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  • #87990


    Thanks, Irene!


    Hi Mandy!  Have not seen you post lately, are you doing alright? Did you really like that last Post? Sometimes I get some funny stuff and would like to share it with some here, but I don't know if any body likes it. Please let me know, otherwise i don't go through the trouble pasting it. My Hands have been hurting alot lately from Arthritus. So I can only make short Posts. Love Irene


    I'm alright. Thanks for asking.
    I'm chill'en out for a while and doing some praying and reading……
    Trying to find my faith.

    Press on,


    Mandy! I* have often wondered in these last days why it is that when we know our Savior Jesus Christ and have confessed that He is alive. When we have been born from above and have received the Holy Spirit of God, that one can loose that Faith? Is it that those that do listen to much to other Humans and do not reach out to God instead? We all know that the Bible has some error in it, but the main truths are still present. I can for instant prove that the trinity doctrine is not according to what the Apostles taught, and therefore Christ did not teach it. We know who did bring it into Society and has deceived the whole world. We know what Jesus teaches us on the Sermon on the Mount, how He has magnified the Law and fulfilled some. The trouble for some will come when we try to look at scriptures and say this is not what it means, it means what I think. Take the scriptures by its own value and you will come to an understanding. If it says Jesus was created by the Father before the world was, why say He was only in His mind. He created all, so how can He only be in his mind. And is that only my view? Or could it be other Christens also? We know that the Jehovah Witnesses belief that Jesus preexisted. So what is wrong with that? We all have some truths and to those truths we should hang on to and let nobody take your crown Paul said. The ten virgin is a very example how one can loose the faith. You will not get any Oil from others that are trying to destroy what God has shown you. If you let doubt in, Satan will make sure that He will destroy all. So what is the answer to the problem? Do not even listen to those that confuse the issue. Mankind you know have added to the scriptures. But most are still in tact. I remember that you want to see Jesus in the Old Testament. You can. Is it important though if it does not say anything about His second coming? Why should it? It is in the new Testament. In the millenium all will be taught the truth. Until then look at Christ Jesus and what He has to say in the New Testament. You will once again start to be happy again, Mandy. Right now I find you very frustrated. That is not what Jesus wants you to be.
    Peace and Love Mrs.


    Thought you might enjoy this….

    To lighten Your Day a bit . . .

    It doesn't hurt to have a little biblical Humor to end the day……

    Q. What kind of man was Boaz before he married Ruth?
    A. Ruthless.

    Q. What do they call pastors in Germany ?
    A. German Shepherds.

    Q. Who was the greatest financier in the Bible?
    A. Noah He was floating his stock while everyone else was in

    Q. Who was the greatest female financier in the Bible?
    A. Pharaoh's daughter.
    She went down to the bank of the Nile and drew out a little prophet.

    Q. What kind of motor vehicles are in the Bible?
    A. Jehovah drove Adam and Eve out of the Garden in a Fury.
    David's Triumph was heard throughout the land.
    Also, probably a Honda, because the apostles were all in one Accord.

    Q.. Who was the greatest comedian in the Bible?
    A. Samson. He brought the house down.

    Q. What excuse did Adam give to his children as to why he no longer
    lived in Eden ?
    A Your mother ate us out of house and home.

    Q. Which servant of God was the most
    flagrant lawbreaker in the Bible?
    A. Moses.
    He broke all 10 commandments at once.

    Q. Which area of Palestine was especially wealthy?
    A. The area around Jordan . The banks were always overflowing.

    Q. Who is the greatest babysitter mentioned in the Bible?
    A. David. He rocked Goliath to a very deep sleep.

    Q. Which Bible character had no parents?
    A. Joshua, son of Nun.

    Q. Why didn't they play cards on the Ark ?
    A. Because Noah was standing on the deck.

    PS… Did you know it's a sin for a woman to make coffee?
    Yup, it's in the Bible. It says . . . “He-brews”.



    Thank you Kathi you made my day, I needed that. Hope you are doing alright. You keep on smiling inspite of all what has happend too.
    With all our Love Irene
    :D :D


    Thanks, Kathi, that was good!


    Hi people

    Our winter has started brrrrr
    It's overcast
    It's cold
    And it is threating to rain again.
    We are having a long week-end.

    The radio is talking
    About the killer bee that it has arrived in California
    Come all the way from Brazil!
    How are those bees doing.

    Have a Good weekend


    Quote (lineon @ May 03 2008,00:12)
    Hi people

    Our winter has started brrrrr
    It's overcast
    It's cold
    And it is threating to rain again.
    We are having a long week-end.

    The radio is talking
    About the killer bee that it has arrived in California
    Come all the way from Brazil!
    How are those bees doing.

    Have a Good weekend

    Hi Lin,

    I'm just up the Coast from Cal, in WA State. I'll watch for the “killers”.

    We are just getting a late start on our spring. What part of the country are you from?



    Quote (Not3in1 @ May 02 2008,18:45)

    Quote (lineon @ May 03 2008,00:12)
    Hi people

    Our winter has started brrrrr
    It's overcast
    It's cold
    And it is threating to rain again.
    We are having a long week-end.

    The radio is talking
    About the killer bee that it has arrived in California
    Come all the way from Brazil!
    How are those bees doing.

    Have a Good weekend

    Hi Lin,

    I'm just up the Coast from Cal, in WA State.  I'll watch for the “killers”.  

    We are just getting a late start on our spring.  What part of the country are you from?


    Hi not3in1

    It is still cold here brrrrr.

    I am from the southern hemphere
    The S.A.
    I live in the middle- Johannesburg
    We are hopeing
    To get down to the coast again
    Some day or other.

    Are you land locked?
    WA State is this the state of Washington?



    HAPPY Birthday! Deb…Hope you have a beautiful evening.


    Hi Mandy! ( if you happen to get a notification email)

    HUGS AN LOVE girlfriends.

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