Biblical unitarianism

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    These remain popular two dimensional doctrines.


    Hi ,
    From the official BU site.
    “Jesus Christ was also a created being, made a man in the same way that Adam was originally made, that is, a masterpiece of God’s creation, given dominion over Paradise and every creature He had made.”



    More from the BU site,

    “Creation is the means by which God has brought things to pass outside of that which would occur naturally. He caused a human life to begin in the womb of Mary by an act of supernatural creation, not mystical incarnation (Matt. 1:18; Luke 1:35). He waited for a willing woman to bear this child, a woman whose confession and testimony were befitting the honor bestowed upon her. In this way He brought into the world a human being who fulfilled the necessary conditions for becoming the Messiah. That was only the first hurdle. Then He had to work with the growing child to help him maintain his sinless condition until the time he could be anointed with holy spirit and thus be empowered to do the work to which he was called (Acts 10:38). Yes, God had to provide (by creation) the body that could be sacrificed, but Jesus had to obey Him flawlessly for his body to finally be the perfect sacrifice that it needed to be. Thus, God and Jesus each had a responsibility that the other could not perform, and upon which our redemption depended.”
    So Christ according to their false doctrine;

    was not the Son of God by His divine origins or in Mary .
    was not a son of man, or Adam but a new creation.
    was unlike to us apart from the sin difference
    was not the son of Mary.


    Hi Nick,

    I spent quite some time reading nearly every article at the BU website but you have to dig deeper than that. If you want to know WHERE they got most of their teachings from, you would have to look up Dr. Paul Wierwille and the Way International. A very disturbed cult which regarded this man's teachings as tGospel. The questionly believed EVERYTHING that came out of this guy's mouth and still do.

    I also asked them to explain Jesus praying to have his FORMER GLORY restored in John 17:5. They never had an adequate response. RR offered a cut and paste link which shows she couldn't explain it in their own words. Others did the same and simply failed to provide scriptural proof that Jesus didn't exist before coming to earth. Also Paul says in Corinthians that Jesus was rich but became poor for our sakes. They have no explanation for that verse either.

    Based on what I've seen and experienced after attending some of their fellowships, is that you are to check your brain at the door and believe everything they say even if you find scriptures that say otherwise. Very similar to the Mormons, JW's and other such mind controling cults.

    At least at the AOG I serve, I can speak my peace and debate using scripture without being labeled a heretic for not coming to the same conclusions as they do. Try that with any of these groups! Anyone who is trying to force doctrine down your throat when we are all still learning and being perfected in the faith should be avoided. God can and does use people with less than perfect knowledge and doctrine. I know because I am one such person! :D



    Hi Adam Pastor,
    I see from your site that you see Jesus as a REPRESENTATIVE of God.
    Is that all he is to you?
    Was he not anointed by God and filled with the Spirit of God working the works of God on earth?
    Are we meant to just copy Christ rather than first seeking the Spirit enabling power to do so?


    Hi Adam Pastor,
    This is from your site.
    “And by Kingdom of God the Apostles do not mean a present reign of Christ “in the heart” but the worldwide Kingdom of God to be inaugurated by the Second Coming of Jesus at the end of the age and introducing a new society on earth — “the inhabited earth of the future about which we speak” (Heb. 2:5). This point is most essential for anyone who sets out to make converts through the Gospel message. The Kingdom of God, as the future Kingdom, is the core of the message. It was when potential converts expressed an understanding of and a belief in the Kingdom of God and the things concerning the name of Jesus that they were ready to be baptized (Acts 8:12). Clearly any preaching which does not have the Kingdom of God as a major component of its content has little relation to the New Testament Gospel.”

    Do you not agree with Paul that “it is no longer I that liveth but Christ that liveth in me”?

    Do you not know that the Kingdom is also within you?


    Hi Adam Pastor,
    You say on your site
    “The Good News of the Kingdom has to do with God's purpose to bring peace and international harmony to our war-torn earth by sending Jesus to rule the world at his Second Coming”
    “God is intensely interested in the future of the world and the great reversal in world politics which is going to come when Jesus returns with his Kingdom.”

    Who else apart from you and Mr Buzzard believes the only aspect of the kingdom spoken of by Jesus was his return to earth?


    Hi Adam,
    This verse reads as if it has happened.
    But you say it is a future event?
    Col 1.13
    “13For He rescued us from the (A)domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of (B)His beloved Son,”


    This is topical


    Do you not know that the Kingdom is also within you?

    Nick, you said this above.
    When Jesus said to the SCRIBES AND PHARASEES, people he condemned as serpents and offspring of vipers, and spoke of them having trouble fleeing the judgement of gehenna…when he said to THESE PEOPLE that the kingdom of God was among them, or in their midst, or as the KJV I believe translates it, “in you,” he didn't mean that God's kingdom was in the hearts of the pharasees. That makes no sense.
    Jesus meant that the king of that kingdom was among them, in their midst.

    A lot of people hold to his belief of the kingdom being in them, in their heart, bases soley on that one scripture. It troubles me.

    Is that scripture the reason you believe that God's kingdom (empire or governement run by a king) is “in peoples hearts.”
    Or are there other scriptures I don't know about that speak of this?



    Hi david,
    LK 17
    ” 21Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you. “
    “21nor shall they say, Lo, here; or lo, there; for lo, the reign of God is within you.'

    ' 21nor will they say, 'Look, here it is!' or, 'There it is!' For behold, the kingdom of God is in your midst. “

    Jesus rules each subject from within.


    On being asked by THE PHARISEES when the kingdom of God was coming, he said the words you quoted above.

    “in your midst” is a more accurate rendering, I believe. For the kingdom of God to be “in” the pharisees themselves, THE ONES WHOM JESUS WAS SPEAKING TO, makes little sense.

    Yes, the kingdom of God was in their midst, because the king of that kingdom was speaking to them. This, makes sense.


    You have a point there david.


    You have a point there david.

    Or do JW's have a point there. Apparently, they do. Because they are the ones that explained this to me. And I to you.


    Hi david,
    Pick the bones of truth out of their doctrines and discard the rest and follow Jesus.


    This is topical.


    As I see it the BU doctrine is built on the foundation of the OT and tries to make all things able to be seen from this perspective. The OT is well established and has been rightly handled and proven and was the scripture used by Jesus.
    The NT is not as old or as well looked after, has been badly handled at times and has been misused and abused by some. Yet it is the revelation of the son of God and shows aspects of the role and nature of Jesus hidden in the OT and not previously understood.

    Should we interpret the NT according to the OT as the BU do?
    Is there not the risk of downgrading the NT as less reliable than the OT?
    Men always say “the old wine is better” but we need the new wine too.
    Certainly we need new containers for the new wine as it will burst the old.

    “the wise storeman can take good things both old and new out of his storehouse.”


    Hi David:

    Of the Pharisees Jesus states: “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do.  He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him.  When he speaketh of a lie he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it”.

    And so obviously, Jesus was not saying that the Kingdom of God was within them, but that it was in their midst.

    But we who are born again Christians are members of the body of Christ (1 Co. 12:27) and therefore, a part of his kingdom.  Ephesians 5:22-32) likens our relationship to Christ to a Christian marriage between a husband and his wife.

    And so, the kingdom of God is in the midst of the darkness of this world even at this time as it was then.  

    “Then spake Jesus unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life”.  (John 8:12)

    “Ye are the light of the world.  A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid.  Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick: and it giveth light unto all that are in the house.  Let your light so shine before men, that they may see yur good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven”.  (Matt. 5:14-16)

    “And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.”  (John 1:6)


    Jesus is the Son of God first and foremost and all other geneology must submit to that of his monogenes sonship to God.


    This type of religious belief has again surfaced through Adam Pastor.
    According to them man is two dimensional-body and spirit. Thus soul is non existent and places such as sheol and Hades are regarded as just another word for death. Spirit beings are just amorphous spirit yet Christ and God are said to have “form” as shown for example in Phil 2.

    But God has a Soul.[Ps 11] and Jesus described Hades and the bosom of Abraham in Lk 16 while the bible is full of references to Sheol, in the psalms, proverbs, Exekiel and then of course there was the group in Moses day that God took to Sheol alive for opposing Him.

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