Church in Acts

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  • #23725

    Hi H,
    Paul wrote to the Galatians as follows
    “1Paul, (A)an apostle ((B)not sent from men nor through the agency of man, but Âthrough Jesus Christ and God the Father, who (D)raised Him from the dead),
    2and all (E)the brethren who are with me, To (F)the churches of Galatia:

    3(G)Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ,

    4who (H)gave Himself for our sins so that He might rescue us from (I)this present evil age, according to the will of (J)our God and Father,'

    showing that they were one with him in Christ.

    He spoke of how they had become joined with Christ in Gal 3 26f
    ” 26For you are all (A)sons of God through faith in (B)Christ Jesus.

    27For all of you who were Âbaptized into Christ have (D)clothed yourselves with Christ.

    28(E)There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for (F)you are all one in (G)Christ Jesus.

    29And if (H)you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham's descendants, heirs according to (I)promise”

    But he also was concerned that they were yet to show the fruit of Christ being born into them in Gal 4.19
    ” 19(A)My children, with whom (B)I am again in labor until ÂChrist is formed in you–“

    So which comes first according to Christ- speaking through Paul?


    Thank you Nick. You just said it yourself. What I have been posting all along. Baptized in Christ. When we are saved, Christ cleanses us of our sins with his blood and he lives in our hearts.

    When we are born again, the dead spirit in us that is dead because of sin is reborn by the quickening spirit, Jesus Christ. He is the high priest who sanctifies the temple and makes it Holy with his blood. He sanctifies the heart. The inner chamber. He sanctifies the temple that was not made with hands.


    Hi H,
    You do not stand on scripture but stand alone when you make statements that do not emanate from scripture. You confuse the washings with immersion..
    Baptism, unless otherwise specified in scripture, reverts to it's simplest meaning of water baptism, as shown in Gal 3.
    Scripture tells us die in water baptism so that the Spirit may give us life unto eternity.


    Nick, you are still subscribing to the catholic beliefs. Proof of your stand was just posted on 3 baptisms. The catholic church changed how the baptisms were practiced and what they stood for. I will stand on scripture and defend against the pagan religion that has poisoned the faith and stolen countless souls from salvation.


    Quote (heiscomingintheclouds @ Aug. 08 2006,00:58)
    Nick, you are still subscribing to the catholic beliefs. Proof of your stand was just posted on 3 baptisms. The catholic church changed how the baptisms were practiced and what they stood for. I will stand on scripture and defend against the pagan religion that has poisoned the faith and stolen countless souls from salvation.

    Hi H,
    We know catholicism is foreign to God and His ways.

    But we speak here not of her folly but of the teaching of the bible.

    You have agreed that water baptism and Spirit baptism after repentance and belief are essential to following Jesus.

    So why would you make such silly comments?


    I do stand on God's Word. That is why I believe that when we repent, and are forgiven of our sins, Christ comes to live in our hearts. He is the high priest who enters into the temple not made with hands.

    When a man asks Christ into his heart, the vail of self will becomes torn and the man through faith has become submissive to the will of Christ. And through Christ, the man is saved by confessing his sins and having them cleansed by the blood of the unblemished lamb. The heart of the man is circumcised.


    Hi H,
    Fine words which will find a ready bunch of itchy ears.
    Not much scriptural evidence behind them though.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Aug. 09 2006,07:38)
    Hi H,
    Fine words which will find a ready bunch of itchy ears.
    Not much scriptural evidence behind them though.

    Search the scriptures Nick, for what is written above can be found there. Your words are dust in the wind. And your anger is kindled against the Word of God removing the itchy words that you post from those on this forum.

    If you read the post I posted, and search to find in scripture where these words are, your judgement may not be so cloudy.
    The reason they are not pleasing to your ears is because of your lack of understanding.

    And for you to not know that what was posted is of truth, makes ones wonder if these words are in your heart. For how can a man be saved and not know these things? I will blame it on ignorance of God's Word. For I hope you have Christ in your heart.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Aug. 09 2006,07:38)
    Hi H,
    Fine words which will find a ready bunch of itchy ears.
    Not much scriptural evidence behind them though.


    I would like to encourage you by saying that I admire the demeanor of your posts (at least the ones that I have seen). Even you and I have disagreed on some issues (I think), but your demeanor has been godly and temperate. There are some that will try and provoke you to anger. Some, by accusing you of anger, when anger was not present. Keep that heart that you have.



    You can run, but you can't hide. You think your remark will go unchallenged? Do you think I did not know it was towards me.

    It is good to be uplifting. Yet, it is not good to encourge unsound doctrine. Your backing of Nick only hurts your own testimony and your words as to saying that they come from God. You avoid confrontation with me because you know you cannot stand against God's Word.

    So when you make the claim something is not from you, but is of God, be prepared to back it up.

    I posted this.

    [I do stand on God's Word. That is why I believe that when we repent, and are forgiven of our sins, Christ comes to live in our hearts. He is the high priest who enters into the temple not made with hands.

    When a man asks Christ into his heart, the vail of self will becomes torn and the man through faith has become submissive to the will of Christ. And through Christ, the man is saved by confessing his sins and having them cleansed by the blood of the unblemished lamb. The heart of the man is circumcised.]

    These words are of truth. You chose to side with one who is oposes this. His words are not of truth. So if this is where you want to make your stand. Let it be so. I suggest you be prepared, because me and my house serve the Lord.

    I asked you a few questions earlier that you avoided to answer and I assume the reason you avoided them was because you knew I would have used the Word of God to prove them wrong if your stand or doctrine or answer was unsound. So know this, the Lord brought me here to spread his Word. When I started here, I did not know the stand of those who post here. I have been here awhile now and am aware of the false teachings that are spewed onto this forum. There is allot of truth, but yet, there is also much that is contrary to the Word of God.

    Just know this, the Word of God is my Sword.

    Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

    And if you think my intention was to bring anger, think of this. If a man has Christ in his heart and is chastised, he may become angry at first if weak in the faith, but he will repent. If a man does not have Christ in his heart he will come to anger. It is the reason why the apostles were persecuted by the unbelievers. Because they refused to believe the truth and became angry to the point of wanting to cause phyiscal harm to the believers.

    Luke 12:4 And I say unto you my friends, Be not afraid of them that kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do.

    5 But I will forewarn you whom ye shall fear: Fear him, which after he hath killed hath power to cast into hell; yea, I say unto you, Fear him.


    Hi H,
    You say this
    “Just know this, the Word of God is my Sword”
    But your post is not of the sword of the spirit but is of the weapons of men.
    It is all about yourSELF.


    Quote (heiscomingintheclouds @ Aug. 09 2006,19:49)

    You can run, but you can't hide. You think your remark will go unchallenged? Do you think I did not know it was towards me.

    It is good to be uplifting. Yet, it is not good to encourge unsound doctrine. Your backing of Nick only hurts your own testimony and your words as to saying that they come from God. You avoid confrontation with me because you know you cannot stand against God's Word.

    So when you make the claim something is not from you, but is of God, be prepared to back it up.

    I posted this.

    [I do stand on God's Word. That is why I believe that when we repent, and are forgiven of our sins, Christ comes to live in our hearts. He is the high priest who enters into the temple not made with hands.

    When a man asks Christ into his heart, the vail of self will becomes torn and the man through faith has become submissive to the will of Christ. And through Christ, the man is saved by confessing his sins and having them cleansed by the blood of the unblemished lamb. The heart of the man is circumcised.]

    These words are of truth. You chose to side with one who is oposes this. His words are not of truth. So if this is where you want to make your stand. Let it be so. I suggest you be prepared, because me and my house serve the Lord.

    I asked you a few questions earlier that you avoided to answer and I assume the reason you avoided them was because you knew I would have used the Word of God to prove them wrong if your stand or doctrine or answer was unsound. So know this, the Lord brought me here to spread his Word. When I started here, I did not know the stand of those who post here. I have been here awhile now and am aware of the false teachings that are spewed onto this forum. There is allot of truth, but yet, there is also much that is contrary to the Word of God.

    Just know this, the Word of God is my Sword.

    Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

    And if you think my intention was to bring anger, think of this. If a man has Christ in his heart and is chastised, he may become angry at first if weak in the faith, but he will repent. If a man does not have Christ in his heart he will come to anger. It is the reason why the apostles were persecuted by the unbelievers. Because they refused to believe the truth and became angry to the point of wanting to cause phyiscal harm to the believers.

    Luke 12:4 And I say unto you my friends, Be not afraid of them that kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do.

    5 But I will forewarn you whom ye shall fear: Fear him, which after he hath killed hath power to cast into hell; yea, I say unto you, Fear him.


    What on God's earth are you talking about? You are concerned about yourself too much. As important as you may be (and I say that sincerely), you are not that important. If I have something to post you or about you, I will do that. I was simply encouraging Nick for the demeanor he has demonstrated in his posts. Nick knows how to agree without being disagreeable. That is what God wants. Now if you do well you will be accepted (Gen. 4:7a),Do that which is good and you will have praise of the same (Rom. 13:3c).


    This is where you are wrong typrsn. I am not concerned about myself at all. What I am concerned with is false doctrine. I am at war with the world and the lies of the world. I am an enemy to the world and the world hates me. For all who stand in Christ will be the enemies of the world.

    So when someone says that a man is saved when he receives the baptism of water, I will show that this doctrine is not of God using God's Word.

    So when one claims that a man is saved when he receives the baptism of the Holy Spirit, I will show them that this doctrine is not sound. For the baptism of the Holy Spirit is the infilling, the overfilling of the Holy Spirit into the believer. It is a step in faith. And for someone to say if a person is not born again because they have not received the baptism of the Holy Spirit is unscriptural.

    So since you have decided to speak directly to me while I am on the forum, I will see where you stand exactly for all to see.

    1. If a man does not receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit, is he saved?
    2. When a man is saved, does he receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit at that moment?
    3. If a man, when he is baptized in the Holy Spirit, if he does not speak in tongues, did he receive the baptism, was he saved?
    4. How is a man saved?


    Hello, are you still here typrsn? I have read and if I am not mistaken, you and possibley oxy are advocates for the trinity doctrine? If so, let me know for sure. Then it will help me understand where you are coming from in part.

    Because I will know then that you are subscribing to the doctrines of men. I would suggest that if you want to continue in the religion and I do mean religion or the doctrines of men, you should leave now. For if you stay, you may end up leaving you church that you go to. Or at least causing quite a stir when you go back standing on the full armor of the Word of God. For the Lord will tear the doctrines of men assunder.

    All I ask is that you forget the doctrines of men that you have been taught. For they are unsound. The trinity doctrine is unsound and can be easily debunked. It was started by a false religion and it still corrupts the minds of men today. So you can listen to the words of men or the Words of God. It is your choice. All I can do is that you be honest to the faith and listen to God and not man.


    This thread is about the book of Acts.

    Here the teaching of Jesus to his disciples becomes enfleshed in their actions done in his name.

    That Spirit of Christ from whom all these powers and graces effluxed is still available to all in Christ. We are also vessels for that Spirit as was Christ and God can continue the work done in Christ among men in the body of Chrsit.
    That is what God wants rather than vain useless religious ritual.


    Quote (heiscomingintheclouds @ Aug. 09 2006,21:45)
    This is where you are wrong typrsn. I am not concerned about myself at all. What I am concerned with is false doctrine. I am at war with the world and the lies of the world. I am an enemy to the world and the world hates me. For all who stand in Christ will be the enemies of the world.

    So when someone says that a man is saved when he receives the baptism of water, I will show that this doctrine is not of God using God's Word.

    So when one claims that a man is saved when he receives the baptism of the Holy Spirit, I will show them that this doctrine is not sound. For the baptism of the Holy Spirit is the infilling, the overfilling of the Holy Spirit into the believer. It is a step in faith. And for someone to say if a person is not born again because they have not received the baptism of the Holy Spirit is unscriptural.

    So since you have decided to speak directly to me while I am on the forum, I will see where you stand exactly for all to see.

    1. If a man does not receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit, is he saved?
    2. When a man is saved, does he receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit at that moment?
    3. If a man, when he is baptized in the Holy Spirit, if he does not speak in tongues, did he receive the baptism, was he saved?
    4. How is a man saved?


    I will gladly answer your questions.

    1) No, if a person does not receive the Holy Ghost, that person is not saved. Jesus told Nicodemus that we must be born again and He described the birth of the Spirit (John 3:1-8). Paul also says in Rom. 8:9 that if any person does not have the Spirit of Christ he is none of His. He also says in 1 Cor.12:13 that by one Spirit we are baptized into one body. Jesus Christ was born again by resurrection. So must we be.

    2) I do not believe a person to be saved unless they have the Holy Ghost as I briefly stated above. I believe them to be a believer as stated in Acts 8 before the Samaritans received the Holy Ghost, but it took the Spirit to baptize them into the body of Christ. This, of course, took place when Peter and John laid hands on them.

    3) In the instances recorded in Acts 2:4; Acts 10:46; Acts 19:6 they spake in tongues when they received the Holy Ghost. I spake in tongues when I received the Holy Ghost also. In Acts 8:18 simon saw them speak in tongues (although Luke does not tell us that). For those that disagree, I'd be interested to know what Simon saw if he didn't see them speaking in tongues as the Sprit of Christ gave the utterance. Jesus compared the Spirit to wind in John 3:8 and said the wind (spirit) would have a sound (Greek “phonay”). This same word is used by Paul in 1 Cor. 14:10 translated “voices” in the KJV and a multitude of other places in scripture. This sound is the Spirit speaking through the recipient. Jesus said “so is everyone that is born of the Spirit.”
    4) Man is saved by grace through faith in Christ Jesus (Ephes. 2:8) which faith came through the preaching of the gospel (Rom.1:16;Rom. 10:8-17), which faith produces obedience and allows us to receive what God has for us (John 7:37-39; Acts 2:38; Acts 3:19; Acts 16:30-34, etc).


    Quote (heiscomingintheclouds @ Aug. 09 2006,22:00)
    Hello, are you still here typrsn? I have read and if I am not mistaken, you and possibley oxy are advocates for the trinity doctrine? If so, let me know for sure. Then it will help me understand where you are coming from in part.

    Because I will know then that you are subscribing to the doctrines of men. I would suggest that if you want to continue in the religion and I do mean religion or the doctrines of men, you should leave now. For if you stay, you may end up leaving you church that you go to. Or at least causing quite a stir when you go back standing on the full armor of the Word of God. For the Lord will tear the doctrines of men assunder.

    All I ask is that you forget the doctrines of men that you have been taught. For they are unsound. The trinity doctrine is unsound and can be easily debunked. It was started by a false religion and it still corrupts the minds of men today. So you can listen to the words of men or the Words of God. It is your choice. All I can do is that you be honest to the faith and listen to God and not man.


    I cannot speak for Oxy, but I do not subscribe to the trinity doctrine as God is one according to Deut. 6:4. He is the First and the Last (Is. 43:6; Rev. 1:8,17). Anyone that knows another God, knows something that He doesn't (Is. 44:8). He made all things and did it by Himself (Is. 44:24).


    Hi t,
    I believe because scripture does we do have to discriminate between
    Receiving the Spirit[Jn 20.22
    Being baptised in the Spirit.

    Those baptised in the Spirit are overflowed with the Spirit of Christ manifesting in them..

    You say
    “3) In the instances recorded in Acts 2:4; Acts 10:46; Acts 19:6 they spake in tongues when they received the Holy Ghost. I spake in tongues when I received the Holy Ghost also.”


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Aug. 10 2006,22:50)
    Hi t,
    I believe because scripture does we do have to discriminate between
    Receiving the Spirit[Jn 20.22
    Being baptised in the Spirit.

    Those baptised in the Spirit are overflowed with the Spirit of Christ manifesting in them..

    You say
    “3) In the instances recorded in Acts 2:4; Acts 10:46; Acts 19:6 they spake in tongues when they received the Holy Ghost. I spake in tongues when I received the Holy Ghost also.”


    The disciples did not receive the Holy Ghost when Jesus breathed on them in John 20:22. Jesus was speaking prophetically about what would occur on the day of Pentecost. He spoke the promise on them (Luke 24:49). They had to wait until the 50th day after Passover for Pentecost to be fulfilled. Otherwise they received the Holy Ghost after they received the Holy Ghost, and that is nonsensical. Jesus often spoke prophetically of the Holy Ghost baptism, and did not imply it was available for experience the moment He told of it. Here is one explicit example.

    John 7:38-39 He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. (But this spake he of the Spirit, which they that believe on him should receive: for the Holy Ghost was not yet given; because that Jesus was not yet glorified.) He spoke in terms as though it was then-present. But we see an explanation in parentheses by John saying this referred to the Spirit which was not yet given. On the day of Pentecost, they received the promise Jesus spoke if.


    Hi trpsrn,
    Your post does raise questions then about the Eunuch and the others who had yet to have hands laid on them to manifest the baptism of the Spirit.

    And those in Galatians that Paul was anxious about as to when the fruit of the Spirit of Christ was to become manifest in them.

    The development of the life of Christ in us is all by the Spirit and the gifts are of less importance than the fruit. It is not as much by the gifts we shall be known but by the fruit.

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