 people for 30 days.

    But it is still not tough enough to survive the second coming of Christ. The Bible says about this event, “And the kings of the earth, the great men, the rich men, the commanders, the mighty men, every slave and every free man, hid themselves in the caves and in the rocks of the mountains, and said to the mountains and rocks, ‘Fall on us and hide us from the face of Him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb!’ For the great day of His wrath has come, and who is able to stand?” (Revelation 6:15-17). On that day, not even a command center deep in the earth will hide people from Jesus’ coming.
    Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee: hide thyself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation be overpast. Isaiah 26:20 

    God bless



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    Daily Devotional


    AN AMAZING FACT: Did you know that sand can sing? Often referred to as singing or booming sand, this rare sand produces a tone when walked on or blown around by the wind. Some sands will even create sparks of light at night when walked or driven across. This sand creates sound waves by the friction caused between the grains of this sand’s unique crystalline structure.
    God promised Abraham that, because of his faith, his descendants would multiply as the “sand which is on the seashore” (Genesis 22:17). That’s a lot of sand! There are other interesting properties of sand that can teach us about being a true son of Abraham. Not all sand is sand. Carbonate sand will completely dissolve in vinegar. Paul quotes Isaiah 10 when he writes, “Though the number of the children of Israel be as the sand of the sea, the remnant will be saved” (Romans 9:27). That is, not all “sand” will be saved.

    Some sand is magnetic. If you happen to notice black particles in sand, run a magnet across the sand. There might be particles of iron or magnetite mixed in. It is interesting that sand that contains magnetite often is sand that contains gold. We often look at other people and judge them quickly, but God can see deep inside humans and knows who His true followers are.

    As mentioned in the amazing fact, some sand sings! But it is getting harder to find such sand, as modern pollution tends to coat the sand particles and destroy its ability to produce sound. At the time of this writing though, it still exists on every continent of the world. That describes God’s remnant, who come from every nation, tribe, kindred, tongue, and people. They are harder and harder to find because sin pollutes people. But someday they will gather before God’s throne and sing.
    And they sing the song of Moses the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying, Great and marvellous are thy works, Lord God Almighty; just and true are thy ways, thou King of saints. Revelation 15:3  

    God bless


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    Daily Devotional


    AN AMAZING FACT: Giant bluefin tuna are the largest living species of tuna, with some reaching up to 10 feet in length and weighing 1,400 pounds. A bluefin’s lifespan is believed to be longer than 20 years, but only one in a million of the hatchlings survive to maturity. They are also considered by many to be among the strongest and fastest fish. Their torpedo-shaped bodies and ability to retract their pectoral fins enable them to reach up to 25 mph in short bursts. Bluefin are found in all of the world’s oceans and can migrate up to 5,000 miles of open sea in just 50 days in search of food.
    Their great size and speed have also made them a popular catch for sportsmen. They have attracted the admiration of writers and scientists as well. Also called the Atlantic bluefin, it has close relatives with the Pacific bluefin, and the southern bluefin. In the UK, Australia, and New Zealand the fish was often called the “common tunny.” The largest recorded catch was off Nova Scotia when Ken Fraswer pulled in a 1,500-pound bluefin. The longest battle between this fish and man happened in 1934 when 6 men fought an 800-pound bluefin for sixty-two hours!

    Bluefin tuna is popular served raw as sashimi or in sushi in Japanese restaurants, where a plate of slices can command a bill of more than $75. Just one of these animals can net from $5,000 to $30,000 at the dock. In September 2000 an enormous 444-pound bluefin tuna sold at Tokyo’s fish market for a record $173,600. This was the most expensive fish ever auctioned. That’s right; one fish sold for $391 a pound! The tuna was reduced to 2,400 servings of sushi for wealthy diners at $100 per serving. The estimated takings from this one fish were $240,000!

    Jesus told the disciples that if they followed him He would teach them to fish for men. “And Jesus, walking by the Sea of Galilee, saw two brothers, Simon called Peter, and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea; for they were fishermen. Then He said to them, ‘Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.’ They immediately left their nets and followed Him” (Matthew 4:18-20). In Acts 2 we see a fulfillment of Christ’s training when 3,000 people were baptized in one day. Now that’s a priceless catch!
    Then they that gladly received his word were baptized: and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls. Acts 2:41 

    God bless


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    Daily Devotional

    AN AMAZING FACT: In the United States, about nine billion animals are slaughtered annually for food. Each year Americans consume more than 13.6 million tons of beef.
    Slaughterhouses are not popular with the public. Though most people enjoy eating the end product, there is an aversion to the gruesome process of killing animals. In many places local laws actually specify where meat packing plants can and can’t be located. Animal welfare groups criticize the often callous methods of transporting, preparing, herding, and killing animals.

    It is really unpleasant to think about the procedure. Cattle are driven in trucks or by rail hundreds of miles from a ranch or feedlot, typically in crowded conditions. Not all make it to the slaughterhouse alive. Then they are shuttled through narrow corrals and brought into holding pens where they are “incapacitated.” I didn’t think much about this stuff when I ran a meat sales business in my VW many years back, but let’s just say that after hanging the animal upside down and draining out most of the blood, butchers begin to do their grisly work.

    Does this process disgust you? I won’t explain the details of turning a cow into “food” for your local burger shop. Most of my readers are thinking, “Stop talking about this! What’s the value in even thinking about it?” Let me tell you. … This is the analogy that Solomon uses to describe the fate of foolish young (or old) men, (this would apply to women as well), who are seduced into breaking God’s commandment on adultery. What seems like a flower-strewn pathway ends up being the road to hell.

    Solomon says of this foolish man that he “immediately” goes after her. In other words, he is controlled by his carnal nature and passions, not his rational brain. Like a bird flying into a net, “He did not know it would cost his life” (v. 23). Sin confuses us into thinking about the moment and not the true end-result. No wonder the wise man says, “Do not stray into her paths; for she has cast down many wounded, and all who were slain by her were strong men. Her house is the way to hell, descending to the chambers of death” (vv. 25-27). It’s a one-way tunnel you don’t ever want to enter.

    Additional reading: Proverbs 7:13–27
    With her much fair speech she caused him to yield, with the flattering of her lips she forced him. He goeth after her straightway, as an ox goeth to the slaughter, or as a fool to the correction of the stocks; Proverbs 7:21-22


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    Daily Devotional


    AN AMAZING FACT: There are three different types of tears. Basal tears keep the cornea wet and nourished. Reflex tears wash out foreign particles or irritable substances (onion vapors). Crying tears are due to strong emotional stress, anger, suffering, mourning, or physical pain. Each type has a different chemical make-up and can relay messages to others.
    Did you ever get a piece of sawdust in your eye? You blinked and blinked as tears spontaneously came and helped wash out the irritant. Tears not only lubricate your eyes so you can see more clearly, they help keep the surface of your cornea clean every time you blink. During the fight-or-flight response of an intense situation, you produce more tears. Tears come to people under deep emotional distress such as anger or grief.

    The chemical make-up of tears differs. Emotional tears actually contain more of the protein-based hormones. Some of these contain natural painkillers. But not all emotional tears are genuine. We refer to an insincere display of grief or dishonest remorse as “crocodile tears.” An ancient Greek anecdote stated that crocodiles would pretend to weep while luring their prey. Societies generally accept the public display of tears in women and children, but only a few cultures find it socially acceptable for men to cry in public.

    David writes Psalm 42 out of deep distress. He yearns for God’s presence. He feels alone and forgotten by God. Enemies surround him. David longs to be in the temple where he can worship God. Out of this pain he cries, “My tears have been my food day and night, while they continually say to me, ‘Where is your God’?” (Psalm 42:3).

    David did not withhold his tears. His genuine display of grief spilled out as he wept in prayer. We too may come before the Lord with our emotions and pain. We can also know that God sees our hurt and feels our sorrow. Like David, we can find hope in God as we bow in anguish and shed tears.
    Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why art thou disquieted within me? hope thou in God: for I shall yet praise him, who is the health of my countenance, and my God. Psalms 42:11 

    God bless



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    Daily Devotional


    AN AMAZING FACT: The length of the Mississippi River is debated because measurements can change from year to year due to floods that change the course of the river.
    The team at Itasca State Park in Minnesota says the Mississippi River is 2,552 miles long. The U.S. Geologic Survey published the length as 2,300 miles, and the Mississippi National River and Recreation Area suggests the length is 2,350 miles. Each of these groups uses a different method to determine the river’s length, which can also change year to year from flooding conditions.

    One historic course change for the Mississippi took place suddenly in March 1876, when it took a new turn near the town of Reverie, Tennessee. When the border between Arkansas and Tennessee was put in place in 1795, the boundary followed the middle of the Mississippi River. At this time the river ran northwest of the town. But after the change it ran southeast of Reverie, cutting it off from Tipton County. Today water sometimes runs on both sides of the town, and technically the land for Reverie is called “Island No. 35.”

    Big rivers are not easy things to turn, but that’s how Cyrus the Great, king of Persia, captured ancient Babylon. Belshazzar, the Babylonian king, was holding a feast to the gods of his country, using the sacred vessels they had captured from the Jewish temple. As they celebrated, suddenly a mysterious hand appeared and wrote on the wall. Daniel the prophet was called to interpret the writing and declared that the end of Belshazzar’s kingdom had arrived. (See Daniel 5.)

    It came as a total surprise. The walls of Babylon were thought to be impenetrable. The Euphrates River flowed under the walls and through the city, and where it passed under the wall there were metal gates to prevent intruders from entering. Cyrus commanded his soldiers upstream to divert the river into a dry lakebed; eventually, the level dropped low enough for soldiers to enter under the river gates and conquer the city.

    A king holds great power in his hands. His position and decisions can impact many people. But even the most boastful monarchs in Scripture, such as the pharaoh during the time of Moses or Belshazzar in Daniel’s time, are still subject to God’s Spirit and providence. In what seems like an almost unbelievable turn of events, Cyrus, the king who conquered Babylon, later gave an order to restore the temple in Jerusalem. God changed the course of a king’s heart, and He can do the same today in your heart if you are willing.

    Additional reading: Proverbs 21:1–15
    The king’s heart is in the hand of the LORD, as the rivers of water: he turneth it whithersoever he will. Proverbs 21:1 

    God bless


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    Daily Devotional


    AN AMAZING FACT: Ten million soldiers died in World War I, along with eight million military horses.
    Historians believe that horses have been used in warfare since as far back as 5,000 years ago. Along the way, their utility has increased with the creation of the saddle, stirrup, horse collar, harness, and chariot. Some were ridden in cavalry charges, while others merely pulled wagons or artillery.

    World War I was a transition in the use of the horse. Because of the advancement of machine guns, they were used less and less on the battlefield, but they began to be used more for carrying messengers and pulling supply wagons and ambulances. They could often get through deep mud and over rough terrain better than motorized vehicles.

    War is especially brutal on horses. They are struck by gunfire and are often left on the battlefield to die. During the American Civil War, injured horses were often used by soldiers to shield themselves from bullets as they advanced forward. Horses during World War I were worked till they dropped, and many were poisoned by gas. Horses are often the unsung heroes in war.

    Today we mostly see warhorses in reenactments of battle scenes or in parades. But even in biblical times, it was a great advantage to have horses as part of your armament. The Egyptians pursued the Israelites using horses and chariots at the time of the exodus. Solomon was known to have 4,000 horse stalls and 12,000 horsemen (2 Chronicles 9:25).

    Even though having horses was thought to greatly increase your odds in warfare, Solomon tells us that without God on our side, it doesn’t matter how much military might we have. The Bible is filled with examples where God’s people went into the battle trusting the Lord and were victorious over larger forces that included horses and chariots. That’s why the weakest saint kneeling in a gutter is mightier than the proudest person riding on the tallest horse. The tipping point is whether you have the Lord’s power in your arsenal.

    Solomon’s father wrote, “Some trust in chariots, and some in horses; but we will remember the name of the Lord our God” (Psalm 20:7). And also, “A horse is a vain hope for safety; neither shall it deliver any by its great strength” (Psalm 33:17). Though we have a responsibility to prepare for battling the enemy, the ultimate deliverance comes only from the power of God.

    Additional reading: Proverbs 21:16–31
    The horse is prepared against the day of battle: but safety is of the LORD. Proverbs 21:31

    God bless



    God bless


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    Daily Devotional



    AN AMAZING FACT: Perhaps the greatest myth about gorillas is that they are violent creatures. Since they have been featured in monstrous films of fantasy, such as King Kong, we often think of them as aggressive and dangerous. They are actually gentle and will never attack a human unless provoked. Male “silverbacks,” who are the troop leaders, have been observed carefully nurturing an orphaned baby gorilla. In spite of their size, they are shy, non-aggressive, and very calm animals.
    Gorillas live in central Africa and are primarily grouped in to Eastern lowland and Western lowland gorillas. Males usually weigh between 300-500 pounds and have very muscular arms that are longer than their legs. A male gorilla can spread his arms eight feet across and is as strong as four to eight strong men. They “knuckle walk” using their long arms. They can grow to over six feet tall and don’t usually stand upright. Adult female gorillas are about half the size of the males. An adult male becomes a silverback at about age 15, when he is fully grown and the hair on his back begins to turn silver colored.

    Some scientists go to great lengths to show a connection between the gorilla and humans in order to demonstrate them as our closest ancestors. They show comparisons of DNA, the make-up of hands and feet, abilities to communicate and show expression, using tools, and even their blood types to connect us as relatives some 7 million years ago. Are these plant-eating gentle giants our next closest kin, along with chimpanzees?

    The Bible says, “So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them” (Genesis 1:27). If you take Genesis 1 at face value, there is no room for eons of evolutionary time to eventually produce people! “And God said, ‘Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness’” (verse 26).

    Whose image and likeness do you most want to reflect?
    Lo, this only have I found, that God hath made man upright; but they have sought out many inventions. Ecclesiastes 7:29 

    God bless


    Hi to all

    Daily Devotional


    “Labour not for the meat which perisheth, but for that meat which endureth unto everlasting life, which the Son of man shall give unto you: for him hath God the Father sealed.” John 6:27

    “The Word of Christ is the bread of life that is furnished for every soul that liveth. To refuse to eat this bread is death. He that neglects to partake of the Word of God shall not see life. Receiving the Word is believing the Word, and this is eating Christ’s flesh, drinking His blood. To dwell and abide in Christ is to dwell and abide in His Word; it is to bring heart and character into conformity to His commands. In the parable of the vine and the branches, Jesus shows the vital connection that must exist between Himself and His followers. He says: “I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman. Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit. Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you. Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me. I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.” SWk 52.1



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    Daily Devotional

    Concert for a dead man

    An Amazing Fact: One stormy night in 1910, a group of traveling musicians arrived at the city of Riga, on the Baltic Sea, to fulfill a concert engagement. The weather was so bad, however, that the conductor of the orchestra tried to persuade the manager of the hall to cancel the concert. He felt sure that no one would venture out on such a rainy night. The manager refused to cancel, but he did agree that if not even one listener turned up, the orchestra could leave early in order to catch the night boat bound for Helsinki, Finland.

    When the musicians arrived at the concert hall they found only one person sitting in the audience—a stout old man who seemed to smile at everyone. Because of this one old man, the musicians were forced to play the entire concert and were unable to leave early to catch the boat. After the concert was over the old man continued sitting in his seat.

    Thinking he was asleep, an usher nudged his shoulder. Only then was it discovered that the old man was dead. The musicians had played the entire concert for a dead man. But, ironically, in doing this they had actually saved their own lives, for the boat they would have taken to Finland sank that very night with a complete loss of life.

    The Bible also speaks of how the death of one man saved the lives of many. In Paul’s great letter explaining salvation to the Romans, he writes, “Therefore, as through one man’s offense judgment came to all men, resulting in condemnation, even so through one Man’s righteous act the free gift came to all men, resulting in justification of life” (Romans 5:18). And what was the “righteous act”? “But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (verse 8).

    Through Adam’s one act of disobedience, death came to us all. But because of Christ’s life of perfect obedience—which led Him to die on the cross for our sins—life may come to us all! Have you accepted Jesus’ gift of salvation?

    “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
    John 3:16 

    God bless



    Thanks for posting these devotions, Berean. Interesting stories! YHVH is amazing.


    Hi LU

    Glad to see you enjoyed this story….I didn’t want to miss this one. have a nice day and good courage with everything.




    Hi to all

    Daily Devotional


    AN AMAZING FACT: Most people know that when you cross a donkey stallion and a horse mare you get a mule. Or maybe you have even heard that you can cross a zebra with a donkey to get a zonkey. Yep, it’s true! Or did you know the Sea Life Park in Hawaii has the world’s only known whale-dolphin mix? It’s called a wholphin. Crossbreeding between animals of the same species is rare in the wild but occurs more commonly in captivity, producing amazing results.
    One of the most interesting mammal hybrids is a liger, the offspring of a lion father and tiger mother. Their unofficial scientific name is Panthera leo/tigris. Ligers share characteristics of both parents. Some look very lion-like, while others more strongly reveal their tiger heritage. The liger coat usually has the tan coloring of a lion, with tiger stripes running through it. The tiger mothers involved are usually the common orange color, but white tigers have been crossed with lions to produce white ligers.

    Even their roar is made up of both lion and tiger sounds. They usually roar like a lion and chuff like a tiger. A male liger may have a mane, typically much shorter than on the African lion. Ligers usually inherit a love of water, which comes from their tiger side of the family.

    Hybrid animals often display what’s known as “hybrid vigor.” This means the offspring grow much larger and faster than either parent, and it appears that many hybrid pairings cause gigantism. This is why ligers are the largest cats in the world. They can stand 12 feet tall on their hind legs and weigh over 1,000 pounds! That’s over half a ton, up to double the weight of a fully grown tiger. That’s also a lot of kitty food. Fortunately, these cats have a gentle and easygoing disposition.

    Did you know the Bible tells of a time when a race of giants roamed the land? They were hybrids of a sort. The Bible says the “sons of God”—descendants of faithful Adam—married the “daughters of men”—those from the line of rebellious Cain. This pairing produced “mighty men” and “giants.” Unfortunately, things deteriorated rapidly after that, and humanity became so wicked that God sent the Flood to cleanse the world.
    There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. Genesis 6:4 

    God bless



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    Daily Devotional


    AN AMAZING FACT: The most unsuccessful flavor of Life Savers candy was called Malt-O-Milk. Introduced in 1920, it was poorly received by the public and dropped after a couple years.
    At some time in your life, you have probably sampled the small circular candy called “Life Savers.” The little ring-shaped mints and fruit-flavored candies come in a roll wrapped in aluminum foil. Clarence Crane created them in 1912 as a “summer candy” that wouldn’t melt like chocolate. Their name comes from their similarity in shape to lifebuoys, which are used for saving people who fall overboard from boats.

    Lifesavers have been around long before 1912—I mean the type used to rescue people from drowning. Some believe the “kisby ring” was first invented by Thomas Kisbee (1792–1877), a British naval officer. Today, many lifebuoys actually have saltwater activators that cause a light to come on inside the buoy, making night rescues easier. The apostle Paul might have appreciated such a lifesaver during a shipwreck he experienced. While being taken on a ship to Rome as a prisoner, he warned the ship’s crew against sailing out of a certain harbor during the storm season and risking the ship and passengers.

    His wise counsel was ignored—and all on board would have been lost, except for Paul’s prayerful intercession. An angel told Paul everyone would be spared but that the ship would be wrecked. As predicted, the ship ran aground and broke into pieces. Passengers soon began to jump overboard and cling to boards and floating cargo. Perhaps this is the closest reference in Scripture to lifesavers!

    Our proverb this evening depicts wisdom as a lifesaver that will preserve us through the storms of life. It also tells us that discretion will keep us safe. Knowledge that comes from God helps us to make responsible decisions. Like a good lifebuoy, we can depend on the truth we find in Scripture to protect us from making foolish choices. Clinging to worldly philosophy will only sink us. But like the words of the angel to Paul, wisdom and obedience will give us heavenly buoyancy.

    If you are weighed down because you are trying to make an important decision, seek the wisdom of Scripture. Study your Bible for answers. Use your concordance and follow the truths you uncover. Like a lifesaver, God’s wisdom will float your life.

    Dear God, today I place all my choices into your hands. I ask for your divine wisdom to guide all my decisions today. May Jesus be my lifesaver!

    Additional reading: Proverbs 2:10–22
    When wisdom entereth into thine heart, and knowledge is pleasant unto thy soul; Discretion shall preserve thee, understanding shall keep thee: Proverbs 2:10-11 

    God bless


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    Daily Devotional


    AN AMAZING FACT: One of the most distinctive-looking sharks in the world is the Port Jackson shark, which is found along the coastal regions of southern Australia. It has a large head with prominent ridges on its forehead, and a strange set of teeth. The teeth, unlike most sharks’, are different from front to back. In the front are sharp, small pointed teeth for catching prey.
    The back teeth are flat and blunt and useful for grinding its diet of mostly mollusks. Its genus name, Heterodontus, actually means “different tooth”! Fortunately, this shark doesn’t pose any threats to humans and has rarely been known to bite (though I wouldn’t want to test its patience).

    One of the unusual features of this shark is its ability to eat and breathe at the same time. Because of an unusual respiratory system with five special gills that transfer oxygen more effectively, the Port Jackson shark does not need to swim with the mouth open to force water over the gills. It can actually pump water through its enlarged first gill to the other four gills. In other words, it doesn’t need to move to breathe. It can stay on the bottom for longer periods of time than other fish.

    Perhaps the most striking feature of the Port Jackson shark is the dark brown and black markings that make it look like the shark is wearing some type of harness. This five-foot shark is easy to identify with stripes that begin around its eyes, continue up across its forehead, and then to its first dorsal fin and across the rest of its body. You can’t miss this guy when he swims by, though this shark is most active at night and hides in caves and cliffs during the daytime.

    God has shown that at the end of time every person on Earth will have a mark that distinguishes them as belonging to one of two groups—the Lord’s people or Satan’s. The Bible describes those who follow the dragon as receiving the mark of the beast (Revelation 13:16). But those who are faithful to the Lord receive the seal of God (Revelation 14:1).

    How will you be identified before Jesus comes?

    “And the LORD said unto him, Go through the midst of the city, through the midst of Jerusalem, and set a mark upon the foreheads of the men that sigh and that cry for all the abominations that be done in the midst thereof.”
    Ezekiel 9:4

    God bless



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    Daily Devotional


    AN AMAZING FACT: There are over 300 kinds of hummingbirds in the world, which come in every color of the rainbow. The smallest is the bee hummingbird from Cuba—the smallest bird in the world. It is only two inches long and weighs less than a dime at .07 ounces. The largest is the giant hummingbird that can reach a whopping eight inches in length.
    Even though hummingbirds are small in size, they have enormous appetites. Hummingbirds feed often and must consume more than their body weight in food each day. (I would have to eat more than 160 pounds of food a day to do that!) In order to obtain enough nectar, they feed every 10 or 15 minutes from dawn until dusk. Hummingbirds consume between four and seven calories a day. That may not seem like much, but if humans (who normally eat 3,500 calories a day) had the metabolism of a hummingbird, they would have to consume approximately 155,000 calories a day! The hummingbird’s copious need for calories is because of their extremely high heart rate and metabolism.

    Hummingbirds are not very social animals, which is why you never see them flying in flocks. In fact, males and females live apart until breeding season. After mating, the female is on her own to build the nest and raise her young. The females usually lay one or two very tiny eggs about the size of a pinto bean. When they hatch out, these tiny babies are very vulnerable to predators, including large insects!

    When it comes to flying, nobody does it better than a hummingbird. Like a helicopter, it can go up, down, sideways, backwards, and even upside down! This is because most of its wing is made of hand bones instead of arm bones like other birds. The ruby-throated hummingbird, for example, is reported to have a wing rate of 70 beats per second, or 4,200 per minute. Hummingbirds are such good fliers that most of them never walk more than two inches, and they can terrorize birds 10 times their own size with their acrobatic skill. Hummingbirds are also amazing hunters of insects, frequently plucking mosquitoes, gnats, and fruit flies right out of the air while hovering.

    Did you know that the Bible teaches that angels do not travel at the speed of sound or even at the speed of light but rather at the speed of thought? The angel Gabriel came to Daniel from heaven while he was still praying!
    Yea, whiles I was speaking in prayer, even the man Gabriel, whom I had seen in the vision at the beginning, being caused to fly swiftly, touched me about the time of the evening oblation. Daniel 9:21 

    God bless


    Hi to all

    Daily Devotional


    AN AMAZING FACT: With eight tight hairpin turns down a 27 percent grade, Lombard Street in San Francisco has been dubbed the most crooked street in the world.
    Maybe you’ve driven down the red-bricked Lombard Street when touring the City by the Bay. It’s kind of fun to travel down the one-block section famous for it corkscrew turns. Carl Henry, a property owner, first suggested adding switchbacks to deal with the quarter mile section that was much too steep for most automobiles at the time. That happened in 1922. Even walking up this hill is tough on most people.

    Our text for this morning contrasts righteous speech with talk that is perverse or “crooked.” The King James uses the word “froward,” which means to be habitually disposed to disobedience. Good speech is honest and straightforward. People whose mouths speak unrighteous words are perverse. What they say is winding and shaped more like a slithering snake. That matches Satan, whom Jesus calls the father of lies (John 8:44). His first conversation with Eve was definitely crooked!

    This reminds me of the time Jehoshaphat, king of Judah, went to visit Ahab, king of Israel, to discuss attacking Ramoth Gilead. When Ahab called upon 400 prophets to give him advice, they all said, “Go up, for the Lord will deliver it into the hand of the king” (1 Kings 22:6). But Jehoshaphat said, “Is there not still a prophet of the Lord here, that we may inquire of Him” (v. 7). Ahab said there was one man, Micaiah, but he hated listening to him because this prophet spoke the truth.

    Straight talk has never been popular. It put Jeremiah in prison and cost John the Baptist his head. On multiple occasions, the apostle Paul was beaten for speaking the truth. And most of all, honesty led Jesus to be nailed to a cross for our sins. All Christ’s words were true. The reason a river is crooked is because it follows the path of least resistance. This is why some lives are also crooked. The path of the righteous might not always be easy, but it is straight. The way to heaven is through Jesus. When we speak with unswerving faith in the Lord, we will reach our destination—heaven!

    Additional reading: Proverbs 8:1–21
    All the words of my mouth are in righteousness; there is nothing froward or perverse in them. They are all plain to him that understandeth, and right to them that find knowledge. Proverbs 8:8-9 

    God bless


    Hi to all

    Daily Devotional


    AN AMAZING FACT: The world record for “walking” on one’s hands is held by Sarah Chapman of the United Kingdom. She travelled on her hands 16,404 feet in eight hours on June 3, 2002.
    The most famous “walk” in history was probably taken by Neil Armstrong on July 21, 1969, after the Apollo 11 lunar module, the Eagle, landed on the moon. Though the original plan was for Armstrong and Aldrin to rest after landing, they were given permission to suit up right away, depressurize the module, and go outside.

    I vividly remember sitting in front of the TV and watching it all play out: Armstrong was the first to descend the ladder. As he reached the bottom step, he turned and planted his left foot onto the powdery surface of the moon and then uttered his now famous words, “That’s one small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind.” (There has actually been a long debate whether the “a” was actually spoken by Neil. Without it, the sentence is a contradiction. Later acoustical analysis supposedly reveals he did state this missing word.)

    I believe the most famous steps (other than those of Jesus) recorded in Scripture are taken by those who carry the gospel to others. You’ve probably sung the words to this Bible verse: “How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who proclaims peace, who brings glad tidings of good things, who proclaims salvation, who says to Zion, ‘Your God reigns!’ ” (Isaiah 52:7).

    When we share the love of Jesus, God promises to guide and bless our steps. Since the Lord has called us to witness for Him, we are given the assurance of His angels to keep us from stumbling when we walk in His paths. Perhaps today the Lord will lead you to walk over to a cubicle in the office where you work and hand someone a small piece of literature as you say the words, “I thought you’d enjoy this.” Or you might bake a loaf of bread or a batch of cookies and visit a neighbor who is discouraged. Take a famous walk today. Use your feet to make a giant leap … for the Lord.

    Dear Jesus, because you freely walked the bloodstained path to Calvary, you purchased redemption for all mankind. Thank you.

    Additional reading: Proverbs 4:1–13
    When thou goest, thy steps shall not be straitened; and when thou runnest, thou shalt not stumble. Take fast hold of instruction; let her not go: keep her; for she is thy life. Proverbs 4:12-13 

    God bless


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