Christians and muslims believe the same thing

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  • #253627

    Quote (terraricca @ July 25 2011,13:55)

    So you don’t know what DNA does, even.

    this is one of the problems that is to overcome by scientist evolution,
    given to evolution the credit of creating those marvelous millions of DNA structures is like telling to people that Santa comes trough the chimney,and if you left your old car parked out side in time it will become new again.
    You say nothing.  That’s because you know nothing.  That’s because you are too lazy to investigate it.  You ask questions then mock the answers from a position of ignorance.  Your voice is a clanging cymbal because you do not have love for genuine discovery, you only have years of mindless patterned behaviour which hypocritically rejects the validity of that on  which you rely every single day.

    I am not sure even if you were alive wen it was discover,and on the contrary I was amazed when i found out the discovery,,

    but this was not a evolution discovery, this was more a mechanical discovery a piece of the cell that keep all things the way they are


    So then, explain to me EXACTLY what DNA does.

    And while we are asking, how is that answer to the question about the Noachian Flood in historical context coming along? Do you actually understand the context of your scripture?

    How about an answer to what is a god, and what exactly did it do? Or are you going to pass up that great opportunity to advocate for your god with religious platitudes like the one you already tried on me?

    Or what about an answer to the question that asked for a single fact that contradicts Darwin. I can give you one minor one if you need help.




    So you are not even prepared to defend your god? Can’t be worth very much. I think you might be running scared now. You can’t show me what a god is, or explain what it did, and you cannot criticise science on its own terms. You have nothing at all to say on either subject by the look of it.

    Stu;evolution is not a science it is a fable a story a theory of a dream,

    as for my God to explain it to you wen I know ahead of time that you are a mocker of God ,no for sure I will not talk about God to you,
    if you want you can read on your own and find out ,

    you are a knowledgeable person ,this does not mean that you know it all but it means you can learn if you want,

    what I found out from our conversation is that you do not know much about the bible except the things all people who oppose the bible knows,and so roll yourself into it ,



    Quote (terraricca @ July 25 2011,14:04)

    So you are not even prepared to defend your god?  Can’t be worth very much.  I think you might be running scared now.  You can’t show me what a god is, or explain what it did, and you cannot criticise science on its own terms.  You have nothing at all to say on either subject by the look of it.

    Stu;evolution is not a science it is a fable a story a theory of a dream,

    as for my God to explain it to you wen I know ahead of time that you are a mocker of God ,no for sure I will not talk about God to you,
    if you want you can read on your own and find out ,

    you are a knowledgeable person ,this does not mean that you know it all but it means you can learn if you want,

    what I found out from our conversation is that you do not know much about the bible except the things all people who oppose the bible knows,and so roll yourself into it ,


    Tell me what you think the one single most morally uplifting verse is in the bible that could apply to all humans.

    Then I'll tell you my answer with, of course, the problems inherent in it.



    Quote (Stu @ July 25 2011,21:03)

    Quote (terraricca @ July 25 2011,13:55)

    So you don’t know what DNA does, even.

    this is one of the problems that is to overcome by scientist evolution,
    given to evolution the credit of creating those marvelous millions of DNA structures is like telling to people that Santa comes trough the chimney,and if you left your old car parked out side in time it will become new again.
    You say nothing.  That’s because you know nothing.  That’s because you are too lazy to investigate it.  You ask questions then mock the answers from a position of ignorance.  Your voice is a clanging cymbal because you do not have love for genuine discovery, you only have years of mindless patterned behaviour which hypocritically rejects the validity of that on  which you rely every single day.

    I am not sure even if you were alive wen it was discover,and on the contrary I was amazed when i found out the discovery,,

    but this was not a evolution discovery, this was more a mechanical discovery a piece of the cell that keep all things the way they are


    So then, explain to me EXACTLY what DNA does.

    And while we are asking, how is that answer to the question about the Noachian Flood in historical context coming along?  Do you actually understand the context of your scripture?

    How about an answer to what is a god, and what exactly did it do?  Or are you going to pass up that great opportunity to advocate for your god with religious platitudes like the one you already tried on me?

    Or what about an answer to the question that asked for a single fact that contradicts Darwin.  I can give you one minor one if you need help.



    how in the world can i contradict a 'IF” can you ?

    there will be no bible discussion with you on my part ,sorry




    So then, explain to me EXACTLY what DNA does.

    I have no ego left in me ,and do not care for pissing mach with you or anyone else

    DNA is explain all over the Internet if you want it it is there,



    Quote (Stu @ July 25 2011,21:05)

    Quote (terraricca @ July 25 2011,14:04)

    So you are not even prepared to defend your god?  Can’t be worth very much.  I think you might be running scared now.  You can’t show me what a god is, or explain what it did, and you cannot criticise science on its own terms.  You have nothing at all to say on either subject by the look of it.

    Stu;evolution is not a science it is a fable a story a theory of a dream,

    as for my God to explain it to you wen I know ahead of time that you are a mocker of God ,no for sure I will not talk about God to you,
    if you want you can read on your own and find out ,

    you are a knowledgeable person ,this does not mean that you know it all but it means you can learn if you want,

    what I found out from our conversation is that you do not know much about the bible except the things all people who oppose the bible knows,and so roll yourself into it ,


    Tell me what you think the one single most morally uplifting verse is in the bible that could apply to all humans.

    Then I'll tell you my answer with, of course, the problems inherent in it.



    :D :D :D


    Quote (terraricca @ July 25 2011,14:10)

    So then, explain to me EXACTLY what DNA does.

    I have no ego left in me ,and do not care for pissing mach with you or anyone else

    DNA is explain all over the Internet if you want it it is there,


    I already have a reasonable idea of what DNA does. It codes for proteins that are made by a ribosome which translates the codons into an amino acid sequence which, when linked up into a long protein chain takes on a tertiary structure that either behaves as an enzyme for turning on and off other genes or catalysing chemical reactions, or forming structural components, for example playing a part in a chemical transport mechanism in a cell wall.

    Is that the kind of thing you were thinking too?

    No, of course it wasn't. You have no clue how the DNA that makes those proteins might be altered in a neutral way that can then be used as a molecular clock for measuring evolutionary timescales and confirming the history of common descent with other related species, and how evolution itself happens at least in part because mutations in the DNA (caused by things like copying errors and radiation or chemical damage) gives rise to the variation from which advantageous changes are selected and therefore increase in frequency in the gene pool.

    Would you agree?



    Quote (terraricca @ July 25 2011,14:11)

    Quote (Stu @ July 25 2011,21:05)

    Quote (terraricca @ July 25 2011,14:04)

    So you are not even prepared to defend your god?  Can’t be worth very much.  I think you might be running scared now.  You can’t show me what a god is, or explain what it did, and you cannot criticise science on its own terms.  You have nothing at all to say on either subject by the look of it.

    Stu;evolution is not a science it is a fable a story a theory of a dream,

    as for my God to explain it to you wen I know ahead of time that you are a mocker of God ,no for sure I will not talk about God to you,
    if you want you can read on your own and find out ,

    you are a knowledgeable person ,this does not mean that you know it all but it means you can learn if you want,

    what I found out from our conversation is that you do not know much about the bible except the things all people who oppose the bible knows,and so roll yourself into it ,


    Tell me what you think the one single most morally uplifting verse is in the bible that could apply to all humans.

    Then I'll tell you my answer with, of course, the problems inherent in it.



    :D  :D  :D

    So your god remains undefended. And so does your scripture.

    I don't blame you for dodging. They are indefensible.



    Quote (Stu @ July 25 2011,21:22)

    Quote (terraricca @ July 25 2011,14:11)

    Quote (Stu @ July 25 2011,21:05)

    Quote (terraricca @ July 25 2011,14:04)

    So you are not even prepared to defend your god?  Can’t be worth very much.  I think you might be running scared now.  You can’t show me what a god is, or explain what it did, and you cannot criticise science on its own terms.  You have nothing at all to say on either subject by the look of it.

    Stu;evolution is not a science it is a fable a story a theory of a dream,

    as for my God to explain it to you wen I know ahead of time that you are a mocker of God ,no for sure I will not talk about God to you,
    if you want you can read on your own and find out ,

    you are a knowledgeable person ,this does not mean that you know it all but it means you can learn if you want,

    what I found out from our conversation is that you do not know much about the bible except the things all people who oppose the bible knows,and so roll yourself into it ,


    Tell me what you think the one single most morally uplifting verse is in the bible that could apply to all humans.

    Then I'll tell you my answer with, of course, the problems inherent in it.



    :D  :D  :D

    So your god remains undefended.  And so does your scripture.

    I don't blame you for dodging.  They are indefensible.



    tell me ; nature is in front of you ;you can see it feel it touch it,and be amazed by it ;

    now with the Hubble tles;we can go in space and see the beauty there ,

    all things being in place so that there is nothing wrong with it ,it rain and snows and sunny wen needed ,grass ,trees , 1000 s of different sorts or kind ,in one word a living planet .

    it all work without men participation ,it was there before we came and wen we go it will still be there,amazing,

    and all this happen because of a bomb a big explosion

    now ;was it a controlled explosion ?
    was it a calculated explosion ?

    or it just was a big bang out of no where ?

    if it was out of no where then how come all things fell in place so that ;

    the sun is where it is, and the other planet that we see are at a convenient position and stopped there exactly where they should be to allow our galaxy to operate and safely make living creatures come forward,

    moon at the right distance so is Venus ,mars,Pluto,ect………..

    calculation of the constant of the orbits of all those planets are so reliable that we can calculate to go there

    this is amazing right .

    but close to home ;what do we have ? we have common grass,without it the land would be deserts, we have trees ,well without them we would miss oxygen ,yes almost forgot water, lost of it ,water,vapor,rain,ice, winter summer ,fall,autumn,
    adding all the fish the birds ,insects mammals and what not …

    amazing beautiful,all things in there time ,all interacting as one earth surface.

    and according to you all those things came to be synchronized so that all works in that order .

    could you give me a lotto number i believe i will win the lotto before you can prove that all of it came by the explosion of a bomb or big bang.

    and I did not go in details yet.

    your theory is like telling someone if you take a old car and drive it against that wall you see, it will turn new again.



    The late Douglas Adams would have replied to you with this:

    “Being surprised at how tuned the universe is for life is like a puddle being surprised at how well it fits its hole.”

    My reply is less considered. You are still too lazy to even read the Wikipedia articles before you post. Your concept of the Big Bang, for example, could not be worse.



    Quote (Stu @ July 25 2011,21:03)

    Quote (terraricca @ July 25 2011,13:55)

    So you don’t know what DNA does, even.

    this is one of the problems that is to overcome by scientist evolution,
    given to evolution the credit of creating those marvelous millions of DNA structures is like telling to people that Santa comes trough the chimney,and if you left your old car parked out side in time it will become new again.
    You say nothing.  That’s because you know nothing.  That’s because you are too lazy to investigate it.  You ask questions then mock the answers from a position of ignorance.  Your voice is a clanging cymbal because you do not have love for genuine discovery, you only have years of mindless patterned behaviour which hypocritically rejects the validity of that on  which you rely every single day.

    I am not sure even if you were alive wen it was discover,and on the contrary I was amazed when i found out the discovery,,

    but this was not a evolution discovery, this was more a mechanical discovery a piece of the cell that keep all things the way they are


    So then, explain to me EXACTLY what DNA does.

    And while we are asking, how is that answer to the question about the Noachian Flood in historical context coming along?  Do you actually understand the context of your scripture?

    How about an answer to what is a god, and what exactly did it do?  Or are you going to pass up that great opportunity to advocate for your god with religious platitudes like the one you already tried on me?

    Or what about an answer to the question that asked for a single fact that contradicts Darwin.  I can give you one minor one if you need help.



    I have answer this already


    Quote (Stu @ July 25 2011,21:05)

    Quote (terraricca @ July 25 2011,14:04)

    So you are not even prepared to defend your god?  Can’t be worth very much.  I think you might be running scared now.  You can’t show me what a god is, or explain what it did, and you cannot criticise science on its own terms.  You have nothing at all to say on either subject by the look of it.

    Stu;evolution is not a science it is a fable a story a theory of a dream,

    as for my God to explain it to you wen I know ahead of time that you are a mocker of God ,no for sure I will not talk about God to you,
    if you want you can read on your own and find out ,

    you are a knowledgeable person ,this does not mean that you know it all but it means you can learn if you want,

    what I found out from our conversation is that you do not know much about the bible except the things all people who oppose the bible knows,and so roll yourself into it ,


    Tell me what you think the one single most morally uplifting verse is in the bible that could apply to all humans.

    Then I'll tell you my answer with, of course, the problems inherent in it.



    did you not understood my answer



    Quote (Stu @ July 26 2011,05:14)
    The late Douglas Adams would have replied to you with this:

    “Being surprised at how tuned the universe is for life is like a puddle being surprised at how well it fits its hole.”

    My reply is less considered.  You are still too lazy to even read the Wikipedia articles before you post.  Your concept of the Big Bang, for example, could not be worse.



    “I refuse to answer that question on the grounds that I don't know the answer”
    — Douglas Adams


    Quote (Stu @ July 26 2011,05:14)
    The late Douglas Adams would have replied to you with this:

    “Being surprised at how tuned the universe is for life is like a puddle being surprised at how well it fits its hole.”

    My reply is less considered.  You are still too lazy to even read the Wikipedia articles before you post.  Your concept of the Big Bang, for example, could not be worse.



    it is the truth ,but like all those scientist may change that as more info comes in ,
    it is only a “IF”



    Quote (terraricca @ July 26 2011,02:32)

    Quote (Stu @ July 25 2011,21:03)

    Quote (terraricca @ July 25 2011,13:55)

    So you don’t know what DNA does, even.

    this is one of the problems that is to overcome by scientist evolution,
    given to evolution the credit of creating those marvelous millions of DNA structures is like telling to people that Santa comes trough the chimney,and if you left your old car parked out side in time it will become new again.
    You say nothing.  That’s because you know nothing.  That’s because you are too lazy to investigate it.  You ask questions then mock the answers from a position of ignorance.  Your voice is a clanging cymbal because you do not have love for genuine discovery, you only have years of mindless patterned behaviour which hypocritically rejects the validity of that on  which you rely every single day.

    I am not sure even if you were alive wen it was discover,and on the contrary I was amazed when i found out the discovery,,

    but this was not a evolution discovery, this was more a mechanical discovery a piece of the cell that keep all things the way they are


    So then, explain to me EXACTLY what DNA does.

    And while we are asking, how is that answer to the question about the Noachian Flood in historical context coming along?  Do you actually understand the context of your scripture?

    How about an answer to what is a god, and what exactly did it do?  Or are you going to pass up that great opportunity to advocate for your god with religious platitudes like the one you already tried on me?

    Or what about an answer to the question that asked for a single fact that contradicts Darwin.  I can give you one minor one if you need help.



    I have answer this already

    There were three questions there. Which one are you claiming you answered already?

    If it was the fact that contradicts Darwin, can you please remind me exactly what that fact was? I remember nothing like that, and it would have left an impression on me if you really had done that.

    I would be now composing a letter to the Nobel Committee commending you as the new great force in modern biology, had you come up with a major point against Darwin's theory.



    Quote (terraricca @ July 26 2011,02:42)

    Quote (Stu @ July 26 2011,05:14)
    The late Douglas Adams would have replied to you with this:

    “Being surprised at how tuned the universe is for life is like a puddle being surprised at how well it fits its hole.”

    My reply is less considered.  You are still too lazy to even read the Wikipedia articles before you post.  Your concept of the Big Bang, for example, could not be worse.



    “I refuse to answer that question on the grounds that I don't know the answer”
    — Douglas Adams

    You should discuss your moronic quote-mining with Ed, he likes that sort of childish game.

    It is the last bastion of those with nothing original to say. They have to resort to misrepresenting what others said…

    …unless you were being ironic, in which case ha, ha.



    Quote (Stu @ July 26 2011,17:32)

    Quote (terraricca @ July 26 2011,02:32)

    Quote (Stu @ July 25 2011,21:03)

    Quote (terraricca @ July 25 2011,13:55)

    So you don’t know what DNA does, even.

    this is one of the problems that is to overcome by scientist evolution,
    given to evolution the credit of creating those marvelous millions of DNA structures is like telling to people that Santa comes trough the chimney,and if you left your old car parked out side in time it will become new again.
    You say nothing.  That’s because you know nothing.  That’s because you are too lazy to investigate it.  You ask questions then mock the answers from a position of ignorance.  Your voice is a clanging cymbal because you do not have love for genuine discovery, you only have years of mindless patterned behaviour which hypocritically rejects the validity of that on  which you rely every single day.

    I am not sure even if you were alive wen it was discover,and on the contrary I was amazed when i found out the discovery,,

    but this was not a evolution discovery, this was more a mechanical discovery a piece of the cell that keep all things the way they are


    So then, explain to me EXACTLY what DNA does.

    And while we are asking, how is that answer to the question about the Noachian Flood in historical context coming along?  Do you actually understand the context of your scripture?

    How about an answer to what is a god, and what exactly did it do?  Or are you going to pass up that great opportunity to advocate for your god with religious platitudes like the one you already tried on me?

    Or what about an answer to the question that asked for a single fact that contradicts Darwin.  I can give you one minor one if you need help.



    I have answer this already

    There were three questions there.  Which one are you claiming you answered already?

    If it was the fact that contradicts Darwin, can you please remind me exactly what that fact was?  I remember nothing like that, and it would have left an impression on me if you really had done that.

    I would be now composing a letter to the Nobel Committee commending you as the new great force in modern biology, had you come up with a major point against Darwin's theory.



    I have answered all your questions the only ones i may not answer are those you did not answered,

    as for your DNA question you also have a answer ,it may not be the way you like it but i try to make it as simple as possible

    you can ask do you know what is a vehicle and my answer to you would be A CAR, but you would expect ,a body,a starter,4 wheels size,pressure ,seats, motor 230 hp running on gas or diesel
    colored,dash complete with all instruments,speed,oil pressure,rad pressure,and of cause the key to start the machine. sorry

    I am not that type of a writer ,I already do my best in English as it is .


    Quote (Stu @ July 26 2011,17:35)

    Quote (terraricca @ July 26 2011,02:42)

    Quote (Stu @ July 26 2011,05:14)
    The late Douglas Adams would have replied to you with this:

    “Being surprised at how tuned the universe is for life is like a puddle being surprised at how well it fits its hole.”

    My reply is less considered.  You are still too lazy to even read the Wikipedia articles before you post.  Your concept of the Big Bang, for example, could not be worse.



    “I refuse to answer that question on the grounds that I don't know the answer”
    — Douglas Adams

    You should discuss your moronic quote-mining with Ed, he likes that sort of childish game.

    It is the last bastion of those with nothing original to say.  They have to resort to misrepresenting what others said…

    …unless you were being ironic, in which case ha, ha.



    good guess;…unless you were being ironic, in which case ha, ha.

    he ad about 800 to pick from



    Quote (terraricca @ July 26 2011,02:35)

    Quote (Stu @ July 25 2011,21:05)

    Quote (terraricca @ July 25 2011,14:04)

    So you are not even prepared to defend your god?  Can’t be worth very much.  I think you might be running scared now.  You can’t show me what a god is, or explain what it did, and you cannot criticise science on its own terms.  You have nothing at all to say on either subject by the look of it.

    Stu;evolution is not a science it is a fable a story a theory of a dream,

    as for my God to explain it to you wen I know ahead of time that you are a mocker of God ,no for sure I will not talk about God to you,
    if you want you can read on your own and find out ,

    you are a knowledgeable person ,this does not mean that you know it all but it means you can learn if you want,

    what I found out from our conversation is that you do not know much about the bible except the things all people who oppose the bible knows,and so roll yourself into it ,


    Tell me what you think the one single most morally uplifting verse is in the bible that could apply to all humans.

    Then I'll tell you my answer with, of course, the problems inherent in it.



    did you not understood my answer


    You wouldn't be suffering memory problems there would you?

    You already replied to this post, and told me that you would not be discussing scripture…and now you are claiming you answered my question.

    Was there a third reply to this post that I missed?



    Quote (terraricca @ July 26 2011,02:45)

    Quote (Stu @ July 26 2011,05:14)
    The late Douglas Adams would have replied to you with this:

    “Being surprised at how tuned the universe is for life is like a puddle being surprised at how well it fits its hole.”

    My reply is less considered.  You are still too lazy to even read the Wikipedia articles before you post.  Your concept of the Big Bang, for example, could not be worse.



    it is the truth ,but like all those scientist may change that as more info comes in ,
    it is only a “IF”


    IF what?


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