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  • #137320

    Quote (Tim Kraft @ July 13 2009,01:17)
    IMO, God is an adjective describing the universal Spirit source of creation. Jesus is a name given to a human being that believed and understood the whole spirit which is all that is. These three names are in union together through acceptance of what they believe. If we believe with them then we are ONE with them in mind or spirit Truth! Jesus offers the spirit Truth to all who will accept and believe the same Truth and so be ONE mind through acceptance together. So, whosoever will believe the Truth, brought forth by Jesus, becomes aware in their mind of that same Truth which is Jesus. When we believe together we are united into one universal spirit being. Right now the body is disjointed through lack of unity. Yet as we see/understand we will become that which the word of God has given to us. Then we will be ONE with all, where we came from! TK

    Tim!  Have you ever gone to the Preexisting of Jesus Tread?

    Col. 1:15-17 tells us that Christ was the firstborn over all creation.  He also created all by the power of Gd the Father.

    Rev. 3:14 tell us  …..” These says the Amen, the Faithful and True Witness, the Beginning of the creation of God.”

    John 1:1-2 tells us that the Word was God and the Word was with God.
    verse 14 says “that the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.”
    John 17:5 says this ” And now O Father, glorify Me together with Yourself with the glory I had with You before the World was.”
    Also the Spirit is our Fathers Spirit and not something standing by it self.  According to you we have to believe like you do, if right or wrong, is that what you are implying?
    You have never read the Scriptures that tell us that the Father God is above all?
    Ephesians 4:6  There is only one Holy Spirit, and THAT IS THE Fathers.  
    Think about it, if the Holy is the one that came to Maria, then He must be the Father of Jesus.  We do know that it is not so.  Have an open mind and ask God to let you understand these Scriptures I gave You.

    Peace and Love Irene


    Quote (Jesus name follower of Christ @ July 13 2009,00:03)
    we worship God right

    God – the Father. Right.



    God the father son and holy ghost


    Hi JN,
    Which god is this?
    No mention of such in the bible?
    Another strange god we should not put above our God?


    Quote (Jesus name follower of Christ @ July 13 2009,14:56)
    God the father son and holy ghost

    Just because you put the names together doesn't make it true.

    I challenge you to show me in the bible where all THREE are mentioned and named as the One True God. If it were true, you should be able to find it written at least once….

    Good luck, bro.



    read 1 john chapter5 verse 7 then go to read john 1 verse 1, 14 tell me these 3 are not one.


    Quote (Jesus name follower of Christ @ July 14 2009,09:33)
    read 1 john chapter5 verse 7 then go to read john  1 verse 1, 14 tell me these 3 are not one.

    Since I also do not believe in  a trinity, I will say this to you.  
    First I want to establish what the trinity is.  It is were all three are equal.  That is not so.
    In Jesus own words He said that ” My Father is greater then I.”
    John 14:28
    Ephesians 4:6 'one God and Father of all, who is above and in us all.”

    John 5:19 Then Jesus answered and said to them:” Most assuredly, I say to you,” the Son can do nothing of Himself, but what He sees the Father do, whatever He does, the Son also does in like manner.”

    One thing that is so ironic, if the Holy Spirit is a Person, then He would be the Father of Jesus.  If they are all in each other, which the trinity teaches, then who was crucified?  All three? And no one was left to resurrect them?  You also will not find the trinity listed anywhere in the Bible.  It is a man made doctrine, not instituted by God.   It was Quintus Septimius Florence Tertullian who first instituted it in the first century.
    You should really study this more.  We too used to believe in that doctrine, we came out of the Catholic Church.  I am for ever thankful to God for calling us out.
    Peace and Love Irene

    Country boy

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ July 08 2009,07:47)
    You need to discern what is the church of God.
    It is the called out ones joined to Christ's body.

    Joining a denomination does not join you to Jesus but just to men.
    Their problems then become your problems too.
    Come out of her lest you suffer for her sins..

    The church is the body of Christ. And it is made up of believers. Tell me, how can the body function properly if all the parts are separated?


    Hi CB,
    They are not,
    God knows those who are his.
    Don't let the illusion of the false church confuse you.


    Quote (Jesus name follower of Christ @ July 14 2009,09:33)
    read 1 john chapter5 verse 7 then go to read john  1 verse 1, 14 tell me these 3 are not one.

    Hello there,

    I'm sorry, but these verses do not say that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are One God?



    1johs5:7 sais these 3 are one how can you say different


    Quote (Country boy @ July 14 2009,16:45)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ July 08 2009,07:47)
    You need to discern what is the church of God.
    It is the called out ones joined to Christ's body.

    Joining a denomination does not join you to Jesus but just to men.
    Their problems then become your problems too.
    Come out of her lest you suffer for her sins..

    The church is the body of Christ. And it is made up of believers. Tell me, how can the body function properly if all the parts are separated?

    Greetings Country Boy…..Your question is thought provoking,however,the answer is easy….you are in the wrong church…


    Quote (Jesus name follower of Christ @ July 14 2009,23:13)
    1johs5:7 sais these 3 are one how can you say different

    Why do you come on here and insist that the trinity doctrine is right? I had that conversation with you on another tread< you have not proven to any of us


    trinity is not right. in jesus dwelt the godhead bodily I believe in only one God not 3 seperate persons which the trinity segests jesus said I and My father are 1


    Quote (Jesus name follower of Christ @ July 15 2009,10:40)
    trinity is not right.  in jesus dwelt the godhead bodily  I believe in only one God not 3 seperate persons which the trinity segests jesus said I and My father are 1

    Did you not say that you believe in three in one> The Father
    and Jesus in one in believing everything> We too are one with the Father and Jesus> YOU will confuse all if you say what you did>
    Peace and Love Irene


    Quote (Jesus name follower of Christ @ June 30 2009,03:57)

    If you belong to Christ, then you are the Church. You can't go to Church when you are the Church. Fellowship with other members is important. But that is not necessarily what it has been traditionally. But if we keep living in the light as he himself is in the light, we have fellowship with one another.


    t8 yup


    Quote (theodorej @ July 15 2009,01:36)

    Quote (Country boy @ July 14 2009,16:45)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ July 08 2009,07:47)
    You need to discern what is the church of God.
    It is the called out ones joined to Christ's body.

    Joining a denomination does not join you to Jesus but just to men.
    Their problems then become your problems too.
    Come out of her lest you suffer for her sins..

    The church is the body of Christ. And it is made up of believers. Tell me, how can the body function properly if all the parts are separated?

    Greetings Country Boy…..Your question is thought provoking,however,the answer is easy….you are in the wrong church…

    So nice to see you post. I and my Husband were debating if you are a Lady or a Man. I thought that you were a Lady and your name is Maria. Who is right?
    Love Irene


    Quote (Cindy @ July 15 2009,10:58)

    Quote (Jesus name follower of Christ @ July 15 2009,10:40)
    trinity is not right.  in jesus dwelt the godhead bodily  I believe in only one God not 3 seperate persons which the trinity segests jesus said I and My father are 1

    Did you not say that you believe in three in one>  The Father
    and Jesus in one in believing everything>  We too are one with the Father and Jesus>  YOU will confuse all if you say what you did>
    Peace and Love Irene

    i believe these three are one as the bible does say


    Quote (Jesus name follower of Christ @ July 17 2009,06:06)

    Quote (Cindy @ July 15 2009,10:58)

    Quote (Jesus name follower of Christ @ July 15 2009,10:40)
    trinity is not right.  in jesus dwelt the godhead bodily  I believe in only one God not 3 seperate persons which the trinity segests jesus said I and My father are 1

    Did you not say that you believe in three in one>  The Father
    and Jesus in one in believing everything>  We too are one with the Father and Jesus>  YOU will confuse all if you say what you did>
    Peace and Love Irene

    i believe these three are one as the bible does say

    Scripture Please?

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