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  • #86465

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ April 09 2008,08:47)
    Hi not3,
    The hand of God shown in Jesus was His loving hand.
    Time will come when those refusing his love will see His wrath.

    Interesting response, Nick. Are you saying that in the OT God did not extend a loving hand? I would agree. But I wonder why?


    Hi not3,
    I hadn't considered that but one thing is clear.
    He loves His son Jesus and thus in him there is eternal safety.


    Ancient Egyptians even treated women with more respect that the Israelites.

    In some ancient civilizations that practiced mother-goddess worship, women were honored as symbols of fertility. They appear to have been held in high esteem in Babylonia and Egypt.

    But elsewhere they fared less well.

    In ancient Assyria a man could put away his wife at will and even kill her if she was unfaithful. Outside the home, she had to wear a veil. In Greece and Rome, only rich women, many of whom were courtesans, or high-class prostitutes, had access to education and enjoyed a certain amount of freedom. Hence, it is refreshing to read in The New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology: “In contrast with the rest of the oriental (religious) world, she [woman in the Hebrew Scriptures] is recognized as a person and as a man’s partner.”

    This is well stated in the concluding book of the Hebrew Scriptures, where Jehovah’s prophet describes a man’s wife as his “partner,” adding:
    “With the wife of your youth may no one deal treacherously.”—Malachi 2:14, 15.



    I notice you don't talk about the way women were treated in the other parts of the OT…


    Nobody here is unfamiliar with the old Testament. The actions of our God are know to us just as they were known to Jesus. But now some seem to be taking offence and boldly attacking the God of heaven and earth. It sickens me. Perhaps I should go elsewhere if this site is to be used for such purposes.


    Its a free world.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ April 14 2008,07:51)
    Nobody here is unfamiliar with the old Testament. The actions of our God are know to us just as they were known to Jesus. But now some seem to be taking offence and boldly attacking the God of heaven and earth. It sickens me. Perhaps I should go elsewhere if this site is to be used for such purposes.

    Hi Nick:

    We can't abandon the flock.

    Jhn 10:10 The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have [it] more abundantly.
    Jhn 10:11 I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep.
    Jhn 10:12 But he that is an hireling, and not the shepherd, whose own the sheep are not, seeth the wolf coming, and leaveth the sheep, and fleeth: and the wolf catcheth them, and scattereth the sheep.
    Jhn 10:13 The hireling fleeth, because he is an hireling, and careth not for the sheep.


    Hi 94,
    This is not the flock but a window on the world.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ April 14 2008,07:51)
    Nobody here is unfamiliar with the old Testament. The actions of our God are know to us just as they were known to Jesus. But now some seem to be taking offence and boldly attacking the God of heaven and earth. It sickens me. Perhaps I should go elsewhere if this site is to be used for such purposes.

    Bro Nick,

    I hear the discouragement in your tone, and I'm sorry you are feeling low. It is difficult to listen to those, including myself, who are searching and questioning God. But rest assured that God is big enough to handle his children. We are not your responsibility. Maybe this helps?

    Love to you,


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ April 14 2008,07:51)
    Nobody here is unfamiliar with the old Testament. The actions of our God are know to us just as they were known to Jesus. But now some seem to be taking offence and boldly attacking the God of heaven and earth. It sickens me. Perhaps I should go elsewhere if this site is to be used for such purposes.

    Hi Nick,

    Actually my problem is that for years I was unfamiliar with the O.T. Most of my reading was in the new testament.
    It wasn't until I really started to study the O.T. that I started questioning the validity of the bible.

    The O.T. and the N.T. are two completely different pictures of the God that never changes.

    Why do you keep insisting that anyone that questions the bible is “boldly attacking the God of heaven and earth”.
    It seems to me that these people, with the exception of maybe stu, are defending God against the slander of the words in the bible. While those that worship the bible will believe anything that is said within it's pages about our God.
    And worse yet, try to bend reason to make evil good because God did it.
    It is my fervent belief that God will not be too pleased with that.



    Hi Tim4,
    Reason is not our God.
    Your reason is not mine or Mandy's.
    We must be transformed by the renewal of our minds


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ April 08 2008,23:48)
    Hi not3,
    I hadn't considered that but one thing is clear.
    He loves His son Jesus and thus in him there is eternal safety.

    Would this be something similar to the idea of a ruthless Mafia boss loving his children?


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ April 14 2008,05:30)
    Hi Tim4,
    Reason is not our God.
    Your reason is not mine or Mandy's.
    We must be transformed by the renewal of our minds

    Will such renewal allow people to reason away the atrocities of the OT?


    Quote (kejonn @ April 14 2008,22:58)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ April 14 2008,05:30)
    Hi Tim4,
    Reason is not our God.
    Your reason is not mine or Mandy's.
    We must be transformed by the renewal of our minds

    Will such renewal allow people to reason away the atrocities of the OT?

    Greetings KJ….Life is a gift from God…nobody is owed life and in addition when you can put God in a proper perspective you can see that the giving and taking of life with respect to his realm is not that important….The atrocities of the OT are nothing more the consequences of mans inhumanity to man..God would love to have all of us share in his kingdom,that is his plan for humanity,unfortunate for man,his God given free will causes him to rebel against a system of laws that by design are meant to bring us closer to God and the peace that comes from knowing him….


    Quote (theodorej @ April 14 2008,08:20)

    Quote (kejonn @ April 14 2008,22:58)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ April 14 2008,05:30)
    Hi Tim4,
    Reason is not our God.
    Your reason is not mine or Mandy's.
    We must be transformed by the renewal of our minds

    Will such renewal allow people to reason away the atrocities of the OT?

    Greetings KJ….Life is a gift from God…nobody is owed life and in addition when you can put God in a proper perspective you can see that the giving and taking of life with respect to his realm is not that important….The atrocities of the OT are nothing more the consequences of mans inhumanity to man..God would love to have all of us share in his kingdom,that is his plan for humanity,unfortunate for man,his God given free will causes him to rebel against a system of laws that by design are meant to bring us closer to God and the peace that comes from knowing him….

    So you support slaughtering children and infants? What was their free will sin?


    Quote (kejonn @ April 15 2008,03:23)

    Quote (theodorej @ April 14 2008,08:20)

    Quote (kejonn @ April 14 2008,22:58)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ April 14 2008,05:30)
    Hi Tim4,
    Reason is not our God.
    Your reason is not mine or Mandy's.
    We must be transformed by the renewal of our minds

    Will such renewal allow people to reason away the atrocities of the OT?

    Greetings KJ….Life is a gift from God…nobody is owed life and in addition when you can put God in a proper perspective you can see that the giving and taking of life with respect to his realm is not that important….The atrocities of the OT are nothing more the consequences of mans inhumanity to man..God would love to have all of us share in his kingdom,that is his plan for humanity,unfortunate for man,his God given free will causes him to rebel against a system of laws that by design are meant to bring us closer to God and the peace that comes from knowing him….

    So you support slaughtering children and infants? What was their free will sin?

    Greetings KJ….I do not support the slaughter and torture of ANY God given life….What needs to be understood here is simply this….God gave man a free will to do as he pleased,along with mans free will he was also given a book of instructions on how to live a long peacefull and productive life(Ten Commandments & Bible)if he chooses to do so….God cannot be held responsible for the free will actions of man,in this case mans inhumanity to his fellow man…..There will come a time when God will step in and,I would think very soon…So in closing the slaughter of women and children are the acts of men who have no regard for God let alone his commandments….


    But the 10 commandments were given to the Jews to follow, not the ones the Jews and Yahweh slaughtered on their march to the “Promised Land”. So why did Yahweh find it necessary to kill 2 million people (excluding the flood) according to the OT?


    Quote (theodorej @ April 16 2008,07:11)
    So in closing the slaughter of women and children are the acts of men who have no regard for God let alone his commandments….

    You do realize it was Yahweh and his chosen people who were slaughtering the women and children, right?


    Quote (kejonn @ April 17 2008,00:30)

    Quote (theodorej @ April 16 2008,07:11)
    So in closing the slaughter of women and children are the acts of men who have no regard for God let alone his commandments….

    You do realize it was Yahweh and his chosen people who were slaughtering the women and children, right?

    Evidently he didn't know that was who we were talking about
    all along.




    FRAGMENTS OF my scattered OT HOPES
    I LIKE Solomon’s God, see how Solomon was hated for not following the Laws of Moses, and his many law letter writers,
    They made Solomon’s children as pray to destroy?
    With hatred and wicked intentions, torture is transformed in righteousness.

    hear the Two Gods
    Neh 13:24  And their children spake half in the speech of Ashdod, and could not speak in the Jews' language, but according to the language of each people.
    Neh 13:25  And I contended with them, and cursed them, and smote certain of them, and plucked off their hair, and made them swear by God, [saying], Ye shall not give your daughters unto their sons, nor take their daughters unto your sons, or for yourselves.
    Neh 13:26  Did not Solomon king of Israel sin by these things? yet among many nations was there no king like him, who was beloved of his God, and God made him king over all Israel: nevertheless even him did outlandish women cause to sin.
    Neh 13:27  Shall we then hearken unto you to do all this great evil, to transgress against our God in marrying strange wives?

    I BELEIVE King David fought against the God of Law?

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