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  • #137866

    1 john 5:7


    Quote (Jesus name follower of Christ @ July 17 2009,14:58)
    1 john 5:7

    If you have a Rye Study Bible, you will find in the footnotes that verse 7and 8 is not found in the Greek transcript. It was added in the Latin. Since we belonged to the Catholic Church everything was written in Latin.  
    It makes sense, because there are more then one Scripture that tells us that our Heavenly Father is above all.  If you know the Scriptures you would know where they are.  But I will just list them. Do yourself a favor and study them.  It was not easy for us to come out of the R.R.C., but we are so thankful to God that He did call us out. That is already 25 years ago. And God has revealed many truths to us since.
    Ephesians 4:6
    John 14:28
    Deut. 4:35
    Deut. 6:4


    im not catholic


    Quote (Jesus name follower of Christ @ July 18 2009,14:07)
    im not catholic

    Did you think that we are still Catholic too?  We have left that Church 25 years ago. If you did, then you did not read the whole post!


    Quote (Jesus name follower of Christ @ July 14 2009,23:13)
    1johs5:7 sais these 3 are one how can you say different

    Because that scripture was thrown out. Read up on the various translations and how they came to be. Apparently a Scribe added the verse you are clinging to.

    The truth will set you free, bro.



    the bible was given by inspiration of God


    Quote (Jesus name follower of Christ @ July 18 2009,23:03)
    the bible was given by inspiration of God

    But you can't just go by one Scripture and ignore all other, which prove that there is no trinity. You will not find it anywhere in the Bible. Do you know who took all the little pieces of all the N. T. letters from the Apostles and put it in a Book. The Catholic Monks did. At that time nobody was a loud to have a Bible. If you did you lost your Life. Millions did. We are from Germany and the Church we belonged to, had still evidence from the torture Chambers in the Basement of the Church. That has turned into a Christmas setting now, though.
    The trinity doctrine is a man-made doctrine, and not from God. The Apostles did not keep it.
    Peace Irene


    the trinity is fales there is how many thrones in heaven?


    Quote (Jesus name follower of Christ @ July 20 2009,22:59)
    the trinity is fales there is how many thrones in heaven?

    What are you trying to say here? The trinity is false and there
    are how many thrones in Heaven?  Are you kidding me?  IMO there is only one. Where the Father sits on and Christ sits next to the Father on the right side.
    Peace and Love Irene


    praise the Lord


    God is on the throne


    there is only one throne in heaven and the church is not nessasarally a place to worship but wher I go is


    Hi Jn,
    Worship in spirit and truth.
    We do not preach man's divisions.


    we worship in spirit and truth but there is doctrine in any church we just need to follow our example from Gods word


    let us not worry about which church just let God guide you into all truth :p

    Tim Kraft

    The True Church is the body of Christ. The True Temple is the body of Christ. The True place of worship is the body of Christ! We are all individually the body of Christ if we accept the Truth of Jesus as Lord and ruler of our beliefs/lives. You are what you believe you are. The physical, brick and mortar buildings with steeples are not the true Church of God. They deceive people into believing that they are the church but that is a lie. We know who the deceiver and liar is. Also, if you go to one of the non-truth churches of brick and mortar and they teach you to follow any part of the old law (like tithing) you are responsible for following the whole law! Just a thought! Bless all, TK


    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Sep. 11 2009,01:01)
    The True Church is the body of Christ. The True Temple is the body of Christ. The True place of worship is the body of Christ! We are all individually the body of Christ if we accept the Truth of Jesus as Lord and ruler of our beliefs/lives. You are what you believe you are. The physical, brick and mortar buildings with steeples are not the true Church of God. They deceive people into believing that they are the church but that is a lie. We know who the deceiver and liar is. Also, if you go to one of the non-truth churches of brick and mortar and they teach you to follow any part of the old law (like tithing) you are responsible for following the whole law! Just a thought! Bless all, TK

    so what is a truth church then tk? and if you are wha you believe you are then what if you believe you are saved and have never put away sin?


    we should all go to church


    go to and listen to a message the assurance of victory if u like it tell others to check it out.


    Quote (Jesus name follower of Christ @ Sep. 19 2009,23:47)
    we should all go to church

    If you go to a Church that will teach the doctrine of the trinity don't be surprised, when you too will be responsible for that teaching. God's wrath will befall those that do teach it and are part of it.
    Rev. 18:4….” Come out of Her my People, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues.”
    The Trinity doctrine is a man made doctrine.
    Math. 15:9 In vain do they worship Me, teaching the doctrine the commandment of men.
    Worship in Spirit and in Truth, and that is not belonging to a Church that teaches the trinity, because the trinity is of a man Quintus Septimus Florens Tertullian, and not of God.
    So heed the warning.
    Peace and Love Irene

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