Christs crucifiction and resurrection

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    Hi CO,
    Did the gospel of Jesus change for the nations
    or did they not need a gospel of repentance?


    Again, you reply to a question with another question, don't have an answer to the question?


    Y'shua's death and resurection is depicted in Passover. Y'shua was in the tomb three literal days and three literal nights according to YHWH's law which Y'shua came to make full sense of or to fulfill the law. Y'shua was hanged on a Roman cross at the request of the falsly appointed priests of His time, the Pharisees. The Pharisees made up many rules and man made doctrine. They are not different than every single “religion” of today. Their laws and traditions were not the same laws and traditions commanded by the Almighty. Their laws and traditions alike the ones we or most of us follow blindly today keep us from knowing the Father and the Son intimately. The only way to know is to follow His laws and His traditions.

    So what exactly was nailed to the cross? The truth is: number one ENMITY look it up in Romans and other places. It began in Genisis after Adam and Eve sinned against YHWH. “I will put enmity between the woman's seed and your (Satan's) seed.  
    What is enmity? A hatered for YHWH our Elohim. It is those people who feel separated from Elohim or those who do not want to know Elohim. They detest His Word and His commands or sift through His commands and pick out the ones they prefer to keep.  ENMITY was nailed to the cross. Because Y'shua died with never having commited sin according to YHWH's laws (not those made up rules of the Pharisees). He was resurected according to the Feast of First Fruits (one of the traditions of YHWH). He was ressurected on the Sabbath just before sunset, according to Scripture.
    What were the ordinances nailed to the cross?
    Answer: The oral and written and practiced laws of men or dogma, state imposed laws. Y'shua rebuked to Pharisees so many times as it is written for us to know that the Pharisees were hypocrites. Unless our rightousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, we will not see the kingdom of heaven. Scripture is telling us over and over, do not follows man's laws, man's traditions, come out of Babylon, do not follow the way of the heathen. Do not change My laws or My Holy Days!!!!!!! Follow the old path where IS the good way. No we do not offer animals blood as an offering of sin, we do not pray to a priest or have to confess to any man our sins. Y'shua IS our high priest according to the order of Malek-Tzedek. He died once and for all, get it for all. He is our mediatior.
    All is not fulfilled. Although His suffering on the cross is done. There's more. Till heaven and earth pass, not one jot or one tittle (one dot on the letter i, or one line through the letter t) will pass from the Torah till ALL is fulfilled. Has heaven and earth passed?
    So much to tell you, so little time.


    My answer to the post I originated.
    Christ has died and was ressurrected by God the third day. What did He die for? Our sins of course! He was sinless, He took on the sins of the world, all humanity, you and I, and paid our penalty (the wages of sin is death) that we deserved. He suffered a very painfull, humiliating death. Scourged till He was almost dead, dragged to calvary, nailed through His hands and feet to a wooden cross, and left hanging there many hours of painfull suffering, until dead. What was the purpose of this? Many consider this a NON-EVENT, denying the fact that He has “JUSTIFIED” us, still relying on their own flesh to save themselves. Saying we must “repent”, allow God into our lives, be baptized, ask for forgiveness, and many more “works”. What sefish pride we stll have in our “flesh”, thinking that “we” still can justify ourselves by our own ability.
    Christ Jesus has done it “ALL”. We have been “justified”, God sees our sins no more, we have been “conciliated ” to God though His son, Who He sent to be the Savoiur of all mankind.
    I have included a description of what it means to be “Justfied”, please read it carefully, Christ Jesus has done it “ALL”.


    Our Saviour, God, saves us, “not for works which are wrought in righteousness which we do, but according to His mercy” (Titus 3:5). He does so, “through Jesus Christ, our Saviour, that, being justified in that One’s grace, we may be becoming enjoyers, in expectation, of the allotment of life eonian” (Titus 3:6,7).
    We learn from Romans 4:5, concerning those who are believing, that God “is justifying the irreverent,” those who are “not working.” Likewise, we recognize that all those who are “called” become believers, for the Lord graciously “overwhelms” their unbelief with “faith and love in Christ Jesus” (1 Tim.1:14; cp v.16). Thus, “to those who are called, . . . Christ, the power of God and the wisdom of God” (1 Cor.1:24). Now those “whom He calls, He justifies also; now whom He justifies, these He glorifies also” (Rom.8:30).
    How wonderful! Even though we have yet to grasp what it means to be “justified,” we have already learned that (1) Our calling itself entails the certainty of God’s gracious gift of faith to us; (2) God “justifies” us even though we are are irreverent and are not working righteousness; (3) Being now justified in Christ’s blood, we shall be saved from indignation, through Him (Rom. 5:9); and (4) Eonian life and glory is our happy expectation. “all is of God” (Ro.11:36)

    “The flesh cannot please God”.(Ro.8:8). All those who think they can, are painfully decieved.



    Hi CO,
    Would you refuse the gospel of repentance for the remission of sins preached throughout the world.
    Is the offer of forgiveness from God not good enough for you?

    [Lk 24] 47And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem.

    Men everywhere are called to repent.[Acts 17]
    Fine, but do not stand in the way of others lest you be crushed in the rush.

    LK 16
    “16The law and the prophets were until John: since that time the kingdom of God is preached, and every man presseth into it.”


    Again, you quote from Luke, given to the Jews while still under the “law”. Was Christs sacifice a NON-EVENT to you? “The flesh cannot please God”. You keep trying to do what Christ has already done for you, Do you think you can do it better? What pride of self you have, give it up, Christ has accomplished it for you. Accept what He has done, what does God think when you keep trying to do what He sent His Son to do for you?


    Rev. 2:23
    “I will give every one of you according to your works.” The words of the Judge Himself.
    Works do not save us, because works do not cover our sin, never the less, our works show who we are.
    Deut. 2:7 YHWH has blessed thee in all the works of thy hand.
    Ecc. 3:22 Wherefore I perceive that there is nothing better, than that a man should rejoice in his own works; for that is his portion: for who shall bring him to see what shall be after him.

    We were created for good works. Good works are not an evil thing. Being saved though is by the blood of the Messiah, not by works. I will say it, works are important. For our works show who we are.


    Grace is not approval to sin. Grace is Him accepting our repentance. Grace is Him holding to the covenant of His original promise to those who accepted the terms of His covenant which was to profess His Name and guard His commands. All nations who want to worship Him do it His way, not the way of the heathen.

    Heb 10:29 Of how much sorer punishment, suppose ye, shall he be thought worthy, who hath trodden under foot the Son of God, and hath counted the blood of the covenant, wherewith, he was sanctified, an unholy thing, and hath done despite unto the Spirit of grace?

    So, do not trample the Son under foot by using grace as your excuse to continue in sin. It is not acceptable. We do not sin because we are a dwelling of the Spirit. We keep clean and free from sin. The law defins sin. The law is profitable to show what sin is and what we are to avoid. The law is instruction on how He wants us to live. The law is a delight. It shines light in dark places. I personally follow the law . because I have made Messiah my Master, and where he leads me I follow. He did not sin, so I do not sin.


    Quote (chosenone @ July 04 2007,17:01)
    Again, you quote from Luke, given to the Jews while still under the “law”.  Was Christs sacifice a NON-EVENT to you?  “The flesh cannot please God”.  You keep trying to do what Christ has already done for you,  Do you think you can do it better?  What pride of self you have, give it up, Christ has accomplished it for you.  Accept what He has done, what does God think when you keep trying to do what He sent His Son to do for you?

    Hi CO,
    So Christ paid the price offered in the gospel.
    Will you partake of this free offer?

    Jn 3
    ” 14And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up:

    15That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.

    16For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

    17For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

    18He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

    19And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.

    20For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.

    21But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.


    Quoting scripture given to the Jews while under the”law”, is not relevent to us now under “Grace”. Christ has done it ALL.


    Hi CO,
    Did the gospel change?
    Do gentiles have another gospel? Gal 1


    The gospel did change, it was not completed until Paul did it. See Col.1:25, …which I (paul) became a dispenser in accord with the administration of God, which is granted to me for you, to complete the word of God- the secret which has been concealed from the eons and the generations, yet now was made manifest to His saints, to whom God wills to make known what are the glorious riches of this secret among the nations, which is: Christ among you, the expectation of glory-… I'll let you read the rest of this scripture yourself, you will find it very interesting, not known or preached by Jesus, till it has been made known by God through Paul. Keep listening, correctly cut the word of truth, you will catch on soon, By the “Grace of God”.



    Hi CO,
    Another message from Paul to the saints?
    Men are not naturally holy nor are all made holy by the death of the Son.
    They must have their vessels washed.
    Otherwise they too become as whitewashed sepulphres full of dead men's bones.


    I didn't see you recanting your previous post about “did the gospel change”. You seem to always change the subject when you are shown by scripture that you are wrong, which is quite a regular occurance. Not much scriptural evidence, except that which is not for us.
    Again, Paul to the “Nations”. (Ro.15:16). Scripture you know.


    Hi CO,
    There is one eternal gospel.
    All men everywhere are called to repent and must be born again.
    You must correctly cut the word of God and see that the book of Romans was not written to the unsaved nations.


    You seldom include scripture, now with your “eternal gospel”, this must be part of 'the gospel of Nick'. Your words would profit others much if you would include scripture to back up your 'gospel'.


    Hi CO,

    You seem to be alone in your perceptions here.
    Perhaps other could help you grasp these things?


    Hi CO,

    Quote (chosenone @ July 04 2007,16:18)
    My answer to the post I originated.
       Christ has died and was ressurrected by God the third day. What did He die for?  Our sins of course!  He was sinless, He took on the sins of the world, all humanity, you and I, and paid our penalty (the wages of sin is death) that we deserved.  He suffered a very painfull, humiliating death.  Scourged till He was almost dead, dragged to calvary, nailed through His hands and feet to a wooden cross, and left hanging there many hours of painfull suffering, until dead.  What was the purpose of this?  Many consider this a NON-EVENT, denying the fact that He has “JUSTIFIED” us, still relying on their own flesh to save themselves.

    You and I agree in the points made thus far, but alas, we will move in different directions from here on.

    Saying we must “repent”,

    Acts 26:20 backs that up, CO. Paul said so himself, speaking of the Gentiles “that they should repent and turn to God, performing deeds appropriate to repentance. Yes Paul said this. Please check it out.

    allow God into our lives,

    That is not exactly Biblical but many people use it. It does have much to do with the “free gift of God” (Romans 6:23). Have you ever denied a gift from someone for whatever reason? Well, a gift requires a giver (God gave His Son) and a receiver. Gifts are not forced upon someone but freely given and received. Therefore, you must be willing to receive this “free gift of God”. God has given us free will and does not force Himself or His gift on anyone — they must accept it.

    be baptized,

    Paul was baptized (Acts 9:18). I guess Paul must have felt it was worthwhile. There is strong evidence that if nothing else, the practice is very strongly encouraged because it is a public testimony of your willingness to make Jesus Lord and Master.

    ask for forgiveness,

    Does your bible have 1 John in it? You might want to read verses 8-10.

    and many more “works”.  What sefish pride we stll have in our “flesh”, thinking that “we” still can justify ourselves by our own ability.

    You are correct, your justification does not derive from your works. But it is a sign of a repentant heart, and also a means to show your true faith in God and His Son Jesus.

    1 Timothy 8:16-17 – Instruct them to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share, storing up for themselves the treasure of a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of that which is life indeed.

    James 4:14-24 – What use is it, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but he has no works? Can that faith save him? If a brother or sister is without clothing and in need of daily food, and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and be filled,” and yet you do not give them what is necessary for their body, what use is that? Even so faith, if it has no works, is dead, being by itself. But someone may well say, “You have faith and I have works; show me your faith without the works, and I will show you my faith by my works.” You believe that God is one You do well; the demons also believe, and shudder. But are you willing to recognize, you foolish fellow, that faith without works is useless? Was not Abraham our father justified by works when he offered up Isaac his son on the altar? You see that faith was working with his works, and as a result of the works, faith was perfected; and the Scripture was fulfilled which says, “AND ABRAHAM BELIEVED GOD, AND IT WAS RECKONED TO HIM AS RIGHTEOUSNESS,” and he was called the friend of God. You see that a man is justified by works and not by faith alone.

    You may dislike James because you beleive it was written to new Jewish believers, but the fact of the matter is Abraham was not under the Law! So you see, just as James said, faith and works go hand-in-hand, because works show your faith.

    Christ Jesus has done it “ALL”.  We have been “justified”, God sees our sins no more, we have been “conciliated ” to God though His son, Who He sent to be the Savoiur of all mankind.

    Who is “we”? All of mankind, regardless of whether or not they accept who Jesus is? There is absolutely no basis for such reasoning. You need to reread John chapter 3 if you believe this. Pay particular attention to John 3:21. And lest you say “that was for the Jews” please also take note that John 3:16 says “the world” and “whoever”. It did not say “For God so loved the Jews” or “that whoever among the Jews believes in him”. And to believe in him is to not merely believe he existed, but it is to believe in everything he showed through the New Testament, particularly the Gospels, and make that belief an integral part of your daily walk. Believe and live it daily.


    Our Saviour, God, saves us, “not for works which are wrought in righteousness which we do, but according to His mercy” (Titus 3:5).

    This verse not apply to you. Titus was written directly to Titus from Paul (Titus 1:4). Therefore the “us” in 3:5 is Paul and Titus, and you cannot know how Titus came to be a “true child” of Paul. Until you can establish that, you cannot claim Titus 3:5 for your own.

    He does so, “through Jesus Christ, our Saviour, that, being justified in that One’s grace, we may be becoming enjoyers, in expectation, of the allotment of life eonian” (Titus 3:6,7).

    See above. Verse 6 has “us” (Paul and Titus) and 7 has “we” (Paul and Titus). Sorry, but until you can clarify how Titus came to be a “true child in a common faith” please refrain from using these verses to apply to any other but Paul and Titus.

    See how this works when you make similar claims that certain things taught in the NT do not apply to you?

    We learn from Romans 4:5, concerning those who are believing, that God “is justifying the irreverent,” those who are “not working.”

    Who are these “believers”? Read Mark 16:15-18. These commands were given to the Apostles after Jesus arose from the grave. Verse 15 tells who the gospel is to be preached to (“all creation”, “all nations” in Matthew 28:19), so this includes the Gentiles. If Jesus told them to preach the gospel to all nations — to all creation — and he taught them the gospel while on earth, why then do you deny what Jesus taught as he went among the Jews? It is always “that was for the Jews” or “that was for people under the Law”. Yet Jesus says in Matthew 16:15 to preach the gospel, and the only one they knew was the one Jesus taught. To take away from it removes its power, and you have tried pretty hard to do so. Paul did not change or “complete” the gospel as you say, but he did teach many more things. The gospel message has always been the same. To attribute more to Paul than he is worthy of, and to say that “his gospel” is “more complete” or “better” than that Jesus preached is to shame the name of Jesus. Jesus did not tell the Apostles “preach one gospel to the Jews, and another (watered-down) gospel to the rest of the world” — he simply stated “the gospel”.

    What was Jesus' words to Paul (Saul at that time) on the Damascus road? Read Acts 26:14-18. In particular, note verse 18. Read it and let it sink in because you've missed it along the way to your mamby-pamby, universalistic beliefs

    Acts 26:18 – to open their eyes so that they may turn from darkness to light and from the dominion of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who have been sanctified by faith in Me.'

    Hmmmm, lets see, “so they [Gentiles] may turn from darkness to light”. Doesn't turning require an action from those who are presently unaware of the darkness they are in? Now how about “an inheritance among those who have been sanctified by faith in Me”? Well, since Saul was to be sent among the Gentiles, up until this point, only Jews were being reached. Those very Jews we learn of in the Gospels. The ones who received the teaching and preaching of Jesus on earth, the messages you deny because you say they are for those “under the Law”. How then can Gentiles have the same inheritance if they do not accept the very same gospel message preached by Jesus himself? Here's your clue – go ahead to verse 20.

    Acts 26:20 – but kept declaring both to those of Damascus first, and also at Jerusalem and then throughout all the region of Judea, and even to the Gentiles, that they should repent and turn to God, performing deeds appropriate to repentance.

    Guess you missed this verse somewhere when developing your theology. Or has it been removed from the translation you use?
    What are “deeds appropriate to repentance”? Wonder what that means? Deeds? Would that not mean works or some sort, or at least actions that reveal a repentant heart? But wait, you said we have no part in it, that it is all Grace and that we don't need to repent. Verse 20 takes your “gospel” (yes, yours, not Jesus's, not Paul's), puts a boot on it, and grinds it to dirt.

    Likewise, we recognize that all those who are “called” become believers, for the Lord graciously “overwhelms” their unbelief with “faith and love in Christ Jesus” (1 Tim.1:14; cp v.16).

    This is similar to Titus. This was a letter to Timothy, a “true child in the faith”, from Paul. Since we do not know the basis of Timothy's conversion, we can either assume that it was according to the gospel message of Jesus passed on by Paul, or make no further assumptions. We cannot look into Timothy's heart and life and be sure, so it would be erroneous to apply certain verses to all people unless we are certain we have followed and accepted the gospel message of Jesus. The verses you pull your statements from use “our” (Paul and Timothy) and “I” (Paul).

    Thus, “to those who are called, . . . Christ, the power of God and the wisdom of God” (1 Cor.1:24).

    Back up to verses 12-13 and 17. Verse 13 says “Has Christ been divided? Paul was not crucified for you, was he? Or were you baptized in the name of Paul?”. Automatically we see that Paul did not preach any other message but of Jesus. We know Jesus through the Gospels. This Paul is not our savior, Jesus is. It is his message which emphasizes all who came after him. In verse 17, we see that Paul was not sent to baptize, but to preach the gospel – not Paul's gospel, but Christ's. Learn it, accept it, live it.

    Now, on to Verse 24. It says “both Jews and Greeks” in the verse. Wait, don't the Jews receive a different gospel? And beyond that, are you Greek? Perhaps you are, but if you are neither Jew nor Greek, then maybe you are not “called” according to this verse. Therefore, this verse may not apply to you.

    Now those “whom He calls, He justifies also; now whom He justifies, these He glorifies also” (Rom.8:30).

    How do you know you are called? Is it just some “feeling” in your soul? I'm assuming so. But do your actions match your calling? Do you exhibit jealousy at any time? How about immorality, or sensuality? Are you ever subject to outbursts of anger? Have you been in dispute with anyone? Have you ever envied? If so, you will not have an inheritance in the Kingdom of God and you are walking in the flesh and not being led by the Spirit (Gal 5:16-21).

    “The flesh cannot please God”.(Ro.8:8).  All those who think they can, are painfully decieved.

    How can you be certain that you are not in the flesh? How do you know you are being led of the Spirit? How are you certain that you are in Jesus Christ? How do you know you are not “peddling the word of God” (2 Cor 2:17) because you are not “speaking in Christ”? Would it not seem obvious that to “speak in Christ” would be to tell of Christ's message? Instead, you neglect the message preached by Jesus in the Gospels because you felt that it was only for the Jews. I guess that Jesus stayed in the tomb then and a different Jesus spoke to the Apostles before the ascension.

    The gospel you continue to spread is some new gospel, one that has no value. You deny Christ because you deny what he did before the cross. You state that many lessen the act on the cross, but you in turn lessen the life of Christ by ignoring his message while on earth because you say it was “for the Jews”. Indeed, Jesus came for the Jews first, but his message to the Apostles after his ressurection was to preach the gospel — his gospel, the same gospel that went to the Jews — to the rest of the world. Yet you deny this gospel and instead think that Paul has formulated a new one. As Paul said himself, it was not Paul on the cross at Calvary, and it was not Paul's gospel. Will you bow before Paul, or will you worship at the Throne of the Father and of the Lamb?

    You seem to have a gross misunderstanding of Paul's teaching. One would think that he was angry at the Law when he spoke on it versus pure faith and grace, but that would be wrong. Paul tells us in Gal. 3:21 “Is the Law then contrary to the promises of God? May it never be! For i
    f a law had been given which was able to impart life, then righteousness would indeed have been based on law.” In other words, Paul is not denying that the Law has value (2 Timothy 3:16) but that merely keeping it will result in righteousness. When someone trangressed the Law, a sacrifice was required. Therefore, Christ died to pay the ultimate sacrifice for all who have transgressed the Law, both Jew and Gentile, even though the Law was not given to the Gentile. The Law was added because of the transgressions (Gal. 3:19) of God's chosen people. Jesus was the sacrifice, not the fire insurance.

    Be careful with this gospel you want to spread because for each person that accepts it and goes their merry way, thinking they are “safe”. You will have to answer for every soul you lead astray (Matthew 12:36-37, 2 Cor. 5:10, 2 Peter 2).

    I pray that God will continue to guide you toward the truth.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ July 06 2007,08:05)
    Hi CO,

    You seem to be alone in your perceptions here.
    Perhaps other could help you grasp these things?

    They could, if they included scripture, though not 'the gospel of Nick', (no scripture needed then)


    Hi CO,
    You refused the eternal gospel. The rest is useless philosophy

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