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  • #229436

    Thanks to physics, and the truly bizarre quirks of quarks, those Star Trek style teleporters may be more than fiction.
    A strange discovery by quantum physicists at the University of California Santa Barbara means that an object you can see in front of you may exist simultaneously in a parallel universe — a multi-state condition that has scientists theorizing that teleportation or even time travel may be much more than just the plaything of science fiction writers.
    Until this year, all human-made objects have moved according to the laws of classical mechanics, the rules governing ordinary objects. Toss a ball in the air and it falls back to Earth. Drop a coin from your roof and it falls into your yard. But back in March, a group of researchers designed a gadget that moves in ways that can only be described by quantum mechanics — the set of rules that governs the behavior of tiny things like molecules, atoms, and subatomic particles.
    And the implication — that teleportation and even time travel may someday, somehow be a reality — is so groundbreaking that Science magazine has labelled it the most significant scientific advance of 2010.

    Read more:….hNvLmoE


    Genesis 11:6
    The LORD said, “If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them.


    Exodus 20:5

    … for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God…



    what brought that text to mind stuart.

    1 did it just come to mind
    2 is this a fall back scripture, standard
    3 perhaps you yourself are a jealous type of person and you can relate to this quote
    4 or your are stating that god is jealous of mankind, all gods are jealous of mankind, just some maybe not others.

    ah, what god? your being vaugue.

    decisions decisions


    You ask me for exegesis? I'm flattered!



    If your wife cheated on you and flaunted it, would you not be jealous?

    Why would the iniquity be visited to the 3rd or 4th generation? because of the influence from the living relatives.

    And why would He grant kindness for a thousand generations to those loving Him, because those truly loving Him will seek Him and His righteousness, and teach their children likewise.

    You hate God, but it is your traditional understanding of God that you hate, but you are so hardened and arrogant that you are blinded to even considering the possibility that God could exist, or believing that He does love you.

    You have my sympathy, though I'm sure you do not believe you need it.

    My opinion – Wm


    Quote (seekingtruth @ Dec. 22 2010,15:28)
    If your wife cheated on you and flaunted it, would you not be jealous?

    Why would the iniquity be visited to the 3rd or 4th generation? because of the influence from the living relatives.

    And why would He grant kindness for a thousand generations to those loving Him, because those truly loving Him will seek Him and His righteousness, and teach their children likewise.

    You hate God, but it is your traditional understanding of God that you hate, but you are so hardened and arrogant that you are blinded to even considering the possibility that God could exist, or believing that He does love you.

    You have my sympathy, though I'm sure you do not believe you need it.

    My opinion – Wm

    What god?



    Quote (Stu @ Dec. 22 2010,14:53)
    You ask me for exegesis?  I'm flattered!




    Quote (princess of the king @ Dec. 23 2010,08:24)

    Quote (Stu @ Dec. 22 2010,14:53)
    You ask me for exegesis?  I'm flattered!



    In what way?



    way of what?


    Quote (princess of the king @ Dec. 23 2010,12:41)
    way of what?




    truly a coward.


    Quote (Stu @ Dec. 22 2010,14:15)

    Quote (seekingtruth @ Dec. 22 2010,15:28)
    If your wife cheated on you and flaunted it, would you not be jealous?

    Why would the iniquity be visited to the 3rd or 4th generation? because of the influence from the living relatives.

    And why would He grant kindness for a thousand generations to those loving Him, because those truly loving Him will seek Him and His righteousness, and teach their children likewise.

    You hate God, but it is your traditional understanding of God that you hate, but you are so hardened and arrogant that you are blinded to even considering the possibility that God could exist, or believing that He does love you.

    You have my sympathy, though I'm sure you do not believe you need it.

    My opinion – Wm

    What god?


    Well obviously your avoiding the issue and trying to sidetrack to an unrelated topic.

    Unless of course maybe you just lack any intelligence what-so-ever, so as to come to a Christian web site, where scripture is being quoted from the Christian bible, and the person your responding to is known to you from previous discussions as one who at the very least as one claiming to be a Christian… and then to honestly ask “what God”!

    So which is it?


    Quote (seekingtruth @ Dec. 24 2010,14:53)

    Quote (Stu @ Dec. 22 2010,14:15)

    Quote (seekingtruth @ Dec. 22 2010,15:28)
    If your wife cheated on you and flaunted it, would you not be jealous?

    Why would the iniquity be visited to the 3rd or 4th generation? because of the influence from the living relatives.

    And why would He grant kindness for a thousand generations to those loving Him, because those truly loving Him will seek Him and His righteousness, and teach their children likewise.

    You hate God, but it is your traditional understanding of God that you hate, but you are so hardened and arrogant that you are blinded to even considering the possibility that God could exist, or believing that He does love you.

    You have my sympathy, though I'm sure you do not believe you need it.

    My opinion – Wm

    What god?


    Well obviously your avoiding the issue and trying to sidetrack to an unrelated topic.

    Unless of course maybe you just lack any intelligence what-so-ever, so as to come to a Christian web site, where scripture is being quoted from the Christian bible, and the person your responding to is known to you from previous discussions as one who at the very least as one claiming to be a Christian… and then to honestly ask “what God”!

    So which is it?

    I was quoting from the Jewish bible.

    I only ask you “what god” because you accuse me of hating it. You make the same mistake of which you accuse me. If you can stick to discussing the issues impartially then I will pretend your god exists for the purposes of discussion, as you seem singularly unable to imagine my worldview.

    Once you have started asserting stuff about me that is not true, you have taken it beyond the hypothetical discussion. In that case I will assert without any recourse to evidence or reason, just as you do, that there is no such thing as gods. That assertion is as valid as your god-affirming one, no matter what the nature of the website.

    As for the traditional understanding, I am happy to be corrected if my view of the god in your head does not match the version you carry in your head. You will appreciate that sometimes I forget which god I am discussing with which christian, because they are all different.




    I was quoting from the Jewish bible.  

    I only ask you “what god” because you accuse me of hating it You make the same mistake of which you accuse me. .

    Am I wrong that you hate the “idea” of either a Jewish or a Christian “God”.


    If you can stick to discussing the issues impartially then I will pretend your god exists for the purposes of discussion, as you seem singularly unable to imagine my worldview.

    Well ain't I special… though I doubt I am “singularly”  anything on this site. However your wrong, I can imagine it, and have imagined it, but have chosen to reject it.


    Once you have started asserting stuff about me that is not true, you have taken it beyond the hypothetical discussion.  In that case I will assert without any recourse to evidence or reason, just as you do, that there is no such thing as gods. That assertion is as valid as your god-affirming one, no matter what the nature of the website.

    What was it that I asserted that was not true?


    As for the traditional understanding, I am happy to be corrected if my view of the god in your head does not match the version you carry in your head.  You will appreciate that sometimes I forget which god I am discussing with which christian, because they are all different.


    So if I've got this right, I have to submit a multi-volumed book detailing every aspect on my understanding of God each time we discuss your most generic, all encompassing, remark about God… No thank you


    I am happy to be corrected if my view of the god in your head does not match the version you carry in your head

    you stand corrected



    Am I wrong that you hate the “idea” of either a Jewish or a Christian “God”.

    You said I hate god, which is not the same thing as hating the idea of it. In order to actually hate something I would have to accept that there is such a thing, which of course there is not. However, the idea of a god does exist. That is the thing I oppose. It is an idea that paints the universe ugly.

    Well ain't I special… though I doubt I am “singularly” anything on this site. However your wrong, I can imagine it, and have imagined it, but have chosen to reject it.

    When have you ever posted anything like “let’s pretend for the purposes of discussion that there is no god”? I reject your god concept, but I still am able to take it onboard for the purpose of discussion. I wonder if perhaps you are unwilling to put on atheists’ shoes because it is too dangerous a prospect for you.

    What was it that I asserted that was not true?

    That I hate your god. You are taking a hypothetical discussion and making it into a personal accusation. Why should I hate anything that does not exist? Your god concept is certainly worthy of opposition, immoral that it is.

    So if I've got this right, I have to submit a multi-volumed book detailing every aspect on my understanding of God each time we discuss your most generic, all encompassing, remark about God… No thank you

    The burden of proof is with you, it is you making the extraordinary claim of a supernatural Supervisor. Since there is no unambiguous evidence of any kind for the existence of any christian’s god (or any god at all) then it is reasonable to claim that you have made up everything about it. The effect is no different to that, at least. I can’t remember how many times you have corrected me on my understanding of your god, but I get it all the time from others, and the claims people make of the christian god are contradictory.

    You say my understanding is in some way faulty, perhaps based on what you call tradition, but isn’t it the case that if you take scripture as your multi-volumed book of god, then exegesis of it is still a matter of interpretation? In the absence of any evidence to decide it, how can you claim yours is the right version? Actually why is the traditional view wrong? Are you going to pull out the faith card and say your description of your god is right because you believe it on faith? Perhaps you should try leaping tall buildings in a single bound on the basis that you must be able to do it because you have faith that you can.

    To summarise, no, I do not know exactly what you mean by god, or how you justify the claim that there is one, and yes you should expect to explain the finer points if they are essential to the argument. I am not a mind-reader, and your god appears to be different from other christians’ gods.


    Ed J

    Quote (princess of the king @ Dec. 23 2010,21:49)
    truly a coward.

    Hi POK,

    I don't understand?
    What is Stuart cowardly about?

    God bless  
    Ed J


    To summarise, no, I do not know exactly what you mean by god, or how you justify the claim that there is one, and yes you should expect to explain the finer points if they are essential to the argument. I am not a mind-reader, and your god appears to be different from other christians’ gods.


    find it most surprising that sk did not respond to this, i have actually have been waiting for a response on this one myself.

    edj, with the statement of Stuarts noted above, he disproves the theory he is a coward, Stuart came out of his comfy zone and sk left him hanging out there by himself. that what gets me, a few words in a paragraph, can lead to such a wonderful discussion.


    I will not discuss endlessly on any topic as I believe: Warn them before God against quarreling about words; it is of no value, and only ruins those who listen. I have discussed with Stu before and his chief ploy is to get you off topic. So I had reached the point where I stop discussing as it was going nowhere and his request seemed excessive. But if you believe I have left Stu hanging out there, I will continue for a little more, so long as if I will explain my “God” that Stu will read it and then respond on topic. I will post this at the beginning and the end since it will be a long post. The following post are to “explain the finer points”


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