Christ's In the first 23 chaptePAROUSIA (PRESENCE)

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    Rightly understood, Not3in1
    My dear Husband calling you not3in1. Love you Mandy

    before Time

    The destruction of Jerusalem’s temple and the end of the Jewish system of things were not the same as the time of Christ’s presence and of the conclusion of the whole world system of things. Nonetheless, in his lengthy answer, Jesus artfully addressed all these aspects of the question. He told them what things would be like before Jerusalem’s destruction; he also told them what to expect the world to be like during his presence, when he would be ruling as King in heaven and would be on the verge of bringing the entire world system of things to its end.

    There are commanding aspects misinterpreted that shouldn’t go unnoticed. There is no mention in Matthew 24:2 of the expression “world” in the original. The KJV says “world,” but the interlinear declares “age” as do many other translations. Reference Luke 21:7 and Mark 13:4, where it quotes “Going to be fulfilled” and “About to take place.” In all three cross-references it says, “All these things will take place in this generation.”

    The natural question indicates I didn’t see all these signs take place in the first century as Jesus said. Many go by the News of the day to endeavor to fit the News into the bible. They were all fulfilled as the Lord said they would in the first century.


    Matthew 24:9…Mark 13:9-13…Luke 21:2… they will persecute you; you will be flogged; delivered to prison; stand trial before governors and kings; and shall kill you.


    Acts 4:1-3…5:40…7:58-60…12:1-5…16:22-24…18:12-17…24:10-27…25:6-12, 23…26:32… they were put in prison, flogged, stoned, killed, beaten with rods, stood before governors and kings.

    Please read

    Matthew 24: 15-21, 24-25, 33-34, 44
    Mark 13: 14, 23, 29, 35-37
    Luke 21: 20-24, 28, 31, 36

    All that our Lord predicted came true. It was THEM and not US today who lived to see our Lord's prophecy unfold.



    Quote (Not3in1 @ Aug. 28 2008,18:01)

    Quote (Tiffany @ Aug. 27 2008,15:06)
    That is why Jesus said his return would be like a thief; the point is, if you're a thief, you don't want to be seen.

    OR another way to look at this would be that a thief comes when you least expect him (usually while you are sleeping or away from your home).

    Yes, I too believe that is how this is to be understood.


    T8, I know you've been around. Could you please change the title as I requested (perhaps in the second comment)?

    before Time

    When we compare Revelation 6:2-8 (written after the tribulation on Jerusalem in 70 C.E.)

    Continuing on to Rev. 6:10-11 Christians were told to wait a “Little while longer.” for theirs tribulation, suffering, to end. It did in their lifetime not ours. Rev. 1:9 “this little while” places the tribulation before 70 AD. Matthew 24:9

    Matthew 24:6-8 and Luke 21:10, 11, we see that warfare, food shortages, and plague on a greater scale lay ahead.

    When Jesus penned the Olivet discourse wars were uncommon throughout the “Pax Romana” before Nero’s reigned. I don’t see a mention of global war in Matt.24:6-7 It doesn’t say “we see that warfare, food shortages, and plague on a greater scale lay ahead.” The scripture says: “You” will be hearing of wars and rumors of wars” “For nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom”

    It seems to match rather closely what Jesus said, and we know it was speaking of things to come.

    “Tell us, When will these things be, and what will be the sign of your presence and of the conclusion of the system of things?” (Matthew 24:3; Mark 13:1-4)

    The expression system of things in is not in (Matthew 24:3; Mark 13:1-4) because if it did, it would lead to any interpretation one could imagine. The terminology is as follows: Matt 24:3 end of the age?”
    Mark 13:4 “when all these things are going to be fulfilled?” Luke 21:7 “And what will be the sign when these things are about to take place?”

    The age suggests the end of the Jewish Economy in AD 70 when the temple was sacked. When will all these things be fulfilled; that is Judgment called down on the Jewish Nation in Matthew chapter 23 Matt 23:38 “Look, your house is left to you desolate.”

    Whether they realized it or not, Jesus’ answer would have a multiple application.

    Multiple applications can denote different things to different people. It is my opinion, if it’s taken beyond context it has no meaning at all. The disciples asked a question; Jesus gave the answer, Get out of Dodge City, or get out of town before the temple goes down. Luke 21:20-22

    The destruction of Jerusalem’s temple and the end of the Jewish age were brought about by Christ presents, and some not all, would witness it. Matt. 10:23; 16:28

    Jesus told the High priest Caiaphas “you will see THE SON OF MAN SITTING AT THE RIGHT HAND OF POWER, and COMING ON THE CLOUDS OF HEAVEN.”

    He did come and vindicate Himself in the lifetime of Caiaphas, and Caiaphas  saw with understanding Jesus was the Christ, the Son of the living God. But it was too late for him. Matthew 26:57-68

    Most Christians consider as in every generation they are living in the age of the Olivet discourse without investigating if it happened in the 1st century generation.

    Matt 24:34 “Truly I say to you, “this generation” will not pass away until “all” these things take place. NASU

    Look up every place in the New Testament for the Phase “this generation” see in context if it ever suggest a future generation.

    Matthew 23:36 “Truly I say to you, all these things will come upon this generation. NASU



    Quote (Not3in1 @ Aug. 28 2008,18:01)

    Quote (Tiffany @ Aug. 27 2008,15:06)
    That is why Jesus said his return would be like a thief; the point is, if you're a thief, you don't want to be seen.

    OR another way to look at this would be that a thief comes when you least expect him (usually while you are sleeping or away from your home).

    Greetings Mandy……A theif in the night or the day for that matter….Makes full use of the element of surprise…

    before Time

    Greetings Dave

    Do those words strike a familiar chord with you? Consider just one aspect of social decay in today’s world—the disintegration of the family. The flood tide of broken homes, battered spouses, abused children, and maltreated elderly parents—how these show that people have “no natural affection,” are “fierce,” and even “betrayers,” “without love of goodness”! Yes, we see these traits on an epidemic level today.

    Try to put yourself as a Jew or Christian in the first century when the Romans set them on fire to use them as lamps to light up Nero’s palace. And when the Christians were covered in animal skin so the dogs would eat them. Or in the temple when the Romans surround it, causing such starvation women would consume their own dead children for food. Or when Christian were used for Roman sport in the arena. What do you see now Dave.

    Then try to imagine the horrors of the monster Nero the beast of Revelation and the Roman armies he had Power over before killing himself by the sword. Whoever kills by the sword will himself be killed by the sword. I consider only when can we put ourselves in the first century will we ever understand what Jesus and John the Baptist were trying to convey about the wrath to come on the people they loved. Mal. 4:3 Matthew 3:7 Luke 21:22

    Luke 23:28 Jesus turned and said to them, “Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me; weep for yourselves and for your children.


    Well there is not doubt about it he is coming back.

    He will be in full glory.

    As to when he is coming back seems to be the question?
    Some…actually a lot of people think it will be before the 7 Years…simply because they do not wish to go through any of what is said to happen.
    Really the only scripture that I can find that really supports this is Revelation 3:10

    But, I'm am thus coming to an understanding that it just might be Mid Tribulation.

    However, regardless of when he comes back…he will be coming back.

    He will come back with a quickness…and it will indeed be him…he is going to come back in the same manner in which he left. It is written. It will be so fast it will make your head spin!

    before Time

    Well there is not doubt about it he is coming back.

    He will be in full glory.

    As to when he is coming back seems to be the question?
    Some…actually a lot of people think it will be before the 7 Years…simply because they do not wish to go through any of what is said to happen.
    Really the only scripture that I can find that really supports this is Revelation 3:10

    But, I'm am thus coming to an understanding that it just might be Mid Tribulation.

    However, regardless of when he comes back…he will be coming back.

    He will come back with a quickness…and it will indeed be him…he is going to come back in the same manner in which he left.   It is written.   It will be so fast it will make your head spin!

    Those reading Revelation in anticipation for liberation from distress in the first century received it when Christ came in the glory of His Father. Matthew 16:27-28 He came quickly in their lifetime

    It’s my humble advice to read Revelation 3:10 in the original tongue to be sure.  Check the words “World” and “Earth,” Strong’s expanded Greek Hebrew Dictionary I found helpful.

    The expression World “oikoumene” is specifically speaking of the Roman Empire, that same word is conveyed in Luke 2:1 Look at Luke in different translation to get the general idea. Earth can very well be land in the Greek language.

    Rev. 1:1 “Must soon take place” Rev. 1:3 “for the time is near.” To stay consistent with time statements in the New Testament keeps ones head from spinning in the wrong direction. Rev. 22:6, 12, 22

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