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  • #41978

    Thank you :)


    2 Tim1
    “13Retain the standard of sound words which you have heard from me, in the faith and love which are in Christ Jesus.

    14Guard, through the Holy Spirit who dwells in us, the treasure which has been entrusted to you. “

    Guard the treasure of the sacred scriptures.

    16Then they that feared the LORD spake often one to another: and the LORD hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the LORD, and that thought upon his name.

    Be faithful.


    Thank you for your encouragement to remain faithful!



    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Aug. 05 2006,13:11)
    Praise God for the evidence He gives us about Himself in the bible. The more you feed on the Word and learn to abide in the Word the more you get to know the Author.

    Why do you need to praise anything?
    What evidence? If there is evidence, what of faith?
    Apart from a description of a supernatural myth, what does the “Word” actually teach you that you could not know by other means?



    Hi Stu,
    Faith reveals the evidence.
    All men have been given a measure of faith so somewhere along the line you lost it.
    The Word teaches us the origins, the purpose, the place we have in the plan and the rewards for walking with Christ.
    It shows us the depths of God through knowing his Spirit.

    Ther is no alternative offered that gives any hope so love calls us on.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Feb. 08 2008,17:56)
    Hi Stu,
    Faith reveals the evidence.
    All men have been given a measure of faith so somewhere along the line you lost it.
    The Word teaches us the origins, the purpose, the place we have in the plan and the rewards for walking with Christ.
    It shows us the depths of God through knowing his Spirit.

    Ther is no alternative offered that gives any hope so love calls us on.

    Love calls us on. You think if we all would do more of loving rather then criticizing this world would look different? But that will not happen till Christ returns, I know. Wishful thinking on my part.

    Peace and Love Mrs.


    I was wondering….

    The bible tells us that God gives us a witness that he is true through nature, and through the spirit that is within us, so that we are in fact without excuse. I was wondering, if we didn't have the bible, would we believe in God? I think so. But the real question is, would we believe in Jesus?


    Hi not3,
    Good question.
    I think not.

    The Bible is a book resonant with the amazing powers of our God and that helps us believe.
    It also helps us know about Him and how He wants us to radiate love as He does
    God always knew in his secret plan that he would send His son to save men.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Feb. 14 2008,20:09)
    Hi not3,
    Good question.
    I think not.

    The Bible is a book resonant with the amazing powers of our God and that helps us believe.
    It also helps us know about Him and how He wants us to radiate love as He does
    God always knew in his secret plan that he would send His son to save men.

    I guess in the meantime, he duped the Jews for 4000 years.


    Hi KJ,
    Do you want to join the rush of the lemmings to condemn God?


    Hi Nick,

    But if it was in God's secret plan all along that we should know him AND his Son, wouldn't he have made it obvious to everyone in the world by his creation that this is so (so that we are without excuse)? The problem is, we cannot look at nature and see Jesus. We see God, but not his Son. We have to learn about his Son through the NT.

    And if this knowledge of Jesus is not automatically given to us as the knowledge of God is given to us (so that we are without excuse), I wonder if the information of Jesus is absolutely necessary?


    Hi not3,
    If you would rather have done the planning them I am not the one to talk to.
    Paul did not understand it all and was forced to admit it was a mystery.

    Ephesians 6:19
    And for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel,

    Colossians 1:26
    Even the mystery which hath been hid from ages and from generations, but now is made manifest to his saints:

    Romans 16:25
    Now to him that is of power to stablish you according to my gospel, and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery, which was kept secret since the world began,


    It certainly has been “….kept secret…..” from God's people! I wonder why?

    At any rate, for the NT to answer the question regarding Jesus is no wonder.

    I am given a check in my spirit that God is real. When I look around me at his tremendous creation, I know that he IS. Even a member of a remote tribe somewhere in the mountains of India would be able to view creation and know what I know – that God IS. However, a tribe member in India may never know who God's Son is. For that matter, I wouldn't either if I hadn't been brought up in a Christian home.

    I guess I will go with what is already hard-wired into me – that God IS. Maybe the rest is truly optional? If it wasn't, God would have hard-wired that information as well. No?


    Quote (Is 1:18 @ Oct. 14 2004,18:00)
    To me God has clearly orchestrated the collection of books that make up the Bible as we know it. Its authenticity is validated by the consistency that runs through it, even though 40 odd authors were involved and it was written over thousands of years. It's clearly 'supernaturally engineered'.


    If the bible is “supernaturally engineered” then why are there so many flaws/additions/subtractions. Why are there stories that have various accounts? Why is the OT not clearly tied into the NT. What really happened during the 400+ years of the intertestiment period? Why are most of the books without known author's? Why are there various sources by which some versions are interpreted while other's have different foundations by which they draw from (thus creating the sea of translations that we have today).

    What kind of engineering is this again? Supernatural? I would say that if it is supernatural – the supernatural enjoys having their subjects confused and caught in endless debate over it's work.

    I have to confess, I'm beginning to lose faith in the Bible and in the required Jesus-the-Messiah. Soon I will need to be branded “non-believer”. :(


    Hi not3,
    Why go flaw spotting?
    How does that hide the fantastic beauty?
    Do occasional mess ups by men take away the harmony?

    Do you search for freckles on butterflies?


    I see your point, however you cannot just embrace the beauty without noticing the blotches. That would be called turning a blind eye towards the so-called truth.

    I certainly didn't go in search of the flaws. They popped up and out of the pages as I studied along. Do you think I should just sing, “La,la,la,la,laaaa” as I read things that don't make sense or are proven errors? What should I do with that information?

    Most are not prepared to say that the bible is flawed, but it is nonetheless. How can the Word of God be flawed? If it is as Isaiah has said – supernaturally engineered – then it would seem the supernatural is not a very good editor-in-chief? I don't know, Nick. I'm trying to sort these things out. I hear what you are saying – the bible is beautiful and it tells us about God, love, and Jesus. But I also see a lot wrong with this collective document. Not because I'm looking for everything that is wrong, but because in a honest search of it, it comes out.


    Hi not3,
    Some have found themselves a collection of flaws and lost their precious faith in the process.
    God gave us the writings but allowed one or two misdemeanours
    because those with the Spirit would find them
    and learn more in the process.


    God does not promote confusion, so the story goes…..

    Allowing flaws has not served God well. He is perfect; his Son is perfect; we are demanded to be holy and perfect as they are…..and then we are given a flawed set of rules by which to acheive this perfection? Sounds like we were set-up to fail?

    Nick, I want to believe what you are writing, I really do. You have no idea how badly I want to tag-on an “Amen” to what you are saying, I just cannot anymore. What you are saying does not make sense.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Feb. 15 2008,19:41)
    Hi not3,
    Some have found themselves a collection of flaws and lost their precious faith in the process.
    God gave us the writings but allowed one or two misdemeanours
    because those with the Spirit would find them
    and learn more in the process.

    nick I like that answer. Just want to add this, that the mystery of Jesus Christ has been revealed to His Saints. What is that Mystery? Is it not that Jesus gave up His glory that He had with His Father before the world was. He came and gave His life, so we can have eternal life. But the road to that understanding is steep and few will find it. That is the way I see it.
    I am going to have a Bible Study with my Husband today on the Secret the Mystery of Christ. Will reply about it later.

    Peace and Love Mrs.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Feb. 15 2008,01:20)
    Hi KJ,
    Do you want to join the rush of the lemmings to condemn God?

    No, because I don't believe the words of any man are fully the words of God. They are just an attempt at describing God in terms acceptable to them.

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