chattings good for the soul

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  • #35687

    It's good to get in the chat room, it took me along time to take the first step, I was alway nervous about putting my thoughts out to the world, because that's what we do when we post, but the chat room is like a loungeroom where we take a break and talk to those we may debate/discuss with in another room. I enjoy this forum very much, I visit a couple of others, but havn't yet posted much of my thoughts, I'm still skirting around the edges. I just wish we all took more time out in the loungeroom, this is place where we can get to know each other, sometimes weeks go by maybe even months before anyone visits, correct me if I'm wrong.
    charity your poetic way of posting is beautiful, I don't always understand what your saying but most I follow.
    I'm waiting for the prompting of the Holy Spirit to talk with you on the forum.


    Hi Debra

    The Holy Spirit is so wonderful
    To day I felt so weak and without, and to come to the computer sit down and read your message lifted my heart in comfort
    Thank you so much for posting
    To be offered an arm chair and a friendly heart, what a blessing from God.



    Hi Debra,
    How is the fire situation in Victoria now?


    Hi Nick
    There are still fires burning, but they seem to be under control, although, a new fire started up around Shepparton, a few days ago, sparked by a campfire, you'd think campers would be more aware, wouldn't you? Anyway, in our neck of the woods, we are very much on alert, we have a few 38% days ahead, and it is very very dry around the neighbourhood. But praise God He sent us rain over the last couple of weeks, so the vegies are booming, we can harvest our crops,and share the harvest not us only but the community garden that we are involved with can, the farmers on the other hand, whose livelylhood depends on their crops is another story, sadly, alot of people are broken due to this drought.
    I personnally have learnt alot, with water saving being the main topic at the moment,John Howard talking about recycled sewage for drinking water horrifies me. I've realized how crucial it is that we do change our ways, we have been so blessed as a nation, and now we are getting a reality check. The world has changed, people have changed. things will never be as they were. It's as though a refining fire is sweeping through and you know, I thank God for His mercy.
    So, we are still a bonfire ready to lite, no time to get comfortable.
    God bless.



    A few days have passed us by
    And I noticed Debra?
    Not seen logged into this site
    Quietness can be good?
    Just letting you know in thought you’re missed
    Praying all things to be well with your soul
    Being still and knowing that he is an Almighty God

    God bless



    Hi charity
    Thankyou for your kind thoughts.
    I have been taking a break from the forum,and getting into reading my Bible without disscussion for awhile, there are times where I find myself being doubleminded about the meanings of certain Scriptures so I needed to spend time listening to the Holy Spirit rather than discussing these things.
    I'm back now, refreshed, and looking forward to participating with my brothers and sisters in shareing what God has shown me over this time.
    God bless you charity.


    Hi Debra
    God is so good
    Alerted to double mindedness is a blessing; the heavenly mind verses the earthly mind for the true meanings;foundations moving to solid ground
    Just a part of the walk for us all.
    I think it’s important for us to be just where we are at the time we are; under the grace of God to search out our eternal salvation
    Garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning.

    :) God bless you Debra


    Quote (Debra @ Feb. 02 2007,15:29)
    Hi Nick
    There are still fires burning, but they seem to be under control, although, a new fire started up around Shepparton, a few days ago, sparked by a campfire, you'd think campers would be more aware, wouldn't you? Anyway, in our neck of the woods, we are very much on alert, we have a few 38% days ahead, and it is very very dry around the neighbourhood. But praise God He sent us rain over the last couple of weeks, so the vegies are booming, we can harvest our crops,and share the harvest not us only but the community garden that we are involved with can, the farmers on the other hand, whose livelylhood depends on their crops is another story, sadly, alot of people are broken due to this drought.
    I personnally have learnt alot, with water saving being the main topic at the moment,John Howard talking about recycled sewage for drinking water horrifies me. I've realized how crucial it is that we do change our ways, we have been so blessed as a nation, and now we are getting a reality check. The world has changed, people have changed. things will never be as they were. It's as though a refining fire is sweeping through and you know, I thank God for His mercy.
    So, we are still a bonfire ready to lite, no time to get comfortable.
    God bless.


    Scientists generally believe that all the continents are drying up.
    But they also say that islands will be spared the overall drying out because of the effect the sea has on land.

    We shall see if they are right, but so far it appears they are. But it could also just be a normal fluctuation in climate.

    One thing Australia has plenty of is ocean. There is plenty of water skirting Australian cities. They just need to build desalinization plants. Although expensive, it may be the only option. Either that or we could sell you our water. We have heaps.


    Ah – this is where the women are! :) I'm only kidding, of course. Sometimes I feel outnumbered out there (in the forums). But like you, Debra, I have been reading my Bible more, and just really being drawn to some quiet time with the Lord.

    This forum has been great for me because I have wanted to sharpen my skills at giving answers to those who ask me about my faith. Sometimes everything moves way to fast for me though. I'm glad to find this chatroom and hopefully get to know some people better.

    I live in WA State. We are near the Puget Sound, and are basically surrounded by beaches. Sometimes the smell of clams and seaweed is overwhelming! Sigh. But I'm not complaining. We love it here. I have two children (boy and girl) who are in elementary school, and I work from home.

    Anyway, glad to know you, and I have appreciated your posts very much.
    Love, Mandy


    Hi Mandy
    Nice to meet you too, I'm still just reading posts havn't gotten round to posting again yet..
    until now.
    I love where I live too, I'm in the mountains,well they're really the Dandenong Ranges in Victoria.Aust. my husband laughs when I call them mountains, he's from Switzerland.
    It's Autum here so many very beautiful colours, I love to paint and this time of year is perfect for me. I have two daughters and two grandsons. Working from home must be great.
    I don't get alot of time on the computor, but I check in every day, waiting for the Holy Spirit to say jump in there…but all threads seem to leed to the trinity these days. Good to talk to you Mandy.
    God bless you and your family.


    :D Happy Birthday Debra :laugh:

    God bless you



    Do you have a block on your email? I can't get through to you. Has that always been a problem? I don't like one sided conversations. :)


    OK, this is a strange subject to bring up here (among all th scholary things we discuss) :)

    But…..what do you all think about tattoos? I know the bible talks about them and says not to do it, but is the modern-day tattoo what they are really talking about? I know Christians who have them AND plan to get them. I'm just curious what others think? Especially if you have a tattoo – what are your thoughts? Thanks.


    Quote (Not3in1 @ June 24 2007,08:11)
    OK, this is a strange subject to bring up here (among all th scholary things we discuss) :)

    But…..what do you all think about tattoos?  I know the bible talks about them and says not to do it, but is the modern-day tattoo what they are really talking about?  I know Christians who have them AND plan to get them.  I'm just curious what others think?  Especially if you have a tattoo – what are your thoughts?  Thanks.

    but is the modern-day tattoo what they are really talking about?

    Is there a differance in the “modern” Ink used to mark up God's handy work.

    You said you know “Christians” who are planning to get a tatoo. Isn't a tatoo sort of a “worldly” thing?

    Tit 2:12 Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world;


    Quote (Not3in1 @ June 24 2007,08:11)
    OK, this is a strange subject to bring up here (among all th scholary things we discuss) :)

    But…..what do you all think about tattoos?  I know the bible talks about them and says not to do it, but is the modern-day tattoo what they are really talking about?  I know Christians who have them AND plan to get them.  I'm just curious what others think?  Especially if you have a tattoo – what are your thoughts?  Thanks.

    :laugh:  I have never had a desire for a Tattoo, And I can't seperate anybody from the Love of God that has one.
    Thats A stumblingblock or an occasion to fall in ANOTHERS way.

    Rom 14:14 ¶ I know, and am persuaded by the Lord Jesus, that [there is] nothing unclean of itself: but to him that esteemeth any thing to be unclean, to him [it is] unclean.
    But if thy brother be grieved with [thy] meat, now walkest thou not charitably. Destroy not him with thy meat, for whom Christ died.

    The only way is by the Law that wages war within,
    Right and wrong within each person,
    Its sin if we entertain as Sin and the power of death is Law
    A Christian can do anything in vanity, yet still waiting for the fullness of God that their desires he can change, and many can say and be embarrassed later by their actions, that still appear visible, showing that to condemn them, and judge by appearance can even be wrong, God uses anything to brake our hearts, can't get to paradise without a broken heart?
    Eph 3:19  And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God.

    Rom 8:38  For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,  Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

    We need to Hang all the Laws up on One…The Law of Love AND kindness


    Quote (charity @ June 24 2007,11:48)

    Quote (Not3in1 @ June 24 2007,08:11)
    OK, this is a strange subject to bring up here (among all th scholary things we discuss) :)

    But…..what do you all think about tattoos?  I know the bible talks about them and says not to do it, but is the modern-day tattoo what they are really talking about?  I know Christians who have them AND plan to get them.  I'm just curious what others think?  Especially if you have a tattoo – what are your thoughts?  Thanks.

    :laugh:  I have never had a desire for a Tattoo, And I can't seperate anybody from the Love of God that has one.
    Thats A stumblingblock or an occasion to fall in ANOTHERS way.

    Rom 14:14 ¶ I know, and am persuaded by the Lord Jesus, that [there is] nothing unclean of itself: but to him that esteemeth any thing to be unclean, to him [it is] unclean.
    But if thy brother be grieved with [thy] meat, now walkest thou not charitably. Destroy not him with thy meat, for whom Christ died.

    The only way is by the Law that wages war within,
    Right and wrong within each person,
    Its sin if we entertain as Sin and the power of death is Law
    A Christian can do anything in vanity, yet still waiting for the fullness of God that their desires he can change, and many can say and be embarrassed later by their actions, that still appear visible, showing that to condemn them, and judge by appearance can even be wrong, God uses anything to brake our hearts, can't get to paradise without a broken heart?
    Eph 3:19  And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God.

    Rom 8:38  For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,  Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

    Oh, my goodness…….thank you for this post, Charity.

    You truly do have the love of God and Christ in your life.

    Thank you


    Quote (kenrch @ June 24 2007,10:21)

    Quote (Not3in1 @ June 24 2007,08:11)
    OK, this is a strange subject to bring up here (among all th scholary things we discuss) :)

    But…..what do you all think about tattoos?  I know the bible talks about them and says not to do it, but is the modern-day tattoo what they are really talking about?  I know Christians who have them AND plan to get them.  I'm just curious what others think?  Especially if you have a tattoo – what are your thoughts?  Thanks.

    but is the modern-day tattoo what they are really talking about?

    Is there a differance in the “modern” Ink used to mark up God's handy work.

    You said you know “Christians” who are planning to get a tatoo. Isn't a tatoo sort of a “worldly” thing?

    Tit 2:12  Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world;

    Brother Ken,

    Yes, the ink we have now-a-days is different from that of the Egyptians, for instance.

    What I was wondering was if the word “tattoo” in the OT really means what we consider a tattoo today. In ancient times, people would mark their bodies with their gods and it was considered a form of worship. Today that is certainly not the case.


    Quote (Not3in1 @ June 24 2007,11:53)

    Quote (charity @ June 24 2007,11:48)

    Quote (Not3in1 @ June 24 2007,08:11)
    OK, this is a strange subject to bring up here (among all th scholary things we discuss) :)

    But…..what do you all think about tattoos?  I know the bible talks about them and says not to do it, but is the modern-day tattoo what they are really talking about?  I know Christians who have them AND plan to get them.  I'm just curious what others think?  Especially if you have a tattoo – what are your thoughts?  Thanks.

    :laugh:  I have never had a desire for a Tattoo, And I can't seperate anybody from the Love of God that has one.
    Thats A stumblingblock or an occasion to fall in ANOTHERS way.

    Rom 14:14 ¶ I know, and am persuaded by the Lord Jesus, that [there is] nothing unclean of itself: but to him that esteemeth any thing to be unclean, to him [it is] unclean.
    But if thy brother be grieved with [thy] meat, now walkest thou not charitably. Destroy not him with thy meat, for whom Christ died.

    The only way is by the Law that wages war within,
    Right and wrong within each person,
    Its sin if we entertain as Sin and the power of death is Law
    A Christian can do anything in vanity, yet still waiting for the fullness of God that their desires he can change, and many can say and be embarrassed later by their actions, that still appear visible, showing that to condemn them, and judge by appearance can even be wrong, God uses anything to brake our hearts, can't get to paradise without a broken heart?
    Eph 3:19  And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God.

    Rom 8:38  For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,  Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

    Oh, my goodness…….thank you for this post, Charity.

    You truly do have the love of God and Christ in your life.

    Thank you

    get a wash off Tattoo , try that at church first, so then at least you Know what you are looking forward too??? :laugh:


    Well, church folks wouldn't be a problem for me because I don't attend a church. I haven't found one yet that doesn't preach the Trinity. How about you, Charity? Have you found a church that you like? Any advice in that direction?


    Quote (Not3in1 @ June 24 2007,12:08)
    Well, church folks wouldn't be a problem for me because I don't attend a church.  I haven't found one yet that doesn't preach the Trinity.  How about you, Charity?  Have you found a church that you like?  Any advice in that direction?

    I am suffering the same dilemma, but I have just put my head down to studies, and my hope in God for my path to be made straight, I listen to people, and just pray for the ability and gift to discern a righteous Judgement on everything I hear.

    their are many good hearts around, even in church, Although I consider church is meeting with another believer anywhere, anytime, more so than how we have perceived it today into a once a week gathering on Sunday, using the Law and seventh day Sabbath

    Thanks Mandy

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