Church in Acts

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    Acts 2:38 is the message of salvation , yet we live in a religious world that the reason they are in the position they are in is because thay don’t even know the message that was preached in the only recorded book in the Bible where people were actually being saved.

    #1 Repentance – change of mind
    JESUS came to change the way we think
    #2 Baptism – always in HIS name as a witness of who they were following
    #3 The gift of the Holy Ghost
    The Spirit of GOD coming to live inside you

    There are so many doctrines out there but the only place to go in the Bible to find HIS salvation lived out is the book of Acts .
    Acts 2 GOD started the church -over 3,000 souls were saved Acts 8 – The Samaritans come in
    Acts 10 – Cornelius and His household come in
    Acts 16- the jailer and his house
    Acts 19 – the disciples of John the Baptist come in

    There are more than 3 witnesses of salvation in the book of Acts yet there is every wind of doctrine being taught and this book is widely ignored as the source of the way GOD saves people .


    Quite so,
    I find it absolutely amazing that God went to so much trouble to make the way of salvation crystal clear yet almost nobody follows it.

    He gave us 4 gospels so we could compare scriptures to clarify misunderstanding. He gave us the teachings of the Apostles of Jesus such as Paul, John, Peter, James and Jude to flesh out the meanings of the words spoken by Jesus as far as they relate to our lives.

    He also gave us the Book of Acts where the teachings about salvation are put into action by these disciples and God confirms their work with powerful proofs that they were obeying His instructions correctly.

    Nothing has changed. No one has come along since with the same authority as Jesus and the Apostles and yet false teachings and false teachers have been welcomed with open arms. All sorts of fanciful doctrines are mainstream now such as salvation by faith alone.

    We all will eventually meet with Jesus face to face and the opinions of theologians and other experts will be of little value then. Keep it simple, stick to what the bible says and demonstrates as the truth. It is all that matters.

    Will He welcome you as a good and faithful servant or will He say 'I do not know you?'


    Jn 14.6 “..I am the way ,and the truth and the life.No one comes to the Father but through me”

    Jn.10 7″.. My solemn word is this :I am the sheepgate. All who came before me were thieves and marauders whom the sheep did not heed . I am the Gate . Wghoever enters through Me will be safe. He will go 9n and out and find pasture.”
    Jn 10 .1 ” Truly I assure you . Whoever does not enter the sheepfold through the Gate but climbs in some other way is a thief and a marauder.”
    Gal 3.27″ All of you who have been baptised into Christ have clothed yourself with Him.”
    Matt 22.11 “When the king came in to meet the guests ,however ,he caught sight of a man not properly dressed for a wedding feast. 'My friend' he said 'how is it that you came in here not properly dressed?' the man had nothing to say..The king then said to the attendants
    'Bind him hand and foot and throw him out into the night to wail and grind his teeth' The invited are many,the elect are few”


    Hi , In Acts 10 Cornelius is said to have been
    “a devout man, and one who feared God with all his household, and GAVE ALMS to the jewish people,and prayed to God continually”
    God took notice of this gentile dog and God sent an angel in a vision ,who said to him
    ” Your prayers and ALMS have ascended as a memorial before God “
    So almsgiving or charity to the poor is as prayers to God.One good thing Ringo111 used to remind us of was the need to give.
    I had never understood what the parable about the unjust steward in Lk 16 was about and thought it was about forgiveness but it is just about sharing good things and money with those who need it.
    “Make friends for yourself by means of the mammon of righteousness”.
    “Give to all who ask ” he said.
    It as as good for us as any prayers. It is lending to God who pays a healthy dividend especially in the millenium where those who have plenty now will be the poorer.


    Before one can understand what salvation means it is necessary to know what is God's Wrath. Salvation means rescue. Just as the boat rescued Noah and his family salvation in Yeshua rescues us from the coming wrath of God.
    God is perfect. All men are sinners. God cannot tolerate sin especially the sin of refusing to recognise Him and worship Him.[Rom 1.18]
    When Yeshua said to the Pharisees
    ” Who told you to escape from the wrath to come?”
    he was not specifically saying their sin deserves wrath more than the sin of you and I.
    The disciples were alarmed at this message and asked
    ” can anyone be saved”
    The answer given by Yeshua was that what was impossible for man was possible with God and advised them to to go through the narrow door. He is the Door for the sheep.
    John 3 explains how Yeshua did not come to judge the world but that the world be saved through him. But he also said that the wrath of God remains on those who do not receive that message and respond.
    A search on Wrath will remind us that the Fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.


    It is very apparent that there will be many surprised people when the final shakedown occurs.
    Some, probably many, will be saved unexpectedly in the sheep and goat judgement due to some act of kindness to a christian at some stage during their life.

    “Whoever gives you a cup of water because you belong to me will not lose his reward”

    But it also sure that there will be many also who complacently expect to be saved who will not be. Perhaps due to some misunderstanding about scriptural fact or following some leader who is misled they will be those who try to prove their case with a saviour who says

    “I do not know you”

    The popular “Left behind” series of books seem to claim that large numbers will be raptured. I think it more likely that there will be the few who go through the narrow door.

    The Laodicean church with it's vapid and complacent members seems to typify the modern situation. So many experts but so few making sure of their own salvation by really reading the demands of Jesus Christ and obeying them. Yet the Laodaceans had joined the church and were established in Jesus before they fell asleep. Most who think they are saved have yet to do even this.
    This is the most alarming truth. So many religious people but so few saved. So many churchgoers but so few who commune with the Father.

    “Those plants my Father did not plant will be pulled out”


    The Ephesians were asked by Paul “Into what then were you baptised?” and when they were told it was John's baptism, Paul baptised them “In the name of the Lord Jesus” so they could receive the Holy Spirit.Many believe they have been baptised because they have a piece of paper their parents show them. That is not baptism according to the model of Acts, and neither is baptism in the name of a trinity.


    What of the Salvation Army?
    Wonderful helpers of man in distress. However they reject the necessity for baptism so their doctrine is antichristian.


    Hi Nick,

    I will read this forum later tonight to get caught up with want has been said so far.


    Hi greg,
    I posted in the “did Jesus die for all” forum.

    The only scripture that I know of that says that children are saved is 1 Cor 7.14 and that applies to the children of believers. I knw this is a popular teaching based on our knowledge of the mecy and kindness of God.

    All I am saying is that it is not revealed that all children are saved.


    Salvation is the message of the gospel and that way is in following Jesus. We must be born again of water and the Spirit as demonstrated by the followers of Jesus in Acts. They preached repentance and baptism for the forgiveness of sin and laid hands on believers for the Spirit to be given.

    Nothing has changed since then and the gate of Jesus is still open.

    There is salvation in no other name.


    Many are confused and read Romans 10 as promising salvation now by belief and confession only.

    ” Whoever will call upon the name of the Lord will be saved”

    If you go back to Joel 2.31f, the origin of this verse, you will see that it follows the turning of the “Sun into darkness and the moon into blood, before the great and awesome day of the Lord” comes,”THEN”..the promise is spoken. None of these things has happened yet so this verse cannot yet be fulfilled.So it is prophetic for after the rapture of the saints.

    The verses before speak of the Lord being Lord of Jew and gentile alike and says
    ” Whoever believes in him will not be disappointed”.

    Now we, Jew or gentile, are not under the Lordship of Jesus until we are born again of water and the Spirit so this speaks of blessings after salvation not a means of salvation.

    “Confession for salvation” in the previous verse is in fact the result too of salvation, because no man can truly say “Jesus is Lord” without the Spirit. So those spoken of here are already saved by the means of the Gate of Jesus and this also does not speak of another means of salvation.All these words are spoken to the saved as you will see in Romans 1.7

    I believe all these things will,however,  be true about salvation after the rapture. Those that remain behind will no longer have access to salvation by the usual way as The Body of Christ is taken from earth. God always allows mercy for some. Many will come out of the crucible of the great tribulation saved, as Revelation shows us.


    Salvation through being born again by water and the Holy Spirit into the Son of God is first base. The basic teachings about salvation are delineated in Hebrews 6 1-6. All of the writings of Peter and Paul and the other apostles are written to the saved and not those who have yet to go through the gate. All the warnings about losing that salvation such as in 1Cor 10 and Hebrews 6 apply to those who have grasped hold of it already.
    “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and everything else will be added to you”


    Hi soxan,
    more on salvation.


    The church in Acts was empowered by the Spirit of Christ. Men armed with the mind of christ continued the work of Jesus, seeing as God sees, reconciling men to God and healing and setting free those in the power of Satan just as Christ did. The promise of that Spirit was given”to all whom the Lord our God shall call to Himself”[Acts 2.39]
    Now men pride themselves on their love of empty powerless religion and are sure that state is what God intends for his church. They are deceived. God has not changed His mind. The Spirit has not become unavailable and the powers have not been withdrawn by God. We all suffer because of this foolish blindness.


    Hi kenrch,
    Here is another salvation forum for your educational growth.


    The Messiah or Savior when born was a Jewish Hebrew( not Greek or Latin), and was given a Hebrew Name, which is the same name of the Father Yah( Matt.1:21-23), and Baptisim and salvation depends upon His true Name YAHshua( Joel 2:32; Acts 2:21; Acts 4:10-12; Rom.10:9-14), not a substitute name.

    As ALL THE PROPHETS IN SCRIPTURES give witness or testify to Him and His NAME( Acts 10:43) gets forgiveness of sins.….;st=100


    I believe that the book of Acts shows the work of the Holy Spirit among men,
    and I believe that Spirit and the gifts and fruit are still available to men
    and are meant to be being used to show that the religion of God is one of real power unto health and salvation.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Aug. 04 2006,20:05)
    I believe that the book of Acts shows the work of the Holy Spirit among men,
    and I believe that Spirit and the gifts and fruit are still available to men
    and are meant to be being used to show that the religion of God is one of real power unto health and salvation.

    I do too brother,

    It is so sad that many don't even bother to read or study the book of Acts which clearly lays out God's plan for salvation. I don't see anyone in the book “praying Jesus into their heart”, or any other crafty plan of salvation!!!!!!!!!1


    Quote (Woutlaw @ Aug. 05 2006,02:58)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Aug. 04 2006,20:05)
    I believe that the book of Acts shows the work of the Holy Spirit among men,
    and I believe that Spirit and the gifts and fruit are still available to men
    and are meant to be being used to show that the religion of God is one of real power unto health and salvation.

    I do too brother,

    It is so sad that many don't even bother to read or study the book of Acts which clearly lays out God's plan for salvation. I don't see anyone in the book “praying Jesus into their heart”, or any other crafty plan of salvation!!!!!!!!!1

    Wow. You mean to tell me you don't have Jesus in your hearts. That explains allot. For if you don't have Christ in your heart, you are not saved? PERIOD.

    Woutlaw, I am saddened at how you cannot see the light. The place you stand must be very dark. For how can those who claim to be saints and led by the Holy Spirit not understand the things of the Spirit. For you argue if one has Christ is his heart and to do so plainly shows you do not. For if you did, you would know what is of Christ and what is not. You too need to ask him into your heart. You judge yourself with your own words. I will pray for you as always.

    Gal. 2:20 I am crucified with Christ: neverthless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.

    Gal. 4:6 And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father.

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