Christians not embracing the end time

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  • #366330

    “Why don't Jews believe in Jesus?” Let's understand why ― not in order to disparage other religions, but rather to clarify the Jewish position.

    Jews do not accept Jesus as the messiah because:

    Jesus did not fulfill the messianic prophecies.
    Jesus did not embody the personal qualifications of the Messiah.
    Biblical verses “referring” to Jesus are mistranslations.
    Jewish belief is based on national revelation.

    But first, some background: What exactly is the Messiah?
    The word “Messiah” is an English rendering of the Hebrew word Mashiach, which means “anointed.” It usually refers to a person initiated into God's service by being anointed with oil. (Exodus 29:7, 1-Kings 1:39, 2-Kings 9:3)
    1. Jesus Did Not Fulfill the Messianic Prophecies
    What is the Messiah supposed to accomplish? One of the central themes of biblical prophecy is the promise of a future age of perfection characterized by universal peace and recognition of God. (Isaiah 2:1-4, 32:15-18, 60:15-18; Zephaniah 3:9; Hosea 2:20-22; Amos 9:13-15; Micah 4:1-4; Zechariah 8:23, 14:9; Jeremiah 31:33-34)
    Specifically, the Bible says he will:

    Build the Third Temple (Ezekiel 37:26-28).
    Gather all Jews back to the Land of Israel (Isaiah 43:5-6).
    Usher in an era of world peace, and end all hatred, oppression, suffering and disease. As it says: “Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall man learn war anymore.” (Isaiah 2:4)

    Spread universal knowledge of the God of Israel, which will unite humanity as one. As it says: “God will be King over all the world ― on that day, God will be One and His Name will be One” (Zechariah 14:9).
    If an individual fails to fulfill even one of these conditions, then he cannot be the Messiah.

    Because no one has ever fulfilled the Bible's description of this future King, Jews still await the coming of the Messiah. All past Messianic claimants, including Jesus of Nazareth, Bar Cochba and Shabbtai Tzvi have been rejected.

    Christians counter that Jesus will fulfill these in the Second Coming. Jewish sources show that the Messiah will fulfill the prophecies outright; in the Bible no concept of a second coming exists.

    2) Jesus Did Not Embody the Personal Qualifications of Messiah

    A. Messiah as Prophet

    The Messiah will become the greatest prophet in history, second only to Moses. (Targum – Isaiah 11:2; Maimonides – Yad Teshuva 9:2)
    Prophecy can only exist in Israel when the land is inhabited by a majority of world Jewry, a situation which has not existed since 300 BCE. During the time of Ezra, when the majority of Jews remained in Babylon, prophecy ended upon the death of the last prophets ― Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi.

    Jesus appeared on the scene approximately 350 years after prophecy had ended, and thus could not be a prophet.

    B. Descendent of David

    Many prophetic passages speak of a descendant of King David who will rule Israel during the age of perfection. (Isaiah 11:1-9; Jeremiah 23:5-6, 30:7-10, 33:14-16; Ezekiel 34:11-31, 37:21-28; Hosea 3:4-5)
    The Messiah must be descended on his father's side from King David (see Genesis 49:10, Isaiah 11:1, Jeremiah 23:5, 33:17; Ezekiel 34:23-24). According to the Christian claim that Jesus was the product of a virgin birth, he had no father ― and thus could not have possibly fulfilled the messianic requirement of being descended on his father's side from King David. (1)

    According to Jewish sources, the Messiah will be born of human parents and possess normal physical attributes like other people. He will not be a demi-god, (2) nor will he possess supernatural qualities.

    C. Torah Observance

    The Messiah will lead the Jewish people to full Torah observance. The Torah states that all mitzvot remain binding forever, and anyone coming to change the Torah is immediately identified as a false prophet. (Deut. 13:1-4)

    Throughout the New Testament, Jesus contradicts the Torah and states that its commandments are no longer applicable. For example, John 9:14 records that Jesus made a paste in violation of Shabbat, which caused the Pharisees to say (verse 16), “He does not observe Shabbat!”

    3) Mistranslated Verses “Referring” to Jesus

    Biblical verses can only be understood by studying the original Hebrew text ― which reveals many discrepancies in the Christian translation.

    A. Virgin Birth

    The Christian idea of a virgin birth is derived from the verse in Isaiah 7:14 describing an “alma” as giving birth. The word “alma” has always meant a young woman, but Christian theologians came centuries later and translated it as “virgin.” This accords Jesus' birth with the first century pagan idea of mortals being impregnated by gods.

    B. Suffering Servant
    Christianity claims that Isaiah chapter 53 refers to Jesus, as the “suffering servant.”

    In actuality, Isaiah 53 directly follows the theme of chapter 52, describing the exile and redemption of the Jewish people. The prophecies are written in the singular form because the Jews (“Israel”) are regarded as one unit. Throughout Jewish scripture, Israel is repeatedly called, in the singular, the “Servant of God” (see Isaiah 43:8). In fact, Isaiah states no less than 11 times in the chapters prior to 53 that the Servant of God is Israel.

    When read correctly, Isaiah 53 clearly [and ironically] refers to the Jewish people being “bruised, crushed and as sheep brought to slaughter” at the hands of the nations of the world. These descriptions are used throughout Jewish scripture to graphically describe the suffering of the Jewish people (see Psalm 44).

    Isaiah 53 concludes that when the Jewish people are redeemed, the nations will recognize and accept responsibility for the inordinate suffering and death of the Jews.
    4) Jewish Belief is Based Solely on National Revelation

    Throughout history, thousands of religions have been started by individuals, attempting to convince people that he or she is God's true prophet. But personal revelation is an extremely weak basis for a religion because one can never know if it is indeed true. Since others did not hear God speak to this person, they have to take his word for it. Even if the individual claiming personal revelation performs miracles, they do not prove he is a genuine prophet. All the miracles show ― assuming they are genuine ― is that he has certain powers. It has nothing to do with his claim of prophecy.

    Judaism, unique among all of the world's major religions, does not rely on “claims of miracles” as the basis for its religion. In fact, the Bible says that God sometimes grants the power of “miracles” to charlatans, in order to test Jewish loyalty to the Torah (Deut. 13:4).

    Of the thousands of religions in human history, only Judaism bases its belief on national revelation ― i.e. God speaking to the entire nation. If God is going to start a religion, it makes sense He'll tell everyone, not just one person.

    Maimonides states (Foundations of Torah, ch. 8):
    The Jews did not believe in Moses, our teacher, because of the miracles he performed. Whenever anyone's belief is based on seeing miracles, he has lingering doubts, because it is possible the miracles were performed through magic or sorcery. All of the miracles performed by Moses in the desert were because they were necessary, and not as proof of his prophecy.

    What then was the basis of [Jewish] belief? The Revelation at Mount Sinai, which we saw with our own eyes and heard with our own ears, not dependent on the testimony of others… as it says, “Face to face, God spoke with you…” The Torah also states: “God did not make this covenant with our fathers, but with us ― who are all here alive today.” (Deut. 5:3)

    Judaism is not miracles. It is the personal eyewitness experience of every man, woman and child, standing at Mount Sinai 3,300 years ago.
    For further reading: “Did God S
    peak at Mount Sinai?”

    Waiting for the Messiah

    The world is in desperate need of Messianic redemption. To the extent that we are aware of the problems of society, is the extent we will yearn for redemption. As the Talmud says, one of the first questions asked of a Jew on Judgment Day is: “Did you yearn for the arrival of the Messiah?”
    How can we hasten the coming of the Messiah? The best way is to love all humanity generously, to keep the mitzvot of the Torah (as best we can), and to encourage others to do so as well.

    Despite the gloom, the world does seem headed toward redemption. One apparent sign is that the Jewish people have returned to the Land of Israel and made it bloom again. Additionally, a major movement is afoot of young Jews returning to Torah tradition.

    The Messiah can come any day, and it all depends on our actions. God is ready when we are. For as King David says: “Redemption will come today ― if you hearken to His voice.”

    For further study: • Jews for Judaism
    • “The Real Messiah,” by Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan
    • “Let's Get Biblical! Why Doesn't Judaism Accept the Christian Messiah?,” by Rabbi Tovia Singer
    • “The Path of the Righteous Gentile,” by Chaim Clorfene and Yakov Rogalsky

    (1) In response, it is claimed that Joseph adopted Jesus, and passed on his genealogy via adoption. There are two problems with this claim:
    a) There is no biblical basis for the idea of a father passing on his tribal line by adoption. A priest who adopts a son from another tribe cannot make him a priest by adoption.

    b) Joseph could never pass on by adoption that which he doesn't have. Because Joseph descended from Jeconiah (Matthew 1:11) he fell under the curse of that king that none of his descendants could ever sit as king upon the throne of David. (Jeremiah 22:30; 36:30)


    Quote (Colter @ Jan. 05 2014,13:16)
    “Why don't Jews believe in Jesus?” Let's understand why ― not in order to disparage other religions, but rather to clarify the Jewish position.

    Jews do not accept Jesus as the messiah because:

    Jesus did not fulfill the messianic prophecies.
    Jesus did not embody the personal qualifications of the Messiah.
    Biblical verses “referring” to Jesus are mistranslations.
    Jewish belief is based on national revelation.

    But first, some background: What exactly is the Messiah?
    The word “Messiah” is an English rendering of the Hebrew word Mashiach, which means “anointed.” It usually refers to a person initiated into God's service by being anointed with oil. (Exodus 29:7, 1-Kings 1:39, 2-Kings 9:3)
    1. Jesus Did Not Fulfill the Messianic Prophecies
    What is the Messiah supposed to accomplish? One of the central themes of biblical prophecy is the promise of a future age of perfection characterized by universal peace and recognition of God. (Isaiah 2:1-4, 32:15-18, 60:15-18; Zephaniah 3:9; Hosea 2:20-22; Amos 9:13-15; Micah 4:1-4; Zechariah 8:23, 14:9; Jeremiah 31:33-34)
    Specifically, the Bible says he will:

    Build the Third Temple (Ezekiel 37:26-28).
    Gather all Jews back to the Land of Israel (Isaiah 43:5-6).
    Usher in an era of world peace, and end all hatred, oppression, suffering and disease. As it says: “Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall man learn war anymore.” (Isaiah 2:4)

    Spread universal knowledge of the God of Israel, which will unite humanity as one. As it says: “God will be King over all the world ― on that day, God will be One and His Name will be One” (Zechariah 14:9).
    If an individual fails to fulfill even one of these conditions, then he cannot be the Messiah.

    Because no one has ever fulfilled the Bible's description of this future King, Jews still await the coming of the Messiah. All past Messianic claimants, including Jesus of Nazareth, Bar Cochba and Shabbtai Tzvi have been rejected.

    Christians counter that Jesus will fulfill these in the Second Coming. Jewish sources show that the Messiah will fulfill the prophecies outright; in the Bible no concept of a second coming exists.

    2) Jesus Did Not Embody the Personal Qualifications of Messiah

    A. Messiah as Prophet

    The Messiah will become the greatest prophet in history, second only to Moses. (Targum – Isaiah 11:2; Maimonides – Yad Teshuva 9:2)
    Prophecy can only exist in Israel when the land is inhabited by a majority of world Jewry, a situation which has not existed since 300 BCE. During the time of Ezra, when the majority of Jews remained in Babylon, prophecy ended upon the death of the last prophets ― Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi.

    Jesus appeared on the scene approximately 350 years after prophecy had ended, and thus could not be a prophet.

    B. Descendent of David

    Many prophetic passages speak of a descendant of King David who will rule Israel during the age of perfection. (Isaiah 11:1-9; Jeremiah 23:5-6, 30:7-10, 33:14-16; Ezekiel 34:11-31, 37:21-28; Hosea 3:4-5)
    The Messiah must be descended on his father's side from King David (see Genesis 49:10, Isaiah 11:1, Jeremiah 23:5, 33:17; Ezekiel 34:23-24). According to the Christian claim that Jesus was the product of a virgin birth, he had no father ― and thus could not have possibly fulfilled the messianic requirement of being descended on his father's side from King David. (1)

    According to Jewish sources, the Messiah will be born of human parents and possess normal physical attributes like other people. He will not be a demi-god, (2) nor will he possess supernatural qualities.

    C. Torah Observance

    The Messiah will lead the Jewish people to full Torah observance. The Torah states that all mitzvot remain binding forever, and anyone coming to change the Torah is immediately identified as a false prophet. (Deut. 13:1-4)

    Throughout the New Testament, Jesus contradicts the Torah and states that its commandments are no longer applicable. For example, John 9:14 records that Jesus made a paste in violation of Shabbat, which caused the Pharisees to say (verse 16), “He does not observe Shabbat!”

    3) Mistranslated Verses “Referring” to Jesus

    Biblical verses can only be understood by studying the original Hebrew text ― which reveals many discrepancies in the Christian translation.

    A. Virgin Birth

    The Christian idea of a virgin birth is derived from the verse in Isaiah 7:14 describing an “alma” as giving birth. The word “alma” has always meant a young woman, but Christian theologians came centuries later and translated it as “virgin.” This accords Jesus' birth with the first century pagan idea of mortals being impregnated by gods.

    B. Suffering Servant
    Christianity claims that Isaiah chapter 53 refers to Jesus, as the “suffering servant.”

    In actuality, Isaiah 53 directly follows the theme of chapter 52, describing the exile and redemption of the Jewish people. The prophecies are written in the singular form because the Jews (“Israel”) are regarded as one unit. Throughout Jewish scripture, Israel is repeatedly called, in the singular, the “Servant of God” (see Isaiah 43:8). In fact, Isaiah states no less than 11 times in the chapters prior to 53 that the Servant of God is Israel.

    When read correctly, Isaiah 53 clearly [and ironically] refers to the Jewish people being “bruised, crushed and as sheep brought to slaughter” at the hands of the nations of the world. These descriptions are used throughout Jewish scripture to graphically describe the suffering of the Jewish people (see Psalm 44).

    Isaiah 53 concludes that when the Jewish people are redeemed, the nations will recognize and accept responsibility for the inordinate suffering and death of the Jews.
    4) Jewish Belief is Based Solely on National Revelation

    Throughout history, thousands of religions have been started by individuals, attempting to convince people that he or she is God's true prophet. But personal revelation is an extremely weak basis for a religion because one can never know if it is indeed true. Since others did not hear God speak to this person, they have to take his word for it. Even if the individual claiming personal revelation performs miracles, they do not prove  he is a genuine prophet. All the miracles show ― assuming they are genuine ― is that he has certain powers. It has nothing to do with his claim of prophecy.

    Judaism, unique among all of the world's major religions, does not rely on “claims of miracles” as the basis for its religion. In fact, the Bible says that God sometimes grants the power of “miracles” to charlatans, in order to test Jewish loyalty to the Torah (Deut. 13:4).

    Of the thousands of religions in human history, only Judaism bases its belief on national revelation ― i.e. God speaking to the entire nation. If God is going to start a religion, it makes sense He'll tell everyone, not just one person.

    Maimonides states (Foundations of Torah, ch. 8):
    The Jews did not believe in Moses, our teacher, because of the miracles he performed. Whenever anyone's belief is based on seeing miracles, he has lingering doubts, because it is possible the miracles were performed through magic or sorcery. All of the miracles performed by Moses in the desert were because they were necessary, and not as proof of his prophecy.

    What then was the basis of [Jewish] belief? The Revelation at Mount Sinai, which we saw with our own eyes and heard with our own ears, not dependent on the testimony of others… as it says, “Face to face, God spoke with you…” The Torah also states: “God did not make this covenant with our fathers, but with us ― who
    are all here alive today.” (Deut. 5:3)

    Judaism is not miracles. It is the personal eyewitness experience of every man, woman and child, standing at Mount Sinai 3,300 years ago.
    For further reading: “Did God Speak at Mount Sinai?”

    Waiting for the Messiah

    The world is in desperate need of Messianic redemption. To the extent that we are aware of the problems of society, is the extent we will yearn for redemption. As the Talmud says, one of the first questions asked of a Jew on Judgment Day is: “Did you yearn for the arrival of the Messiah?”
    How can we hasten the coming of the Messiah? The best way is to love all humanity generously, to keep the mitzvot of the Torah (as best we can), and to encourage others to do so as well.

    Despite the gloom, the world does seem headed toward redemption. One apparent sign is that the Jewish people have returned to the Land of Israel and made it bloom again. Additionally, a major movement is afoot of young Jews returning to Torah tradition.

    The Messiah can come any day, and it all depends on our actions. God is ready when we are. For as King David says: “Redemption will come today ― if you hearken to His voice.”

    For further study: • Jews for Judaism
    • “The Real Messiah,” by Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan
    • “Let's Get Biblical! Why Doesn't Judaism Accept the Christian Messiah?,” by Rabbi Tovia Singer
    • “The Path of the Righteous Gentile,” by Chaim Clorfene and Yakov Rogalsky

    (1) In response, it is claimed that Joseph adopted Jesus, and passed on his genealogy via adoption. There are two problems with this claim:
    a) There is no biblical basis for the idea of a father passing on his tribal line by adoption. A priest who adopts a son from another tribe cannot make him a priest by adoption.

    b) Joseph could never pass on by adoption that which he doesn't have. Because Joseph descended from Jeconiah (Matthew 1:11) he fell under the curse of that king that none of his descendants could ever sit as king upon the throne of David. (Jeremiah 22:30; 36:30)


    Jesus had 23 chromosomes of mary,and she is of the tibe of Judah.
    The old testament fulfilled Jesus first Coming.
    He was also mentioned by Enoch.

    He came to the jews,but they received him not.
    The jewish rabies are ANTICHRISTS,and you believe
    their story rather than God's.

    Who is the author of the UB,can you tell me?



    I provided the proof as to why the Jews reject Jesus as their Messiah based on the scripture, which they claim God wrote.

    Jesus wasn't the Jewish Messiah, he was, and still is, the Son of God, creator of heaven and earth.

    When the Hebrews rewrote the Torah books they created a mess out of national egotism.

    Had they but interpreted their calling spiritually instead of materially they would have been better prepared in theology to receive the predicted deliverer.

    *the authors of the Urantia Papers are listed in the book, each paper.



    Quote (Colter @ Jan. 05 2014,21:00)
    I provided the proof as to why the Jews reject Jesus as their Messiah based on the scripture, which they claim God wrote.

    Jesus wasn't the Jewish Messiah, he was, and still is, the Son of God, creator of heaven and earth.

    When the Hebrews rewrote the Torah books they created a mess out of national egotism.

    Had they but interpreted their calling spiritually instead of materially they would have been better prepared in theology to receive the predicted deliverer.

    *the authors of the Urantia Papers are listed in the book, each paper.



    1.The jews rejected Jesus because He was born in
    bethlehem,a small town next to them. They expected a
    king coming in glory;not riding on a donkey.
    A king with a gold crown and jewels on his head.
    (the king of the jews).

    2. Jesus came to his own(israel). He created israel in Egypt.
    They rejected Him;but he still loves them.all
    things are created by Him.
    He will come back again to them,when he is finished with
    the gentiles.They are blinded;untill the fulness of the
    gentiles be come in.

    3.The Torah is not a mess. It appears to be in a
    mess,because you have adopted another philosophy.
    You are comparing appels to banana's,and the appels
    Look, and taste strange.
    You can only go by roumors;no facts.(no solid proof).

    4.The jews made an error of judgement regarding the
    Messiah. They also have killed all the Holy prophets
    *Because their deeds are evil from the beginning*.

    5. I bet you; the UB papers are written by jews.
    Can you list their names if possible?



    Quote (Wakeup @ Jan. 06 2014,07:23)

    Quote (Colter @ Jan. 05 2014,21:00)
    I provided the proof as to why the Jews reject Jesus as their Messiah based on the scripture, which they claim God wrote.

    Jesus wasn't the Jewish Messiah, he was, and still is, the Son of God, creator of heaven and earth.

    When the Hebrews rewrote the Torah books they created a mess out of national egotism.

    Had they but interpreted their calling spiritually instead of materially they would have been better prepared in theology to receive the predicted deliverer.

    *the authors of the Urantia Papers are listed in the book, each paper.



    1.The jews rejected Jesus because He was born in
      bethlehem,a small town next to them. They expected a
      king coming in glory;not riding on a donkey.
      A king with a gold crown and jewels on his head.
      (the king of the jews).

    2. Jesus came to his own(israel). He created israel in Egypt.
       They rejected Him;but he still loves them.all
       things are created by Him.
       He will come back again to them,when he is finished with
       the gentiles.They are blinded;untill the fulness of the
       gentiles be come in.

    3.The Torah is not a mess. It appears to be in a
      mess,because you have adopted another philosophy.
      You are comparing appels to banana's,and the appels
      Look, and taste strange.
      You can only go by roumors;no facts.(no solid proof).

    4.The jews made an error of judgement regarding the
      Messiah. They also have killed all the Holy prophets
      *Because their deeds are evil from the beginning*.

    5. I bet you; the UB papers are written by jews.
       Can you list their names if possible?


    The Jews rejected Jesus based on the OT scripture which I provided, but you are a moron as well as dishonest so you can't see the truth nor admit it.



    Quote (Colter @ Jan. 06 2014,07:35)

    Quote (Wakeup @ Jan. 06 2014,07:23)

    Quote (Colter @ Jan. 05 2014,21:00)
    I provided the proof as to why the Jews reject Jesus as their Messiah based on the scripture, which they claim God wrote.

    Jesus wasn't the Jewish Messiah, he was, and still is, the Son of God, creator of heaven and earth.

    When the Hebrews rewrote the Torah books they created a mess out of national egotism.

    Had they but interpreted their calling spiritually instead of materially they would have been better prepared in theology to receive the predicted deliverer.

    *the authors of the Urantia Papers are listed in the book, each paper.



    1.The jews rejected Jesus because He was born in
      bethlehem,a small town next to them. They expected a
      king coming in glory;not riding on a donkey.
      A king with a gold crown and jewels on his head.
      (the king of the jews).

    2. Jesus came to his own(israel). He created israel in Egypt.
       They rejected Him;but he still loves them.all
       things are created by Him.
       He will come back again to them,when he is finished with
       the gentiles.They are blinded;untill the fulness of the
       gentiles be come in.

    3.The Torah is not a mess. It appears to be in a
      mess,because you have adopted another philosophy.
      You are comparing appels to banana's,and the appels
      Look, and taste strange.
      You can only go by roumors;no facts.(no solid proof).

    4.The jews made an error of judgement regarding the
      Messiah. They also have killed all the Holy prophets
      *Because their deeds are evil from the beginning*.

    5. I bet you; the UB papers are written by jews.
       Can you list their names if possible?


    The Jews rejected Jesus based on the OT scripture which I provided, but you are a moron as well as dishonest so you can't see the truth nor admit it.



    Can you provide us with the names of those authors?



    001. The Universal Father . Divine Counselor
    002. The Nature of God . Divine Counselor
    003. The Attributes of God . Divine Counselor
    004. God’s Relation to the Universe . Divine Counselor
    005. God’s Relation to the Individual . Divine Counselor
    006. The Eternal Son . Divine Counselor
    007. Relation of the Eternal Son to the Universe . Divine Counselor
    008. The Infinite Spirit . Divine Counselor
    009. Relation of the Infinite Spirit to the Universe . Divine Counselor
    010. The Paradise Trinity . Universal Censor
    011. The Eternal Isle of Paradise . Perfector of Wisdom
    012. The Universe of Universes . Perfector of Wisdom
    013. The Sacred Spheres of Paradise . Perfector of Wisdom
    014. The Central and Divine Universe . Perfector of Wisdom
    015. The Seven Superuniverses . Universal Censor
    016. The Seven Master Spirits . Universal Censor
    017. The Seven Supreme Spirit Groups . Divine Counselor
    018. The Supreme Trinity Personalities . Divine Counselor
    019. The Co-ordinate Trinity-Origin Beings . Divine Counselor
    020. The Paradise Sons of God . Perfector of Wisdom
    021. The Paradise Creator Sons . Perfector of Wisdom
    022. The Trinitized Sons of God . Mighty Messenger
    023. The Solitary Messengers . Divine Counselor
    024. Higher Personalities of the Infinite Spirit . Divine Counselor
    025. The Messenger Hosts of Space . One High in Authority
    026. Ministering Spirits of the Central Universe . Perfector of Wisdom
    027. Ministry of the Primary Supernaphim . Perfector of Wisdom
    028. Ministering Spirits of the Superuniverses . Mighty Messenger
    029. The Universe Power Directors . Universal Censor
    030. Personalities of the Grand Universe . Mighty Messenger
    031. The Corps of the Finality . Divine Counselor and One Without Name and Number

    PART II.
    The Local Universe

    032. The Evolution of Local Universes . Mighty Messenger
    033. Administration of the Local Universe . Chief of Archangels
    034. The Local Universe Mother Spirit . Mighty Messenger
    035. The Local Universe Sons of God . Chief of Archangels
    036. The Life Carriers . Vorondadek Son
    037. Personalities of the Local Universe . Brilliant Evening Star
    038. Ministering Spirits of the Local Universe . Melchizedek
    039. The Seraphic Hosts . Melchizedek
    040. The Ascending Sons of God . Mighty Messenger
    041. Physical Aspects of the Local Universe . Archangel
    042. Energy — Mind and Matter . Mighty Messenger
    043. The Constellations . Malavatia Melchizedek
    044. The Celestial Artisans . Archangel
    045. The Local System Administration . Melchizedek
    046. The Local System Headquarters . Archangel
    047. The Seven Mansion Worlds . Brilliant Evening Star
    048. The Morontia Life . Archangel
    049. The Inhabited Worlds . Melchizedek
    050. The Planetary Princes . Secondary Lanonandek
    051. The Planetary Adams . Secondary Lanonandek
    052. Planetary Mortal Epochs . Mighty Messenger
    053. The Lucifer Rebellion . Manovandet Melchizedek
    054. Problems of the Lucifer Rebellion . Mighty Messenger
    055. The Spheres of Light and Life . Mighty Messenger
    056. Universal Unity . Mighty Messenger and Machiventa Melchizedek

    The History of Urantia

    057. The Origin of Urantia . Life Carrier
    058. Life Establishment on Urantia . Life Carrier
    059. The Marine-Life Era on Urantia . Life Carrier
    060. Urantia During the Early Land-Life Era . Life Carrier
    061. The Mammalian Era on Urantia . Life Carrier
    062. The Dawn Races of Early Man . Life Carrier
    063. The First Human Family . Life Carrier
    064. The Evolutionary Races of Color . Life Carrier
    065. The Overcontrol of Evolution . Life Carrier
    066. The Planetary Prince of Urantia . Melchizedek
    067. The Planetary Rebellion . Melchizedek
    068. The Dawn of Civilization . Melchizedek
    069. Primitive Human Institutions . Melchizedek
    070. The Evolution of Human Government . Melchizedek
    071. Development of the State . Melchizedek
    072. Government on a Neighboring Planet . Melchizedek
    073. The Garden of Eden . Solonia
    074. Adam and Eve . Solonia
    075. The Default of Adam and Eve . Solonia
    076. The Second Garden . Solonia
    077. The Midway Creatures . Archangel
    078. The Violet Race after the Days of Adam . Archangel
    079. Andite Expansion in the Orient . Archangel
    080. Andite Expansion in the Occident . Archangel
    081. Development of Modern Civilization . Archangel
    082. The Evolution of Marriage . Chief of Seraphim
    083. The Marriage Institution . Chief of Seraphim
    084. Marriage and Family Life . Chief of Seraphim
    085. The Origins of Worship . Brilliant Evening Star
    086. Early Evolution of Religion . Brilliant Evening Star
    087. The Ghost Cults . Brilliant Evening Star
    088. Fetishes, Charms, and Magic . Brilliant Evening Star
    089. Sin, Sacrifice, and Atonement . Brilliant Evening Star
    090. Shamanism — Medicine Men and Priests . Melchizedek
    091. The Evolution of Prayer . Chief of Midwayers
    092. The Later Evolution of Religion . Melchizedek
    093. Machiventa Melchizedek . Melchizedek
    094. The Melchizedek Teachings in the Orient . Melchizedek
    095. The Melchizedek Teachings in the Levant . Melchizedek
    096. Yahweh — God of the Hebrews . Melchizedek
    097. Evolution of the God Concept among the Hebrews . Melchizedek
    098. The Melchizedek Teachings in the Occident . Melchizedek
    099. The Social Problems of Religion . Melchizedek
    100. Religion in Human Experience . Melchizedek
    101. The Real Nature of Religion . Melchizedek
    102. The Foundations of Religious Faith . Melchizedek
    103. The Reality of Religious Experience . Melchizedek
    104. Growth of the Trinity Concept . Melchizedek
    105. Deity and Reality . Melchizedek
    106. Universe Levels of Reality . Melchizedek
    107. Origin and Nature of Thought Adjusters . Solitary Messenger
    108. Mission and Ministry of Thought Adjusters . Solitary Messenger
    109. Relation of Adjusters to Universe Creatures . Solitary Messenger
    110. Relation of Adjusters to Individual Mortals . Solitary Messenger
    111. The Adjuster and the Soul . Solitary Messenger
    112. Personality Survival . Solitary Messenger
    113. Seraphic Guardians of Destiny . Chief of Seraphim
    114. Seraphic Planetary Government . Chief of Seraphim
    115. The Supreme Being . Mighty Messenger
    116. The Almighty Supreme . Mighty Messenger
    117. God the Supreme . Mighty Messenger
    118. Supreme and Ultimate — Time and Space . Mighty Messenger
    119. The Bestowals of Christ Michael . Chief of Evening Stars

    PART IV.
    The Life and Teachings of Jesus

    120. The Bestowal of Michael on Urantia . Mantutia Melchizedek
    121. The Times of Michael’s Bestowal . Midwayer Commission
    122. Birth and Infancy of Jesus . Midwayer Commission
    123. The Early Childhood of Jesus . Midwayer Commission
    124. The Later Childhood of Jesus . Midwayer Commission
    125. Jesus at Jerusalem . Midwayer Commission
    126. The Two Crucial Years . Midwayer Commission
    127. The Adolescent Years . Midwayer Commission
    128. Jesus’ Early Manhood . Midwayer Commission
    129. The Later Adult Life of Jesus . Midwayer Commission
    130. On the Way to Rome . Midwayer Commission
    131. The World’s Religions . Midwayer Commission
    132. The Sojourn at Rome . Midwayer Commission
    133. The Return from Rome . Midwayer Commission
    134. The Transition Years . Midwayer Commission
    135. John the Baptist . Midwayer Commission
    136. Baptism and the Forty Days . Midwayer Commission
    137. Tarrying Time in Galilee . Midwayer Commission
    138. Training the Kingdom’s Messengers . Midwayer Commission
    139. The Twelve Apostles . Midwayer Commission
    140. The Ordination of the Twelve . Midwayer Commission
    141. Beginning the Public Work . Midwayer Commission
    142. The Passover at Jerusalem . Midwayer Commi
    143. Going Through Samaria . Midwayer Commission
    144. At Gilboa and in the Decapolis . Midwayer Commission
    145. Four Eventful Days at Capernaum . Midwayer Commission
    146. First Preaching Tour of Galilee . Midwayer Commission
    147. The Interlude Visit to Jerusalem . Midwayer Commission
    148. Training Evangelists at Bethsaida . Midwayer Commission
    149. The Second Preaching Tour . Midwayer Commission
    150. The Third Preaching Tour . Midwayer Commission
    151. Tarrying and Teaching by the Seaside . Midwayer Commission
    152. Events Leading up to the Capernaum Crisis . Midwayer Commission
    153. The Crisis at Capernaum . Midwayer Commission
    154. Last Days at Capernaum . Midwayer Commission
    155. Fleeing Through Northern Galilee . Midwayer Commission
    156. The Sojourn at Tyre and Sidon . Midwayer Commission
    157. At Caesarea-Philippi . Midwayer Commission
    158. The Mount of Transfiguration . Midwayer Commission
    159. The Decapolis Tour . Midwayer Commission
    160. Rodan of Alexandria . Midwayer Commission
    161. Further Discussions with Rodan . Midwayer Commission
    162. At the Feast of Tabernacles . Midwayer Commission
    163. Ordination of the Seventy at Magadan . Midwayer Commission
    164. At the Feast of Dedication . Midwayer Commission
    165. The Perean Mission Begins . Midwayer Commission
    166. Last Visit to Northern Perea . Midwayer Commission
    167. The Visit to Philadelphia . Midwayer Commission
    168. The Resurrection of Lazarus . Midwayer Commission
    169. Last Teaching at Pella . Midwayer Commission
    170. The Kingdom of Heaven . Midwayer Commission
    171. On the Way to Jerusalem . Midwayer Commission
    172. Going into Jerusalem . Midwayer Commission
    173. Monday in Jerusalem . Midwayer Commission
    174. Tuesday Morning in the Temple . Midwayer Commission
    175. The Last Temple Discourse . Midwayer Commission
    176. Tuesday Evening on Mount Olivet . Midwayer Commission
    177. Wednesday, the Rest Day . Midwayer Commission
    178. Last Day at the Camp . Midwayer Commission
    179. The Last Supper . Midwayer Commission
    180. The Farewell Discourse . Midwayer Commission
    181. Final Admonitions and Warnings . Midwayer Commission
    182. In Gethsemane . Midwayer Commission
    183. The Betrayal and Arrest of Jesus . Midwayer Commission
    184. Before the Sanhedrin Court . Midwayer Commission
    185. The Trial Before Pilate . Midwayer Commission
    186. Just Before the Crucifixion . Midwayer Commission
    187. The Crucifixion . Midwayer Commission
    188. The Time of the Tomb . Midwayer Commission
    189. The Resurrection . Midwayer Commission
    190. Morontia Appearances of Jesus . Midwayer Commission
    191. Appearances to the Apostles and Other Leaders . Midwayer Commission
    192. Appearances in Galilee . Midwayer Commission
    193. Final Appearances and Ascension . Midwayer Commission
    194. Bestowal of the Spirit of Truth . Midwayer Commission
    195. After Pentecost . Midwayer Commission
    196. The Faith of Jesus . Midwayer Commission


    Now that the Christian church can no longer kill people who ask questions about the authors of the bible real scholarship can be conducted.


    Main article: Documentary hypothesis
    For much of the 20th century most scholars agreed that the five books of the Pentateuch—Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy—came from four sources, the Yahwist, the Elohist, the Deuteronomist and the Priestly source, each telling the same basic story, and joined together by various editors.[10] Since the 1970s there has been a revolution in scholarship: the Elohist source is now widely regarded as no more than a variation on the Yahwist, while the Priestly source is increasingly seen not as a document but as a body of revisions and expansions to the Yahwist (or “non-Priestly”) material. (The Deuteronomistic source does not appear in Genesis).[11]
    In composing the Patriarchal history the Yahwist drew on four separate blocks of traditional stories about Abraham, Jacob, Judah and Joseph, combining them with genealogies, itineraries and the “promise” theme to create a unified whole.[12] Similarly, when composing the “primeval history” he drew on Greek and Mesopotamian sources, editing and adding to them to create a unified work that fit his theological agenda.[13] The Yahwistic work was then revised and expanded into the final edition by the authors of the Priestly source.[14]
    This leaves the question of when these works were created. Scholars in the first half of the 20th century came to the conclusion that the Yahwist was produced in the monarchic period, specifically at the court of Solomon, and the Priestly work in the middle of the 5th century BC (the author was even identified as Ezra), but more recent thinking is that the Yahwist was written either just before or during the Babylonian exile of the 6th century, and the Priestly final edition was made late in the Exilic period or soon after.[5]
    As for why the book was created, a theory which has gained considerable interest, although still controversial is “Persian imperial authorisation”. This proposes that the Persians, after their conquest of Babylon in 538 BC, agreed to grant Jerusalem a large measure of local autonomy within the empire, but required the local authorities to produce a single law code accepted by the entire community. The two powerful groups making up the community—the priestly families who controlled the Temple and who traced their origin to Moses and the wilderness wanderings, and the major landowning families who made up the “elders” and who traced their own origins to Abraham, who had “given” them the land—were in conflict over many issues, and each had its own “history of origins”, but the Persian promise of greatly increased local autonomy for all provided a powerful incentive to cooperate in producing a single text.[15]



    Quote (Colter @ Jan. 06 2014,21:56)
    001. The Universal Father . Divine Counselor
    002. The Nature of God . Divine Counselor
    003. The Attributes of God . Divine Counselor
    004. God’s Relation to the Universe . Divine Counselor
    005. God’s Relation to the Individual . Divine Counselor
    006. The Eternal Son . Divine Counselor
    007. Relation of the Eternal Son to the Universe . Divine Counselor
    008. The Infinite Spirit . Divine Counselor
    009. Relation of the Infinite Spirit to the Universe . Divine Counselor
    010. The Paradise Trinity . Universal Censor
    011. The Eternal Isle of Paradise . Perfector of Wisdom
    012. The Universe of Universes . Perfector of Wisdom
    013. The Sacred Spheres of Paradise . Perfector of Wisdom
    014. The Central and Divine Universe . Perfector of Wisdom
    015. The Seven Superuniverses . Universal Censor
    016. The Seven Master Spirits . Universal Censor
    017. The Seven Supreme Spirit Groups . Divine Counselor
    018. The Supreme Trinity Personalities . Divine Counselor
    019. The Co-ordinate Trinity-Origin Beings . Divine Counselor
    020. The Paradise Sons of God . Perfector of Wisdom
    021. The Paradise Creator Sons . Perfector of Wisdom
    022. The Trinitized Sons of God . Mighty Messenger
    023. The Solitary Messengers . Divine Counselor
    024. Higher Personalities of the Infinite Spirit . Divine Counselor
    025. The Messenger Hosts of Space . One High in Authority
    026. Ministering Spirits of the Central Universe . Perfector of Wisdom
    027. Ministry of the Primary Supernaphim . Perfector of Wisdom
    028. Ministering Spirits of the Superuniverses . Mighty Messenger
    029. The Universe Power Directors . Universal Censor
    030. Personalities of the Grand Universe . Mighty Messenger
    031. The Corps of the Finality . Divine Counselor and One Without Name and Number

    PART II.
    The Local Universe

    032. The Evolution of Local Universes . Mighty Messenger
    033. Administration of the Local Universe . Chief of Archangels
    034. The Local Universe Mother Spirit . Mighty Messenger
    035. The Local Universe Sons of God . Chief of Archangels
    036. The Life Carriers . Vorondadek Son
    037. Personalities of the Local Universe . Brilliant Evening Star
    038. Ministering Spirits of the Local Universe . Melchizedek
    039. The Seraphic Hosts . Melchizedek
    040. The Ascending Sons of God . Mighty Messenger
    041. Physical Aspects of the Local Universe . Archangel
    042. Energy — Mind and Matter . Mighty Messenger
    043. The Constellations . Malavatia Melchizedek
    044. The Celestial Artisans . Archangel
    045. The Local System Administration . Melchizedek
    046. The Local System Headquarters . Archangel
    047. The Seven Mansion Worlds . Brilliant Evening Star
    048. The Morontia Life . Archangel
    049. The Inhabited Worlds . Melchizedek
    050. The Planetary Princes . Secondary Lanonandek
    051. The Planetary Adams . Secondary Lanonandek
    052. Planetary Mortal Epochs . Mighty Messenger
    053. The Lucifer Rebellion . Manovandet Melchizedek
    054. Problems of the Lucifer Rebellion . Mighty Messenger
    055. The Spheres of Light and Life . Mighty Messenger
    056. Universal Unity . Mighty Messenger and Machiventa Melchizedek

    The History of Urantia

    057. The Origin of Urantia . Life Carrier
    058. Life Establishment on Urantia . Life Carrier
    059. The Marine-Life Era on Urantia . Life Carrier
    060. Urantia During the Early Land-Life Era . Life Carrier
    061. The Mammalian Era on Urantia . Life Carrier
    062. The Dawn Races of Early Man . Life Carrier
    063. The First Human Family . Life Carrier
    064. The Evolutionary Races of Color . Life Carrier
    065. The Overcontrol of Evolution . Life Carrier
    066. The Planetary Prince of Urantia . Melchizedek
    067. The Planetary Rebellion . Melchizedek
    068. The Dawn of Civilization . Melchizedek
    069. Primitive Human Institutions . Melchizedek
    070. The Evolution of Human Government . Melchizedek
    071. Development of the State . Melchizedek
    072. Government on a Neighboring Planet . Melchizedek
    073. The Garden of Eden . Solonia
    074. Adam and Eve . Solonia
    075. The Default of Adam and Eve . Solonia
    076. The Second Garden . Solonia
    077. The Midway Creatures . Archangel
    078. The Violet Race after the Days of Adam . Archangel
    079. Andite Expansion in the Orient . Archangel
    080. Andite Expansion in the Occident . Archangel
    081. Development of Modern Civilization . Archangel
    082. The Evolution of Marriage . Chief of Seraphim
    083. The Marriage Institution . Chief of Seraphim
    084. Marriage and Family Life . Chief of Seraphim
    085. The Origins of Worship . Brilliant Evening Star
    086. Early Evolution of Religion . Brilliant Evening Star
    087. The Ghost Cults . Brilliant Evening Star
    088. Fetishes, Charms, and Magic . Brilliant Evening Star
    089. Sin, Sacrifice, and Atonement . Brilliant Evening Star
    090. Shamanism — Medicine Men and Priests . Melchizedek
    091. The Evolution of Prayer . Chief of Midwayers
    092. The Later Evolution of Religion . Melchizedek
    093. Machiventa Melchizedek . Melchizedek
    094. The Melchizedek Teachings in the Orient . Melchizedek
    095. The Melchizedek Teachings in the Levant . Melchizedek
    096. Yahweh — God of the Hebrews . Melchizedek
    097. Evolution of the God Concept among the Hebrews . Melchizedek
    098. The Melchizedek Teachings in the Occident . Melchizedek
    099. The Social Problems of Religion . Melchizedek
    100. Religion in Human Experience . Melchizedek
    101. The Real Nature of Religion . Melchizedek
    102. The Foundations of Religious Faith . Melchizedek
    103. The Reality of Religious Experience . Melchizedek
    104. Growth of the Trinity Concept . Melchizedek
    105. Deity and Reality . Melchizedek
    106. Universe Levels of Reality . Melchizedek
    107. Origin and Nature of Thought Adjusters . Solitary Messenger
    108. Mission and Ministry of Thought Adjusters . Solitary Messenger
    109. Relation of Adjusters to Universe Creatures . Solitary Messenger
    110. Relation of Adjusters to Individual Mortals . Solitary Messenger
    111. The Adjuster and the Soul . Solitary Messenger
    112. Personality Survival . Solitary Messenger
    113. Seraphic Guardians of Destiny . Chief of Seraphim
    114. Seraphic Planetary Government . Chief of Seraphim
    115. The Supreme Being . Mighty Messenger
    116. The Almighty Supreme . Mighty Messenger
    117. God the Supreme . Mighty Messenger
    118. Supreme and Ultimate — Time and Space . Mighty Messenger
    119. The Bestowals of Christ Michael . Chief of Evening Stars

    PART IV.
    The Life and Teachings of Jesus

    120. The Bestowal of Michael on Urantia . Mantutia Melchizedek
    121. The Times of Michael’s Bestowal . Midwayer Commission
    122. Birth and Infancy of Jesus . Midwayer Commission
    123. The Early Childhood of Jesus . Midwayer Commission
    124. The Later Childhood of Jesus . Midwayer Commission
    125. Jesus at Jerusalem . Midwayer Commission
    126. The Two Crucial Years . Midwayer Commission
    127. The Adolescent Years . Midwayer Commission
    128. Jesus’ Early Manhood . Midwayer Commission
    129. The Later Adult Life of Jesus . Midwayer Commission
    130. On the Way to Rome . Midwayer Commission
    131. The World’s Religions . Midwayer Commission
    132. The Sojourn at Rome . Midwayer Commission
    133. The Return from Rome . Midwayer Commission
    134. The Transition Years . Midwayer Commission
    135. John the Baptist . Midwayer Commission
    136. Baptism and the Forty Days . Midwayer Commission
    137. Tarrying Time in Galilee . Midwayer Commission
    138. Training the Kingdom’s Messengers . Midwayer Commission
    139. The Twelve Apostles . Midwayer Commission
    140. The Ordination of the Twelve . Midwayer Commission
    141. Beginning the Public Work . Midwayer Commission
    142. The Passover at Jerusalem . Midwayer Commission
    143. Going Through Samaria . Midwayer Commission
    144. At Gilboa and in the Decapolis . Midwayer Commission
    145. Four Eventful Days at Capernaum . Midwayer Commission
    146. First Preaching Tour of Galilee . Midwayer Commission
    147. The Interlude Visit to Jerusalem . Midwayer Commission
    148. Training Evangelists at Bethsaida . Midwayer Commission
    149. The Second Preaching Tour . Midwayer Commission
    150. The Third Preaching Tour . Midwayer Commission
    151. Tarrying and Teaching by the Seaside . Midwayer Commission
    152. Events Leading up to the Capernaum Crisis . Midwayer Commission
    153. The Crisis at Capernaum . Midwayer Commission
    154. Last Days at Capernaum . Midwayer Commission
    155. Fleeing Through Northern Galilee . Midwayer Commission
    156. The Sojourn at Tyre and Sidon . Midwayer Commission
    157. At Caesarea-Philippi . Midwayer Commission
    158. The Mount of Transfiguration . Midwayer Commission
    159. The Decapolis Tour . Midwayer Commission
    160. Rodan of Alexandria . Midwayer Commission
    161. Further Discussions with Rodan . Midwayer Commission
    162. At the Feast of Tabernacles . Midwayer Commission
    163. Ordination of the Seventy at Magadan . Midwayer Commission
    164. At the Feast of Dedication . Midwayer Commission
    165. The Perean Mission Begins . Midwayer Commission
    166. Last Visit to Northern Perea . Midwayer Commission
    167. The Visit to Philadelphia . Midwayer Commission
    168. The Resurrection of Lazarus . Midwayer Commission
    169. Last Teaching at Pella . Midwayer Commission
    170. The Kingdom of Heaven . Midwayer Commission
    171. On the Way to Jerusalem . Midwayer Commission
    172. Going into Jerusalem . Midwayer Commission
    173. Monday in Jerusalem . Midwayer Commission
    174. Tuesday Morning in the Temple . Midwayer Commission
    175. The Last Temple Discourse . Midwayer Commission
    176. Tuesday Evening on Mount Olivet . Midwayer Commission
    177. Wednesday, the Rest Day . Midwayer Commission
    178. Last Day at the Camp . Midwayer Commission
    179. The Last Supper . Midwayer Commission
    180. The Farewell Discourse . Midwayer Commission
    181. Final Admonitions and Warnings . Midwayer Commission
    182. In Gethsemane . Midwayer Commission
    183. The Betrayal and Arrest of Jesus . Midwayer Commission
    184. Before the Sanhedrin Court . Midwayer Commission
    185. The Trial Before Pilate . Midwayer Commission
    186. Just Before the Crucifixion . Midwayer Commission
    187. The Crucifixion . Midwayer Commission
    188. The Time of the Tomb . Midwayer Commission
    189. The Resurrection . Midwayer Commission
    190. Morontia Appearances of Jesus . Midwayer Commission
    191. Appearances to the Apostles and Other Leaders . Midwayer Commission
    192. Appearances in Galilee . Midwayer Commission
    193. Final Appearances and Ascension . Midwayer Commission
    194. Bestowal of the Spirit of Truth . Midwayer Commission
    195. After Pentecost . Midwayer Commission
    196. The Faith of Jesus . Midwayer Commission

    Thank you Colter.

    I noticed only a couple of names mentioned,and mainly
    Mechisedek,and he is definitely a jew.
    Who are these devine couselors, and midwayer commission

    Dont forget: the jews will do anything to do away with the Holy bible.They obviously dont work for God,but for their own agenda.

    Beware of the leaven of the Jews.
    Jesus is not their messiah,it is obvious that they wont speak good of the Holy bible.
    Also remember: they are in control of the media;religion,
    and and the rest of it.

    Only in God we trust.



    The term “Jews” came into being after the last Patriarch Jacob who was also named Israel. Melchizedek was called “king of Salem” 600 years before Jacob. Not a Jew.

    The UB reveals Melchizedek was an incarnate, fully grown adult male. He was here for 90 years. He preached monotheism and sent out missionaries. He made the covenant with Abram.

    The UB on Melchizedek:

    The Urantia Book

    Paper 93

    Machiventa Melchizedek

    (1014.1) 93:0.1 THE Melchizedeks are widely known as emergency Sons, for they engage in an amazing range of activities on the worlds of a local universe. When any extraordinary problem arises, or when something unusual is to be attempted, it is quite often a Melchizedek who accepts the assignment. The ability of the Melchizedek Sons to function in emergencies and on widely divergent levels of the universe, even on the physical level of personality manifestation, is peculiar to their order. Only the Life Carriers share to any degree this metamorphic range of personality function.

    (1014.2) 93:0.2 The Melchizedek order of universe sonship has been exceedingly active on Urantia. A corps of twelve served in conjunction with the Life Carriers. A later corps of twelve became receivers for your world shortly after the Caligastia secession and continued in authority until the time of Adam and Eve. These twelve Melchizedeks returned to Urantia upon the default of Adam and Eve, and they continued thereafter as planetary receivers on down to the day when Jesus of Nazareth, as the Son of Man, became the titular Planetary Prince of Urantia.

    1. The Machiventa Incarnation

    (1014.3) 93:1.1 Revealed truth was threatened with extinction during the millenniums which followed the miscarriage of the Adamic mission on Urantia. Though making progress intellectually, the human races were slowly losing ground spiritually. About 3000 B.C. the concept of God had grown very hazy in the minds of men.

    (1014.4) 93:1.2 The twelve Melchizedek receivers knew of Michael’s impending bestowal on their planet, but they did not know how soon it would occur; therefore they convened in solemn council and petitioned the Most Highs of Edentia that some provision be made for maintaining the light of truth on Urantia. This plea was dismissed with the mandate that “the conduct of affairs on 606 of Satania is fully in the hands of the Melchizedek custodians.” The receivers then appealed to the Father Melchizedek for help but only received word that they should continue to uphold truth in the manner of their own election “until the arrival of a bestowal Son,” who “would rescue the planetary titles from forfeiture and uncertainty.”

    (1014.5) 93:1.3 And it was in consequence of having been thrown so completely on their own resources that Machiventa Melchizedek, one of the twelve planetary receivers, volunteered to do that which had been done only six times in all the history of Nebadon: to personalize on earth as a temporary man of the realm, to bestow himself as an emergency Son of world ministry. Permission was granted for this adventure by the Salvington authorities, and the actual incarnation of Machiventa Melchizedek was consummated near what was to become the city of Salem, in Palestine. The entire transaction of the materialization of this Melchizedek Son was completed by the planetary receivers with the co-operation of the Life Carriers, certain of the Master Physical Controllers, and other celestial personalities resident on Urantia.

    2. The Sage of Salem

    (1015.1) 93:2.1 It was 1,973 years before the birth of Jesus that Machiventa was bestowed upon the human races of Urantia. His coming was unspectacular; his materialization was not witnessed by human eyes. He was first observed by mortal man on that eventful day when he entered the tent of Amdon, a Chaldean herder of Sumerian extraction. And the proclamation of his mission was embodied in the simple statement which he made to this shepherd, “I am Melchizedek, priest of El Elyon, the Most High, the one and only God.”

    (1015.2) 93:2.2 When the herder had recovered from his astonishment, and after he had plied this stranger with many questions, he asked Melchizedek to sup with him, and this was the first time in his long universe career that Machiventa had partaken of material food, the nourishment which was to sustain him throughout his ninety-four years of life as a material being.

    (1015.3) 93:2.3 And that night, as they talked out under the stars, Melchizedek began his mission of the revelation of the truth of the reality of God when, with a sweep of his arm, he turned to Amdon, saying, “El Elyon, the Most High, is the divine creator of the stars of the firmament and even of this very earth on which we live, and he is also the supreme God of heaven.”

    (1015.4) 93:2.4 Within a few years Melchizedek had gathered around himself a group of pupils, disciples, and believers who formed the nucleus of the later community of Salem. He was soon known throughout Palestine as the priest of El Elyon, the Most High, and as the sage of Salem. Among some of the surrounding tribes he was often referred to as the sheik, or king, of Salem. Salem was the site which after the disappearance of Melchizedek became the city of Jebus, subsequently being called Jerusalem.

    (1015.5) 93:2.5 In personal appearance, Melchizedek resembled the then blended Nodite and Sumerian peoples, being almost six feet in height and possessing a commanding presence. He spoke Chaldean and a half dozen other languages. He dressed much as did the Canaanite priests except that on his breast he wore an emblem of three concentric circles, the Satania symbol of the Paradise Trinity. In the course of his ministry this insignia of three concentric circles became regarded as so sacred by his followers that they never dared to use it, and it was soon forgotten with the passing of a few generations.

    (1015.6) 93:2.6 Though Machiventa lived after the manner of the men of the realm, he never married, nor could he have left offspring on earth. His physical body, while resembling that of the human male, was in reality on the order of those especially constructed bodies used by the one hundred materialized members of Prince Caligastia’s staff except that it did not carry the life plasm of any human race. Nor was there available on Urantia the tree of life. Had Machiventa remained for any long period on earth, his physical mechanism would have gradually deteriorated; as it was, he terminated his bestowal mission in ninety-four years long before his material body had begun to disintegrate.

    (1016.1) 93:2.7 This incarnated Melchizedek received a Thought Adjuster, who indwelt his superhuman personality as the monitor of time and the mentor of the flesh, thus gaining that experience and practical introduction to Urantian problems and to the technique of indwelling an incarnated Son which enabled this spirit of the Father to function so valiantly in the human mind of the later Son of God, Michael, when he appeared on earth in the likeness of mortal flesh. And this is the only Thought Adjuster who ever functioned in two minds on Urantia, but both minds were divine as well as human.

    (1016.2) 93:2.8 During the incarnation in the flesh, Machiventa was in full contact with his eleven fellows of the corps of planetary custodians, but he could not communicate with other orders of celestial personalities. Aside from the Melchizedek receivers, he had no more contact with superhuman intelligences than a human being.



    The Midwayer Commission is made up of “Midwayers”, the permanent residents of the evolutionary worlds. The UB explains where they came from, it's complex. In short, they were here when Jesus was, they have all the records of his entire life.

    There are many celestial beings, you asked what a “Divine Councilor” is:

    3. The Divine Counselors

    (216.5) 19:3.1 These Trinity-origin beings are the counsel of Deity to the realms of the seven superuniverses. They are not reflective of the divine counsel of the Trinity; they are that counsel. There are twenty-one billion Counselors in service, and three billion are assigned to each superuniverse.

    (217.1) 19:3.2 Divine Counselors are the associates and equals of the Universal Censors and the Perfectors of Wisdom, from one to seven Counselors being associated with each of these latter personalities. All three orders participate in the government of the Ancients of Days, including major and minor sectors, in the local universes and constellations, and in the councils of the local system sovereigns.

    (217.2) 19:3.3 We act as individuals, as I do in inditing this statement, but we also function as a trio whenever the occasion requires. When we act in an executive capacity, always there are associated together a Perfector of Wisdom, a Universal Censor, and from one to seven Divine Counselors.

    (217.3) 19:3.4 One Perfector of Wisdom, seven Divine Counselors, and one Universal Censor constitute a tribunal of Trinity divinity, the highest mobile advisory body in the universes of time and space. Such a group of nine is known either as a fact-finding or as a truth-revealing tribunal, and when it sits in judgment upon a problem and renders a decision, it is just as if an Ancient of Days had adjudicated the matter, for in all the annals of the superuniverses such a verdict has never been reversed by the Ancients of Days.

    (217.4) 19:3.5 When the three Ancients of Days function, the Paradise Trinity functions. When the tribunal of nine arrives at a decision following its united deliberations, to all intents and purposes the Ancients of Days have spoken. And it is in this manner that the Paradise Rulers make personal contact, in administrative matters and governmental regulation, with the individual worlds, systems, and universes.

    (217.5) 19:3.6 Divine Counselors are the perfection of the divine counsel of the Paradise Trinity. We represent, in fact are, the counsel of perfection. When we are supplemented by the experiential counsel of our associates, the perfected and Trinity-embraced beings of evolutionary ascent, our combined conclusions are not only complete but replete. When our united counsel has been associated, adjudicated, confirmed, and promulgated by a Universal Censor, it is very probable that it approaches the threshold of universal totality. Such verdicts represent the nearest possible approach to the absolute attitude of Deity within the time-space limits of the situation involved and the problem concerned.

    (217.6) 19:3.7 Seven Divine Counselors in liaison with a trinitized evolutionary trio — a Mighty Messenger, One High in Authority, and One without Name and Number — represent the nearest superuniverse approach to the union of the human viewpoint and the divine attitude on near-paradisiacal levels of spiritual meanings and reality values. Such close approximation of the united cosmic attitudes of the creature and the Creator is only surpassed in the Paradise bestowal Sons, who are, in every phase of personality experience, God and man.



    Quote (Colter @ Jan. 07 2014,10:04)
    The term “Jews” came into being after the last Patriarch  Jacob who was also named Israel. Melchizedek was called “king of Salem” 600 years before Jacob. Not a Jew.

    The UB reveals Melchizedek was an incarnate, fully grown adult male. He was here for 90 years. He preached monotheism and sent out missionaries. He made the covenant with Abram.

    The UB on Melchizedek:

    The Urantia Book

    Paper 93

    Machiventa Melchizedek

    (1014.1) 93:0.1 THE Melchizedeks are widely known as emergency Sons, for they engage in an amazing range of activities on the worlds of a local universe. When any extraordinary problem arises, or when something unusual is to be attempted, it is quite often a Melchizedek who accepts the assignment. The ability of the Melchizedek Sons to function in emergencies and on widely divergent levels of the universe, even on the physical level of personality manifestation, is peculiar to their order. Only the Life Carriers share to any degree this metamorphic range of personality function.

    (1014.2) 93:0.2 The Melchizedek order of universe sonship has been exceedingly active on Urantia. A corps of twelve served in conjunction with the Life Carriers. A later corps of twelve became receivers for your world shortly after the Caligastia secession and continued in authority until the time of Adam and Eve. These twelve Melchizedeks returned to Urantia upon the default of Adam and Eve, and they continued thereafter as planetary receivers on down to the day when Jesus of Nazareth, as the Son of Man, became the titular Planetary Prince of Urantia.

    1. The Machiventa Incarnation

    (1014.3) 93:1.1 Revealed truth was threatened with extinction during the millenniums which followed the miscarriage of the Adamic mission on Urantia. Though making progress intellectually, the human races were slowly losing ground spiritually. About 3000 B.C. the concept of God had grown very hazy in the minds of men.

    (1014.4) 93:1.2 The twelve Melchizedek receivers knew of Michael’s impending bestowal on their planet, but they did not know how soon it would occur; therefore they convened in solemn council and petitioned the Most Highs of Edentia that some provision be made for maintaining the light of truth on Urantia. This plea was dismissed with the mandate that “the conduct of affairs on 606 of Satania is fully in the hands of the Melchizedek custodians.” The receivers then appealed to the Father Melchizedek for help but only received word that they should continue to uphold truth in the manner of their own election “until the arrival of a bestowal Son,” who “would rescue the planetary titles from forfeiture and uncertainty.”

    (1014.5) 93:1.3 And it was in consequence of having been thrown so completely on their own resources that Machiventa Melchizedek, one of the twelve planetary receivers, volunteered to do that which had been done only six times in all the history of Nebadon: to personalize on earth as a temporary man of the realm, to bestow himself as an emergency Son of world ministry. Permission was granted for this adventure by the Salvington authorities, and the actual incarnation of Machiventa Melchizedek was consummated near what was to become the city of Salem, in Palestine. The entire transaction of the materialization of this Melchizedek Son was completed by the planetary receivers with the co-operation of the Life Carriers, certain of the Master Physical Controllers, and other celestial personalities resident on Urantia.

    2. The Sage of Salem

    (1015.1) 93:2.1 It was 1,973 years before the birth of Jesus that Machiventa was bestowed upon the human races of Urantia. His coming was unspectacular; his materialization was not witnessed by human eyes. He was first observed by mortal man on that eventful day when he entered the tent of Amdon, a Chaldean herder of Sumerian extraction. And the proclamation of his mission was embodied in the simple statement which he made to this shepherd, “I am Melchizedek, priest of El Elyon, the Most High, the one and only God.”

    (1015.2) 93:2.2 When the herder had recovered from his astonishment, and after he had plied this stranger with many questions, he asked Melchizedek to sup with him, and this was the first time in his long universe career that Machiventa had partaken of material food, the nourishment which was to sustain him throughout his ninety-four years of life as a material being.

    (1015.3) 93:2.3 And that night, as they talked out under the stars, Melchizedek began his mission of the revelation of the truth of the reality of God when, with a sweep of his arm, he turned to Amdon, saying, “El Elyon, the Most High, is the divine creator of the stars of the firmament and even of this very earth on which we live, and he is also the supreme God of heaven.”

    (1015.4) 93:2.4 Within a few years Melchizedek had gathered around himself a group of pupils, disciples, and believers who formed the nucleus of the later community of Salem. He was soon known throughout Palestine as the priest of El Elyon, the Most High, and as the sage of Salem. Among some of the surrounding tribes he was often referred to as the sheik, or king, of Salem. Salem was the site which after the disappearance of Melchizedek became the city of Jebus, subsequently being called Jerusalem.

    (1015.5) 93:2.5 In personal appearance, Melchizedek resembled the then blended Nodite and Sumerian peoples, being almost six feet in height and possessing a commanding presence. He spoke Chaldean and a half dozen other languages. He dressed much as did the Canaanite priests except that on his breast he wore an emblem of three concentric circles, the Satania symbol of the Paradise Trinity. In the course of his ministry this insignia of three concentric circles became regarded as so sacred by his followers that they never dared to use it, and it was soon forgotten with the passing of a few generations.

    (1015.6) 93:2.6 Though Machiventa lived after the manner of the men of the realm, he never married, nor could he have left offspring on earth. His physical body, while resembling that of the human male, was in reality on the order of those especially constructed bodies used by the one hundred materialized members of Prince Caligastia’s staff except that it did not carry the life plasm of any human race. Nor was there available on Urantia the tree of life. Had Machiventa remained for any long period on earth, his physical mechanism would have gradually deteriorated; as it was, he terminated his bestowal mission in ninety-four years long before his material body had begun to disintegrate.

    (1016.1) 93:2.7 This incarnated Melchizedek received a Thought Adjuster, who indwelt his superhuman personality as the monitor of time and the mentor of the flesh, thus gaining that experience and practical introduction to Urantian problems and to the technique of indwelling an incarnated Son which enabled this spirit of the Father to function so valiantly in the human mind of the later Son of God, Michael, when he appeared on earth in the likeness of mortal flesh. And this is the only Thought Adjuster who ever functioned in two minds on Urantia, but both minds were divine as well as human.

    (1016.2) 93:2.8 During the incarnation in the flesh, Machiventa was in full contact with his eleven fellows of the corps of planetary custodians, but he could not communicate with other orders of celestial personalities. Aside from the Melchizedek receivers, he had no more contact with superhuman intelligences than a human being.



    I tought a person named Melchisedek was the author of those papers.
    I asked you for the authors names.
    Can you quote their names please.



    Quote (bodhitharta @ Jan. 01 2014,05:42)
    What I am saying is why be concerned about it since it will occur regardless of what you study or think and regarding those who have a lack of knowledge isn't the message of the Gospel all you need to share? Endless speculation does nothing to focus the mind on loving and living a life of Christian devotion and in fact all you call enemies should be loved according to your own belief. You don't have to demonize others all the time to convert, teach or preach.

    It should suffice that Jesus was sent by God that whomever shall believe in him shall not perish but have eternal life, and this is regardless of trials, tribulations, antichrists, false prophets…etc

    Romans 8:39
    nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

    This is what you should focus on Jesus said

    Matthew 24:23-25

    Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)

    23 Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not. 24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. 25 Behold, I have told you before.

    A person can only be deceived if they focus on signs and wonders such as when the world will end and who is who, that how a magician fools his audience he gets them to pay attention to one thing while doing another but you should give the magician audience at all keeping your eye focused on the Prize

    Philippians 3:13-15

    Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)

    13 Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, 14 I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. 15 Let us therefore, as many as be perfect, be thus minded: and if in any thing ye be otherwise minded, God shall reveal even this unto you.

    God Bless!

    You are correct in most of what you say. Thanks for the heads up. However, if one is not aware of what is happening, then they are liable to be deceived. Most of the world will be deceived. This is very confusing times we are living in.


    Wakeup, now your bluffing, or maybe mentally retarded, perhaps a little of both. I provided the names, then answered your questions about them.

    The prophets of old also experienced this kind of stupid treatment from people who claimed to be sincere religionists.



    Quote (2besee @ Jan. 07 2014,20:05)

    Quote (bodhitharta @ Jan. 01 2014,05:42)
    What I am saying is why be concerned about it since it will occur regardless of what you study or think and regarding those who have a lack of knowledge isn't the message of the Gospel all you need to share? Endless speculation does nothing to focus the mind on loving and living a life of Christian devotion and in fact all you call enemies should be loved according to your own belief. You don't have to demonize others all the time to convert, teach or preach.

    It should suffice that Jesus was sent by God that whomever shall believe in him shall not perish but have eternal life, and this is regardless of trials, tribulations, antichrists, false prophets…etc

    Romans 8:39
    nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

    This is what you should focus on Jesus said

    Matthew 24:23-25

    Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)

    23 Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not. 24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. 25 Behold, I have told you before.

    A person can only be deceived if they focus on signs and wonders such as when the world will end and who is who, that how a magician fools his audience he gets them to pay attention to one thing while doing another but you should give the magician audience at all keeping your eye focused on the Prize

    Philippians 3:13-15

    Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)

    13 Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, 14 I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. 15 Let us therefore, as many as be perfect, be thus minded: and if in any thing ye be otherwise minded, God shall reveal even this unto you.

    God Bless!

    You are correct in most of what you say. Thanks for the heads up. However, if one is not aware of what is happening, then they are liable to be deceived. Most of the world will be deceived. This is very confusing times we are living in.

    There will be no deception at all because Jesus already explained:

    Mark 13:21
    And then if any man shall say to you, Lo, here is Christ; or, lo, he is there; believe him not:

    So how can you be deceived even if miracle after miracle is performed you could never believe in an anti-christ if you keep the word of JESUS CHRIST.

    Mark 13:22 For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect.

    Jesus is telling you clearly to ignore the signs and wonders they will only lead to seduction.

    Loving the least of these is the only sign and wonder you will ever need and it is in fact loving Christ and His GOD


    Quote (bodhitharta @ Jan. 08 2014,07:44)

    Quote (2besee @ Jan. 07 2014,20:05)

    Quote (bodhitharta @ Jan. 01 2014,05:42)
    What I am saying is why be concerned about it since it will occur regardless of what you study or think and regarding those who have a lack of knowledge isn't the message of the Gospel all you need to share? Endless speculation does nothing to focus the mind on loving and living a life of Christian devotion and in fact all you call enemies should be loved according to your own belief. You don't have to demonize others all the time to convert, teach or preach.

    It should suffice that Jesus was sent by God that whomever shall believe in him shall not perish but have eternal life, and this is regardless of trials, tribulations, antichrists, false prophets…etc

    Romans 8:39
    nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

    This is what you should focus on Jesus said

    Matthew 24:23-25

    Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)

    23 Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not. 24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. 25 Behold, I have told you before.

    A person can only be deceived if they focus on signs and wonders such as when the world will end and who is who, that how a magician fools his audience he gets them to pay attention to one thing while doing another but you should give the magician audience at all keeping your eye focused on the Prize

    Philippians 3:13-15

    Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)

    13 Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, 14 I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. 15 Let us therefore, as many as be perfect, be thus minded: and if in any thing ye be otherwise minded, God shall reveal even this unto you.

    God Bless!

    You are correct in most of what you say. Thanks for the heads up. However, if one is not aware of what is happening, then they are liable to be deceived. Most of the world will be deceived. This is very confusing times we are living in.

    There will be no deception at all because Jesus already explained:

    Mark 13:21
    And then if any man shall say to you, Lo, here is Christ; or, lo, he is there; believe him not:

    So how can you be deceived even if miracle after miracle is performed you could never believe in an anti-christ if you keep the word of JESUS CHRIST.

    Mark 13:22 For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect.

    Jesus is telling you clearly to ignore the signs and wonders they will only lead to seduction.

    Loving the least of these is the only sign and wonder you will ever need and it is in fact loving Christ and His GOD


    Is this warning not telling us when He is coming?
    Matthew 24:15
    ***When ye therefore shall see the abomination of
    ***spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy
    place***, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)

    Matthew 24:16 Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains:

    Matthew 24:17 Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take any thing out of his house:

    Matthew 24:18 Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes.



    Quote (Wakeup @ Jan. 08 2014,16:25)

    Quote (bodhitharta @ Jan. 08 2014,07:44)

    Quote (2besee @ Jan. 07 2014,20:05)

    Quote (bodhitharta @ Jan. 01 2014,05:42)
    What I am saying is why be concerned about it since it will occur regardless of what you study or think and regarding those who have a lack of knowledge isn't the message of the Gospel all you need to share? Endless speculation does nothing to focus the mind on loving and living a life of Christian devotion and in fact all you call enemies should be loved according to your own belief. You don't have to demonize others all the time to convert, teach or preach.

    It should suffice that Jesus was sent by God that whomever shall believe in him shall not perish but have eternal life, and this is regardless of trials, tribulations, antichrists, false prophets…etc

    Romans 8:39
    nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

    This is what you should focus on Jesus said

    Matthew 24:23-25

    Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)

    23 Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not. 24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. 25 Behold, I have told you before.

    A person can only be deceived if they focus on signs and wonders such as when the world will end and who is who, that how a magician fools his audience he gets them to pay attention to one thing while doing another but you should give the magician audience at all keeping your eye focused on the Prize

    Philippians 3:13-15

    Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)

    13 Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, 14 I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. 15 Let us therefore, as many as be perfect, be thus minded: and if in any thing ye be otherwise minded, God shall reveal even this unto you.

    God Bless!

    You are correct in most of what you say. Thanks for the heads up. However, if one is not aware of what is happening, then they are liable to be deceived. Most of the world will be deceived. This is very confusing times we are living in.

    There will be no deception at all because Jesus already explained:

    Mark 13:21
    And then if any man shall say to you, Lo, here is Christ; or, lo, he is there; believe him not:

    So how can you be deceived even if miracle after miracle is performed you could never believe in an anti-christ if you keep the word of JESUS CHRIST.

    Mark 13:22 For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect.

    Jesus is telling you clearly to ignore the signs and wonders they will only lead to seduction.

    Loving the least of these is the only sign and wonder you will ever need and it is in fact loving Christ and His GOD


    Is this warning not telling us when He is coming?
    Matthew 24:15
     ***When ye therefore shall see the abomination of
            ***spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy
                  place***, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)

     Matthew 24:16   Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains:

     Matthew 24:17   Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take any thing out of his house:

     Matthew 24:18   Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes.


    You would have to assume that the warning was outside the context of his own time, in other words that he was saying that then so 2000 years later we would heed that advice.

    Now, the point is you would have to guess what this abomination is or perhaps in that day you already knew exactly what he was referring to but speculation is not the answer.

    When you see what you consider the abomination of desolation what will you do? And if you have already identified it what are you doing? Are you fleeing what are you doing that would correspon to that advice?

    Now, Jesus didn't say the part (whoso readeth, let him understand:) because he wasn't writing it so the person writing it understood it to be of some consequence during their own life time.

    Trust that love, Faith and Righteousness is all you need to win the battle you are fighting.


    Quote (Colter @ Jan. 07 2014,21:45)
    Wakeup, now your bluffing, or maybe mentally retarded, perhaps a little of both. I provided the names, then answered your questions about them.

    The prophets of old also experienced this kind of stupid treatment from people who claimed to be sincere religionists.



    001. The Universal Father . Divine Counselor
    002. The Nature of God . Divine Counselor
    003. The Attributes of God . Divine Counselor
    004. God’s Relation to the Universe . Divine Counselor
    005. God’s Relation to the Individual . Divine Counselor
    006. The Eternal Son . Divine Counselor
    007. Relation of the Eternal Son to the Universe . Divine Counselor
    008. The Infinite Spirit . Divine Counselor
    009. Relation of the Infinite Spirit to the Universe . Divine Counselor
    010. The Paradise Trinity . Universal Censor
    011. The Eternal Isle of Paradise . Perfector of Wisdom
    012. The Universe of Universes . Perfector of Wisdom
    013. The Sacred Spheres of Paradise . Perfector of Wisdom
    014. The Central and Divine Universe . Perfector of Wisdom
    015. The Seven Superuniverses . Universal Censor
    016. The Seven Master Spirits . Universal Censor
    017. The Seven Supreme Spirit Groups . Divine Counselor
    018. The Supreme Trinity Personalities . Divine Counselor
    019. The Co-ordinate Trinity-Origin Beings . Divine Counselor
    020. The Paradise Sons of God . Perfector of Wisdom
    021. The Paradise Creator Sons . Perfector of Wisdom
    022. The Trinitized Sons of God . Mighty Messenger
    023. The Solitary Messengers . Divine Counselor
    024. Higher Personalities of the Infinite Spirit . Divine Counselor
    025. The Messenger Hosts of Space . One High in Authority
    026. Ministering Spirits of the Central Universe . Perfector of Wisdom
    027. Ministry of the Primary Supernaphim . Perfector of Wisdom
    028. Ministering Spirits of the Superuniverses . Mighty Messenger
    029. The Universe Power Directors . Universal Censor
    030. Personalities of the Grand Universe . Mighty Messenger
    031. The Corps of the Finality . Divine Counselor and One Without Name and Number

    I dont recognise them as personal names.
    They are hiding behind their organisations.
    The few names mentioned are definitely Jews,as I have said they would be.
    You have been taken with the hook in the jaw.
    How can an intelligent man like you be so gullible?
    Snared by the enemies of Christ.



    Quote (bodhitharta @ Jan. 08 2014,09:44)

    Quote (2besee @ Jan. 07 2014,20:05)

    Quote (bodhitharta @ Jan. 01 2014,05:42)
    What I am saying is why be concerned about it since it will occur regardless of what you study or think and regarding those who have a lack of knowledge isn't the message of the Gospel all you need to share? Endless speculation does nothing to focus the mind on loving and living a life of Christian devotion and in fact all you call enemies should be loved according to your own belief. You don't have to demonize others all the time to convert, teach or preach.

    It should suffice that Jesus was sent by God that whomever shall believe in him shall not perish but have eternal life, and this is regardless of trials, tribulations, antichrists, false prophets…etc

    Romans 8:39
    nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

    This is what you should focus on Jesus said

    Matthew 24:23-25

    Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)

    23 Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not. 24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. 25 Behold, I have told you before.

    A person can only be deceived if they focus on signs and wonders such as when the world will end and who is who, that how a magician fools his audience he gets them to pay attention to one thing while doing another but you should give the magician audience at all keeping your eye focused on the Prize

    Philippians 3:13-15

    Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)

    13 Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, 14 I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. 15 Let us therefore, as many as be perfect, be thus minded: and if in any thing ye be otherwise minded, God shall reveal even this unto you.

    God Bless!

    You are correct in most of what you say. Thanks for the heads up. However, if one is not aware of what is happening, then they are liable to be deceived. Most of the world will be deceived. This is very confusing times we are living in.

    There will be no deception at all because Jesus already explained:

    Mark 13:21
    And then if any man shall say to you, Lo, here is Christ; or, lo, he is there; believe him not:

    So how can you be deceived even if miracle after miracle is performed you could never believe in an anti-christ if you keep the word of JESUS CHRIST.

    Mark 13:22 For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect.

    Jesus is telling you clearly to ignore the signs and wonders they will only lead to seduction.

    Loving the least of these is the only sign and wonder you will ever need and it is in fact loving Christ and His GOD

    I agree!


    Colter, I have noticed you are hijacking this discussion to promote your religion word for word. Please stick to the topic at hand. You can divert somewhat if it is to introduce a point that is related to the topic. That is one of the rules here. No spam or hijacking a topic. You are free to start a topic on the subject(s) you are discussing however.

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