Bible Trivia

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  • #105249

    W.J. and Laurel please do your debating on another tread, this is to be fun, no criticism. We have established that before. That is the rule for this tread. O.K.

    Peace and Love Mrs. :( :( :(


    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Nov. 10 2007,18:02)

    You say…


    Since you know myself and others here know that Y'shua is the Son of Elohim and YHWH raised Him from the dead according to Scripture, why couldn't you at least ask the question the way Scripture could agree?  You could have written: When Messiah was raised from the dead, ….. We know your point of view and you know ours, please don't force your man-made doctrine on me.

    I understand that this thread is for questions, but since you posted a page of rebuke toward me then I feel to respond.

    Was my questions or statement directed toward you?

    This is an open forum and unless I am abusing the rules then as far as I can see I have the right to ask any question or make any statement that I want.

    So if you consider that forcing my doctrine down your throat then Oh well. I dont need your rebuke for doing something wrong when I have done nothing more than you or any one else on this forum. Further more sis I have been here long before you and dont need you to try and silence my voice or belief.

    What makes you think that your doctrine is so much holier and righteous than mine?

    If you dont like what is being siad on this forum then go somewhere else.

    Again this is an open forum and you have no right to try and censure me or anyone else.

    And BTW do you not believe Jesus words when he said he would raise himself from the dead?


    W.J. and Laurel Please no debating, we have established that this tread is to be fun, no criticism. If you have a question and want to participate you are welcome to do so.

    Peace and Love Mrs.


    What was Jacobs Daughters name?
    1 Sarah
    2 Rachel
    3 Diana
    4 Ruth

    Peace and Love Mrs. :D


    I don't know why chap has not been here, when He is the one that started this tread. I know He goes to School and that is more important, of course. What about you David? You Morningstar? You want to give this up too. Or have you not been around all day? Anybody is welcome, but no debating. It was fun before.

    Peace and Love Mrs. :( :( :(


    Ok, then, back to my forgotten paradoxical question that really doesn't have an answer.

    I guess this isn't a trivia question. But it is trivial. Yet, thought provoking.

    TITUS 1:12-13
    “A certain one of them, their own prophet, said: “Cre′tans are always liars, injurious wild beasts, unemployed gluttons.” This witness is true.”

    The question: Are Cretans always liars?


    A creten tells him that “cretens are always liars.”

    So, was the statement: “cretens are always liars” a true statement.

    Remember, Paul goes on to say with his very next words: “This witness is true.”

    He is saying that it's true.

    So, was the statement a correct one?

    1. Yes.
    B. No.
    3. Confused.


    My answer would be yes, otherwise the prophet would be a liar, right?

    Peaceand Love Mrs. :D :D


    But it was a Creten (who are “always” liars) who said this. Are cretens always liars?

    2. no



    Quote (david @ Nov. 11 2007,12:06)
    But it was a Creten (who are “always” liars) who said this.  Are cretens always liars?

    2. no


    Answer is not yes? I do not know and guessing no


    Quote (IM4Truth @ Nov. 11 2007,05:24)
    What was Jacobs Daughters name?
    1 Sarah
    2 Rachel
    3 Diana
    4 Ruth

    Peace and Love Mrs. :D

    3 Diana


    Quote (david @ Nov. 11 2007,12:06)
    But it was a Creten (who are “always” liars) who said this.  Are cretens always liars?

    2. no



    they are always liers. based on Paul's experience.

    And based on the philisophical ideal of:

    “Let God be true and every man a lier”.


    Quote (Morningstar @ Nov. 11 2007,23:33)

    Quote (david @ Nov. 11 2007,12:06)
    But it was a Creten (who are “always” liars) who said this.  Are cretens always liars?

    2. no



    they are always liers.  based on Paul's experience.

    And based on the philisophical ideal of:

    “Let God be true and every man a lier”.

    Morningstar You are right as far as who the Daughter of Jacob is. But the other question, I had answered yes first, but He put it up again. So do you know for sure that the answer is yes?

    Peace and Love Mrs.


    Who was Israels first King?
    1 Samson
    2 David
    3 Saul
    4 Rehaboam

    Peace and Love Mrs. :D :D :D


    No A,B, or C's for these ones.

    Name Job's three false comfortors.

    Name the other guy, the younger one who came later and actually had worthwhile things to say.

    Name Shadrach, Mechach and Abednego's Hebrew names. (This one's trickier, from memory.)


    Quote (david @ Nov. 11 2007,12:06)
    But it was a Creten (who are “always” liars) who said this. Are cretens always liars?

    2. no


    If it were yes, then that would mean that the words uttered by the creten were true and thus we have at least one case where a creten told the truth, but consequently he becomes a liar because by telling the truth he contradicts his own statement.

    If the answer is no, then that means that cretens are not always liars.

    I will go with no, because a creten that tells the truth doesn't affect the above “yes” scenario. But confirms the “no” one.

    In addition to that, a broken clock tells the correct time twice a day. So even if Cretens lie all the time, the chances are that they will tell the truth at some point, even if they do not realise it.

    Also a lie told about a lie can sometimes be the truth.

    E.g., 1+1 =3 and 1+1=2

    If you lie about the fact that 1+1=2 by saying that it equals 3, then to lie about the 3 and say it is 2, you then make the original question right.


    Quote (IM4Truth @ Nov. 12 2007,03:34)
    Who was Israels first King?
    1 Samson
    2 David
    3 Saul
    4 Rehaboam

    Peace and Love Mrs. :D :D :D

    Technically speaking it was God.

    But I will go with Saul in the list.

    Not sure if there was anyone before him.


    thinking….David is the first King to reigneth, he is clothed with majesty;on the throne of christ, set up to all generation for ever end ever


    Quote (t8 @ Nov. 12 2007,12:47)

    Quote (IM4Truth @ Nov. 12 2007,03:34)
    Who was Israels first King?
    1 Samson
    2 David
    3 Saul
    4 Rehaboam

    Peace and Love Mrs. :D :D :D

    Technically speaking it was God.

    But I will go with Saul in the list.

    Not sure if there was anyone before him.

    T8 I think the first King was Saul, and I think you are right.
    Chap is coming tomorrow and let Him add the score up.
    Charity do you want to give us a Question, since you never had the opportunity to do so before? O.K.t8

    Peace and Love Mrs.


    Who said this?

    “It is better for you that one man die for the poeple.”

    A) Peter
    B) Annanias
    C) Caiaphas
    D) Stephen


    Quote (IM4Truth @ Nov. 12 2007,16:51)

    Quote (t8 @ Nov. 12 2007,12:47)

    Quote (IM4Truth @ Nov. 12 2007,03:34)
    Who was Israels first King?
    1 Samson
    2 David
    3 Saul
    4 Rehaboam

    Peace and Love Mrs. :D :D :D

    Technically speaking it was God.

    But I will go with Saul in the list.

    Not sure if there was anyone before him.

    T8 I think the first King was Saul, and I think you are right.
    Chap is coming tomorrow and let Him add the score up.
    Charity do you want to give us a Question, since you never had the opportunity to do so before? O.K.t8

    Peace and Love Mrs.


    Which Mother… was the true Mother of the Living child?
    In the story of Solomon cuting the baby In half….both said the Living child was theirs…

    A the mother that awoke with a dead child

    b Or the Mother in possetion of the  living child


    Quote (charity @ Nov. 12 2007,19:10)

    Quote (IM4Truth @ Nov. 12 2007,16:51)

    Quote (t8 @ Nov. 12 2007,12:47)

    Quote (IM4Truth @ Nov. 12 2007,03:34)
    Who was Israels first King?
    1 Samson
    2 David
    3 Saul
    4 Rehaboam

    Peace and Love Mrs. :D :D :D

    Technically speaking it was God.

    But I will go with Saul in the list.

    Not sure if there was anyone before him.

    T8 I think the first King was Saul, and I think you are right.
    Chap is coming tomorrow and let Him add the score up.
    Charity do you want to give us a Question, since you never had the opportunity to do so before? O.K.t8

    Peace and Love Mrs.


    Which Mother… was the true Mother of the Living child?
    In the story of Solomon cuting the baby In half….both said the Living child was theirs…

    A the mother that awoke with a dead child

    b Or the Mother in possetion of the  living child

    The answer is: A (the mother who woke with the dead child)

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