Ca and tt: date for the writing of the apocalypse

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    This is a debate had between Catholics in a partial preterist sense:

    Facts on the Dating of the Apocalypse

    Robert A. Sungenis, Ph.D.

    Today, there are a few people who are pushing for a pre-70 AD date for the writing of the
    Apocalypse of St. John. Mostly these voices come from Protestant sectors and is due
    mainly to their presuppositions on how the Apocalypse is supposed to be interpreted.
    They claim that the “internal evidence” of the Apocalypse points to a pre-70 AD date.
    That conclusion, of course, is based on their idiosyncratic interpretations of Scripture,
    which are often at odds with Catholic interpretation. The bigger problem, however, is that
    the so-called “internal evidence” for an early dating of the Apocalypse runs smack into
    the patristic consensus which says it was written after 70 AD.

    The reason this is of concern for us is that some Catholics today have decided they are
    going to depart from the patristic consensus and not only push for a pre-70 AD date, but
    they do so because they also want to depart from the patristic consensus regarding the
    place and time of the Millennium of Apocalypse 20:1-6. The two ideas go hand-in-hand.
    They have decided that the Fathers were wrong in placing the Millennium during the
    Christian era, from the First Coming of Christ to the Second Coming. These new
    “theologians” claim that the Millennium should be in the Old Testament. In essence,
    instead of a Christian millennium that we have always believed, they now want a Jewish
    millennium. This is just another indication how Catholic teaching today is being
    Judaized, the very warnings I have given many times in the last five years.

    Here is the upshot. There is no Father that supports a pre-70 AD dating for the
    Apocalypse. There isn’t a Father within 500 years that gives any explicit mention of Nero
    and Patmos in the same sentence, much less says Nero exiled John to Patmos prior to 70
    AD, including the attempts of modern scholars to make Epiphanius depart from the
    consensus. Not until well into the Middle Ages does anyone suggest a pre-70 AD date for
    the Apocalypse, and they are few and far between (e.g., Theophlact, Andreas of

    There were only two Roman emperors who persecuted Christians on a massive scale,
    Nero and Domitian. In 67 AD, Nero killed St. Peter and St. Paul in Rome. But there is no
    record of Nero banishing any Christians to Patmos. Nero preferred to torture Christians
    by burning them and throwing them to lions.

    Again, all the Christian and secular sources in the patristic era place the banishment of
    Christians to Patmos at the reign of Domitian (81-96 AD). No one places the banishment
    of John, or any Christian, under the reign of Nero.

    Eusebius is one of our greatest sources, since he lived only two hundred years after
    Domitian’s reign. Every source that Eusebius could gather said that John was exiled to
    Patmos during the reign of Domitian. Eusebius’ earliest source was Irenaeus.

    It is said that in this persecution the apostle and evangelist John, who was still
    alive, was condemned to dwell on the island of Patmos in consequence of his
    testimony to the divine word. 2. Irenaeus, in the fifth book of his work Against
    Heresies, where he discusses the number of the name of Antichrist which is
    given in the so-called Apocalypse of John, speaks as follows concerning him 3.
    “If it were necessary for his name to be proclaimed openly at the present time, it
    would have been declared by him who saw the revelation. For it was seen not
    long ago, but almost in our own generation, at the end of the reign of Domitian.”
    (Church History, Book 3, Ch. 18).

    Eusebius used other sources to confirm the same truth:

    It is said that in this persecution [Domitian’s] the apostle and evangelist John,
    who was still alive, was condemned to dwell on the island of Patmos in
    consequence of his testimony to the divine word. Irenaeus, in the fifth book of
    his work Against Heresies, where he discusses the number of the name of
    Antichrist which is given in the so-called Apocalypse of John, speaks as follows
    concerning him: ‘If it were necessary for his name to be proclaimed openly at
    the present time, it would have been declared by him who saw the Revelation.
    For it was seen not long ago, but almost in our own generation, at the end of the
    reign of Domitian.’ To such a degree, indeed, did the teaching of our faith
    flourish at that time that even those writers who were far from our religion did
    not hesitate to mention in their histories the persecution and the martyrdoms
    which took place during it. And they, indeed, accurately indicated the time. For
    they recorded that in the fifteenth year of Domitian Flavia Domitilla, daughter of
    a sister of Flavius Clement, who at that time was one of the consuls of Rome,
    was exiled with many others to the island of Pontia in consequence of testimony
    borne to Christ (Church History, Bk. III, ch. 18).

    Eusebius adds:

    Tertullian also has mentioned Domitian in the following words: ‘Domitian also,
    who possessed a share of Nero’s cruelty, attempted once to do the same thing
    that the latter did. But because he had, I suppose, some intelligence, he very
    soon ceased, and even recalled those whom he had banished.’ But after
    Domitian had reigned fifteen years, and Nerva had succeeded to the empire, the
    Roman Senate, according to the writers that record the history of those days,
    voted that Domitian’s horrors should be cancelled, and that those who had been
    unjustly banished should return to their homes and have their property restored
    to them. It was at this time that the apostle John returned from his banishment in
    the island and took up his abode at Ephesus, according to an ancient Christian
    tradition (Church History, Bk. III, ch. 20)

    Victorinus also holds to the same date. His information is independent of Eusebius. He

    “And He says unto me, Thou must again prophesy to the peoples, and to the
    tongues, and to the nations, and to many kings.” He says this, because when
    John said these things he was in the island of Patmos, condemned to the labour
    of the mines by Caesar Domitian. There, therefore, he saw the Apocalypse; and
    when grown old, he thought that he should at length receive his quittance by
    suffering, Domitian being killed, all his judgments were discharged. And John
    being dismissed from the mines, thus subsequently delivered the same
    Apocalypse which he had received from God. This, therefore, is what He says:
    Thou must again prophesy to all nations, because thou seest the crowds of
    Antichrist rise up; and against them other crowds shall stand, and they shall fall
    by the sword on the one side and on the other. (Commentary on the Apocalypse,

    The time must be understood in which the written Apocalypse was published,
    since then reigned Caesar Domitian; but before him had been Titus his brother,
    and Vespasian, Otho, Vitellius, and Galba” (Commentary on the Apocalypse,

    Clement of Alexandria gives the same information:

    And that you may be still more confident, that repenting thus truly there remains
    for you a sure hope of salvation, listen to a tale, which is not a tale but a
    narrative, handed down and committed to the custody of memory, about the
    Apostle John. For when, on the tyrant’s death, he returned to Ephesus from the
    isle of Patmos, he went away, being invited, to the contiguous territories of the
    nations, here to appoint bishops, there to set in order whole Churches, there to
    ordain such as were marked out by the Spirit. (The Rich Man, XLII)

    The “tyrant’s death” could only refer Nero
    or Domitian, since they were the only ones
    who severely persecuted Christians. Lactantius confirms this:

    After an interval of some years from the death of Nero, there arose another
    tyrant no less wicked (Domitian), who, although his government was
    exceedingly odious, for a very long time oppressed his subjects, and reigned in
    security, until at length he stretched forth his impious hands against the Lord.
    Having been instigated by evil demons to persecute the righteous people, he was
    then delivered into the power of his enemies, and suffered due punishment.
    (Address to Donatus, Ch 3).

    Clement refers to the release of those exiled and this matches Eusebius reference to the
    same at the death of Domitian. The emperor in view cannot be Nero because Clement
    refers to John as a very old man, which would not have been the case in 70 AD.

    Clement quotes John as saying to an apostate thief:

    “Why, my son, dost thou flee from me, thy father, unarmed, old? Son, pity me.
    Fear not; thou hast still hope of life. I will give account to Christ for thee. If
    need be, I will willingly endure thy death, as the Lord did death for us. For thee I
    will surrender my life. Stand, believe; Christ hath sent me….And he, when he
    heard, first stood, looking down; then threw down his arms, then trembled and
    wept bitterly. And on the old man approaching, he embraced him, speaking for
    himself with lamentations as he could, and baptized a second time with tears,
    concealing only his right hand. The other pledging, and assuring him on oath
    that he would find forgiveness for himself from the Savior, beseeching and
    failing on his knees, and kissing his right hand itself, as now purified by
    repentance, led him back to the church.” (The Rich Man, XLII)

    We also know that John lived until after Domitian from Irenaeus’ references to Polycarp,
    John’s disciple. Polycarp was born in 65 AD and died in 155 AD. This makes him two
    years old when Nero died and five years old when Jerusalem was destroyed. Since
    Polycarp was taught by John, it must have been several decades after the destruction of

    Jerome testifies to the same, and also mentions Irenaeus and Justin Martyr as writing
    commentaries on the same connection between Domitian and Patmos. Notice how
    Jerome mentions Nero, but bypasses him to make the connection between Domitian and
    John’s exile to Patmos:

    In the fourteenth year then after Nero, Domitian having raised a second
    persecution he was banished to the island of Patmos, and wrote the Apocalypse,
    on which Justin Martyr and Irenaeus afterwards wrote commentaries. But
    Domitian having been put to death and his acts, on account of his excessive
    cruelty, having been annulled by the senate, he returned to Ephesus under
    Pertinax and continuing there until the tithe of the emperor Trajan, founded and
    built churches throughout all Asia, and, worn out by old age, died in the sixty-
    eighth year after our Lord’s passion and was buried near the same city. (Lives of
    Illustrious Men, Ch IX).

    Jerome testifies to the same truth in another work:

    We maybe sure that John was then a boy because ecclesiastical history most
    clearly proves that he lived to the reign of Trajan, that is, he fell asleep in the
    sixty-eighth year after our Lord’s passion, as I have briefly noted in my treatise
    on Illustrious Men. Peter is an Apostle, and John is an Apostle – the one a
    married man, the other a virgin; but Peter is an Apostle only, John is both an
    Apostle and an Evangelist, and a prophet. An Apostle, because he wrote to the
    Churches as a master; an Evangelist, because he composed a Gospel, a thing
    which no other of the Apostles, excepting Matthew, did; a prophet, for he saw in
    the island of Patmos, to which he had been banished by the Emperor Domitian
    as a martyr for the Lord, an Apocalypse containing the boundless mysteries of
    the future Tertullian, moreover, relates that he was sent to Rome, and that
    having been plunged into a jar of boiling oil he came out fresher and more active
    than when he went in (Against Jovinianus, Book 1, 26).

    Sulpitius Severus says:

    Then, after an interval, Domitian, the son of Vespasian, persecuted the
    Christians. At this date, he banished John the Apostle and Evangelist to the
    island of Patmos. There he, secret mysteries having been revealed to him, wrote
    and published his book of the holy Revelation, which indeed is either foolishly
    or impiously not accepted by many (The Sacred History, Ch 31).

    Testimony to these Fathers is noted in one of the more detailed commentaries on this

    “The same is the recorded judgment of Jerome; the same of Augustine’s
    friend, Orosius; the same of Sulpitius Severus. Once more, we find an
    unhesitating statement of similar purport in Primasius; an eminent Augustinian
    commentator on the Apocalypse, of the sixth century. In his Preface to this
    Commentary, he speaks of the Apocalyptic visions having been seen by St. John
    when banished and condemned to the mines in Patmos by the Emperor
    Domitian” (Horae Apocalypticae, E. B. Elliott, vol. I, p. 36).

    Hippolytus says:

    John, again, in Asia, was banished by Domitian the king to the isle of Patmos, in
    which also he wrote his Gospel and saw the apocalyptic vision; and in Trajan’s
    time he fell asleep at Ephesus, where his remains were sought for, but could not
    be found (The Twelve Apostles, XLIX).

    Regarding lone testimony of Epiphanius, Elliott states: “Nor can it be wondered at:
    seeing that as to any contrary statement on the point in question, there appears to have
    been none whatsoever until the time of Epiphanius, Bishop of Salamis in Cyprus, in the
    latter half of the fourth century: …whose chief work, On Heresies, is decried … as ‘full of
    blots and errors, through the levity and ignorance of the author:’ …For he speaks of St.
    John having prophesied when in the isle of Patmos, in the days of the Emperor Claudius:
    –a time when… it does not appear from history that there was any imperial persecution of
    the Christian body whatsoever…” (Horae Apocalypticae, vol. I, p. 37).

    He adds: “ …another testimony to the early date of the Apocalypse. The subscription to a
    Syriac version of the book, written about the beginning of the sixth century, is thus
    worded; ‘The Revelation which was made by God to John the Evangelist in the island of
    Patmos, whither he was banished by the Emperor Nero.’ But of what value is this
    opinion, then first broached, as it would appear?” (Horae Apocalypticae, vol. I, p. 38-39).

    Elliott also states that Domitian was often known by the name Nero, thus the confusion
    some scholars have with Nero and Domitian.

    May not the mistake have arisen from Domitian having sometimes the title of
    Nero given him; and in fact the original writer of the Syriac subscription have
    meant Domitian, not Nero?” He includes in this footnote further proofs given in
    Latin of this title applying to Domitian (Horae Apocalypticae, vol. I pg. 39,
    footnote 1).

    The Acts of John reports that John was indeed exiled under Domitian:

    And the fame of the teaching of John was spread abroad in Rome; and it came to
    the ears of Domitian that there was a certain Hebrew in Ephesus, John by name,
    who spread a report about the seat of empire of the Romans, saying that it would
    quickly be rooted out, and that the kingdom of the Romans would be given over
    to another. And Domitian, troubled by what was said, sent a centurion with
    soldiers to seize John, and bring him. And having gone to Ephesus, they asked
    where John lived.

    And when all were glorifying God, and wondering at the faith of John, Domitian
    said to him: I have put for
    th a decree of the senate, that all such persons should
    be summarily dealt with, without trial; but since I find from thee that they are
    innocent, and that their religion is rather beneficial, I banish thee to an island,
    that I may not seem myself to do away with my own decrees. He asked then that
    the condemned criminal should be let go; and when he was let go, John said:
    Depart, give thanks to God, who has this day delivered thee from prison and
    from death.

    And having prayed, he raised her up. And Domitian, astonished at all the
    wonders, sent him away to an island, appointing for him a set time. And
    straightway John sailed to Patmos, where also he was deemed worthy to see the
    revelation of the end. And when Domitian was dead, Nerva succeeded to the
    kingdom, and recalled all who had been banished; and having kept the kingdom
    for a year, he made Trajan his successor in the kingdom. And when he was king
    over the Romans, John went to Ephesus, and regulated all the teaching of the
    church, holding many conferences, anti reminding them of what the Lord had
    said to them, and what duty he had assigned to each. And when he was old and
    changed, he ordered Polycarp to be bishop over the church. (Acts of the Holy
    Apostle John, Exile and Departure).

    This agrees with Eusebius’ account:

    But after Domitian had reigned fifteen years, and Nerva had succeeded to the
    empire, the Roman Senate, according to the writers that record the history of
    those days, voted that Domitian’s honors should be cancelled, and that those
    who had been unjustly banished should return to their homes and have their
    property restored to them. 11. It was at this time that the apostle John returned
    from his banishment in the island and took up his abode at Ephesus, according
    to an ancient Christian tradition. (Church History, Book 3, Ch 20).

    At that time the apostle and evangelist John, the one whom Jesus loved, was still
    living in Asia, and governing the churches of that region, having returned after
    the death of Domitian from his exile on the island. 2. And that he was still alive
    at that time may be established by the testimony of two witnesses. They should
    be trustworthy who have maintained the orthodoxy of the Church; and such
    indeed were Irenaeus and Clement of Alexandria. 3. The former in the second
    book of his work Against Heresies, writes as follows: “And all the elders that
    associated with John the disciple of the Lord in Asia bear witness that John
    delivered it to them. For he remained among them until the time of Trajan.” 4.
    And in the third book of the same work he attests the same thing in the
    following words: “But the church in Ephesus also, which was founded by Paul,
    and where John remained until the time of Trajan, is a faithful witness of the
    apostolic tradition.” 5. Clement likewise in his book entitled What Rich Man can
    be saved? indicates the time, and subjoins a narrative which is most attractive to
    those that enjoy hearing what is beautiful and profitable. Take and read the
    account which rims as follows: 6. “Listen to a tale, which is not a mere tale, but
    a narrative concerning John the apostle, which has been handed down and
    treasured up in memory. For when, after the tyrant’s death, he returned from the
    isle of Patmos to Ephesus, he went away upon their invitation to the neighboring
    territories of the Gentiles, to appoint bishops in some places, in other places to
    set in order whole churches, elsewhere to choose to the ministry some one of
    those that were pointed out by the Spirit. (Church History, Book 3, Ch 23).

    Robert A. Sungenis, Ph.D.



    We are supposed to be discussing the preterist view that the new covenant age had not fully come until ad70. Consequently, much of Jesus' teachings and even some of the apostolic teaching was cancelled when the new covenant age fully arrived.

    I gave Hebrews 6 as a “proof text” and I was expecting that you would begin there.


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