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  • #93081

    Everyone agrees that the gospels were not written day by day as events occurred but recalled later.
    Thus that work of recall was not of man but of God.
    Indeed the words are sacred.

    26But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.

    26But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me:

    13Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.

    14He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you

    John 6:63
    It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.


    Quote (Not3in1 @ May 05 2008,15:04)
    You are just like my kids sometimes sis, needing to have the last word.  I guess I should let you have the last word, but I'm feeling a bit onery tonight.

    Emotional people cannot be spiritual; people can only be either/or. You are right. Let's all put our egos aside. Too many arguments here boil down to word-fistfights; we ought to be terrified by this fact. How far away from God are we that we are not terrified by this? No one wants to be reproved, only to be the reprover, to rule over others; please read something that will sanctify you and save you from yourself, brothers, and find a man of God you can follow, the same thing I've had to do.


    Someone should ban Stuart, what business does he have speaking to believers. Let him go into the fire of hell where he belongs; let him go on his way.


    Hi H,
    Stuart respects the rights of believers by keeping his worldview challenging contributions outside of the believer's section of the site. His ideas probably represent a significant section of the non religious community in which we live and we should hear them. But we do not need to engage him.


    Quote (Hanoch @ July 25 2008,06:30)
    Someone should ban Stuart, what business does he have speaking to believers. Let him go into the fire of hell where he belongs; let him go on his way.

    Hi Hanoch

    Thank you for your kind wishes and thank you for thinking of me. I do work hard to ensure that I am hell-bound and it is gratifying to have my efforts appreciated.



    And that is all you have to look forward to. When you are crying in torment and eternal destruction, the good days on earth will be a eternally distant memory and you will die for ever in your soul and body. You have no idea what you have here on the earth; what good things you have which will be utterly stripped away from you, since you are a cancer in all of creation; you WILL be dealt with by its “immune system”, I garauntee you that. It would be better for you to die today than to live on gathering up knowledge which will only serve as witnesses against you and increase your condemnation; every pleasure you indulge in will bring a hotter hell on you — and this is the purpose for not believing in God, so that you can run in your own lusts, as it was written (God has your number; he knows what you are doing):

    “Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts,

    And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.”  2 Pet 3:3,4

    So, it's not that you don't believe; it's that you don't WANT TO BELIEVE because of the implications of believing (the mandate for holiness); and yet you don't consider the implications of the destruction you are promised for your current lifestyle; therefore, you are being a fool, bringing about your own destruction. You choose not to believe in hell because it is not convenient – how foolish!

    I used to deny God's reality, too: I used to do drugs; I grew my own mushrooms, I drank, I smoked, I dropped acid, I rolled (ecstasy), and one day, I was considering everything in the universe and the beauty of it.. and I said, “God, you have to be real, but I know how you want me to be (holy).. and I know how I am… (a druggy and liking it) and I CAN'T BE what you want me to be… but You're telling me You're going to send me to hell if I don't do things Your way… and that's not fair, because I can't! In that case, You will be the one to change me, since I cannot change myself. Please change me, because I don't want to be on Your bad side.” And He did! He changed me and made me desire different things! I don't have the same desires I used to have; I am a different person, because I FEARED God and asked Him to change me by His grace.
    You should do the same, Stu… don't join a religion, just ask God to forgive you of the things you have done that you know in your conscience were wrong, and for all the things you don't know you did that were wrong, and that Jesus would save you from your sins, and receive the eternal life of God through the blood of His Son Jesus shed for YOU – to wash away your sins. Jesus loves you and cares for you; you should know it; He loved you so much that He died in your place; He went to hell IN YOUR PLACE — FOR STUART — and all you have to do is believe in Him and you will be saved. Then you are free from any law; then you love God; where a love like His is, there doesn't need to be any law: “laws” are only witnesses to the fact that you have not walked in love; if there is any law, it may be summed up in this: “ your neighbor as yourself.”

    Walk in the light while you have the light; there is coming a night, Stu, that is terrible, and you do not want to be on the wrong end of the sword in that evening.


    Praying For You,


    Quote (Hanoch @ July 25 2008,06:18)

    Quote (Not3in1 @ May 05 2008,15:04)
    You are just like my kids sometimes sis, needing to have the last word. I guess I should let you have the last word, but I'm feeling a bit onery tonight.

    Emotional people cannot be spiritual; people can only be either/or. You are right. Let's all put our egos aside. Too many arguments here boil down to word-fistfights; we ought to be terrified by this fact. How far away from God are we that we are not terrified by this? No one wants to be reproved, only to be the reprover, to rule over others; please read something that will sanctify you and save you from yourself, brothers, and find a man of God you can follow, the same thing I've had to do.

    I simply cannot understand or accept the (false) dichotomy that an emotional person cannot be a spiritual person. No one can ever totally and completely so sever their emotions so as to not be emotional in every sense. In fact, one can see emotions running pretty high in your own posts. Should we then say that you must not be a spiritual person since emotions are present in your own thoughts and writings? Of course not.God created us as emotional/physical/spiritual beings and it is an intrusion of Greek/Eastern philosophies and religion which would tend towards the suffocation of emotions, emotions that God has created! Besides, Christ Jesus said that the first and foremost commandment is to love the Lord our God with all our heart (the seat of emotion), soul, strength and mind (Matthew 22:37 (ESV) And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.) If Jesus commands us to engage our emotions in the pursuit of our spirituality, then no one else has the right to contradict His commands, right?



    Hi Hanoch

    Your attempts to save me are touching but I am afraid, having heard it all before, that I have a pretty low view of those who prostyletise to me uninvited. Please don't pray for me, or at least if you must then don't tell me, because it increases my chances of death following heart surgery, which would be a particular surprise as I am not currently scheduled for any cardiac procedures.

    Do your unpleasant threats apply to all 4,000,000,000 non-christians, or just the 2,000,000,000 that don't follow the abrahamic god? Having to condemn most of his human creation to torment of the kind you describe is not a reounding endorement of his competence. Where did things start to go wrong for him do you think?



    Quote (epistemaniac @ July 26 2008,05:31)

    Quote (Hanoch @ July 25 2008,06:18)

    Quote (Not3in1 @ May 05 2008,15:04)
    You are just like my kids sometimes sis, needing to have the last word.  I guess I should let you have the last word, but I'm feeling a bit onery tonight.

    Emotional people cannot be spiritual; people can only be either/or. You are right. Let's all put our egos aside. Too many arguments here boil down to word-fistfights; we ought to be terrified by this fact. How far away from God are we that we are not terrified by this? No one wants to be reproved, only to be the reprover, to rule over others; please read something that will sanctify you and save you from yourself, brothers, and find a man of God you can follow, the same thing I've had to do.

    I simply cannot understand or accept the (false) dichotomy that an emotional person cannot be a spiritual person. No one can ever totally and completely so sever their emotions so as to not be emotional in every sense. In fact, one can see emotions running pretty high in your own posts. Should we then say that you must not be a spiritual person since emotions are present in your own thoughts and writings? Of course not.God created us as emotional/physical/spiritual beings and it is an intrusion of Greek/Eastern philosophies and religion which would tend towards the suffocation of emotions, emotions that God has created! Besides, Christ Jesus said that the first and foremost commandment is to love the Lord our God with all our heart (the seat of emotion), soul, strength and mind (Matthew 22:37 (ESV) And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.) If Jesus commands us to engage our emotions in the pursuit of our spirituality, then no one else has the right to contradict His commands, right?


    I don't think there is even any difference between the two.



    Quote (Stu @ July 26 2008,14:25)
    Hi Hanoch

     not a reounding endorement of his competence.  

    I think your “s” key got stuck. :D



    Quote (TimothyVI @ July 26 2008,22:18)

    Quote (Stu @ July 26 2008,14:25)
    Hi Hanoch

     not a reounding endorement of his competence.  

    I think your “s” key got stuck.  :D


    Ye I think you're right.



    A person who is led by emotions cannot be led by truth; truth is higher than emotions; emotions are reactions to temporary circumstances; not unchangeable truths.
    Truths are reality, demanding action; giving purpose and direction.

    “Sanctify them in the truth; Thy Word is truth.”


    “I (the Word) am the Way, the Truth, and the Life (life=spirit)…”
    “The words that I speak, they are spirit and they are life.”
    “Sanctify them in the truth; Thy Word is truth.”

    The word of God divides between soul and spirit, to the end that you would no longer be dominated or led by emotions, even though you can feel emotions; that you would not be led away from truth – and the presence of God – on account of them.

    Therefore, if my affections are for my emotional experience and not for the heavenly truth, cannot be heavenly, or spiritual, because I love their life too much, and cannot follow Jesus, the truth, who doesn't change based on my emotions. You can't have two masters.


    For us, limited by some physical factors,

    Truth=Conclusions from empirical observation
    Emotions=Neural/biochemical response to Truth=Spirituality, of you need to use that word

    Our minds make models of the world and they interact with that world. Happily that interaction almost certainly matches a real interaction with other people and the physical world that we can observe.

    The word of God divides between soul and spirit, to the end that you would no longer be dominated or led by emotions, even though you can feel emotions; that you would not be led away from truth – and the presence of God – on account of them.

    As a result of evolutionary change we have a human neocortex brain built on top of a reptilian brain, in the centre of which is a control system for basic life functions. The ability to reason (use acquired truth) is sometimes hijacked by the reptilian brain which forces us into very basic emotional responses to situations before the neocortex has time to override with a reasoned response. Mammalian mothers, as human mothers are, care for and produce food for their young whereas many reptile offspring have to run away from the hatched egg very fast to avoid being eaten by its parents. Hence it is perfectly understandable that we have internal conflict concepts like yin and yan, good vs evil or the idea of overcoming temptation. It is an expression of an astonishing brain, but one that has been cobbled together by natural selection to the point where it works for survival and reproduction (the only selection criteria) while resulting in some amazing other abilities. One of those of course is our invention of gods and mythology, byproducts of other probably unique abilities like wondering and pattern-finding that have been advantageous for survival.

    The bottom line is that truths, emotions, spirituality, souls or indeed gods, whatever they mean, do not exist outside of our heads. That is what the evidence says, and with neuroscience it becomes more compelling by the year.



    Quote (Hanoch @ July 27 2008,04:10)
    A person who is led by emotions cannot be led by truth; truth is higher than emotions; emotions are reactions to temporary circumstances; not unchangeable truths.
    Truths are reality, demanding action; giving purpose and direction.

    “Sanctify them in the truth; Thy Word is truth.”


    “I (the Word) am the Way, the Truth, and the Life (life=spirit)…”
    “The words that I speak, they are spirit and they are life.”
    “Sanctify them in the truth; Thy Word is truth.”

    The word of God divides between soul and spirit, to the end that you would no longer be dominated or led by emotions, even though you can feel emotions; that you would not be led away from truth – and the presence of God – on account of them.

    Therefore, if my affections are for my emotional experience and not for the heavenly truth, cannot be heavenly, or spiritual, because I love their life too much, and cannot follow Jesus, the truth, who doesn't change based on my emotions. You can't have two masters.


    I suspect that the longer you stay here, the more you will have to eat your own words! :laugh:

    You cannot survive HeavenNet without showing some emotion, dude. It doesn't make you less spiritual anymore than cleaning the outside of the cup makes you more spiritual.

    The Father shows emotion!
    Jesus displayed many acts fueled by emotion!

    IMO, you are a bit misled. Stick around……



    Quote (Hanoch @ July 25 2008,06:30)
    Someone should ban Stuart, what business does he have speaking to believers. Let him go into the fire of hell where he belongs; let him go on his way.

    What did you just say about emotional people?

    Egads! Where's the love my “Christian” brother?


    Important correction:

    Our minds make models of the world and they interact with that model. Happily that interaction almost certainly matches a real interaction with other people and the physical world that we can observe.



    Hey Hanoch.

    This topic is about the bible.

    And it is not wise to engage with people in this fashion.

    Yes the gospel is foolishness to those who are perishing, but there are better ways to talk to people. If they choose destruction that is their choice is it not? We can only help those who want help. That should be our focus, to spend out time on a harvest. Trying to make fruit appear in a barren plant is God's work.

    I think best thing you can do with someone who may oppose you is to ignore them if they do not respond in a good way. And I agree with Nick, that Stu represents a portion of the population and it is actually quite useful to have someone like him here because he represents a major religion of the world, i.e., non-belief in God.

    Also, many evangelists will tell you that hecklers are very useful, they draw the crowds at times. The glass is half full.


    Hecklers Can Be good interrupteurs,
    good discernment and wise judgments
    over time……
    Patience! Reveals if any one of us be a…
    Mischief-marker, or the lesser bright followers of a mischief creator


    If atheism is a religion then not collecting stamps is a hobby.




    Quote (t8 @ July 27 2008,18:57)
    Trying to make fruit appear in a barren plant is God's work.

    Great quote.
    Very wise words.


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