Christianity has been taught for 2000 years look what a mess

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  • #26500

    The Holy Scriptures state that there is no light in any religion that dose not teach you to live by the every word of the Scriptures. IsaYAH 8:20 Matt.4:4
    The Christian religion is known for its hatred for those LAWS found in the First Volume of the Scriptures.
    If you don’t want to call it hatred for the Law call it teachings against the keeping of those Laws.
    However you say it the savior of the Christian religion and all who follow this way of life do not teach nor do they follow the Laws that the real Messiah taught His followers to keep. MattithYAH 19:17
    This marks the Christian religion as the enemy of the FAITH that was once for all time delivered to the saints.
    Eph.4:4-6 James 3
    Do you ave eyes to see this truth?
    If so you may be a called out one. 2 Corinthians 6:17
    Come on by and check out The House that Father Yahweh has established in these Last Days! IsaYAH 2:2 and Mic. 4:4.




    So is the only true way?


    Yes t8
    Glad you got that.
    However the Savior said the same thing so did the Apostles Eph.4:4-6.
    I know you have your way too.



    When an organisation or group of people claim to be the way, I am immediately suspicious of such people as Jesus said he was the Way. Even Paul, Peter, John etc never said they were the way. They always acknowledged Yeshua as the Way to Yahweh.

    The true children of God acknowledge and promote the Way, they never say that they are the Way themselves.

    Yahweh worked through Israel as a testimony to the world that he was the true and Most High God. Through the Gentiles, God works through the Body/Church.

    Even the Church is not the Way, rather the Church is suppose to show the Way.


    On a personal note , if I may; The reading of various bibles creates confusion and deceptions and I can see the opinion of Yahweh and the K.J.V. at odds with each other. Yahweh seems to create more questions than to answer. So I’ll stay with the K.J.V. , that way I’ll have no confusion. God said , Rev.22:19


    Hi thehappyman,

    I couldn’t make out what you were saying till I realised you were talking about the "Yahweh" bible.

    Kinda funny because I thought you were talking about Yahweh (God).



    I don't really wish to discuss this. I was just looking through old posts and came across something t8 said.

    t8 writes above:
    “When an organisation or group of people claim to be THE WAY, I am immediately suspicious of such people as Jesus said he was THE WAY. Even Paul, Peter, John etc never said they were THE WAY. They always acknowledged Yeshua as THE WAY to Yahweh.
    The true children of God acknowledge and promote THE WAY, they never say that they are THE WAY themselves. [SEE BELOW]
    Yahweh worked through Israel as a testimony to the world that he was the true and Most High God. Through the Gentiles, God works through the Body/Church.
    Even the Church is not THE WAY, rather the Church is suppose to show the Way.”

    Yes, Jesus called himself the way.
    As the Son of God stated: “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (Joh 14:6; Heb 10:19-22)

    But as a POINT OF CLARITY, those who became followers of Jesus Christ were spoken of as belonging to “The Way,” that is, they adhered to a way or manner of life that centered around faith in Jesus Christ, following his example.—Ac 9:2; 19:9, 23; 22:4; 24:22.

    ACTS 22:4
    “And I persecuted this Way to the death, binding and handing over to prisons both men and women,”

    ACTS 9:2
    “and asked him for letters to the synagogues in Damascus, in order that he might bring bound to Jerusalem any whom he found who belonged to The Way, both men and women.”

    ACTS 19:9
    “But when some went on hardening themselves and not believing, speaking injuriously about The Way before the multitude, he withdrew from them and separated the disciples from them, daily giving talks in the school [auditorium] of Tyrańnus.”

    ACTS 19:23
    “At that particular time there arose no little disturbance concerning The Way.”

    ACTS 24:22
    “However, Felix, knowing quite accurately the matters concerning this Way, began to put the [men] off and said: “Whenever Lyśias the military commander comes down, I shall decide upon these matters involving YOU.””


    As I've said, I don't really want to discuss this. Just pointing out what the Bible actually says.


    Hi david,

    The way is like saying the path or the road. We are not the road itself, but we travel that road and show people where the road is. We belong to that road and not the wide one to destruction.

    Jesus is the Way, he is the road. We are merely followers of the way. He is the only path to Yahweh. No man comes to the Father unless by him.


    so many transactions, its like watching a fat choir leader teaching people to sing Love lifted me


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