Christians and muslims believe the same thing

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    Quote (Stu @ July 30 2011,19:46)

    Quote (terraricca @ July 30 2011,10:52)

    Are you interested in being scientifically literate, or just hypocritically throwing stones at the ideas which underpin your everyday existence?

    if you read at first quote we where discussing the theory of evolution, and so we did and to my understanding you have only one point and it is the same as mine ;you can not prove that evolution really happen because if you go all a way to before the big bang you would accept that there was something and that could God,

    on the other hand ,I can not prove to you that God exist for the simple reason that God his spirit and so not matter and there I got you lost ,because you only suppose to believe what you can touch or logically understand ,and so you have also one point

    and your map is of no importance to me most of those religion are not really Christians


    You still haven't said what it is we are talking about.

    The evolution of what?

    This god thing, how does it interact with matter if it is not matter?



    this will not interest you ,it is not based on science of men,

    but a deeper science that not only comes from the mind but also from the heart,and that elevate you to the highest level of goodness ,and understanding of perfect truth.



    Quote (terraricca @ July 30 2011,13:29)

    Quote (Stu @ July 30 2011,19:46)

    Quote (terraricca @ July 30 2011,10:52)

    Are you interested in being scientifically literate, or just hypocritically throwing stones at the ideas which underpin your everyday existence?

    if you read at first quote we where discussing the theory of evolution, and so we did and to my understanding you have only one point and it is the same as mine ;you can not prove that evolution really happen because if you go all a way to before the big bang you would accept that there was something and that could God,

    on the other hand ,I can not prove to you that God exist for the simple reason that God his spirit and so not matter and there I got you lost ,because you only suppose to believe what you can touch or logically understand ,and so you have also one point

    and your map is of no importance to me most of those religion are not really Christians


    You still haven't said what it is we are talking about.

    The evolution of what?

    This god thing, how does it interact with matter if it is not matter?



    this will not interest you ,it is not based on science of men,

    but a deeper science that not only comes from the mind but also from the heart,and that elevate you to the highest level of goodness ,and understanding of perfect truth.


    The faith card again.

    “I am special, I am a christian, I don't have to actually know about anything, people should expect to respect my Book of Unicorns because that is just the way things are because I say so.”

    And you have the hypocrisy to reply without answering any of my questions, even though you will criticise me for not answering yours.

    this will not interest you ,it is not based on science of men,

    How would you know? You don't know what science is.

    but a deeper science

    Religious platitude.

    that not only comes from the mind but also from the heart,

    Religious platitude.

    and that elevate you to the highest level of goodness

    Religious platitude.

    ,and understanding of perfect truth.

    Religious platitude.

    That's not bad going, actually. Four religious platitudes in one short paragraph. I really struggle to put as many completely meaningless statements into one paragraph.

    I'll have a go:

    “God is the start and finish of everything, he is not only the salt and pepper of our existence, but our very existence itself. The intersections of the supernatural and the natural, of matter and spirit and indeed of the sublime and the concrete are god. All roads lead to god”.

    How did I do there? I have not a clue what any of it means, it is all just nonsense I made up. Was it meaningful for you?

    Now, how about you front up and actually say something. Like say what it is that we are discussing the evolution of, or what you mean when you use the word foundation, or what these “hundreds” of assumptions you attribute to science, or what the names of the scientists who doubt Big Bang cosmology, or the names of those who work in radioisotope dating who are liars.

    I suppose since you are a christian and you have a faith card you don't need to give any answers because you are special.




    “God is the start and finish of everything, he is not only the salt and pepper of our existence, but our very existence itself. The intersections of the supernatural and the natural, of matter and spirit and indeed of the sublime and the concrete are god. All roads lead to god”.

    How did I do there? I have not a clue what any of it means, it is all just nonsense I made up. Was it meaningful for you?

    not bad ; corrections now; God is the start of all things ;yes
    every men will finish his work in is freewill,
    but our very existence itself ? this is only true if we love God see second line .
    All roads lead to god”.this is a definitively NO
    I suppose since you are a christian and you have a faith card you don't need to give any answers because you are special.(this is going in circles )

    I am done Stuart , i have given you all my answers and you can say , sorry fellow you did not say anything ,and so it is worthless ,I can hide and say the same thing on my side circling

    Religious platitude. I know…

    your friend for a moment in time



    Quote (terraricca @ July 30 2011,15:47)

    “God is the start and finish of everything, he is not only the salt and pepper of our existence, but our very existence itself.  The intersections of the supernatural and the natural, of matter and spirit and indeed of the sublime and the concrete are god.  All roads lead to god”.

    How did I do there?  I have not a clue what any of it means, it is all just nonsense I made up.  Was it meaningful for you?

    not bad ; corrections now; God is the start of all things ;yes
                                        every men will finish his work in is freewill,
                                         but our very existence itself ? this is only true if we love God  see second line .
                                        All roads lead to god”.this is a definitively NO
    I suppose since you are a christian and you have a faith card you don't need to give any answers because you are special.(this is going in circles )

    I am done Stuart , i have given you all my answers and you can say , sorry fellow you did not say anything ,and so it is worthless ,I can hide and say the same thing on my side circling

                                          Religious platitude. I know…

    your friend for a moment in time


    So half of the nonsense that I wrote to intentionally be nonsense makes spiritual sense to a christian.





    So half of the nonsense that I wrote to intentionally be nonsense makes spiritual sense to a christian.



    self indulging ?

    :D :D :D



    Quote (terraricca @ July 31 2011,10:20)

    So half of the nonsense that I wrote to intentionally be nonsense makes spiritual sense to a christian.



    self indulging ?

    :D :D :D


    At the very least!


    Ed J

    Hi Stuart,

    Perhaps the God you have tried to shut out is finally beginning to reach you.
    That is of course, because you did ask him to prove himself to you; right?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Prince Stuart,

    It seems that your conversation is beginning to twiddle down with T, so I hope you do not mind me re-entering the conversation.

    Re: Galileo Galilei

    Ones like hawkings and yourself, tear ones that believe into shreds, and a man that would sooner recant all scientifical proof he found, then to recant he was not a good catholic, does not sound like one hawkings would give such a title, ' the man who birthed modern science'

    I am most assured that you have some opinion on the matter, or have possibly spoken to me about such, however, my memory cannot recall would you share with me what your thoughts are.


    Quote (princess @ Aug. 03 2011,03:29)
    Prince Stuart,

    It seems that your conversation is beginning to twiddle down with T, so I hope you do not mind me re-entering the conversation.

    Re: Galileo Galilei

    Ones like hawkings and yourself, tear ones that believe into shreds, and a man that would sooner recant all scientifical proof he found, then to recant he was not a good catholic, does not sound like one hawkings would give such a title, ' the man who birthed modern science'

    I am most assured that you have some opinion on the matter, or have possibly spoken to me about such, however, my memory cannot recall would you share with me what your thoughts are.

    I would be interested in a reference for this. Remember Galileo was forced to recant what he claimed about the heliocentric model of the solar system, which he did I believe while muttering under his breath that it was still right.

    So when we see such claims we also have to know how likely it is the Inquisition had a torturer waiting in the wings.



    As requested Prince Galileo Galilei

    I did read also that he did mutter under his breath, I agree with the fear factor that he was placed under, only one could image what other works and finds he could have acheived if this did not happen.

    Ever so, what do you think of Hawkings statement.

    Much love Prince Stuart.


    Quote (princess @ Aug. 03 2011,23:18)
    As requested Prince Galileo Galilei

    I did read also that he did mutter under his breath, I agree with the fear factor that he was placed under, only one could image what other works and finds he could have acheived if this did not happen.

    Ever so, what do you think of Hawkings statement.

    Much love Prince Stuart.

    I would be happy to agree with the notion that Galileo was the father of modern science. It's a bit like winning an Oscar, scientists are not really interested in the accolades, they are driven by the “pleasure of finding things out” as Richard Feynman put it.



    Quote (bodhitharta @ Dec. 30 2009,11:55)
    I really don't see why it is so hard for Muslims and Christians to understand that they believe the same things

    Jesus was born of a virgin
    Jesus was The Christ
    Jesus was saved by God

    The name that Jesus has that is above every name is that God Saves

    The Christians say that God saved Jesus from rotting in the ground and raised him up to Himself to sit at the right hand of God

    The Muslims believe that God saved Jesus from rotting in the ground or even being killed at all, and raised up Jesus to Himself to sit at his right hand.

    Besides Jesus not dying for the sins of humanity, the other big difference is the denial that Jesus is the son of God.

    1 John 4:15
    Whoever confesses that Jesus is the Son of God, God abides in him, and he in God.

    There are of course many other differences.

    Is it not within the possibilities of Satan to create a religion that is close to the truth in some parts only to be the polar opposite in some tenants of faith that really matter.

    Of course it is possible that Satan could do such a thing. Does he not also pose as an angel of light?

    He is not always the prince of darkness when you look at him.


    Quote (Stu @ Aug. 04 2011,19:11)
    I would be happy to agree with the notion that Galileo was the father of modern science. It's a bit like winning an Oscar, scientists are not really interested in the accolades, they are driven by the “pleasure of finding things out” as Richard Feynman put it.


    Stu, that would be true of good scientists.

    There exists scientific fraud after all and it is more widespread than you think. The reason often has to do with money.

    When you have to pay the mortgage, it might be tempting to fudge a few things to lend more credibility to something that could lose funding if no results are forthcoming.

    Scientists suffer from the same things that other humans do.


    Quote (t8 @ Jan. 17 2012,17:46)

    Quote (bodhitharta @ Dec. 30 2009,11:55)
    I really don't see why it is so hard for Muslims and Christians to understand that they believe the same things

    Jesus was born of a virgin
    Jesus was The Christ
    Jesus was saved by God

    The name that Jesus has that is above every name is that God Saves

    The Christians say that God saved Jesus from rotting in the ground and raised him up to Himself to sit at the right hand of God

    The Muslims believe that God saved Jesus from rotting in the ground or even being killed at all, and raised up Jesus to Himself to sit at his right hand.

    Besides Jesus not dying for the sins of humanity, the other big difference is the denial that Jesus is the son of God.

    1 John 4:15
    Whoever confesses that Jesus is the Son of God, God abides in him, and he in God.

    There are of course many other differences.

    Is it not within the possibilities of Satan to create a religion that is close to the truth in some parts only to be the polar opposite in some tenants of faith that really matter.

    Of course it is possible that Satan could do such a thing. Does he not also pose as an angel of light?

    He is not always the prince of darkness when you look at him.


    If Jesus dies for the sins of humanity then leave Stu, Me and every other person you disagree with spiritually alone because if the price has been paid like you say it has no one can be lost or go to hell for sin unless you conclude that the sacrifice was limited and with conditions in which case the Payment would not have been made in FULL.

    But if you believe like I do people need to REPENT for the remission of sins and actually continue on that path then you must understand that no payment was made even if you hold to the fact that Jesus Christ is Authorized to intercede on your behalf as your high priest. If the PRICE is paid there is no need for intercession.

    Regarding Satan Jesus already stated “Would Satan cast out Satan? Islam rejects Satan even at every prayer, do you even do that? reject Satan at every prayer?


    bodhitharta, you do not understand salvation.

    A soul that sins will die. It is a law. Just as any law requires a certain response, sin brings death.
    So we all die and we have the pneuma/breath that gives us life for a time, (like animals), but we do not have the baptism of the Spirit which is this life eternal.

    Yes the price has been paid for every human being that is God's grace. But we have free will and those who do not want God in this life will not get him in the next one either and as such they re-nege on the gift of salvation by not accepting it. Thus they will die in their sins even though it is spiritually unnecessary.


    Quote (bodhitharta @ Jan. 18 2012,05:38)
    Regarding Satan Jesus already stated “Would Satan cast out Satan? Islam rejects Satan even at every prayer, do you even do that? reject Satan at every prayer?

    Jesus taught us the way to pray and that was to address the Father. When praying to the Father, we also do not need to pray to Satan and tell him to leave us alone.

    We also know that light casts out darkness as it does physically also. You don't need to cast out darkness when the light is turned on. You give Satan too much power and recognition if you need to do that.

    Yes there are times where we need to cast out Satan. Wisdom will help us recognise when to do so.


    Quote (t8 @ Jan. 18 2012,06:54)
    bodhitharta, you do not understand salvation.

    A soul that sins will die. It is a law. Just as any law requires a certain response, sin brings death.
    So we all die and we have the pneuma/breath that gives us life for a time, (like animals), but we do not have the baptism of the Spirit which is this life eternal.

    Yes the price has been paid for every human being that is God's grace. But we have free will and those who do not want God in this life will not get him in the next one either and as such they re-nege on the gift of salvation by not accepting it. Thus they will die in their sins even though it is spiritually unnecessary.


    One minute salvation is a gift the next you say it was a price paid for ransom.

    Which is it? If someone is held hostage and the ransom is paid the person is free whether they want to be or not. So comparing a Sacrifice Ransom to an offered gift is simply ridiculous.

    If The price has been paid there is no payment due, you seem to not accept the fact of your own logic.

    The second point is how do you equate someone accepting and loving God with the act of Sacrifice. God cannot be loved without a sacrifice? What sense does that make?

    How exactly does a repentant person die in their sins?

    Your theology is infantile and not based on the knowledge of God, this is what you have only been taught. The person is saved by doing the will of The Father i.e. God Almighty this Jesus said was the bottom line no matter what you do in Jesus name it is not any of that that gives a person salvation and even Jesus himself will reject those saying “Depart from me”


    Quote (t8 @ Jan. 18 2012,06:58)

    Quote (bodhitharta @ Jan. 18 2012,05:38)
    Regarding Satan Jesus already stated “Would Satan cast out Satan?  Islam rejects Satan even at every prayer, do you even do that? reject Satan at every prayer?

    Jesus taught us the way to pray and that was to address the Father. When praying to the Father, we also do not need to pray to Satan and tell him to leave us alone.

    We also know that light casts out darkness as it does physically also. You don't need to cast out darkness when the light is turned on. You give Satan too much power and recognition if you need to do that.

    Yes there are times where we need to cast out Satan. Wisdom will help us recognise when to do so.

    It's usually not like you to twist words I didn't say “Pray to Satan” so why did you say that?

    The Bible tells you to resist the devil and he will flee from you how do you resist the devil besides prayer?

    Why does the Bible the prayer that Jesus taught us say:

    “And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.”

    That is a prayer of protection from Satan is it not?

    1 Peter 5:8
    Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:

    Jesus even prayed for protection “Take this cup from me” but you believe that you don't need to but on the other hand as far as giving Satan too much power you will actually say that Satan is the god of this world something that I would never say so perhaps he has deceived you at least enough to call him a god


    BD, this title is contradictory to your actions.

    “Christians and muslims believe the same thing”

    Just like Mohammed, you spend your time attacking Christians. But so many others do to.
    The god of this age has always tried to snuff out the truth. He has many minions.


    Quote (bodhitharta @ Jan. 18 2012,14:55)

    One minute salvation is a gift the next you say it was a price paid for ransom.

    It's a gift to humanity.
    It still requires acceptance from humanity.
    It certainly wasn't a small price to pay because God sent his only begotten son to die for us.

    He became the sacrificial lamb and washed away our sins.

    If you do not believe in Jesus Christ, you will die in your sins. If you do not believe in the son, then you do not have the Father.

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