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    If you want to “see” and “hear” the truth you must first believe Y'shua is the Messiah and the Son of Elohim.

    Second you must obey YHWH's commands.

    There is no other Way.

    I suspect you are taught the ways of men, so no matter how hard you study, you will never “hear” or “see” anything other that what YOU want.

    Maybe the Spirit has brought you to this place to hear and see the truth. Maybe the Spirit of truth wants you to consider such things as you read on this web site and lean on Scripture ONLY and His will.

    If I do not give you warning, my being will be judged for not warning you so take it as a warning.
    I won't try to tell you what you should believe, BUT I must make it clear to you that you really ought to proove these things.

    I know I do not have all the answers yet, I am also learning, but what I know came from Him and His Word.
    Ninety percent of what I know, I learned after I began resting on the Sabbath. We are in the last days, there are certain people being given great understanding of Scripture. Those people are considered by preachers as the “least” My youngest son is 20. He only began his belief and reading YHWH's Set-apart Word in this past year. The things he knows, and shows by the changes he has made in his own life are a miracle. He knows more in less than a year than most working pastors who have been at it most of their lives. I am telling you a great thing hear. Please test what I am saying.

    I do my best to be gentle, sometimes it is hard to be gentle. The thing that really gets me every time is when I hear people say my Messiah sinned. They say He worked on the Sabbath. The only work Y'shua did do on the Sabbath is not considered the type of work that is forbidden. Y'shua did good works. His works esteemed His Father in heaven. It was the Pharisees and their man-made laws that condemned my Messiah. Those man-made laws were the ones nailed to the cross, not the Torah!

    If Y'shua sinned, then He could not possibly be the Messiah.
    If Y'shua messiah was God, then there is no way He could be the Messiah, because the Messiah was flesh.
    If Y'shua fulfilled all then He is not the Messiah, because heaven and earth have not passed, and the Torah stands forever.

    I speak for YHWH my Elohim and my for Savior Y'shua Messiah,


    I also want to say thank you for being kind and patient with me so far. It is quite refreshing.


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Aug. 16 2007,07:32)
    not3in1….Good to hear your comment, thought you may have got discouraged all this, but remember we are in a struggle for truth in a blinded world. I really enjoy you humer and interesting post, you lift my spirit sister.
    blessings and peace to you……….gene

    Brother Gene, you are a sweetheart!  Thank you for your kind words.  Encouragement is much appreciated.

    I have enjoyed watching you debate and stand your ground on many topics.

    I am praying that when Nick returns, that we will all continue the conversations that we have been having with one another, and not give in to little arguments that Nick tends to spur; but lets also encourage him by our actions and words.  I have truly enjoyed listening in on full conversations and debates with various members – yourself included!

    We have a huge home remodel project going on right now and so I am pretty busy around here.  I check in here and there and love what I've been reading.  Good arguments and debates.  I've also been proud of various members who have conceded to one another out of love!  Wow – are we all becoming more like Christ?  I think so…..  :)

    God be with you bro!


    I also see the Spirit of ELohim moving in this place. It is good to have you all. I am learning to be more humble. I see good things happening on all sides and hope we will all meet right in the place He wills.


    Quote (Laurel @ Aug. 16 2007,17:38)
    I also want to say thank you for being kind and patient with me so far. It is quite refreshing.


    I am not a Bishop yet, but when God changed Abraham's name from Abram which means “exalted father” to Abraham which means “father of a multitude”, he did not have any children and Abraham believed God and it was accounted unto him for righteousness.  Of course, believing is not just a mental assent.  Abraham obeyed God because he believed.  Abraham went many years with this name before he and Sarah had Isaac (People must of thought that was a strange name for one with no children).  I also believe what God has shown me and strive to obey his commandments out of my love for Him.

    Patience is something that I have had to learn over these past 27 years, and I am patient because I love God and I love you and want the very best that God has to offer for you.  Thanks for the kind comments.

    One of the visions that God gave me shortly after I was saved in February 1980 was that of a casket that had the top half open so that I could I could see the person in it.  I thought that person was my dad.  The bottom half of the casket was draped with impatien flowers all white except for one in the middle of the array and that one was red. The vision had a calendar month of June with the days 15th and 16th with a little arc underneath from the 15th to the 16th.

    In June after my salvation, because of this vision I thought that God was showing me that my dad (old man) was going to die (pass away), and so I flew to New Mexico anticipating that he would die, and he did not.

    But God was showing me through the vision that my old impatient man was going to die.  The white impatien flowers represent my sins of impatience being washed white by the red one in the middle which represents the blood of my Lord Jesus.  I believe that I have reached the fulfillment of this vision this past June, but I still have a little tendency to be impatient.  Part of learning patience is having to wait for the promises that God has made to me.  One has to learn that He does things in His timing.

    God Bless


    When my oldesr son was 7, I had a vision (durring the day time while awake) and praying. I saw him as a man dressin in cammo and going off to war. When he was 17 he joined the guard and came home from school and told me. When G. Bush Jr. was running for president, I knew he would get elected and we would go to war. My son just came back from that war a less than a month ago.

    When my youngest son was 19, he told me he would never read the Bible, he said the only way he would is if he was bored and in jail I told him he WOULD go to jail because Elohim wants us all to read it. He laughed at me. Six month later he was in jail. I brought him a copy of the KJV and he still reads it today. He is 20.

    This past January, my boyfriend had an disected aortic annurisim the entire length of his aorta, I prayed from the ER that YHWH would protect him and carry him to safety on his wings like the eagle who carried His people to safety for a time and times and a half time. When I stood up from praying,was a man in a uniform with a patch on his jacket that read “Eagle III”. He was a helicopter pilot who took Jack to another hospital where there were specialists waiting. Several hours later at the other hospital in ICU, the painting on the wall across from his bed was “an eagle flying over a mountain!!!”, later that night the television was on, the “Philadelphia Eagles” were playing the Patriots!!! BTW Philladelphia means brotherly love.

    We surely have an awesome Father in heaven!



    :D God bless you laurel
    It will be a rejoicing for us all to see a bridge being built towards each other.

    Amongest the suffering together; it can been seen that we all seem to keep loveing God in our hearts


    We are testing each other and in doing so we are tested ourselves. We all become stronger for it. This is how all church should be it think. Open and with one goal, to see Him coming in His glory!


    HALLELUJAH Sisters!


    Quote (Laurel @ Aug. 13 2007,03:55)
    I spent probably 3 months, trying to figure out the true Sabbath. That was a little over 3 years ago. Since then, I have been a changed person, even though my baptism with water was many years ago.


    If it took you 3 months to figure out the Sabbath….have compassion on those of us who are entertaining the idea of the true Sabbath only recently.

    I have been brought-up in Sunday school and Sunday church. I am only hearing for the first time – here – that this possibly might be breaking the 4th Commandment.

    Patience, longsuffering, kindness….. these are needed to enlighten those of us who are in the dark.


    Where my serch for the true Sabbath began…
    My mother knew of it, I was not taught of this by her as a child, so actually I was misled by her all my life. She however did not know how wrong she was to do this.

    I finally got tired of her speaking about the 7th day Sabbath, as this is how she was raised. I became angry and promised her I WOULD find out for myself.

    At the time I went to a lovely Sun-day chuerch and I still feel the Spirit did move there, BUT only so far. It was more of a calling voice than a I'm glad your here voice. It was a place I learned of Messiah, BUT there is no rain on the soil even if it were fertile so to speak.

    We need rain for the Woed to grow. I felt something was mising.

    I asked a former member who was learned in Scripture when was the Sabbath. I trusted him as wise. He said the 7th day.

    I asked my pastor to show me in Scripture where the Sabbath changed from Sabbath to Sun-day. He never got back to me. I promised I would not go back until I had proof the Sun-day was His day set aside for us. I called my pastor at least three times and always he did not get back to me with Scripture concerning the things he taught.

    I reminded him of a sermon he gave that stuck with me, he said God's word is written in black and white a'there is no grey area.” I said for the last time I want to see in black and white where the Sabbath changed from the 7th day to the 1st day of the week. He never got back to me. I never returned to sun-day church again.

    I vowed to find Scripture on my own and in doing so I was “convicted” without a doubt, the Sabbath never changed it's place on. Man changed it through their false belief that we are “free” to do what we please, as long as it is for Him.

    I now know that we are “free”, free to choose which ever way we want to go. We can choose His Way or man's way. If we choose His Way, we have a perfect example to follow. We have the testimony and the works of His Son, our Master Y'shua Messiah. We do the things He did, because we believe He is who He is. When I say believe I mean that. When we have this in our heart and mind, we know that no matter what “the world” does, if is is anything “other” than what our Savior did, it must be wrong.

    So for anyone who is new to the thought of the 7th day Sabbath, you can rest assured, Y'shua rested on the 7th day and so we know it is right.

    If you follow Him through the Messianic Scripture in the New Testament, you will see that the things He taught came from the Torah, and the prophets taught Israel about Him (Y'ahua Messiah). You will over time be able to connect the dots from the Torah to Messiah and you too will begin building bridges that will in time connect us all to our Father in heaven, all because you took that step “in faith” to believe and follow the Son of Elohim.



    What you are saying is making perfect sense to me. I will continue to study.

    I am willing to be wrong about a lot of things. I only learned fairly recently (back in 2003) that the Trinity wasn't true. So, I've been on a fast-track of truth-revealing time with my Father. I expect that I will learn about the Sabbath as well, now that I know I have something to learn! I wonder what else I've been wrong about……


    A strange thing in my Spiritual journey…
    I always knew Y'shua was the Son of Elohim. I never thought of Y'shua as Elohim Himself. Only since I found this website did I learn what the word “trinity sttod for”. I read it on another website called Advent something, a Catholic site.

    It was quite disturbing to me to think that so many people deny the Set-apart Spirit. I found the only way to believe the trinity is to deny the power of our Father and Creator, His Spirit, His power raised Messiah from the grave.

    I know from reading Scripture and His Spiritual blessing on me that the dead are asleep untill the return of our Master to raise them from the death either to everlasting life of to judgement.

    So many trinitarians beleive we go dieectly to heaven upon death. This is a cover-up stemming from all the other twisted lies they tell. Sin begets sin.

    Only recently there is a great number of people who are as we are that are taking time to study the word at home. We are seeing things in His Word that do not conform to their other doctrine and their other gospel.

    The reaper is come to divide the spoil, the fruit is ripe for the harvest, the wheat is being separated from the chaff, and the time is at hand.

    Hold fast to the Spirit of truth, look for His return, do not sleep.


    Mandy I am bringing this up for you and you did post here before. You are obviously having doubts about having to keep the Sabbath, that is very understandable. It is a very hard subject like the trinity is.

    Peace and Love Mrs.???


    Yes, I am having doubts. Especially since the ones that seem to teach strict adherence to the Day of the Sabbath seem….well….I'm not going to say. I think you know what I mean. I was just starting to grasp it all and then boom! The whole ordeal with Ken got in the way. So, in a lot of ways I feel like I am back to ground zero. I need to listen to the LORD more instead of people. But it's difficult sometimes when you want to learn something fast so you can start obeying – sometimes it's easy to jump the gun and go by what a brother or sister is teaching with passion. But it's better to wait on the LORD. I'm rambling, I know – it's late and I'm so tired. I will read through this whole thread and come back with some questions for you and your husband. I think I will just steer clear from those who's teaching has become combative. Thanks, Mrs.! Sweet dreams, Mandy


    Wow ……….I'm sorry but I cannot go to another bible and mix up a mess . No offence intented.


    thehappyman What other Bible are you talking about? My Husband uses the Old King James version, and I have the New King James. We also have a James Moffat Bible and a German Bible. And we use the Strong's Concordance. What mess are you talking about?
    Peace and Love Mrs.:D :D


    Mandy Yes the only one that can convince you of the truth is the Father. That is why we have His Holy Spirit. What does it say in John the Holy Spirit will conflict you of all. And Paul says be convinced in YOUR MIND. The best advice I can give you, Mandy is before you sit down to study ask God for Wisdom and for the Holy Spirit to guide you in all the truth. I know He will. You are very sensitive and I know that God is with you and He will tell you what He wants you to do. You are seeking with your Heart and that is what God looks at. That is what I believe.
    Peace and Love Mrs.


    Quote (Not3in1 @ Sep. 07 2007,17:37)
    Yes, I am having doubts.  Especially since the ones that seem to teach strict adherence to the Day of the Sabbath seem….well….I'm not going to say.  I think you know what I mean.  I was just starting to grasp it all and then boom!  The whole ordeal with Ken got in the way.  So, in a lot of ways I feel like I am back to ground zero.  I need to listen to the LORD more instead of people.  But it's difficult sometimes when you want to learn something fast so you can start obeying – sometimes it's easy to jump the gun and go by what a brother or sister is teaching with passion.  But it's better to wait on the LORD.  I'm rambling, I know – it's late and I'm so tired.  I will read through this whole thread and come back with some questions for you and your husband.  I think I will just steer clear from those who's teaching has become combative.  Thanks, Mrs.!  Sweet dreams, Mandy

    You should do a little soul searching Mandy because you never intended to keep the Sabbath. Just as you instructed 94 that it was alright for him to keep “any day”. If you really believe the truth about the Sabbath then you have never told 94 that.

    You don't intend to let go of “your” Christmas either You still have some of the world in you Mandy (party girl) isn't that what you said about yourself?

    We “all” struggle with the temptations of this world according to the flesh. But we are to walk in the Spirit. You are seeking a spirit to tell you that the word of God is wrong~!

    Spirit and Truth…NOT just Spirit…NOT just Truth (Word) SPIRIT AND TRUTH.

    What does Spirit and Truth say?

    And don't try and put the blame on me because in your heart you “don't' want to let these things “go”. But if you are to grow you will have to let the “worldly things” go.

    I don't say these things to be mean! I'm saying these things so you will grow in the LORD.

    If I have to abandon the truth to be a brother to any here then I wouldn't be a “brother in the Lord” at all! And to say “nothing” is just as bad as giving “wrong” instruction allowing brothers and sisters to “go down the wrong road”!

    The Word and the Spirit agree on the Sabbath. Are you going to follow man (ken or Mrs) OR are you going to follow the Spirit and the Word? Never mind what I say or Mrs says what does the Word of God say?

    This is the LOVE OF GOD.

    1Jo 5:3 For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous.

    This IS the Commandment.

    2Jo 1:6 And this is love, that we walk after his commandments. This is the commandment, That, as ye have heard from the beginning, ye should walk in it.

    This is the “TRUE WORD OF GOD” and you know it!

    You have been fighting me tooth and nail on this Mandy….OH! With smooth nice words but fighting just the same. NOW! You want to “try” to put the blame on me because you “DON'T” want to let go of Christmas and keep HIS day. YOU don't really think for a moment that you are fooling GOD do you? As someone told me “you better wake up”!

    This is the true Love. The true love to care and take the beating that is to come because I share the truth.

    OH I LOVE the Lord but won't keep His Commandments. Is this “true love” scripture says over and over If you love God Keep His Commandments.

    The last day saints will be keeping the Commandments of God and have the faith of Jesus. Rev 14:12

    You don't have to like me Mandy But don't you think you should Love God?

    The Lord has given you more truth…. will you swallow Or choke? It's all part of growing in the Lord.

    Make no mistake it's “your decision”. Not mine Not Mrs.



    1 Corninthians 2:11
    For who among men knows the thoughts of man except the man's spirit within him?

    Ken, you do not know my heart and what my intentions are; therefore, you are sitting in judgement over me.

    Romans 14:4
    Who are you to judge someone else's servant? To his own master he stands or falls. And he will stand, for the Lord is able to make him stand.

    If you are a teacher, first learn this:

    Romans 14:1-3
    Accept him whose faith is weak, without passing judgement on disputable matters. One man's faith allows him to eat everything, but another man, whose faith is weak, eats only vegetables.

    The man who eats everything must not look down on him who does not, and the man who does not eat everything must not condemn the man who does, for God has accepted him.

    I do not condemn you for your beliefs and practices, please do not condemn me! I am also a child of God and seek to please him everyday.

    The LORD has told me that I am free. I am free from any bondage that you would like to make me a slave to; I am free from the insults that you are heaping onto me because Christ is bearing them according to scripture; I am free from your judgement because you do not know my heart and I am not your servant.

    Isaiah 58:9
    If you do away with the yoke of oppression, with the pointing finger and malicious talk…..

    Galations 5:1
    It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do notlet yoursleves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.

    To all,
    I believe that our Father in heaven has made many coventants through time. His most grand covenant was displayed with splender in the giving of his Son. It is because of this covenant with Christ that we are FREE. As some are preaching slavery, I would like to offer that there is freedom in the scriptures and new covenant from our dear Father.

    Galations 3:10-14
    All who rely on observing the law are under a curse, for it is written: “Cursed is everyone who does not continue to do everything written in the Book of the Law.” Clearly no one is justified before God by the law, because, “The righteous will live by faith.”

    The law is not based on faith; on the contrary, “The man who does these things will live by them.”

    Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is wirtten: “Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree.” He redeemed us in order that the blessing given to Abraham might come to the Gentiles through Christ Jesus, so that by faith we might receive the promise of the Spirit.

    I am Abraham's offspring, and I am enjoying the blessings of the Spirit thanks to Jesus! I WILL NOT rely on observing the law according to scripture, because it is a curse! Plus, it will not justify me (or you).

    I am free. I live by faith.

    Ken, you are teaching the strict adherence to the Ten Commandments (law), and yet you cannot clearly see the most important commandment given by our Lord; this is work for you to do, and for the Lord to show you. Clearly, you are at a loss as to how to show love to your brethren; this the Lord can show you as well. I will remain patient with you, and I sincerely hope you will remain patient with me. Let's continue to show one another respect without accusations and assumptions as to what one has in their heart regarding obedience. God has written his laws in our hearts! And if this is true, then the law that is in your heart is also in every believer's heart. Let each one seek it out! Amen.

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