Christs teachings

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    The gospels are a guide as to how followers of Christ should mould themselves in this life and whom they should emulate…and that is Jesus.
    And the following books of the New Testament, besides the book of revelation, build on this example, and these books are considered the milk of scripture, the basics which should easily, or better said, gradually be digested/understood to the “young” and growing spirits within Christs followers, which, act to guide us through the process of implementing this information/food into our everyday lives. And peppered throughout all these instructions, contained within this milk, are small insertions of meats/solids which are deeper scriptural information/wisdom to complement the milk being fed to those growing spirits within Christs followers, helping us understand more and more as we grow in spirit.

    And as we grow, we must not neglect reviewing that information which we have already digested, for not all things we digest are fully absorbed/understood, even if we think we do understand them fully, for there is always more than meets the eye even in the simple messages…for the unseen message within every message are the left overs which are cast out in the draught….and what the body was unable to digest, being cast out of the body, is where we find that which we were unable to digest in our previous immature state before the next growth spurt kicked in….for the unseen messages within those messages…will eventually, slowly and surely, become clearer and clearer as we age on each and every “birthday”/growth spurt on the road to maturity.

    This information to be digested is crucial to the growing Christian, but the information itself, on its own, is useless unless it is being received…that is, hearing/reading the information alone is not receiving the information, it is but merely acknowledging the information, it is the implementing of that information which is the actual receiving of the message…putting it into practice is the whole key…the only key to understanding…and only through this process can one feed that spirit within which is gaffing onto our souls…that Holy Spirit sent by Christ.  

    Now many many Christians truly believe that knowledge of the prophecies are secondary to the receiving of the gospels and the message within the gospels, thus giving prophecies only minimal attention especially when they can not grasp the meanings of the prophecies, or place them in context within their understanding of things, and thus, they go on to neglect such important food as unnecessary. Though holding an element of truth in one respect, for as explained above, one first needs the milk to feed the young and growing spirit before moving on to solids, this belief in itself is greatly flawed. Why? Because the milk is the precursor to the meat…milk first, meat/solids second.

    For milk alone can not sustain a growing spirit, just as milk alone can not sustain a growing child…solids must be introduced at some point. So when examining this argument of only needing the basics of scripture whilst neglecting the prophecies, which are the solids, well this goes against the whole reason for digesting the milk in the first place….for the milk is preparing us for those very solids many believe are unneccessary to a Christians growth…and those solids are the prophecies. See the contradiction?

    But, some could rightly say, how does one know that the prophecies are the solids? That the importance of understanding the prophecies is the main signiature of a mature spirit? That is, a mature spirit is only mature when prophetic scriptures are understood? Which also is the sign of a healthy spirit, meaning, that one with a sound grasp of all the scriptures, both milk and solids, is one who without a doubt, is a possessor of a mature indwelling Holy Spirit, not forgetting that such a one must by the above explanations, be one who has been implementing the information/message contained within all the scriptures, which signals a receiving of that message, and reflected in their personal walk with Christ.

    This is important to acknowledge, for God does not give His mysteries away lightly, of which He calls jewels…jewels are expensive and precious! And for one to possess these jewels, then that one must be pleasing God within his walk to receive them in the first place….that is, again, implementing the processess Christ was telling us all along to implement into our lives thus enabling Him and His Father to dwell with us.

    So back to the question, where is the proof that prophecies are the solids that the milk has been preparing Christs followers to digest?
    Well, i could sprout many scriptures off of the top of my head, and indeed, i will need to provide more examples of such proofs to back my whole argument after this post, but i will only, for now, provide two….two which should negate the need to provide such a volume of proofs peppered throughout the scriptures…

    Revelation 19:10
       ……..I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy

    There you go, in a nut shell, the testimony of Christ is the spirit of prophecy!
    This is the climax of the indwelling Spirits worldly goal….not “it's” only goal/benefit/task, but “its” end result of what our growing spirit, whilst on this earth, is leading to…the understanding of prohecies which enable us to watch, as Jesus instructed us to do..for to be able to watch represents what enabled that “skill” firstly…and that is/was, feeding/implementing Christs written word…they all complement eachother.

    For within the understanding of the prophecies are all the answers to “why”….why this is & why that is & why this needs to be & why that was etc….other words, understanding the prophecies sheds light on how God works in this world which gives us even greater understanding of Him and His ways on so many other levels. And knowing these things also enables us to fulfill Christs request to us…and that request was to be able to answer any man any question at any time, and mens questions can not be fully answered without understanding prophecies, past present and future.

    Revelation 2:3
       Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard, hold fast, and repent. If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee.

    So heed this warning, and understand…one can not watch if one does not comprehend prophecies…understanding the prophecies enables one to watch…and not just understanding some of the prophecies….the “important ones”…that is not enough…for many why's are still present if only some of the prophecies are acknowledged….so feed brothers and sisters…digest every word our Lord has provided and put them into practice which is: how thou hast received (implemented, which enables: and heard (understood) , thus will your spirit grow…time is now nearing its climax….the ark door is closing..please, please don't miss the boat…gorge yourselves in word and practice while there is still time.
    May the Lord have mercy on us all.


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