Church in Acts

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  • #24798

    Quote (Oxy @ Aug. 18 2006,07:00)
    K.. new topic started under Biblical Doctrine called the Feast of Tabernacles.

    Just a mo while I go prepare myself for the slaughter lol.


    Please don't think anyone here is going to slaughter you. If your doctrine is damnable, it will be slaughtered. But you will not be.


    Since oxy and you Ty have come on this forum, even though I do not see eye to eye with either of your doctrines, the one thing that stands out to me is the love of Christ that has come from oxy. Ty, the Lord has given me and I believe all who has the Holy Spirit, the ability to discern. Brother, where is your love. I don't know it. Without love, the gospel of Christ is no longer the gospel of Christ. For how can the gospel of Christ, which was given with a love that no man can comprehend be the gospel of Christ if not done out of love?


    Quote (typrsn @ Aug. 18 2006,20:16)

    Quote (Oxy @ Aug. 18 2006,07:00)
    K.. new topic started under Biblical Doctrine called the Feast of Tabernacles.

    Just a mo while I go prepare myself for the slaughter lol.


    Please don't think anyone here is going to slaughter you. If your doctrine is damnable, it will be slaughtered. But you will not be.

    Thanks for the sentiment ty, but in reality, because what I say is part of me, if you slaughter what I say you also slaughter me.

    I guess what I'm trying to say is that because I'm not clever with study, I have to depend on the lord to show me stuff. Because I learn by being shown, my doctrine is not aside from me, but makes up who I am.

    Bless ya bro.


    Hi Oxy,
    You said
    “Thanks for the sentiment ty, but in reality, because what I say is part of me, if you slaughter what I say you also slaughter me.”

    Well you either are an oracle of the wisdom of God, infallible and unteachable or you are like the rest of us, impure sources of living water at best, and in need of frequent correction by our brothers.

    The second is the more realistic assessment I would suggest.


    Nick, I was simply saying that there are some things I know because God has taught me in such a way that there is no doubt in my mind.

    There are some things I am reasonably sure of, and I am open to discussion and new ideas as long as they line up with Scripture.

    There are a host of things that I know little or nothing about. I am still learning.

    Tabernacles is one of the areas that God specifically taught me on and I am unshakable on that. That's what I was referring to.


    Dear Oxy,

    Brother, continue to fight the good fight.




    The book of Acts is the demonstration of the power of God at work when inspired men obey the commands of God and are led by the Spirit.

    God is in charge. The powers of the Spirit are everywhere manifest and the fruit is joyful.

    Nothing has changed. The promise of the same Spirit is for all generations as Peter said in Acts 2 but because men have set their own religious agendas the power of God is no longer seen.

    Men have decided new gospels are preferable and have not treated the teaching of God with respect.

    This age is reaping exactly what has been sown. The fruit is bad.

    When Christ comes back with there be faith on earth? Will any bridesmaids be awake?


    I imagine when Christ comes back the wonderful godly ministries of Acts will again be fully manifested among men as the power of God flows.


    It is the work of the Lord to build the church.
    Acts 2.47
    ….And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved.


    Hi GB,
    Do you really believe the apostles acted in immaturity and ignorance when they obeyed Christ baptising in water?


    Hi GB,
    So those who sat at the feet of Jesus showed us the way of Christ in the book of Acts.
    Has this book become deceitful and superfluous to modern men?


    Hi Gb,
    You said
    “Nick……The Apostles all baptized with water at first, they were new in the faith and were growing in understanding all the time from a Carnal way of looking at things to a Spiritual way of seeing things.”

    You have yet to show how things are more spiritual in the way of Christ now?
    More likely men have parted from the way and followed their own ideas.


    Hi GB,
    You said,
    Nick……….As i said before the apostles were still babes when the church began , but Peter plainly grow in spiritual understanding and got to a point where He said that the baptism of washing of the filth of the flesh did not remove sin, but the baptism of the Spirit does remove sin and cleans us inside. You can view things two ways, Spiritual or Physical, you choice.

    Where did Peter say this?
    Not in 1 Peter 3.

    Washing of the flesh never did change the inner state of sin.
    But it is an obedient plea for God's forgiveness and inner washing
    so that we who are born unholy can be fiiled with His Holy Spirit


    The book of Acts is the textbook for those in Christ.
    Nothing has changed since those days except for the faith of men.


    Acts is rarely quoted.
    Yet it is the handbook for the saints.


    Hi Keras,
    You speak of believers as those who have ACCEPTED CHRIST AS LORD.
    Can you show how this aligns with what is shown in Acts?


    believers in Acts were baptised in water in the name of Jesus Christ and hands were laid on them to receive the Spirit.
    Nothing has changed.

    Human religion teaches other useless things


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ May 14 2014,07:31)
    believers in Acts were baptised in water in the name of Jesus Christ and hands were laid on them to receive the Spirit.
    Nothing has changed.

    Human religion teaches other useless  things

    Yeah; and Catholics and Mormons are baptised in water also.

    So what is the difference?



    Hi WU,
    Repentance is the key as Peter showed with Simon Magus in acts 8 10f

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