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  • #63596

    Has anyone here heard of Hasidic Gentiles, or the Noachide Laws? Just curious…but from what I recall, one of the requirements of Hasidic Gentiles is that they NOT keep the Sabbath. That is, the Sabbath was to be obeyed by the Jews alone. I will try to find a reference.

    Not saying this is valid, just recalling something I saw.


    Quote (kenrch @ Aug. 08 2007,16:25)

    Quote (942767 @ Aug. 08 2007,15:05)

    Quote (kejonn @ Aug. 07 2007,06:31)
    To all,

    I don't know exactly what folks are looking for, but the basics of the new covenant is that our justification is by faith through grace. Does that abolish the Law? No, it fulfills the Law. But recognize that circumision is a specific covenant made with Abraham and his descendants.

    Think of it on a human level – if your child follows your rules because he is trying to avoid punishment or merely to gain an advantage in your eyes, then he seeks his “justification” by hollow practice. However, if your child keeps your rules because they show how much he loves you, which is better for your relationship? The first case is selfishness, the second is selfless. Yeshua came and showed us selflessness and humility in all he did, and he did it for the glory of his Father. So he truly fulfilled the Law by demonstrating what the Law was really about — not merely doing but selflessly desiring to do so that God would get the glory.

    I agree with KJ on this and I disagree with Ken that the Sabbath day has to be exclusively on Saturday.  While it is true that God began his work week on Sunday and rested on the seventh day which was Saturday.  He did not sanctify Saturday but he sactified the seventh day.

    All of God's laws are good and are for our benefit.  Sin (by definition is the transgression of the Law) is detrimental to us and to those we sin against.  It is important that we rest our body and our mental an emotional faculties.  It is also important that we refresh our spirit by going and worshiping God with fellow believers.  It is important that we have fellowship with fellow believers so that we can encourage one another in the Lord, and we can pray for one another.  The Lord communicates with us through his Word, and He may also communicate with us through the various spiritual gifts.  He may speak to us through a prophet or if we need a healing, He may heal us through someone who operates in this spiritual gift.  God is a good God and has instiuted the Sabbath day as a day of rest and not a day of drudgery.  I am not in bondage in resting on the seventh day.

    The forth commandment states that we should work six days and rest on the seventh day.  It is the principle that is important here not that we keep a specific day.

    In the society that I live, the work week begins on Monday and so, therefore the seventh day falls on Sunday, and so I try to rest on the seventh day from all unecessary work if at all possible.  Lately, because of my work schedule, I have had to work on Sunday, and so I have not been able to keep this principle nor go to church, but I am praying that God will deliver me from this schedule.

    Mrs. IM4Truth:

    You say:

    I KEEP GODS LAW SPIRITUAL INCLUDING THE SABATH. If you keep it physically, you do not keep it spiritually, you cant have it both ways. I try to to do what Jesus teaches me on the sermon on the mount. And that is not easy. The road is steep.

    How do you keep the Sabbath Law spiritually and not physically?

    Again, all of God's Laws are there to benefit us, and not to but us in bondage.

    God Bless

    Of course you don't YOUR week starts on Monday.  But God's week starts on the first day Sunday which is the day you keep instead of the Seventh Day Sabbath Of God.

    I didn't know we could separate the day we choose and then make it holy?  I thought only God could do that!

    But I kept YOUR Sabbath on Sunday the first day, Ha!

    Please give me scripture that says we can break the forth commandment. :)

    Hi Ken:

    Please quote the Forth Commandment for me, and by the commandment show me how I am breaking the forth commandment by starting my work week and Monday and resting on Sunday.  

    Every day is Father's day.  I say of Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, this is a day that the Lord has made I will rejoice and be glad in it.

    Six days shall thy labor and do all thy work but the seventh day is a Sabbath (a day of rest).  It is the principle that matters.  There is not one day more important than another.
    God made all of them.  I don't give one of them to the harlot.  But God will judge both us and her.

    Do you think that God rested on the seventh day because he was tired?  No, God wanted to set an example for his children to follow.  Work six days and rest on the seventh.  It is important for our health and well being.

    If you want to rest on from Friday at 6PM until Saturday at 6PM as God and the Nation of Israel did, that is wonderful. The Nation of Israel for the most part was an agricultural community.  They were self employed and could start their work week on Sunday.  I am not self employed.  I wouldn't want you do do anything that your conscience dictates you should not.  But my advice to you is not to judge those who do not believe that the Sabbath day has to be a specific day.

    These kind of arguments are what keep the church divided.

    I think it is wonderful both you and I love the Lord and are striving to obey his commandments.

    God Bless


    Quote (942767 @ Aug. 09 2007,13:50)

    Quote (kenrch @ Aug. 08 2007,16:25)

    Quote (942767 @ Aug. 08 2007,15:05)

    Quote (kejonn @ Aug. 07 2007,06:31)
    To all,

    I don't know exactly what folks are looking for, but the basics of the new covenant is that our justification is by faith through grace. Does that abolish the Law? No, it fulfills the Law. But recognize that circumision is a specific covenant made with Abraham and his descendants.

    Think of it on a human level – if your child follows your rules because he is trying to avoid punishment or merely to gain an advantage in your eyes, then he seeks his “justification” by hollow practice. However, if your child keeps your rules because they show how much he loves you, which is better for your relationship? The first case is selfishness, the second is selfless. Yeshua came and showed us selflessness and humility in all he did, and he did it for the glory of his Father. So he truly fulfilled the Law by demonstrating what the Law was really about — not merely doing but selflessly desiring to do so that God would get the glory.

    I agree with KJ on this and I disagree with Ken that the Sabbath day has to be exclusively on Saturday.  While it is true that God began his work week on Sunday and rested on the seventh day which was Saturday.  He did not sanctify Saturday but he sactified the seventh day.

    All of God's laws are good and are for our benefit.  Sin (by definition is the transgression of the Law) is detrimental to us and to those we sin against.  It is important that we rest our body and our mental an emotional faculties.  It is also important that we refresh our spirit by going and worshiping God with fellow believers.  It is important that we have fellowship with fellow believers so that we can encourage one another in the Lord, and we can pray for one another.  The Lord communicates with us through his Word, and He may also communicate with us through the various spiritual gifts.  He may speak to us through a prophet or if we need a healing, He may heal us through someone who operates in this spiritual gift.  God is a good God and has instiuted the Sabbath day as a day of rest and not a day of drudgery.  I am not in bondage in resting on the seventh day.

    The forth commandment states that we should work six days and rest on the seventh day.  It is the principle that is important here not that we keep a specific day.

    In the society that I live, the work week begins on Monday and so, therefore the seventh day falls on Sunday, and so I try to rest on the seventh day from all unecessary work if at all possible.  Lately, because of my work schedule, I have had to work on Sunday, and so I have not been able to keep this principle nor go to church, but I am praying that God will deliver me from this schedule.

    Mrs. IM4Truth:

    You say:

    I KEEP GODS LAW SPIRITUAL INCLUDING THE SABATH. If you keep it physically, you do not keep it spiritually, you cant have it both ways. I try to to do what Jesus teaches me on the sermon on the mount. And that is not easy. The road is steep.

    How do you keep the Sabbath Law spiritually and not physically?

    Again, all of God's Laws are there to benefit us, and not to but us in bondage.

    God Bless

    Of course you don't YOUR week starts on Monday.  But God's week starts on the first day Sunday which is the day you keep instead of the Seventh Day Sabbath Of God.

    I didn't know we could separate the day we choose and then make it holy?  I thought only God could do that!

    But I kept YOUR Sabbath on Sunday the first day, Ha!

    Please give me scripture that says we can break the forth commandment. :)

    Hi Ken:

    Please quote the Forth Commandment for me, and by the commandment show me how I am breaking the forth commandment by starting my work week and Monday and resting on Sunday.  

    Every day is Father's day.  I say of Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, this is a day that the Lord has made I will rejoice and be glad in it.

    Six days shall thy labor and do all thy work but the seventh day is a Sabbath (a day of rest).  It is the principle that matters.  There is not one day more important than another.
    God made all of them.  I don't give one of them to the harlot.  But God will judge both us and her.

    Do you think that God rested on the seventh day because he was tired?  No, God wanted to set an example for his children to follow.  Work six days and rest on the seventh.  It is important for our health and well being.

    If you want to rest on from Friday at 6PM until Saturday at 6PM as God and the Nation of Israel did, that is wonderful. The Nation of Israel for the most part was an agricultural community.  They were self employed and could start their work week on Sunday.  I am not self employed.  I wouldn't want you do do anything that your conscience dictates you should not.  But my advice to you is not to judge those who do not believe that the Sabbath day has to be a specific day.

    These kind of arguments are what keep the church divided.

    I think it is wonderful both you and I love the Lord and are striving to obey his commandments.

    God Bless

    If you want to rest on from Friday at 6PM until Saturday at 6PM as God and the Nation of Israel did, that is wonderful

    You said it I rest as God did. As commanded on the seventh day. You can try to fool yourself but the scripture says the seventh day. Sunday is the first day, the weekly cycle did not change. The colander may have changed but the week never has the first day and the seventh day are the same numbers today.

    Heb 4:10 for whoever has entered God's rest has also rested from his works as God did from his.
    Heb 4:11 Let us therefore strive to enter that rest, so that no one may fall by the same sort of disobedience.

    You are trying to say that the Seventh day Sabbath are for Jews only? Then the Ten Commandments are for Jews only.

    Let's party for tomorrow we DIE.

    The Sabbath is made for rest AND fellowship with your Father and your brothers and sisters in the Lord. I guess you won't be there. You'll be keeping your own day on your own time when you want.

    Father's day His children gather spiritually if they cannot physically but 94 won't be there, WHY? He's too busy on Father's
    Day. Who's putting who first?

    Seek the Spirit with an open mind and walk with God.

    You know that we are to keep His Law. Let's not change it.

    Dan 7:25 He shall speak words against the Most High, and shall wear out the saints of the Most High, and shall think to change the times and the law; and they shall be given into his hand for a time, times, and half a time.

    The Harlot has done this. She changed the Sabbath to the first day to prove that she had the power to do so. She sites that Jesus was resurrected on Sunday which according to scripture is a lie. Why do you follow in her foot steeps. She doesn't care if you keep her day Sunday, as long as you don't keep HIS DAY. Can you see?


    So the 1st day is evening on  Saturday to evening on Sunday? Can this be shown in scripture, or was it a tradition developed among the Jews?


    Quote (kejonn @ Aug. 10 2007,07:49)
    So the 1st day is evening on  Saturday to evening on Sunday? Can this be shown in scripture, or was it a tradition developed among the Jews?

    Read Genesis from sunset to sunset is a day. I-6 then on the seventh day He rested. Look at your calendar which day is the first and which day is the Seventh?

    It's not but even if the calendar is wrong we are only held accountable for what we know to be true. So unless you can prove that Saturday is not Saturday and Sunday is not Sunday then the week stands as is.

    It is in Exodus 16 the Hebrews gathered twice as much manna the day before then the next day was the Sabbath from that time on they counted 1-6..Sabbath until this very day.

    But again if the calendar is wrong then prove it wrong otherwise Friday sunset to Saturday sunset is the seventh day Sabbath.

    Hoped this helped,




    OK, thanks.


    Hi Mrs 4truth
    it is a continual burnt offering, which was ordained in mount Sinai for a sweet savour, a sacrifice made by fire unto the LORD.
    Hbr 10:3  But in those [sacrifices there is] a remembrance again [made] of sins every year.  For [it is] not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats should take away sins;
    As a child,holds tightly to furniture,  but also without falling we may not go on to the stand up in confidence, first being found needy

    There is only one convent of mercy to pardon sin; and the wicked will forsake this way
    In pondering, the seed promised to come to Abraham was King David, and to King David the covenant of the first born son was given, The key to the house of David God has Laid on the Sons shoulders :3  I have made a covenant with my chosen, I have sworn unto David my servant, :4  Thy seed will I establish for ever, and build up thy throne to all generations. Selah.
    The covernent was given 1000 yrs before christ came,A 1000yrs did God call the Nations to incline their ears away from sacrifice and offering, but they refused to find faith, Holding tight to Moses Law
    Until christ came, turned up the tables in the temple, on the selling of sacrifices that God had no pleasure in, making money market, O for so much as he would soon after have to give his life for those that were hard of establish his fathers throne, and covnent
    Isa 9:7
    Of the increase of [his] government and peace [there shall be] no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this.
    Psa 89:5  And the heavens shall praise thy wonders, O LORD: thy faithfulness also in the congregation of the saints.

    Isa 55:3  Incline your ear, and come unto me: hear, and your soul shall live; and I will make an everlasting covenant with you, [even] the sure mercies of David.
    Behold, I have given him [for] a witness to the people, a leader and commander to the people. Behold, thou shalt call a nation [that] thou knowest not, and nations [that] knew not thee shall run unto thee because of the LORD thy God, and for the Holy One of Israel; for he hath glorified thee. ¶ Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near: Let the wicked forsake his way,(spirit of Slumber) and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.

    In King David the commander given; still remains our rest, the Key to the house IS Laid on His Son, but the wicked will refuse, and cast his crown to the ground, remove his remberance that he may not come to this battle for our rest, in word and paslms found.

    Hbr 4:7  Again, he limiteth a certain day, saying in David, To day, after so long a time; as it is said, To day if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts. 8  For if Jesus had given them rest, then would he not afterward have spoken of another day. 9  There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God. :10  For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God [did] from his.

     ¶ Wherefore when he cometh into the world, he saith, Sacrifice and offering thou wouldest not, but a body hast thou prepared me
    :Hbr 10:8 Above when he said, Sacrifice and offering and burnt offerings and [offering] for sin thou wouldest not, neither hadst pleasure [therein]; which are offered by the law; Hbr 10:6  In burnt offerings and [sacrifices] for sin thou hast had no pleasure.

    god bless you


    Although Christ made a full end to the sacrifice and offering of Animals, Lawlessness against David, Christ’s roots continues to tie loop holes  observing the Law of the faithful servant Moses unto actions, foolishness to perfect the flesh, King David works from the inside  to the outside, the heart first, the Law is reverse perfecting the outside flesh of the man, to enter the kingdom in the heart
    Let it be the longer the loop holes of Law are used as actions of examples of holiness, the harder the fall unto grace and pardon becomes, even as it is harder for a camel to go thru the eye of a needle also it harder to enter the kingdom of God, which is entering the heart where the kingdom of God is.

    Observe the Law, it is Good, but don't do as the scribes of Moses do, putting heavy burdens on the needy, vexing the spirit
    Not under the Law dose not have to mean we do as we wish.
    God forbid, my words are not to encorage to turn away from,
    But for what you have strength not to do this is Good, but for where we have failed, this also is good also Grace and mercy abounds.
    Once and for all when our heart is broken, and offered to the Lord as a sacrifice, we have come to the end of the law, it has served its purpose, a sweet a sweet savor before God something then that will never leave his side




    Quote (kenrch @ Aug. 10 2007,06:46)

    Quote (942767 @ Aug. 09 2007,13:50)

    Quote (kenrch @ Aug. 08 2007,16:25)

    Quote (942767 @ Aug. 08 2007,15:05)

    Quote (kejonn @ Aug. 07 2007,06:31)
    To all,

    I don't know exactly what folks are looking for, but the basics of the new covenant is that our justification is by faith through grace. Does that abolish the Law? No, it fulfills the Law. But recognize that circumision is a specific covenant made with Abraham and his descendants.

    Think of it on a human level – if your child follows your rules because he is trying to avoid punishment or merely to gain an advantage in your eyes, then he seeks his “justification” by hollow practice. However, if your child keeps your rules because they show how much he loves you, which is better for your relationship? The first case is selfishness, the second is selfless. Yeshua came and showed us selflessness and humility in all he did, and he did it for the glory of his Father. So he truly fulfilled the Law by demonstrating what the Law was really about — not merely doing but selflessly desiring to do so that God would get the glory.

    I agree with KJ on this and I disagree with Ken that the Sabbath day has to be exclusively on Saturday.  While it is true that God began his work week on Sunday and rested on the seventh day which was Saturday.  He did not sanctify Saturday but he sactified the seventh day.

    All of God's laws are good and are for our benefit.  Sin (by definition is the transgression of the Law) is detrimental to us and to those we sin against.  It is important that we rest our body and our mental an emotional faculties.  It is also important that we refresh our spirit by going and worshiping God with fellow believers.  It is important that we have fellowship with fellow believers so that we can encourage one another in the Lord, and we can pray for one another.  The Lord communicates with us through his Word, and He may also communicate with us through the various spiritual gifts.  He may speak to us through a prophet or if we need a healing, He may heal us through someone who operates in this spiritual gift.  God is a good God and has instiuted the Sabbath day as a day of rest and not a day of drudgery.  I am not in bondage in resting on the seventh day.

    The forth commandment states that we should work six days and rest on the seventh day.  It is the principle that is important here not that we keep a specific day.

    In the society that I live, the work week begins on Monday and so, therefore the seventh day falls on Sunday, and so I try to rest on the seventh day from all unecessary work if at all possible.  Lately, because of my work schedule, I have had to work on Sunday, and so I have not been able to keep this principle nor go to church, but I am praying that God will deliver me from this schedule.

    Mrs. IM4Truth:

    You say:

    I KEEP GODS LAW SPIRITUAL INCLUDING THE SABATH. If you keep it physically, you do not keep it spiritually, you cant have it both ways. I try to to do what Jesus teaches me on the sermon on the mount. And that is not easy. The road is steep.

    How do you keep the Sabbath Law spiritually and not physically?

    Again, all of God's Laws are there to benefit us, and not to but us in bondage.

    God Bless

    Of course you don't YOUR week starts on Monday.  But God's week starts on the first day Sunday which is the day you keep instead of the Seventh Day Sabbath Of God.

    I didn't know we could separate the day we choose and then make it holy?  I thought only God could do that!

    But I kept YOUR Sabbath on Sunday the first day, Ha!

    Please give me scripture that says we can break the forth commandment. :)

    Hi Ken:

    Please quote the Forth Commandment for me, and by the commandment show me how I am breaking the forth commandment by starting my work week and Monday and resting on Sunday.  

    Every day is Father's day.  I say of Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, this is a day that the Lord has made I will rejoice and be glad in it.

    Six days shall thy labor and do all thy work but the seventh day is a Sabbath (a day of rest).  It is the principle that matters.  There is not one day more important than another.
    God made all of them.  I don't give one of them to the harlot.  But God will judge both us and her.

    Do you think that God rested on the seventh day because he was tired?  No, God wanted to set an example for his children to follow.  Work six days and rest on the seventh.  It is important for our health and well being.

    If you want to rest on from Friday at 6PM until Saturday at 6PM as God and the Nation of Israel did, that is wonderful. The Nation of Israel for the most part was an agricultural community.  They were self employed and could start their work week on Sunday.  I am not self employed.  I wouldn't want you do do anything that your conscience dictates you should not.  But my advice to you is not to judge those who do not believe that the Sabbath day has to be a specific day.

    These kind of arguments are what keep the church divided.

    I think it is wonderful both you and I love the Lord and are striving to obey his commandments.

    God Bless

    If you want to rest on from Friday at 6PM until Saturday at 6PM as God and the Nation of Israel did, that is wonderful

    You said it I rest as God did.  As commanded on the seventh day.  You can try to fool yourself but the scripture says the seventh day. Sunday is the first day, the weekly cycle did not change.  The colander may have changed but the week never has the first day and the seventh day are the same numbers today.

    Heb 4:10  for whoever has entered God's rest has also rested from his works as God did from his.
    Heb 4:11  Let us therefore strive to enter that rest, so that no one may fall by the same sort of disobedience.

    You are trying to say that the Seventh day Sabbath are for Jews only?  Then the Ten Commandments are for Jews only.

    Let's party for tomorrow we DIE.  

    The Sabbath is made for rest AND fellowship with your Father and your brothers and sisters in the Lord.  I guess you won't be there.  You'll be keep
    ing your own day on your own time when you want.

    Father's day His children gather spiritually if they cannot physically but 94 won't be there, WHY?  He's too busy on Father's Day.  Who's putting who first?

    Seek the Spirit with an open mind and walk with God.

    You know that we are to keep His Law.  Let's not change it.

    Dan 7:25  He shall speak words against the Most High, and shall wear out the saints of the Most High, and shall think to change the times and the law; and they shall be given into his hand for a time, times, and half a time.

    The Harlot has done this.  She changed the Sabbath to the first day to prove that she had the power to do so.  She sites that Jesus was resurrected on Sunday which according to scripture is a lie. Why do you follow in her foot steeps.  She doesn't care if you keep her day Sunday, as long as you don't keep HIS DAY.  Can you see?

    Hi Ken:

    I have fellowship with my Father every day.

    Obviously, you believe that you are right, and you have given your understanding and I have given you mine.

    You nor I can beat someone over the head with doctrine to make them do what we believe to be is right.

    I am happy that both you and I love the Lord and are striving to obey his commandments even if we don't agree on this issue.  I believe that it is the principle of resting on the seventh day that is important here and not the specific day.  

    Are you really serious in saying that God will deny me eternal life just because I applied the principle of rest that he taught us on Sunday rather than on Saturday?  He is going to say to me on that day, I'm really sorry 94 you did every thing right but I can't let you in the Kingdom because you observed the Sabbath on Sunday.  This is the mark of the beast?

    1Jo 4:18
    There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.

    I love God and he loves me, and He one of the ways that He has shown me His love for me is by correcting me when I am wrong.  

    As part of my morning prayer routine I ask God to correct me if I am teaching anything that is not His Word or doing anything that is not his will, and I also ask Him to correct those who are erring in the teaching of His Word so that we can come into unity as a church so that people will know that there is a God who loves them, and that they will want to come to Him through our Lord Jesus, His Son and His Christ.

    God Bless you and your family


    Charity Thank you

    Peace Mrs.


    Hi Ken:

    I thought of one other thing relative to what you believe about the Sabbath being Saturday and Saturday only. Saturday for some people who are in a different time zone from you is a different set of hours. What do you say about this?


    Quote (942767 @ Aug. 10 2007,13:22)

    Quote (kenrch @ Aug. 10 2007,06:46)

    Quote (942767 @ Aug. 09 2007,13:50)

    Quote (kenrch @ Aug. 08 2007,16:25)

    Quote (942767 @ Aug. 08 2007,15:05)

    Quote (kejonn @ Aug. 07 2007,06:31)
    To all,

    I don't know exactly what folks are looking for, but the basics of the new covenant is that our justification is by faith through grace. Does that abolish the Law? No, it fulfills the Law. But recognize that circumision is a specific covenant made with Abraham and his descendants.

    Think of it on a human level – if your child follows your rules because he is trying to avoid punishment or merely to gain an advantage in your eyes, then he seeks his “justification” by hollow practice. However, if your child keeps your rules because they show how much he loves you, which is better for your relationship? The first case is selfishness, the second is selfless. Yeshua came and showed us selflessness and humility in all he did, and he did it for the glory of his Father. So he truly fulfilled the Law by demonstrating what the Law was really about — not merely doing but selflessly desiring to do so that God would get the glory.

    I agree with KJ on this and I disagree with Ken that the Sabbath day has to be exclusively on Saturday.  While it is true that God began his work week on Sunday and rested on the seventh day which was Saturday.  He did not sanctify Saturday but he sactified the seventh day.

    All of God's laws are good and are for our benefit.  Sin (by definition is the transgression of the Law) is detrimental to us and to those we sin against.  It is important that we rest our body and our mental an emotional faculties.  It is also important that we refresh our spirit by going and worshiping God with fellow believers.  It is important that we have fellowship with fellow believers so that we can encourage one another in the Lord, and we can pray for one another.  The Lord communicates with us through his Word, and He may also communicate with us through the various spiritual gifts.  He may speak to us through a prophet or if we need a healing, He may heal us through someone who operates in this spiritual gift.  God is a good God and has instiuted the Sabbath day as a day of rest and not a day of drudgery.  I am not in bondage in resting on the seventh day.

    The forth commandment states that we should work six days and rest on the seventh day.  It is the principle that is important here not that we keep a specific day.

    In the society that I live, the work week begins on Monday and so, therefore the seventh day falls on Sunday, and so I try to rest on the seventh day from all unecessary work if at all possible.  Lately, because of my work schedule, I have had to work on Sunday, and so I have not been able to keep this principle nor go to church, but I am praying that God will deliver me from this schedule.

    Mrs. IM4Truth:

    You say:

    I KEEP GODS LAW SPIRITUAL INCLUDING THE SABATH. If you keep it physically, you do not keep it spiritually, you cant have it both ways. I try to to do what Jesus teaches me on the sermon on the mount. And that is not easy. The road is steep.

    How do you keep the Sabbath Law spiritually and not physically?

    Again, all of God's Laws are there to benefit us, and not to but us in bondage.

    God Bless

    Of course you don't YOUR week starts on Monday.  But God's week starts on the first day Sunday which is the day you keep instead of the Seventh Day Sabbath Of God.

    I didn't know we could separate the day we choose and then make it holy?  I thought only God could do that!

    But I kept YOUR Sabbath on Sunday the first day, Ha!

    Please give me scripture that says we can break the forth commandment. :)

    Hi Ken:

    Please quote the Forth Commandment for me, and by the commandment show me how I am breaking the forth commandment by starting my work week and Monday and resting on Sunday.  

    Every day is Father's day.  I say of Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, this is a day that the Lord has made I will rejoice and be glad in it.

    Six days shall thy labor and do all thy work but the seventh day is a Sabbath (a day of rest).  It is the principle that matters.  There is not one day more important than another.
    God made all of them.  I don't give one of them to the harlot.  But God will judge both us and her.

    Do you think that God rested on the seventh day because he was tired?  No, God wanted to set an example for his children to follow.  Work six days and rest on the seventh.  It is important for our health and well being.

    If you want to rest on from Friday at 6PM until Saturday at 6PM as God and the Nation of Israel did, that is wonderful. The Nation of Israel for the most part was an agricultural community.  They were self employed and could start their work week on Sunday.  I am not self employed.  I wouldn't want you do do anything that your conscience dictates you should not.  But my advice to you is not to judge those who do not believe that the Sabbath day has to be a specific day.

    These kind of arguments are what keep the church divided.

    I think it is wonderful both you and I love the Lord and are striving to obey his commandments.

    God Bless

    If you want to rest on from Friday at 6PM until Saturday at 6PM as God and the Nation of Israel did, that is wonderful

    You said it I rest as God did.  As commanded on the seventh day.  You can try to fool yourself but the scripture says the seventh day. Sunday is the first day, the weekly cycle did not change.  The colander may have changed but the week never has the first day and the seventh day are the same numbers today.

    Heb 4:10  for whoever has entered God's rest has also rested from his works as God did from his.
    Heb 4:11  Let us therefore strive to enter that rest, so that no one may fall by the same sort of disobedience.

    You are trying to say that the Seventh day Sabbath are for Jews only?  Then the Ten Commandments are for Jews

    Let's party for tomorrow we DIE.  

    The Sabbath is made for rest AND fellowship with your Father and your brothers and sisters in the Lord.  I guess you won't be there.  You'll be keeping your own day on your own time when you want.

    Father's day His children gather spiritually if they cannot physically but 94 won't be there, WHY?  He's too busy on Father's Day.  Who's putting who first?

    Seek the Spirit with an open mind and walk with God.

    You know that we are to keep His Law.  Let's not change it.

    Dan 7:25  He shall speak words against the Most High, and shall wear out the saints of the Most High, and shall think to change the times and the law; and they shall be given into his hand for a time, times, and half a time.

    The Harlot has done this.  She changed the Sabbath to the first day to prove that she had the power to do so.  She sites that Jesus was resurrected on Sunday which according to scripture is a lie. Why do you follow in her foot steeps.  She doesn't care if you keep her day Sunday, as long as you don't keep HIS DAY.  Can you see?

    Hi Ken:

    I have fellowship with my Father every day.

    Obviously, you believe that you are right, and you have given your understanding and I have given you mine.

    You nor I can beat someone over the head with doctrine to make them do what we believe to be is right.

    I am happy that both you and I love the Lord and are striving to obey his commandments even if we don't agree on this issue.  I believe that it is the principle of resting on the seventh day that is important here and not the specific day.  

    Are you really serious in saying that God will deny me eternal life just because I applied the principle of rest that he taught us on Sunday rather than on Saturday?  He is going to say to me on that day, I'm really sorry 94 you did every thing right but I can't let you in the Kingdom because you observed the Sabbath on Sunday.  This is the mark of the beast?

    1Jo 4:18
    There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.

    I love God and he loves me, and He one of the ways that He has shown me His love for me is by correcting me when I am wrong.  

    As part of my morning prayer routine I ask God to correct me if I am teaching anything that is not His Word or doing anything that is not his will, and I also ask Him to correct those who are erring in the teaching of His Word so that we can come into unity as a church so that people will know that there is a God who loves them, and that they will want to come to Him through our Lord Jesus, His Son and His Christ.

    God Bless you and your family

    94 I know you are a very sincere Christian but would it be all right if at judgment day you said Yes I stole but I didn't murder.

    Does it matter how we worship or in this case which day? God wasn't happy with Cain's offering. If all His children gather oh His Day but you what excuse will you give?

    God uses brother's and sisters to answer prayer when He can't get through our thick skulls :). I have backed up everything with scripture, it's up to you.

    I don't judge judgment day is not here but scripture does say:

    Mat 5:19 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.

    Remember His thoughts are not our thoughts, our ways are not like His. Seek the Father and see if you can find a job where you will be free to worship on Father's day.

    Of course if you don't want too then He doesn't want you too.

    He wants compassion NOT sacrifice :)

    God bless you,



    Hi 94, you are lovley, and I can see that every thing you do you do unto God with all the best of knowledge:D

    may I add my thoughts

    To keep the seventh day holy,
    yet even as the day of rest God entered in the beginning;
    be mindful one day is a thousand years, that then becomes  a thousand year reign of One day, many days of one Sabbath day,one the lords Day that people may enter their rest, each in their turn, Many days Grace stands as they come to life on earth.
    Hearken hear, and come while we can still seek him, for the evening and morning of the next day, is given to the saints to take the kingdom back. the days of grace must end and close also



    Quote (kenrch @ Aug. 10 2007,13:49)

    Quote (942767 @ Aug. 10 2007,13:22)

    Quote (kenrch @ Aug. 10 2007,06:46)

    Quote (942767 @ Aug. 09 2007,13:50)

    Quote (kenrch @ Aug. 08 2007,16:25)

    Quote (942767 @ Aug. 08 2007,15:05)

    Quote (kejonn @ Aug. 07 2007,06:31)
    To all,

    I don't know exactly what folks are looking for, but the basics of the new covenant is that our justification is by faith through grace. Does that abolish the Law? No, it fulfills the Law. But recognize that circumision is a specific covenant made with Abraham and his descendants.

    Think of it on a human level – if your child follows your rules because he is trying to avoid punishment or merely to gain an advantage in your eyes, then he seeks his “justification” by hollow practice. However, if your child keeps your rules because they show how much he loves you, which is better for your relationship? The first case is selfishness, the second is selfless. Yeshua came and showed us selflessness and humility in all he did, and he did it for the glory of his Father. So he truly fulfilled the Law by demonstrating what the Law was really about — not merely doing but selflessly desiring to do so that God would get the glory.

    I agree with KJ on this and I disagree with Ken that the Sabbath day has to be exclusively on Saturday.  While it is true that God began his work week on Sunday and rested on the seventh day which was Saturday.  He did not sanctify Saturday but he sactified the seventh day.

    All of God's laws are good and are for our benefit.  Sin (by definition is the transgression of the Law) is detrimental to us and to those we sin against.  It is important that we rest our body and our mental an emotional faculties.  It is also important that we refresh our spirit by going and worshiping God with fellow believers.  It is important that we have fellowship with fellow believers so that we can encourage one another in the Lord, and we can pray for one another.  The Lord communicates with us through his Word, and He may also communicate with us through the various spiritual gifts.  He may speak to us through a prophet or if we need a healing, He may heal us through someone who operates in this spiritual gift.  God is a good God and has instiuted the Sabbath day as a day of rest and not a day of drudgery.  I am not in bondage in resting on the seventh day.

    The forth commandment states that we should work six days and rest on the seventh day.  It is the principle that is important here not that we keep a specific day.

    In the society that I live, the work week begins on Monday and so, therefore the seventh day falls on Sunday, and so I try to rest on the seventh day from all unecessary work if at all possible.  Lately, because of my work schedule, I have had to work on Sunday, and so I have not been able to keep this principle nor go to church, but I am praying that God will deliver me from this schedule.

    Mrs. IM4Truth:

    You say:

    I KEEP GODS LAW SPIRITUAL INCLUDING THE SABATH. If you keep it physically, you do not keep it spiritually, you cant have it both ways. I try to to do what Jesus teaches me on the sermon on the mount. And that is not easy. The road is steep.

    How do you keep the Sabbath Law spiritually and not physically?

    Again, all of God's Laws are there to benefit us, and not to but us in bondage.

    God Bless

    Of course you don't YOUR week starts on Monday.  But God's week starts on the first day Sunday which is the day you keep instead of the Seventh Day Sabbath Of God.

    I didn't know we could separate the day we choose and then make it holy?  I thought only God could do that!

    But I kept YOUR Sabbath on Sunday the first day, Ha!

    Please give me scripture that says we can break the forth commandment. :)

    Hi Ken:

    Please quote the Forth Commandment for me, and by the commandment show me how I am breaking the forth commandment by starting my work week and Monday and resting on Sunday.  

    Every day is Father's day.  I say of Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, this is a day that the Lord has made I will rejoice and be glad in it.

    Six days shall thy labor and do all thy work but the seventh day is a Sabbath (a day of rest).  It is the principle that matters.  There is not one day more important than another.
    God made all of them.  I don't give one of them to the harlot.  But God will judge both us and her.

    Do you think that God rested on the seventh day because he was tired?  No, God wanted to set an example for his children to follow.  Work six days and rest on the seventh.  It is important for our health and well being.

    If you want to rest on from Friday at 6PM until Saturday at 6PM as God and the Nation of Israel did, that is wonderful. The Nation of Israel for the most part was an agricultural community.  They were self employed and could start their work week on Sunday.  I am not self employed.  I wouldn't want you do do anything that your conscience dictates you should not.  But my advice to you is not to judge those who do not believe that the Sabbath day has to be a specific day.

    These kind of arguments are what keep the church divided.

    I think it is wonderful both you and I love the Lord and are striving to obey his commandments.

    God Bless

    If you want to rest on from Friday at 6PM until Saturday at 6PM as God and the Nation of Israel did, that is wonderful

    You said it I rest as God did.  As commanded on the seventh day.  You can try to fool yourself but the scripture says the seventh day. Sunday is the first day, the weekly cycle did not change.  The colander may have changed but the week never has the first day and the seventh day are the same numbers today.

    Heb 4:10  for whoever has entered God's rest has also rested from his works as God did from his.
    Heb 4:11  Let
    us therefore strive to enter that rest, so that no one may fall by the same sort of disobedience.

    You are trying to say that the Seventh day Sabbath are for Jews only?  Then the Ten Commandments are for Jews only.

    Let's party for tomorrow we DIE.  

    The Sabbath is made for rest AND fellowship with your Father and your brothers and sisters in the Lord.  I guess you won't be there.  You'll be keeping your own day on your own time when you want.

    Father's day His children gather spiritually if they cannot physically but 94 won't be there, WHY?  He's too busy on Father's Day.  Who's putting who first?

    Seek the Spirit with an open mind and walk with God.

    You know that we are to keep His Law.  Let's not change it.

    Dan 7:25  He shall speak words against the Most High, and shall wear out the saints of the Most High, and shall think to change the times and the law; and they shall be given into his hand for a time, times, and half a time.

    The Harlot has done this.  She changed the Sabbath to the first day to prove that she had the power to do so.  She sites that Jesus was resurrected on Sunday which according to scripture is a lie. Why do you follow in her foot steeps.  She doesn't care if you keep her day Sunday, as long as you don't keep HIS DAY.  Can you see?

    Hi Ken:

    I have fellowship with my Father every day.

    Obviously, you believe that you are right, and you have given your understanding and I have given you mine.

    You nor I can beat someone over the head with doctrine to make them do what we believe to be is right.

    I am happy that both you and I love the Lord and are striving to obey his commandments even if we don't agree on this issue.  I believe that it is the principle of resting on the seventh day that is important here and not the specific day.  

    Are you really serious in saying that God will deny me eternal life just because I applied the principle of rest that he taught us on Sunday rather than on Saturday?  He is going to say to me on that day, I'm really sorry 94 you did every thing right but I can't let you in the Kingdom because you observed the Sabbath on Sunday.  This is the mark of the beast?

    1Jo 4:18
    There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.

    I love God and he loves me, and He one of the ways that He has shown me His love for me is by correcting me when I am wrong.  

    As part of my morning prayer routine I ask God to correct me if I am teaching anything that is not His Word or doing anything that is not his will, and I also ask Him to correct those who are erring in the teaching of His Word so that we can come into unity as a church so that people will know that there is a God who loves them, and that they will want to come to Him through our Lord Jesus, His Son and His Christ.

    God Bless you and your family

    94 I know you are a very sincere Christian but would it be all right if at judgment day you said Yes I stole but I didn't murder.

    Does it matter how we worship or in this case which day?  God wasn't happy with Cain's offering.  If all His children gather oh His Day but you what excuse will you give?

    God uses brother's and sisters to answer prayer when He can't get through our thick skulls :).  I have backed up everything with scripture, it's up to you.

    I don't judge judgment day is not here but scripture does say:

    Mat 5:19  Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.

    Remember His thoughts are not our thoughts,  our ways are not like His.  Seek the Father and see if you can find a job where you will be free to worship on Father's day.

    Of course if you don't want too then He doesn't want you too.

    He wants compassion NOT sacrifice :)

    God bless you,


    Hi Ken:

    I know that you are a sincere Christian as well, and I desire the very best that God has to offer.    

    I hear what you are saying, but the differnce here is that I believe that I am obeying the Forth Commandment.  No, I know that I am.  I am at peace with God on this.  As I discussed with you previously, when I heard the Seventh Day Adventists talking that the Sabbath Day could only be observed on Saturday and Saturday alone.  I went to God in prayer about this, and also, went to a Seventh Day service searching whether this was so because if that is what God wanted me to do, I wanted to do what He wanted.  I believe that he has shown me that it is the principle of rest that is important here and not the specific day, and so I am happy with this.  I am not in bondage.  I love God and keep his commandments.

    God Bless


    Quote (charity @ Aug. 10 2007,13:52)
    Hi 94, you are lovley, and I can see that every thing you do you do unto God with all the best of knowledge:D

    may I add my thoughts

    To keep the seventh day holy,
    yet even as the day of rest God entered in the beginning;
    be mindful one day is a thousand years, that then becomes  a thousand year reign of One day, many days of one Sabbath day,one the lords Day that people may enter their rest, each in their turn, Many days Grace stands as they come to life on earth.
    Hearken hear, and come while we can still seek him, for the evening and morning of the next day, is given to the saints to take the kingdom back. the days of grace must end and close also


    Hi Charity:

    Thanks for the kind words, but I am having a little difficulty in understanding what you are saying.

    Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.  
    Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.  
    For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

    Hebrews 4      
    Let us therefore fear, lest, a promise being left us of entering into his rest, any of you should seem to come short of it.  
    For unto us was the gospel preached, as well as unto them: but the word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it.  
    For we which have believed do enter into rest, as he said, As I have sworn in my wrath, if they shall enter into my rest: although the works were finished from the foundation of the world.  
    For he spake in a certain place of the seventh day on this wise, And God did rest the seventh * * day from all his works.  
    And in this place again, If they shall enter into my rest.  
    Seeing therefore it remaineth that some must enter therein *, and they to whom it was first preached entered not in because of unbelief:  
    Again, he limiteth a certain day, saying in David, To day, after so long a time; as it is said, To day if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts.  
    For if Jesus had given them rest, then would he not afterward have spoken of another day.  
    There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God.  
    For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his.  
    Let us labour therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief.  
    For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and * * spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.  

    God Bless


    94, I can understand you not understanding me,it is my fault, its sometimes often hard to put things still becoming clear into words readable
    one more try…
    The Law of Sabbath given to us, is to narrow it down into what our earthy minds as only we are first capable of only grasping, then to see the width, height, and depth of the whole day of lord, as the present time



    Quote (942767 @ Aug. 10 2007,14:10)

    Quote (kenrch @ Aug. 10 2007,13:49)

    Quote (942767 @ Aug. 10 2007,13:22)

    Quote (kenrch @ Aug. 10 2007,06:46)

    Quote (942767 @ Aug. 09 2007,13:50)

    Quote (kenrch @ Aug. 08 2007,16:25)

    Quote (942767 @ Aug. 08 2007,15:05)

    Quote (kejonn @ Aug. 07 2007,06:31)
    To all,

    I don't know exactly what folks are looking for, but the basics of the new covenant is that our justification is by faith through grace. Does that abolish the Law? No, it fulfills the Law. But recognize that circumision is a specific covenant made with Abraham and his descendants.

    Think of it on a human level – if your child follows your rules because he is trying to avoid punishment or merely to gain an advantage in your eyes, then he seeks his “justification” by hollow practice. However, if your child keeps your rules because they show how much he loves you, which is better for your relationship? The first case is selfishness, the second is selfless. Yeshua came and showed us selflessness and humility in all he did, and he did it for the glory of his Father. So he truly fulfilled the Law by demonstrating what the Law was really about — not merely doing but selflessly desiring to do so that God would get the glory.

    I agree with KJ on this and I disagree with Ken that the Sabbath day has to be exclusively on Saturday.  While it is true that God began his work week on Sunday and rested on the seventh day which was Saturday.  He did not sanctify Saturday but he sactified the seventh day.

    All of God's laws are good and are for our benefit.  Sin (by definition is the transgression of the Law) is detrimental to us and to those we sin against.  It is important that we rest our body and our mental an emotional faculties.  It is also important that we refresh our spirit by going and worshiping God with fellow believers.  It is important that we have fellowship with fellow believers so that we can encourage one another in the Lord, and we can pray for one another.  The Lord communicates with us through his Word, and He may also communicate with us through the various spiritual gifts.  He may speak to us through a prophet or if we need a healing, He may heal us through someone who operates in this spiritual gift.  God is a good God and has instiuted the Sabbath day as a day of rest and not a day of drudgery.  I am not in bondage in resting on the seventh day.

    The forth commandment states that we should work six days and rest on the seventh day.  It is the principle that is important here not that we keep a specific day.

    In the society that I live, the work week begins on Monday and so, therefore the seventh day falls on Sunday, and so I try to rest on the seventh day from all unecessary work if at all possible.  Lately, because of my work schedule, I have had to work on Sunday, and so I have not been able to keep this principle nor go to church, but I am praying that God will deliver me from this schedule.

    Mrs. IM4Truth:

    You say:

    I KEEP GODS LAW SPIRITUAL INCLUDING THE SABATH. If you keep it physically, you do not keep it spiritually, you cant have it both ways. I try to to do what Jesus teaches me on the sermon on the mount. And that is not easy. The road is steep.

    How do you keep the Sabbath Law spiritually and not physically?

    Again, all of God's Laws are there to benefit us, and not to but us in bondage.

    God Bless

    Of course you don't YOUR week starts on Monday.  But God's week starts on the first day Sunday which is the day you keep instead of the Seventh Day Sabbath Of God.

    I didn't know we could separate the day we choose and then make it holy?  I thought only God could do that!

    But I kept YOUR Sabbath on Sunday the first day, Ha!

    Please give me scripture that says we can break the forth commandment. :)

    Hi Ken:

    Please quote the Forth Commandment for me, and by the commandment show me how I am breaking the forth commandment by starting my work week and Monday and resting on Sunday.  

    Every day is Father's day.  I say of Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, this is a day that the Lord has made I will rejoice and be glad in it.

    Six days shall thy labor and do all thy work but the seventh day is a Sabbath (a day of rest).  It is the principle that matters.  There is not one day more important than another.
    God made all of them.  I don't give one of them to the harlot.  But God will judge both us and her.

    Do you think that God rested on the seventh day because he was tired?  No, God wanted to set an example for his children to follow.  Work six days and rest on the seventh.  It is important for our health and well being.

    If you want to rest on from Friday at 6PM until Saturday at 6PM as God and the Nation of Israel did, that is wonderful. The Nation of Israel for the most part was an agricultural community.  They were self employed and could start their work week on Sunday.  I am not self employed.  I wouldn't want you do do anything that your conscience dictates you should not.  But my advice to you is not to judge those who do not believe that the Sabbath day has to be a specific day.

    These kind of arguments are what keep the church divided.

    I think it is wonderful both you and I love the Lord and are striving to obey his commandments.

    God Bless

    If you want to rest on from Friday at 6PM until Saturday at 6PM as God and the Nation of Israel did, that is wonderful

    You said it I rest as God did.  As commanded on the seventh day.  You can try to fool yourself but the scripture says the seventh day. Sunday is the first day, the weekly cycle did not change.  The colander may have ch
    anged but the week never has the first day and the seventh day are the same numbers today.

    Heb 4:10  for whoever has entered God's rest has also rested from his works as God did from his.
    Heb 4:11  Let us therefore strive to enter that rest, so that no one may fall by the same sort of disobedience.

    You are trying to say that the Seventh day Sabbath are for Jews only?  Then the Ten Commandments are for Jews only.

    Let's party for tomorrow we DIE.  

    The Sabbath is made for rest AND fellowship with your Father and your brothers and sisters in the Lord.  I guess you won't be there.  You'll be keeping your own day on your own time when you want.

    Father's day His children gather spiritually if they cannot physically but 94 won't be there, WHY?  He's too busy on Father's Day.  Who's putting who first?

    Seek the Spirit with an open mind and walk with God.

    You know that we are to keep His Law.  Let's not change it.

    Dan 7:25  He shall speak words against the Most High, and shall wear out the saints of the Most High, and shall think to change the times and the law; and they shall be given into his hand for a time, times, and half a time.

    The Harlot has done this.  She changed the Sabbath to the first day to prove that she had the power to do so.  She sites that Jesus was resurrected on Sunday which according to scripture is a lie. Why do you follow in her foot steeps.  She doesn't care if you keep her day Sunday, as long as you don't keep HIS DAY.  Can you see?

    Hi Ken:

    I have fellowship with my Father every day.

    Obviously, you believe that you are right, and you have given your understanding and I have given you mine.

    You nor I can beat someone over the head with doctrine to make them do what we believe to be is right.

    I am happy that both you and I love the Lord and are striving to obey his commandments even if we don't agree on this issue.  I believe that it is the principle of resting on the seventh day that is important here and not the specific day.  

    Are you really serious in saying that God will deny me eternal life just because I applied the principle of rest that he taught us on Sunday rather than on Saturday?  He is going to say to me on that day, I'm really sorry 94 you did every thing right but I can't let you in the Kingdom because you observed the Sabbath on Sunday.  This is the mark of the beast?

    1Jo 4:18
    There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.

    I love God and he loves me, and He one of the ways that He has shown me His love for me is by correcting me when I am wrong.  

    As part of my morning prayer routine I ask God to correct me if I am teaching anything that is not His Word or doing anything that is not his will, and I also ask Him to correct those who are erring in the teaching of His Word so that we can come into unity as a church so that people will know that there is a God who loves them, and that they will want to come to Him through our Lord Jesus, His Son and His Christ.

    God Bless you and your family

    94 I know you are a very sincere Christian but would it be all right if at judgment day you said Yes I stole but I didn't murder.

    Does it matter how we worship or in this case which day?  God wasn't happy with Cain's offering.  If all His children gather oh His Day but you what excuse will you give?

    God uses brother's and sisters to answer prayer when He can't get through our thick skulls :).  I have backed up everything with scripture, it's up to you.

    I don't judge judgment day is not here but scripture does say:

    Mat 5:19  Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.

    Remember His thoughts are not our thoughts,  our ways are not like His.  Seek the Father and see if you can find a job where you will be free to worship on Father's day.

    Of course if you don't want too then He doesn't want you too.

    He wants compassion NOT sacrifice :)

    God bless you,


    Hi Ken:

    I know that you are a sincere Christian as well, and I desire the very best that God has to offer.    

    I hear what you are saying, but the differnce here is that I believe that I am obeying the Forth Commandment.  No, I know that I am.  I am at peace with God on this.  As I discussed with you previously, when I heard the Seventh Day Adventists talking that the Sabbath Day could only be observed on Saturday and Saturday alone.  I went to God in prayer about this, and also, went to a Seventh Day service searching whether this was so because if that is what God wanted me to do, I wanted to do what He wanted.  I believe that he has shown me that it is the principle of rest that is important here and not the specific day, and so I am happy with this.  I am not in bondage.  I love God and keep his commandments.

    God Bless

    If you listen to the SDA you could walk but a certain distance. Sorry but those people don't have the Spirit to guide them they walk according to the letter NOT the Spirit. I know I studied with them they grieved my spirit. But I knew we should keep the Sabbath that's when all these things opened up for me.

    Well we'll find out during the Millennium. Either I'll be teaching you OR you will be teaching me :) .

    God bless,



    Hi Ken:

    What about the following question that I have posted but maybe you did not see it.

    Hi Ken:

    I thought of one other thing relative to what you believe about the Sabbath being Saturday and Saturday only.  Saturday for some people who are in a different time zone from you is a different set of hours.  What do you say about this?

    God Bless



    OK, now its scripture proof time, and I kind of asked it before. Can you show me where the six days of labor starts on the first day of the week and the Sabbath is on the 7th? Biblically alone, not according to Jewish tradition. No reference to the calendar. Thanks.



    One with a soul Hateth these things;scornful men, that rule this people which is in Jerusalem.
    He had had enough of this observing the Laws,vain sabbaths years before Christ even came,neither can they annulle our covernent with death; Are we just as live fleas on a dead dog still doing the same as our fathers once did?
    Isa 1:13 Bring no more vain oblations; incense is an abomination unto me; the new moons and sabbaths, the calling of assemblies, I cannot away with; [it is] iniquity, even the solemn meeting. Your new moons and your appointed feasts my soul hateth: they are a trouble unto me; I am weary to bear [them]. And when ye spread forth your hands, I will hide mine eyes from you: yea, when ye make many prayers, I will not hear: your hands are full of blood. Wash you, make you clean; put away the evil of your doings from before mine eyes; cease to do evil;

    Isa 28:18 And your covenant with death shall be disannulled, and your agreement with hell shall not stand;


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